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Chapter 1204 Chapter 2519 (Part 1) The enemy camp is very weak, take it lightly

 A spring and autumn later, in April of the 17th year of the biochemical calendar, in the Heihe River Basin, as the frozen soil in the north began to melt, large mosquitoes buzzed and danced wildly, and the black crows spewed out bad breath mist like disease messengers. At this time, even in the wild

The mutated beast also grew scales seasonally in front of this swarm of mosquitoes. Even if it slowed down its movement speed, it still had to build up its armor to defend against the intrusion of these mosquitoes.

However, when these mosquitoes came into contact with the outer invisible shield near a steel base, they buzzed and were instantly turned into fly ash by the nano-layer current.

This is the forward fortress base of the Iron Eagle Empire. A hemispherical shield of light blue transparent light protects the square fortress. The entire base is like a sculpture in a glass cover.

After drinking, the captain on duty today wrote a combat diary, describing how many snow ghouls were killed, and handed it over to the mission management committee to see if they could exchange it for a special amount of intelligence fees.

However, even serious reports will eventually be buried.

This perfunctory report will fall on the desks of the warlords who have been recruited by the Iron Eagle Empire traversers in the North American base in a week, and then be sealed in the archives for inspection.

The indigenous people in this ghoul plane are the remnants of civilization after the collapse, especially in North America. Before the Great Acidification, all residents became idle.

After the fighting after the Great Acidification, it has been a gang system for a long time.

When General Mutega came to this plane, he reorganized the people from the wastelands of North America and created a copy of the organization. It turned out that the so-called "advanced governance structure of the empire" was of no use and was full of people who were useless.

, still full of gang blood atmosphere.

For example, in modern times, the US imperialists thought that the parliamentary structure that was absolutely useful was forced on those tribal areas that had no complex economic activities and no national projects. As a result, the parliament became the rubber stamp of the warlords. Oh, even the warlords themselves were

Multinational company security.

Before the Great Acidification in North America, the culture dominated by multinational corporations adhered to the "grassroots structure" of dismantling other countries. However, during the Great Acidification disaster, the governance structure collapsed and the nihilism of the middle and lower levels was unable to support a serious bureaucracy.

This means that various institutional norms will not be implemented seriously.

...Wei Keng and Ms. Wang chatted daily and roughly knew the situation in North America after the Great Acidification...

Dudududu, a "communication alarm" was issued in the Heihe Basin base. The alarm came from the outpost in Liaogang, hundreds of kilometers away.

The imperial sentries on duty in the Heihe River Basin were excited, but they were not preparing to fight, but just smashing them. They were about to fade out of the bird's mouth.

It was around last winter that the Empire encountered a caravan while patrolling the south, and obtained cigarettes, noodles, alcohol and other things.

For the Iron Eagle Empire soldiers stationed here, this caravan that has been here three or four times a year is already very familiar.

These caravans hoped to get some ginseng from the north, as well as imperial gas masks, and weapons such as grenade launchers. - After three transactions in a row, both parties were happy.

This caravan was sent deliberately by Wei Keng.

The words of these businessmen claimed that they were people who were seeking a living in the south after the destruction of Shangliao City. They returned at this time to see if there were any surviving old friends in their hometown, and by the way, they took away some goods from the north and went to the south to collect various mutations at high prices.

biological resources.

Huaihai Province, in the military base. When training officers, Wei Keng specifically emphasized: Sun Tzu's Art of War has a special section on the use of time and defense. The deep meaning is to determine the loopholes in the enemy's army and find the deficiencies in one's own army. The army is a highly rigorous system.

The organization must strictly prevent infiltration from all parties at all levels including food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Regarding the battle in the north, Wei Keng was very patient, prepared for a year, and collected intelligence.

The caravan landed at Liao Port, and the troops led by Wei Keng followed quietly on another coastline fifty kilometers away.

After confirming that the caravan had entered the city, Wei Keng picked up the communicator, pointed it at the hidden car crew laying a camouflage net in the snow a few hundred meters away, and confirmed again before the war: "Everyone is here, report now."

This is reported every ten minutes on average. This is to prevent "a certain stronghold is intercepted and I have no response."

After counting, Wei Keng said: "All eighteen groups are here. Now I will start assigning tasks."

Wei Keng picked up the planning report of the staff group and read it out as written: "There are three hundred people on the opposite side. They are divided into three groups and take turns to change shifts every day. The intervals between shifts are eight in the morning, four in the afternoon and ten in the evening. Our operation time is in the evening

nine thirty."

(Two thousand words are omitted from the tactical conversation)

…Know yourself and your enemy and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger…

Wei Keng did not create any Trojan horses and mix in sneak attackers in the caravan, because soldiers (a twenty-year-old boy with a crew cut) were suddenly mixed into the caravan without others noticing. The risk factor of such an operation is too high. Mr. Wei

People of this species are very sensitive to risks and do not take risks by using tricks!

