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Chapter 26.15 The End of Eating Dividends

 Although the development of the stormy waves on the moon attracted the attention of the earth-lunar experts, their attention was soon attracted by more important things.

In November 2831, a new ruins gate was launched in the Arctic Circle of the Earth.

As the space gate opened, the Earth's federal government evaluated the ruins of the superhuman civilization numbered 562 and determined that it was a brand new civilization: the soul civilization.

This civilized human being has a slender and more elegant body than the people on Earth, and the frontal lobe of the head is larger. And the social culture seems to be a "clan" system.

Before this civilization became a ruin, it had already reached the stage of obtaining the energy of the earth's mantle, so that after the civilization fell, the entire ruins were still brightly lit, but there was not a single individual, leaving only the medical specimen with a slender skeleton like an elf.

On the 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier sailing in the Arctic Ocean, Zhu Xiaoyan in the captain's room couldn't help but tremble after seeing the information about this ruins point.

Because she is familiar with this civilization. It is the plane where her soul traveled before. Humanity has carried out the era of "emotional strategy rule".

She carried the memories of time travel, and the original plane of her birth was finally corrected by "plane promotion", and there was no longer the disaster of "Skynet Invasion".

Narrator: After she escaped from the space of belief, the vast space-time system tried to make her feel at ease. But it only allowed her to see the quiet part of the years, and did not allow her to see the end of her own civilization.

And this relic showed that the world without Skynet invasion was still destroyed, and there was fear in her pupils.

But then, she seemed to hear something, and her fear turned into disgust.

Because at this time, she received an order from the Haotu system.

In today's plane wars, many of the procedures used by the supervisory groups on the vast territory to issue "orders" to the system are unreasonable to the travelers.

Wei Keng has long been familiar with the plot about the current martial arts era in the solar system and the human federation seeking death.

The human government in the solar system continues to send elites to pursue foreign adventures, neglecting the cultivation of human foundations and hollowing out the foundation of civilization.

In the same year on the moon, the first batch of "potatoes" sown in the Qingjun area began to mature, and a total of six million tons were harvested.

Looking back at the moon, the harvest season has come again in Jinghai’s moon fields. The plastic balls that were originally swollen were directly pumped out and shriveled up during the harvest season. The sweet potatoes were dug out of the fine soil and sent into the tunnel by the Anteater agricultural machinery.

Waiting for classification.

The harvest was done on a moonlit night, when the insulation layer in the air bag was removed. When the temperature reached subzero, the potatoes were frozen to the point of being hard.

After this wave of "carbohydrate" harvest, the emperor of the moon began to consider the current animal husbandry.

After the farmland is harvested, a layer of "artificial animals" completely wrapped in black carbon fiber mesh moves on the lunar land.

This is the "meat animal" of the moon. It is a super large living meat made by biotechnology. The muscles are attached to the ceramic skeleton, and there is a set of reptile nervous system controllers for movement.

Just like those giant beasts in the earth's geological period, this man-made animal is a full eighty meters long. Thanks to being on the moon, otherwise it would never be able to support its huge walking.

The well-developed muscles on the body allow it to lift its legs at a rate of once every three seconds. Every time a huge claw of more than ten tons falls to the ground, the soil on the ground collapses greatly like a mattress. The normal running speed can reach 80 kilometers.

hour speed, which is the speed at which the main battle tank races.

But if you look closely, you will see that these things are quite "dung-like" in development, with a diamond-shaped metal structure replacing the brain.

This monster is man-made. The carbon fiber outer skin is used to block water loss. As for the inside, there is a huge allantois connected to the fresh water purifier. After the urine is filtered through the "nano membrane", the syrup is mixed again and injected into the blood circulation.

Within, ensuring that its species have sufficient energy for muscle growth during exercise.

Narrator: The growth of artificial cell-based meat in the laboratory relies on "electric shock" to proliferate. The cost is too high, so "exercise stimulation" must be used to ensure the growth of meat.

Such a giant beast actually uses advanced biological and mechanical fusion technology. Its skeleton is made of titanium alloy, and its internal organ circulation system uses machinery.

As for the epidemic prevention of "animals", "Golden Elixir" technology is used to curb the proliferation of viruses throughout their bodies.

Currently, in terms of lunar physiology: "Jindan Technology" is already like a chip.

