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Chapter 1.11 Don't shake hands with strangers

 In the process of social material operation, there is no good or evil in any production, transportation, and sales model. It is just that people in the resource allocation center will gradually become unfair in order to maintain the control of the resources they have obtained.

We are now in the second half of the twentieth century, strictly speaking, it is the eve of the proliferation of information technology.

As the heir to a giant company, Wei Keng has a visual communicator with a special secretary carrying a suitcase. If he wants to eat, he can call the kitchen to prepare it and have it delivered to him, which is infinitely close to the convenient life of the 21st century. But currently

Ordinary middle-class families still use wired phones. Although cars have become popular in cities and villages, and satellites are floating in the sky, electronic navigation systems have not yet appeared.

Wei Keng knows many models of social development in the future. These models can be used to make money and do something good for society.

In Luoshui Group’s industrial park with a work-for-relief nature.

In the 3,000-square-kilometer solar collection park that concentrates light and heat, rows of curved mirror facilities are like well fields. One kilometer is a square, and there are roads between each square. After work hours, in the factory area, each square

People in the working building came to the road station and waited for the bus from the industrial park to take them back to the dormitory area.

While they were waiting for the bus, they came to a machine with a screen and began to select bundles of vegetables on the vegetable cabinet through video. For these workers, the purchases are subsidized by their work points, and it is very cheap now.

This vegetable is sold through a screen. Well, there is no such thing as staying in the supermarket all morning and having the uncles and aunties peel off the outermost skin of onions and pull out the stems of watermelons. After picking through it, office workers are left with choices.

In the case of leftovers, after confirming the selected packaging on the video phone, it will be packed into boxes immediately and then delivered to the gate of the dormitory of off-duty workers.

The vegetable production here specializes in building steel-frame plastic greenhouse vegetable gardens, and then finds people in the countryside and contracts them. The humidity, temperature, and carbon dioxide at different times of the day are displayed on various thermometers and hygrometers, although they are not as good as

The chip is intelligently controlled, but it only requires people to inspect the operation, which not only increases a bit of employment, but also reduces operating costs.

Among fruits and vegetables, the top-grade ones are picked out and placed in the visual column for sale on the same day, the mid-grade ones are made into cans, and the bottom-grade ones are washed and crushed into bottled fruit and vegetable juices and sent to the happy water vending machines frequented by young people (Wei Keng: "

I am a conscientious businessman and I will never add flavors.") As for the residue after juice extraction, it is sent to the pig farm.

At present, in every step of the process, the contracted growers operate according to standards under every camera.

As for whether this system will be overstaffed in the future. Well, in the electronic sales system, 10% of the supply of goods is reserved from outside at any time - there is still a certain degree of market competition.

E-commerce vegetable vendors. This is a concept that the entrepreneurs at Lakeside University in the 21st century in the main world once wanted to propose. But later they were scolded. The reason for the scolding was that it was really difficult for everyone to trust these people.

Businessmen who always talk about "market liberalization" can serve everyone in this "high management, low technology" field? This thing should be done by the government. Because in this way, the financial operation of people's livelihood can be

Public supervision in accordance with the law.

However, currently the officials in China will not do this.

No one is doing this, so Wei Keng, a mid-level player, can only improve it.

The current pillar of China's industrial economic development is electricity, but the production capacity of this power plant is not advanced.

If market efficiency is not good, workers' compensation can only be reduced to one-fifteenth of that of workers in outside industries. The factory motto of this power plant includes the item "The factory is my home, and I love the factory as much as I love my home." In this case,

The factory must act like a boss and think about how the workers should live with the 1/15th of their wages.

In the food consumption and non-staple food industry, the cost of mid-way transportation, storage, and scattered sales is too high, and it also supports a large number of middlemen, so the above plan is adopted.

Regarding housing issues, workers can currently live in factory dormitories. Near the industrial park, a large area of ​​open space has been planned to be developed and used to build individual rooms for workers - so the consumption of housing will affect the workers' present and future.

Compared with outsiders, most of them are exempted.

Regarding travel issues, all routine and necessary trips should be arranged in a centralized manner. For example, commuting to and from get off work and children going to and from school should all be picked up and dropped off by a shuttle bus.

In terms of clothing and bedding, to reduce extravagance, Wei Keng stipulated that everyone including himself must wear work clothes when entering the industrial park, ensuring that the clothing distributed and wholesaled by the factory can be worn by everyone as a matter of course.

Consumption! Except for what is necessary and conducive to actual physical health, make arrangements, and suppress other things if you can.

