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Chapter 26.02 Changes in the Territory

 Chapter 1257 Chapter 02 Changes in the Territory

In the sci-fi style "mourning hall" of the Li family, all the biological tissues of the ancestors are still connected to the chips in the petri dishes, and then the petri dishes are hung with tablets.

These tablets store the spirits of ancestors, and in a physical sense "the ancestors have spirits".

There is a mind power system on the biochemical plane, and with the activity of neurons, the magnetic energy of the protein carrier will be stimulated. The ancestors in the Li family vat currently in the culture vat are still such "living" people.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the brain tissue still has orderly thinking activities. At this time, in the oldest cylinders of the Li family, there are no signs of fluctuations in mind power, just like a burned-out flame, leaving only

With a few wisps of embers, the filial sons and grandsons of the Li family tried their best to maintain the faint traces of their ancestors' existence.

In the petri dish closest to Wei Keng, this petri dish has not yet been decorated with tablets, which means that the person in the petri dish can still move. He is the ancestor of the Li family who received the title sixty years ago.

At this time, wisps of his mental energy tentacles were emitted along the small holes in the glass life-saving cabin.

After this mental power came out, it shocked Li Gui from head to toe!

In this situation, Wei Keng was respectful and respectful.

The great ancestor of the Li family said in a purely oppressive voice: "Coming from the outer branch, it's very good."

This kind of "electronic sound" appeared in the open space of the mourning hall, which reminded Wei Keng that he was worshiping his ancestors, and he felt very cybernetic.

When Wei Keng heard the ancestor of the Li family boasting about this status, he complained: "Haha, what you think in your heart is not "not bad", but that you really dislike my status as a foreign branch.

At that time, Li Gui's mother was very speculative. Later, she ruined the family tradition and made Li Gaozu very angry. Therefore, she hated her family and was in trouble. She is not optimistic about Li Gui now.

Indeed, as Wei Keng expected, the reason for appearing kind was to cover up his subsequent "irregular" operations.

After the feudal patriarch could not find fault with Li Gui's attitude, he wanted to give Li Gui a "training" opportunity. A map of the family territory on the moon surface was unfolded.

After Wei Keng saw that there was a shortage of pounds on the map, he acted calmly: "It is necessary to be filial to your elders. Even if your elders are wrong, you can't contradict them in person, otherwise it will be very harmful to yourself. I am still young and reckless, so I can't do it."


Four hours later, Wei Keng withdrew from the mourning hall with a very calm expression on his face.

There was a little "reluctance" in his expression because he suddenly remembered that he needed to act: show the impatience of a young man and not be too calm to make others suspect that he has a trump card.

The Li family allocated six city-states to themselves, which just reached the viscount's share of territory, and if there were less than five, it would be a baron. But in fact, the upper limit is ten territories. And these territories are all dependent on those demon spirits.

In an abandoned urban area after the chaos.

The reason why the Li family's share is so low is because they are preparing to marry into an earl's family. Of course, as a married person, it is impossible for him to fill the entire territory.

As for the problem that the family's original territory was not enough to inherit? As soon as this idea came to mind, Wei Kengfou dropped it.

Wei Keng: If I think "for the family" like this, I will fall into a misunderstanding.

Memorandum of Dimensional Diaomin: When thinking for others, it is always easy to think of others as "reasonable", and always unconsciously think that "I am like this, they should be able to understand it." - This is what kind-hearted people are doing for the officials. Misunderstandings that arise when thinking.

The current Li family is not thinking about the question of "whether there are enough people to inherit the territory", but is thinking about going one step further.

The Li family now has an outstanding hero, Li Hongxiang, who is currently serving in the Earth Expeditionary Force. He has reached the second level of "God Refining". He is the hope of the entire family!

In this current era, the realms of martial arts in the solar system are divided very simply into three realms: "Qi training", "Shen refining" and "Void realm".

There are no complicated small realms in the middle. This is because this is the era of science and technology. The variables that technological weapons can increase are too large. The small realms in the middle are meaningless. Only the big realm can have significant advantages.