Narrator: In other heavenly systems, it is not that there are no time travelers who develop similar technologies, but they generally develop "demon pill" technology to produce biochemical behemoths.

In the system of the heavens, in those low-tech planes that prefer creatures, demon pill technology can cultivate "giant upright creatures" that can smash city walls with their claws, resist cannons, frighten ordinary armies with sound, and cause the morale of the army to collapse.

Or it can be used as a means of transportation. When power machines are not available in some areas, this behemoth can drag wheels to carry supplies to key locations.

But now in this plane, the original reason for the development of this technology is - Wei Keng said, "I want to eat red meat, the kind with alternate fat and thin textures. Sliced ​​and rinsed, braised and steamed..."

Whether it is the carbon fiber outer skin or the skeleton, "bigger is better" in terms of meat production and cost performance. Therefore, this monster hybridized with cattle and sheep genes will develop towards more than six tons on the moon.

Wei Keng's biotechnology generally connects downwards first, from plants to livestock.

In fact, Wei Keng, as the person who has mastered all technologies this time, can naturally roam freely and expand in all directions. However, Wei Keng's "middle man" atmosphere is not suitable for the current middle and upper class.

Capital to catch up.

The current hot spot of competition among time travelers such as Mo Ya and Qian Yun is the "Golden Elixir" system.

The "stem cell proliferation" that Mo Ya mainly studies in "high-energy biological facilities" such as "Golden Elixir" is the Pandora plane Wei Keng blood pack technology.

Bai Yue (a traveler from the Chinese plane) takes the two-system route of bone marrow hematopoietic cells and neural stem cells. He is trying to use "reproductive armor"

As for Qian Yun, he was eager to use it and began to reproduce human beings in that plane. All kinds of lunatics, ungrateful people, and unethical people in Qian Yun's plane were born after the first batch of newborns were born.

It got better immediately.

This kind of competition has become like a tense answer sheet in an exam. After 2830, Wei Keng can no longer see them alive and kicking in front of him.

Wei Keng, an empty-nest man, said happily: "Busy, everyone is busy..."

The most important thing in the human pedestal system is to wait, waiting for its "middle-class appearance" to slowly mature. Now the first generation of black mud has not passed through puberty.

Wei Keng looked at the clear pupils of those children, filled with ideals soaring to the clouds, and couldn't help but said: "This may be the era of splendid flower season, and that guy from the Holy Great Wall has already begun to "flood with sunshine," but I still hope to give them more

Long and stable growth time.”

Dating back three million years ago, this was how man and ape said goodbye to each other.

In the era of Homo sapiens, human infants matured much later than chimpanzee infants. When infants were still unable to act independently, chimpanzees of the same age had already sought comfort from their mothers and responded emotionally. In contrast, human infants are idiots! Oh.

,No, it’s too ordinary.

Only a strong race can extend its infancy. And by extending the infancy, it is possible to gradually accumulate the powerful heritage of the race.

In an involution society and a family with a lower social class, parents hope that their children will become successful and their daughters will become successful. They have no means to maintain their childhood.

Although Mr. Wei does not advocate happy education, he does not want his children to grow up in a "utilitarian" environment.

Wei Keng stared out the window at the giant beasts having fun on the moon's surface, and smiled bitterly: "Humans are not quick-growing chickens, ducks, and pigs."

In the year 2831, Wei Keng farmed in his own way, despite the constant criticism from the whole world.

Four months later, riots occurred in more than a dozen cities in the Arctic Circle on Earth. According to various speculations, this was related to the opening of the ruins.

Shocking news came from a scientific research institute in Europe: the advanced civilization in the ruins was confirmed to have not disappeared.

But then the scientific institute was closed down.

Wei Keng and other travelers know that in the civilization corresponding to the ruins in the Arctic Circle, the life consciousness of the members of the civilization has been uploaded to the Internet.

In the center of the ruins, the numerous skeletons are all prisoners who are not qualified to upload, or opponents who oppose the technology of mind uploading. They are only stored in the nano cloud and become the "evil spirits" guarding the ruins.

When the gate of the ruins is opened, these "things" existing in the energy state begin to enter the earth, enter through the ear canal of the earth's people, condense into chips, and carry out thinking.

A month later, this kind of body-grabbing operation began to focus on the army. The European regional defense forces had been collapsed for fifty years, and they were unprepared, so they became the hardest-hit areas for body-grabbing.