Wei Keng: "Hard work and plain living are a good thing, which can make us have stronger vitality."

In the second half of 1968, although there were many major internal management changes in the industrial parks planned in the west, from an external perspective, these industrial parks were still in the nature of welfare homes and were internally self-sufficient.

Introverted, just like Wei Keng's character.

In this world, no matter what kind of doctrine it is, it must be "exported" to be widely known.

But what are the current outputs of several industrial parks such as Weikeng? The external production capacity of industrial parks with hundreds of thousands of people only provides 10% more electricity for Luoshui industry.

From a market perspective, these hundreds of thousands of people have almost everything covered internally, and their external consumption capacity is almost zero. It is not as good as the GDP generated by dozens of executives in the city exchanging glasses at high-end banquets.

As for the re-employed workers in these industrial parks, they work collectively every day, and then happily enjoy low-priced goods, enjoy almost zero-cost ball games, and game competitions. Then they happily shout hope and the future. This gives the impression to the outside world.

, just like those pyramid schemes in the 21st century in the main world who eat glutinous rice every day and hypnotize themselves that they will definitely succeed. Well, they are trapped in a small circle and engage in silly self-hypnosis.

Unlike MLMs who are trying to succeed in involution, Wei Keng, the leader, is really thinking about the future.

A large number of schools have been established in the huge industrial park, which will focus on the IT industry in the future.

This can refer to the route of the Indians in the main world. According to the history of the main world, due to policy fluctuations in India's early public examinations, a large number of rich people's children studied abroad in the United States, and the United States was just in the midst of industrial transformation. These Indian students met Silicon Valley's

After returning to China, he led the rise of this industry in India.

From an objective point of view, the Indian IT industry has reference significance, and the classification of the IT industry should not be the tertiary industry, but a type of industrial project in the secondary industry!

India's failure to take off later was due to inherent deficiencies. It was not a problem of a single IT industry.

In a country with hundreds of millions of people, the upstream and downstream issues must be considered when developing any industry! If an industry is physically isolated from its upstream by transportation and geography, if it is not controllable at home or near itself, it can be backed up within the scope of influence.

If you don't, there are risks.

This is not the textile industry, but a serious industry! In the main world, in the 1990s, the textile industry in Shanghai was cut off from cotton supplies by Europe and the United States, triggering a wave of massive layoffs. Workers in Shanghai were left in mourning. This is comparable to the restricted and suppressed IT industry in India.

Much worse. But having said that, it is precisely because the development of a single entity industry will be even worse when encountering external restrictions, and the Indian masters have no courage to develop various entity industries.

Now that Luoshui Group has begun to invest in the IT industry, there will be no such problem. China's electronic hardware industry chain is distributed throughout China, and there is no physical separation! And the two sides are tied together financially. How dare you here?

If the supply is cut off, I will activate funds to purchase inventory equipment and recruit people from your factory. There is no Pacific Ocean between us. How can you use government power to intercept the flow of personnel and equipment? Luoshui Group supplies fighter jets.

, even if there is a regional split in China, the Luoshui Group's fist can ensure that no one dares to make any mistakes.

Reason: There is no cotton in the local area, so the textile mills have to sell their products. There are 'leeks' in the local area that consume mobile phone software. The local people who 'make' software are the uncles!

In the southeast, several major academies are instigating a student movement. This kind of activity initiated by scholars, trying to reach Tianting, has always been the reserved activity of Qingliu people.

Scholars from several Taoist prefectures in the southeast gathered in crowds on the city's public streets, led by famous local academics, to plead for the people.

What's the reason? Several Russian businessmen were beaten to death by local people in Jiangnan recently. The perpetrators have been arrested. According to normal procedures, they should be sentenced. However, some things are unclear, such as these Russian businessmen.

A businessman, suspected to be a Soviet intelligence agent, was spying on the secrets of the Southern Fleet. He was discovered by the volunteers and killed on the spot.

Scholars and bachelors are both college students.

The former prefers liberal arts and works in various government agencies, while the latter focuses on physical studies, which is equivalent to the science in the main world, and is absorbed by various technical departments. Due to social reasons, there is currently a surplus of employment for these two types of scholars in China.

However, relatively speaking, the employment situation for Bachelors in Gewu is better. Various industrial monopoly groups are eyeing each other, and even if the talents cannot be used by others, they will recruit talents from Gewu.

As for scholars? The official career path is very narrow! Only those who have been elected can enter politics, and Jinshi can be considered a powerful person. Scholars are inwardly involved at this level. The intellectuals are dissatisfied and the noise they make is quite loud.