For example, you worshiped Huo Yuanjia as your teacher and practiced hard for twenty years. Your legs and feet are better than me in various small realms. I ate meat to gain weight and practiced wrist strength. I practiced spear fighting for three months. During a duel, I was five meters away. Drawing a gun inside is fast and ruthless. What's the use of your small level?

Returning to the topic, for the ancestor of the Li family, this Li Hongxiang is expected to take the family to a higher level. Now the family is allocating resources to its focus.

How to focus on allocating resources? Li Hongxiang's current partner Beixianli belongs to the Marquis family, which is the family that Li Gui wants to marry into.

In this way, for the Li family, the ancestor of the Li family was very "generous and open-minded" to Li Gui.

The ancestor of the Li family ignored past grudges and gave six pieces of territory to Li Gui, a guy who was destined to come to other people's homes. It was really generous to the family! - In the eyes of the Li family, a man who went to other people's homes to be a son-in-law was not worthy at all. Inherit territory.

Narrator, in the calculation of the ancestor of the Li family: As long as Li Hongxiang takes off and bribes the Bei family's territory through marriage, he can come back.

As for Li Gui, who was forced to go out for marriage, he obviously worked hard to win the inheritance rights, but he could only receive six territories and live under the shelter of other families, and did not get the sympathy of other peers in the family.

Because Li Gyu's situation is difficult to resonate with other people in the family. Instead, he suddenly jumped up and suffered more jealousy. The bastard belongs to an outside branch of the family and is not close to the family. Any arrangements made by the family are "Thunder and rain" must be endured.

Of course, in history: when men do great things, they often start with nothing, then get rid of many constraints. Then they move forward boldly...

Wei Keng encountered unfair arrangements in the ancestral hall, but Wei Keng accepted it calmly because he never thought of a "dream start" in the first place.

Mr. Wei comforted himself and said: With this status, isn't it just missing two territories? The future is very precious, and it is a waste of time to worry about such things.

"Energy" is very precious. If you want to limit a person's achievements, the best way is to hold back a person's "energy" and force him to devote his energy to fighting for a "bad goal".

This main world has a special thesis research, which is "the correlation between the development of the ancient industrial era and the people's burden".

One of the special data proves that the reason why "Gan" lagged behind the rest of the country in the ancient industrial era is linked to the region's "love costs several times the income of local men."

Research shows that in the ancient industrial era, under the premise that men were still engaged in basic development industries such as "industry and technology", when the energy in their twenties and thirties was used to calculate "trivial matters" in this period of life out of thin air, then for

The energy invested in social contribution will inevitably decrease.

Wei Keng: "Don't think about the harem or inheritance during time travel. Women and inheritance will affect my ambitions!"

As for the family's favoring one over the other, Wei Keng now has a different idea: The world is in chaos right now, and the arrangements others have made for you are all illusory. Only by defeating them yourself can they be realistic. There are people who are better than others, so he can follow behind and fish in troubled waters.


In the year 2814 of Qin Tongli, Wei Keng went to the territory with great interest.

How should I put it, although the number of territories has dropped from ten to six, the territory configuration is still complete.

Five of the cities are located in annular pits. The outer shell is protected by a thick silica protective cover, and the light is filtered. Ultraviolet energy is used for photovoltaic power generation. The light from the rows of annular pits in the pit is accumulated in


Out of family honor, the territory that Li Gyu married into was definitely not the territory of a pauper. But the question is, is this really his territory?

On the first day after arriving at the territory, Wei Keng reacted: I may have had an illusion, that is, the family seemed not to hand over the territory to me from the beginning, but wanted to pass it to the Bei family who was going to marry me...

On the second day after arriving in the territory, Wei Keng inspected the vacuum pipeline material hub station, praised everyone's work, and sent a telegram to the staff there to report on their work.

However, it was precisely this regulatory process that was in line with the system that made Wei Keng discover that his orders did not go directly to his subordinates, but were picked up by staff officials one by one, and then reported to his subordinates in crude messages.

Behind the irregularity and undiscipline of these staff, there are people in the Li family who want to go beyond the rules and evade the lord.

When encountering this kind of thing, you have to stay calm. You have to learn from Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and slowly deal with the old ministers of the previous dynasty bit by bit after standing up for his reputation. You can't learn from the king of Changyi, who gets irritable when he gets up, thinking that he represents the rules and disturbs everyone.