The task that the caravan needs to complete is very simple: through "normal" coincidental behavior, the opponent just makes a mistake.

Wei Keng had long discovered the problems with the empire's succession system.

This transoceanic expeditionary force will be overcrowded two hours before the post changes, especially at ten o'clock in the evening, when the base's internal staff are playing cards. Some people want to be late, and some people want to leave early.

When Wei Keng was planning combat technology, he decided to take advantage of this.

…Next is the caravan perspective…

The caravan arrived at three-thirty in the afternoon and entered the city at four o'clock. Thirty boxes of goods were being unloaded slowly in the delivery area.

Facing the interrogating soldiers, the businessman handed him a cigarette and said, "Brother, what's the problem?"

The imperial soldier obviously noticed that today's cargo was different than usual, and said, "Your convoy is quite large today." The soldier did not doubt the cargo, but thought that the caravan had made a lot of money to get such rare items.

The businessman nodded and bowed: "I heard that there is a lot of money here, so the family let us see the world. You see, these are all familiar faces." After that, he quietly stuffed a bottle of wine, a can of cans, and a box of cigarettes.

The imperial soldiers took a look. The size of the current team was fifty heavy horses and seven vehicles. This was not a small number.

Before the decline of human civilization, seven vehicles could transport supplies for a thousand people hundreds of miles at a time. But in this era of great regression of human civilization, it is actually impossible to organize such a large caravan of packhorses.

It has exceeded the actual capacity of a gathering place, which is actually the biggest doubt.

Wei Keng also made a record of this, and asked the commander of the base to be wary if the caravan really encounters it, he can mention that the caravan is supported by Huaihai Province, and the reason is Wei Keng: I am short of money and want to connect with foreign countries.


In the imperial base, according to the cargo search procedures, every box must be disassembled, and at the same time, the vehicle chassis must be checked for possible weapons. Today there is an extraordinarily large amount of cargo, and it is very busy according to the empire's cargo inspection procedures.

And this soldier of the Iron Eagle Empire discovered during the inspection that the caravan was bringing real drinks, playing cards, and colored pictures. There were even silicone buttocks babies. The soldier responsible for the inspection was in his heart

It was so itchy that during the inspection, I thought I would go back and indulge in these things after I handed over my shift immediately.

Narrator: Regarding the myth of the Trojan horse bullying the "blind", Wei Keng used the strategy in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which was to give things away openly and relax to paralyze the opponent. This was what Lu Meng did before the sneak attack.

Because everyone has desires, soldiers stationed in bitter cold places will suddenly loosen their discipline when they suddenly encounter something that can relax them.

A classic example from the Chu-Han Dynasty, Liu Bang was besieged in Xingyang. The old gangster followed the wishes of the bastard Chen Ping and went out of the city to surrender. The ordinary soldiers of the Chu army had already sealed the siege. When they were sure that Liu Bang would surrender rather than break out, he felt guilty.

It was already 10% easier. However, there were 2,000 women wearing soldiers' clothes who followed the old gangster Liu Bang out of the city. But the top soldiers at the bottom of the Chu army suddenly encountered such a "uniform temptation", and all of a sudden they couldn't control it.

Liu Bang, an old gangster, took advantage of the Chu army's chaos and ran away.

The tactics used by Chen Ping were so clumsy that they were embarrassed to be recorded in history books!

Take advantage of the other party's relaxed mentality and further expand this relaxation.

It is impossible for these North American troops, which were originally composed of gang members, to enforce absolutely rigid discipline. Not even in the Middle Ages. At least some of the medieval knights strictly abided by chivalry and war literacy.

Especially when these Iron Eagle Empire soldiers spent all their patience on one aspect (conscientiously searching for contraband on the car), they became comfortable and relaxed on other aspects (the sentry realm).

Wei Keng used the analogy of his own "lazy" state: "It's like this when I'm fishing. Once I take responsibility for a project seriously, I don't have the energy to do other things that don't concern me."

…With dual cultivation of life and life, Wei Keng knows his own nature, and at the same time, he can quickly find the fatal weakness exposed by the enemy’s failure to control his “nature”…

As things progressed, when the goods brought by the caravan from the south were delivered to the base, the hearts of the entire base became excited.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the smell of instant noodles and drinks in the base, as well as the scream of "baaaaaah" from a small video on the CD player, made the group of people who carefully inspected in the afternoon feel their hearts fly.

.There is a kind of "asking for compensation" mentality. I want to get off work early and go back to have fun.

Before taking action, Wei Keng called Ms. Wang.