A large number of joint letters were sent to various provincial governments like snowflakes, and were then forwarded to the central cabinet by the local chief secretaries.

Faced with these students' ambitions, the land security agreement that the Central Committee was conducting with Soviet Russia at this time was also affected. The summit between the two sides held in Lushun ended due to disagreements between the two sides.

In Gyeonggi Province, in the study of the cabinet minister, there are Jiangxi Duan inkstones, Australian Thylacine hair pens, Jun porcelain from the official kilns of the Song Dynasty, and many other study utensils on the table.

The excerpts of the passionate sentiments of the Southeast people were lined up on the ground one by one, and the joint signatures were unfolded one by one. When Mr. Ge stepped on them, they made a "crunching" sound, and his feet felt very relieved.

After reading the case file in his hand, he asked the director of the Imperial City Department: "Have you not found the key witness yet?"

Director of the Imperial City Department: "No, the key personnel in this case disappeared as soon as they entered the alley."

He opened the photo taken in the southern city a few hundred meters away from the crime scene. This photo was taken by people from the Imperial City Department. The Imperial City Department was responsible for intelligence work, and when suspicious Soviet personnel came in, they were Eyed.

Mr. Ge didn't look at the photo and asked directly: "It was suddenly lost under your eyes?"

Director of the Imperial City Department: "My subordinates have neglected their duties."

Mr. Ge: "Of course you have neglected your duty. There are a few living people who are alive but dead and their bodies are not seen. I doubt the necessity of allocating funds to you every year."

After receiving a harsh reprimand.

The Imperial City Secretary said: "Mr. Ge, this matter is indeed a bit strange. We did not find anyone at the crime scene, but we found some strange ashes."

Mr. Ge paused: "Ashes!"

The director took out photos of dust in this alley, as well as laboratory data, which showed that it contained elements such as iron, phosphorus, and copper.

Mr. Ge frowned and asked, "What do you think?"

Director of the Imperial City Department: "Sir, there are several weapons that can turn people into ashes."

Mr. Ge: "You mean the Tesla electric gun?"

Imperial City Division: "My subordinates know that the current power of Tesla's electric gun in Soviet Russia can only burn 10% of a person's parts and cannot completely destroy the corpse. However, according to my information, the Europeans are studying the spectrum. Weapon, this weapon is more powerful."

Mr. Ge narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, let's get on with it."

In a deserted part of the room, he opened a brochure, which was about a trade project in which Europe needed to import rare earths from China for spectral components.

With a click, Mr. Ge closed the document.

In the Northwest Industrial Park, Wei Keng was in the cockpit using VR glasses to synchronize in a large classroom far away, taking a software class with the high school students who had recently passed the mathematics and logic exams. It was just the end of class. I read the news in my spare time and saw the southeast region. of civil unrest.

Wei Keng opened the text-only forum, looked at the comments above, and shook his head. We have just entered the information age, and those who can access the Internet now are highly educated. However, when it comes to international politics, they are full of "high-minded?" and "resentment!"


Wei Keng made a sarcastic comment: "Today's young people are blindly boasting that China's technology is world-famous, but they don't know how much they weigh. High-tech operations require fewer people, so fewer people die in wars? The opponent is high

Few people use technology? Fighting is a collective responsibility, but individuals have no control over it. They should participate in social work honestly and practice their own values. Don’t fight, fight, fight all day long. In addition to being cannon fodder, you should

Selling it to others will not be of any long-term benefit to our country."

After that, the following were all comments. Most of these comments were sarcastic, a few were abusive, and in the end, Wei Keng was simply labeled a traitor.

Close the forum and go offline directly.

Wei Keng: “I knew it would be like this, so I spoke anonymously.”

However, at this time, the node in Wei Keng's consciousness flickered.

Wei Keng: "The amount of Jie Hongzi has increased. Is it because I am successful in practicing Qi, or is it?"

Wei Keng's communication interface opened, and it was Ke Feijia: "Attention, Jie Hongzi's activity level has increased just now, is yours the same?"

Wei Keng nodded and sent the data of his node.

Ke Feijia compared his data: "That's right, our node fluctuations are the same. Excluding personal factors, it should be that space-time disturbance has just occurred."

Wei Keng: "Is there anyone who has traveled through this timeline?"

Ke Feijia: "And it has changed some people in time and space. When you are doing what you are doing, be careful and don't come into contact with any strangers, even shaking hands."

This chapter has been completed!
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