The cake of the established power.

Wei Keng whispered: "In innovative industries, strict performance appraisal is a sign of decline, but in a serious and stable bureaucracy, strict discipline is a must, and here we need to maintain execution capabilities from top to bottom."

Wei Keng frowned and looked at the operations in these territories that did not abide by the basic rules and regulations. He felt dissatisfied in his heart.

Wei Keng: "This is the feudal era. In name, I am the lord and my vassal, not a vassal of a higher level. But in fact, the Li family was forced to enfeoff due to the order to surrender. In actual operation, they sent

Various clan cronies infiltrated into the enfeoffed territories and controlled them remotely."

Wei Keng clearly realized that he was currently only the nominal lord. All the staff were not promoted by himself, but were promoted by the old family leader.

If you don't have a proper reason, you can't touch these old people.

In response to this situation, Wei Keng returned to the central administrative center of his territory and hibernated first.

Wei Keng believes that he can win, because no matter how large an organization is, if there is no clear law to restrain the lower levels, it will be a matter of time for the lower levels of power to make mistakes.

Li Gui, who had just arrived at the territory, did not rush to light three fires.

Because the whole house is filled with all kinds of "leads", if you rashly set it on fire and clean it up, you may not be surprised.

And Li Gui's low profile also made the stewards sent by the families in the fiefdoms on the moon very proud. They believed that the territory of each city still belonged to them, and they still began to amass money in various industries in the residential area without following the rules.

However, these people's perspectives were all focused on the small amount of money in their own city. Unexpectedly, their young lord was a veteran who "read the Spring and Autumn Period".

Wei Keng: "King Zhuang of Chu, he has been without wings for three years, has not flown, does not sing, and is silent."

Within three months of his first arrival in the territory, Wei Keng was quietly mastering various "industrial and agricultural" data issues in the entire territory, and began to identify replaceable manpower for each position.

"As a puppet emperor, as long as we maintain differentiation and balance among the powerful ministers, we can kill whoever we condone!" Wei Keng felt after reading the biography of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty!

Five months later, Wei Keng soon received an indulgent surprise.

It is said that among the six territories, in the fourth urban area of ​​Tianmu Crater, the local retainers Li Zhao and others seemed to be very proud of Wei Keng's coming to the territory and silently obeying their management. And the pride brought about very


Wei Keng gave in and let them claim to be the masters of the Tianmu Crater, thinking that they were only responsible for the ancestors of the Li family.

At first, Li Zhao showed respect to Wei Keng on the surface every day, but secretly mocked the crowd: "I was born by a little servant girl. You are lucky to have passed the inheritance test. When you come to our territory, you have to be stupid and obey our arrangements."


But later I felt that even "secretly" was too low.

One day at a cocktail party, in public, he said: "So, let me just say, the heaven of this family is still the heaven of the ancestors. We, the direct grandchildren of the ancestors, occupy the circle, and outsiders have no right to come in." This sentence is

He gradually became drunk and uttered arrogant words.

This is good: the reason for the remote control of the territory by the ancestor of the Li family is to ensure the face of the family's future marriage with the Bei family and to prevent Li Gui, a foreign branch, from indiscriminately operating the territory and causing disorder in the territory after inheriting the territory. Therefore, the retainers here are allowed to continue to assist the government.

, to help the overall situation.

But who would have known that these retainers lost the direct control of the Li family clan, and Wei Keng maliciously stopped and indulged them, which led to this group of people being extremely arrogant and arrogant.

You must know that the Li family can only keep Li Gui stuck on the line of viscount. The collapse of any territory will leave Li Gui with only five territories, so he will be demoted by the federation. And abnormal demotion, this is

There is a scandal in the circle of moon nobles.

The uncles of the Li family sent a large number of "trustworthy" people to watch over Wei Keng's territory.

However, according to the feudal group's ability to supervise the subordinates, how credible can the so-called "credibility" of the superiors be?

Wei Keng shook his head and said: It's not a game general system, you can directly see the ability values.

Even Zhuge Liang would have misjudged Ma Su, and in later generations, many ministers who were entrusted with the task, sitting under the feudal system, could not be too confident in the personnel system below.