Wei Keng did not give her a chance to act without permission, and clearly laid out every step of the operation mission. These steps were the most suitable time window for her to infiltrate, and we would create opportunities for her.

At 7:30 p.m., Wei Keng determined that there was a loophole in the sentry tower system of the empire's forward base. The sentries who came to take over at 5:30 had been listening to the sounds of carnival parties in the base in the distance after staying up for two hours.

And after hearing that all the good stuff had been distributed, many people went back and deserted.

And the ghost agents have already infiltrated the base.

At 9:45 pm, there was an explosion in the base, and the tire mines stored in the warehouse were directly detonated. The raging fire raised huge smoke, but it was not over yet, the Vulture helicopter gunship hangar also exploded.

Some of the drunken noncommissioned officers in the base had already realized that this was an "enemy attack," but most of them were staggering now.

The whole base was in chaos. The highest military officer in the base, the colonel, was smoking "ice medicine". After hearing a series of explosions, he suddenly stood up. Still at the top, he rushed out of the protective base and wanted to check the situation.


But as soon as he showed his head, a sniper cursor was aimed at him, and the commander ascended to heaven in bliss.

...In a chaotic night, Master Wei's troops outsmarted Weihu Mountain...

After Wei Keng took over the base, he began to reorganize the prisoners.

Facing these unconvinced imperial soldiers, Mr. Wei laughed. He gave each of them a cigarette and told them what they were dissatisfied with.

Mr. Wei loves to listen to the loser's talk.

Of course, Mr. Li in the base was also rescued.

Ms. Wang, an arrogant person, said directly to Mr. Li, "I return the favor to you," and then left calmly.

Wei Keng thought about these two people: Maybe, this is love.

Wei Keng looked at the stern-faced tough man as if Cao Cao had seen Guan Yu.

In the office inside the base, Wei Keng smiled broadly: "Li San, uh, Mr. Li Ang, it's nice to see you."

Mr. Li, who had just been released from restraints, still had traces of torture and beatings on his body, but his muscles were strong.

Wei Keng is not a gay, but he is, well, still very impressed by this power.

Wei Keng picked up the iron bucket, put a charcoal fire in the iron bucket, skewered the lobster meat and bean skins one by one with iron skewers, and invited Mr. Li to join him for a skewer meal, open a beer, and discuss cooperation.

…If you want friends all over the world, you have to live a life full of friends…

As early as when Ms. Wang revealed that she wanted to rescue Mr. Li, Wei Keng had a plan in mind, so he only scolded Ms. Wang for suddenly adding the project.

Due to race and language issues in North America, Wei Keng's current base in East Asia is impossible to control across the sea.

Especially these imperial elite soldiers who are currently captured are difficult for us to digest.

But if your side is willing to provide equipment and resources, and then find a commander who is friendly to your side and can support a proxy force to attack the opponent - then the most difficult plan in military strategy to "end the war" will be available.

And Mr. Wei was targeting Mr. Li.

After drinking for three rounds, Wei Keng said: "Mr. Li, let's work together for a great cause. Cheers."

Mr. Li, after hearing all Wei Keng's plans, was very calm and wanted to express his disinterest. But when he was looking for reasons, Wei Keng slapped the arrangement directly on his face.

Wei Keng also knew his character: "An American knight who is indifferent to fame and fortune, and is tired of complicated bureaucratic matters. But such a knight will not shirk the responsibilities that are imposed on him."

The card in Wei Keng's hand was the more than 500 arrested prisoners.

Wei Keng: "Sir, please help me sort out these prisoners first. They are people sent by the empire in America. Although from your point of view, they may be innocent. But I don't want to raise them. At least you have to take them away. Otherwise, I don't want to raise them."

If so, they are my trouble. I don’t believe that they will not rejoin the empire and stab me in the next conflict with the empire. Maybe I have another way to deal with it?"

Wei Keng made a clicking move - that is, he killed all these foreign prisoners.

Mr. Li stared at Wei Keng and said, "Sir, your behavior is very derogatory to me."

Wei Keng clapped his hands and spoke candidly about his narrow theory of responsibility: "People should consider themselves first. When they can't take care of everyone, they have to take care of those who are not on my side. Well, so" Frank little

"People" and "hypocrites", which one do you want your collaborator to be?"

Wei Keng has investigated Mr. Li's information and found that he had a line of communication with the American government before the Great Depression. He even fell into the hands of the Iron Eagle Empire warlord in order to save the daughter of the then government leader, and was imprisoned in North Asia.

Shit in prison stinks.

The utopian "righteousness" is a lazy "pseudo-justice". Standing at the highest level satisfies personal spiritual comfort and leaves the problems to middlemen to implement. Therefore, this kind of person can only negotiate deals with him at present. If he becomes his teammate, he will be

He and his troublesome Li were exhausted.

This chapter has been completed!
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