Within five months, Wei Keng's notebook recorded all kinds of violations of laws and disciplines committed by the officials sent by the family. However, everything cannot be killed at once, so he still did not mention it.

Because if it was just a "small mistake" and the family sent someone to reprimand him and order him to reflect in place, then he would suffer the consequences instead of killing him.

Ever since, Wei Keng was waiting for "the sin cannot be forgiven"!

…Wei Keng muttered: When did I learn Gongdou?…

On November 6, 2814, in just three months, Li Zhao and others were extremely inflated.

When these retainers saw Wei Keng searching for information every day, meeting capable people at the middle and lower levels in various cities, and asking about the positions of personnel in various positions, they looked like they were "buying people's hearts."

These retainers became dissatisfied, thinking that this was Li Gui's attempt to discredit himself in the family. So they prepared to teach Li Gui a lesson. They threatened Li Gui and made him stay still and not dare to go out.

So, on the 11th, when Wei Keng rode a water-drop glass-covered lunar exploration vehicle to inspect resources on the territory, he encountered a sneak attack by cave bandits on the moon. The gangsters rode six lunar tractor-type vehicles and tried to

Come and attack Wei Keng.

When Wei Keng was passing by a crater, an electrically controlled mine controlled by a remote controller exploded. Under a large amount of smoke and dust, countless gravels shot Wei Keng's car into the air without any resistance.

Six hundred meters away, Wei Keng, who was controlling the invisible vehicle, watched the "projection target" he created swept away and disappeared, and sighed: "I've always been the one to squat on others, but now it's someone else who's squatting on me."

However, when the attack began, Wei Keng was already wearing the interstellar combat armor specially designed for the moon. This set of slender armor was many times more upscale than the bloated plastic shell spacesuits of the ambushers.

And just looking at the body shape, it seems that this kind of spacesuit with an oxygen cabin on its back is much heavier.

In fact, the first-generation spacesuits worn by the people arranged by the family retainers to ambush only weighed 120 kilograms. On the contrary, the elite team like Wei Keng wore armor that weighed 400 kilograms.

Wei Keng reversely ambushed those who dared to set a trap for him.

These people are more than ninety "abandoned people" living in abandoned urban areas.

Wei Keng controlled telekinesis, oh, it can also be said to be "Gang Qi", and suspended them all in mid-air. When these criminals were floating in the air and struggling without any points of strength, Wei Keng's accompanying guards gave them mechanical locks.

Put them on one by one.

At this time, the electromagnetic energy of "Gang Qi" had just been exhausted and recharged into Wei Keng's combat armor.

Wei Keng looked at these abandoned people who were more or less genetically mutilated, with buck teeth and white eyes, and was about to say something to persuade them to surrender.

However, these abandoned people, surrounded by Wei Keng's mechanical infantry with guns in hand, knelt down on the spot without any suspense.

Wei Keng was a little stunned. Looking at these kneeling people, he sighed and said to himself. From the perspective of those who ambushed him, he defended: "Yes, they are all just to survive.

There is nothing worth insisting on not kneeling on."

As the saying goes, "The punishment is not as good as that of an official, and the courtesy is not as good as that of an ordinary man." Wei Keng now understands that "a scholar-official holds a public instrument with one hand, must have ideals and beliefs, and his level is so high that the threat of criminal law cannot reach it. But as for an ordinary man,

Because they have never been respected and their own survival has not been valued, we cannot use moral etiquette to restrain them."

Therefore, when seeing these marginalized people "kneel down" in the face of power, Wei Keng remained silent without any disdain.

Wei Keng looked at these ugly people with damaged genes and said with emotion: If you want to make ordinary people persist, you must first give them basic respect.

Wei Keng looked at the abandoned ringed mountain cities where these abandoned people came.

Those cities were destroyed by the demonic chaos sixty years ago. Most of the areas were filled with spores and bacteria. These abandoned people relied on a small number of ecological warehouses to survive.

Perhaps to obtain water, or for other reasons, they were bribed to come here to attack him. Naturally, Wei Keng would not care about these desperate people who were used as gunmen.

Since the abandoned people needed to exchange rewards after completing the mission, half an hour later, Wei Keng caught the person sent by the retainers in his territory at the place where the interrogation came out.

Wei Keng looked at the ashen-faced retainer and smiled. This was a great achievement.

...the "patriarchal" system, if you are familiar with it, you will bully the subordinates and conceal the superiors...

At the funeral hall of the Li family, a message was sent from Li Gui, which contained evidence that many people had embezzled and embezzled city resources.

Wei Keng checked it very carefully and filled all the vacant positions with people who could be arranged.

As for dealing with those who rebelled, Wei Keng removed the chief culprits and prepared to distribute the remaining personnel to the family.

Of course, Li Zhao has not been executed yet, but the family has been notified to save face.

In the mourning hall, after seeing these images and the rapid decay and collapse of Li Zhao and others in the past two months, Earl Li shouted "Okay" three times.

The energy emanating from the training tank was like a tsunami, rushing four or five family guards dozens of meters away against the wall.

This kind of venting is not only angry at the inability of "Li Zhao and others" to be of great use, but also arrogant and incompetent once they are out of sight. On the other hand, it is also wary of Li Gui's "scheming and evil".

The first impression is very important. When the ancestor of the Li family's first impression of Li Gui came from his mother, then no matter what Wei Keng did, he would not get a good evaluation.

If Li Gyu is incompetent, he will be evaluated as "not from the Li family". If he has the ability to master, he will be evaluated as "incorrect intentions".

This kind of paternalistic "free decision" is a characteristic of feudal culture. The feudal family will give freedom to the central heirs, but give ethics to the outsiders.

The Li family ignored the "major attack", but Wei Keng, a cunning man, would not wait to "teach himself how to do things".


Fifty-seven kilometers away, at the criminal stage in the center of the enfeoffed territory, Wei Keng looked at Li Zhao and said, "Hey, your mistake is that you don't take the rules as rules."

Knowing that he would inevitably die, Li Zhao yelled at Wei Keng: "You little maid, your mother xxx!" Such filthy words and arrogance before death made someone in the hidden warehouse frown.

Wei Keng smiled. Anyway, these are all recorded on video. Every sentence he scolded was a protective color for Li Gui to be labeled "Zhanli".

Wei Keng raised the needle and injected him with the medicine. Li Zhao fainted soon after.

This is not a death injection, but an anesthetic.

And Li Hengxin walked out of the hiding place. He was another heir to the title in the family, Li Gui's brother, and the same room as Li Zhao. When he came to ask for Wei Keng, Wei Keng sold him a

Renqing put forward his own request: "The execution will still have to be executed, but people can fake death, but they must change their identities after plastic surgery."

Li Hengxin had naturally agreed to such a request before.

But Li Hengxin looked at Li Zhao like this and regretted it. Is such a person really worth saving? Wouldn't keeping him create new troubles?

He is also a lord and has the values ​​​​of a lord. If a subordinate rebels and is not punished, there are no rules, and subversion will occur.

The past dynasties have governed the world with loyalty, filial piety and trustworthiness, which means that when some people act wantonly, they can impose rules to suppress them.

Therefore, when the imperial power of most Eastern dynasties was weakening, due to the public opinion of "loyalty and filial piety" set in the early stage, the powerful ministers had to be more or less "loyal and righteous" and had some concerns.

The Sima family ignored the three items of "loyalty, filial piety and trustworthiness" and was told that "Fuwei Holy Dynasty governed the world with filial piety" and the yin and yang will last forever.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Hengxin to completely deny the clan rules just because Li Zhao is his clan brother.

But now after the execution, when he came out to pick up people, he was very embarrassed when facing Wei Keng.

This viscount brother deliberately avoided Li Zhao's deathbed confession and thanked Li Gui.

Just after Li Hengxin quietly picked up Li Zhao.

The executioner on the side asked Wei Keng: "Sir, you are too kind."

Wei Keng looked at the guard who was in the upper position in this incident and said leisurely: "When bad things are uncertain, the dead are more useful than the living. When the bad things are certain, the living are more useful than the dead."

Explanation: When the bad thing is uncertain, if the key suspect dies, there will be no proof, and the people involved will no longer be able to prove their innocence. But when the bad thing has clearly targeted certain people, their survival is a loophole.


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