Wei Keng's note: This is because military funds are now concentrated on small-scale special operations forces and space fleets. The combat forces on the earth's surface have no war missions and are extremely lax.

In the spring of 2832, the Nordic region became a battlefield, with troops being robbed of their bodies, and clusters of missiles and rocket launchers attacking government legions.

It can even be said that the command structure of the human army after being taken away is actually better than that of the Earth Defense Force.

As groups of corps on Earth failed, the spiritual race that came out of the space ruins penetrated the mechanical cockpit in the form of a ball of light. After they captured humans, a ray of light would penetrate into the human brain and then devour the soul.

After the Earth Legion was defeated one after another, some elites commented: Because our side has evolved hundreds of years later, all ordinary humans are like monkeys facing humans when facing such an enemy mentally.

November 30th, the third day of the Soul Clan’s invasion.

The non-commissioned officer Bei Xie Zhang, who happened to be hereditary transferred to the 3rd Armored Brigade of New Zealand as a young army, quickly drove back to the camp and started fighting. (The avant-garde young army is the product of the nobles of the former Ming Dynasty, and those who can now pass the assessment can enter it.

They are all courageous young people from aristocratic families)

As soon as Zhang Bei saw the latest battle report from the front line, his own observation drone was overturned by a storm set off by an ion cannon a hundred meters away.

His superior commander, who was also his uncle before joining the army, ordered the launch of more drones to establish an observation system.

At this time, the alien body snatchers began to activate the military industry in the ruins. On Siberia, those five-meter-high and 40-meter-long super tracked chariots were unfolding their protective covers and began to rush southward.

Surrounding these large vehicles are packs of small motorcycles like wolves.

The drone cluster controlled by the military center where Zhang Beizi was located monitored a large number of strange electromagnetic signals around the motorcycle, and whispered: The communication between these soul clans is smoother than ours.

The commander hurriedly mobilized the team and ordered the troops to quickly take over the frontline combat troops. Transport planes transported supplies and transported the wounded back. At this time, Bei Xizhang stepped forward and took the initiative to take the order. This made the uncle-level officer stunned for a moment, but faced with

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of mankind" in the Northern Line Chapter cannot be found to be opposed."

However, just as the Northern Chapter troops arrived on the battlefield,

Immediately afterwards, groups of light attacked them. These groups of light split the threads and penetrated into the human body. Beixi Zhang was naturally penetrated, but he condensed his true energy and cut off one of the threads. These groups of light seemed to be angered and completely

Attacked him.

Just when Bei Xi Zhang silently said: "It's over!" the light group controlled the ion blade, cut the car and prepared to rush towards him.

A powerful force came from his chest, and a high-energy carbon-based light acted as a barrier to block the individual trying to seize the body. The carbon-based wave burned the soul body's information core. | The soul body's blue light suddenly collapsed.

"The death of a human becomes a ghost, the death of a ghost becomes a ghost, the death of a ghost becomes a hope, the death of a hope becomes a barbarian, the death of a barbarian becomes a small thing, and a small death is invisible."

At this time, high in the sky of the southern hemisphere, a 600-meter octagonal satellite was shining brightly, sending carbon-based frequency band support to the northern system.

Bei Xi Zhang bowed his head in the energy fluctuations and discovered that it was a jade pendant given to him by his father (Li Gyu).

Now this jade pendant emits golden light, and merges with his flesh and blood and is directly embedded into his skin.

Under the radiation of this powerful energy, those floating blue souls solidified like jelly, and then dispersed like sand, leaving only nanoparticles like fine sand.

During this process, Beixi Zhang felt a huge amount of information pouring in from the sea of ​​consciousness.

He looked hard at this "catalog" of information, and was horrified to find that it was a soul training system called "Bu Tian Xin".

At the same time, on the moon, Wei Keng, who was knocking out rock cores in a mine deep in the moon, raised his head: "Oh? It seems that it is still used."

Wei Keng has always been obsessed with this "son". After the mission in this plane is over, he plans to take him through time and let him really "go to school".

Wei Keng began to read the script of this timeline: In the year 2831 of the Qin Dynasty, the soul tribe of Antarctica invaded, and would eventually be temporarily blocked by the Earth Federal Government in the year 33.

And in the next 32 years, a "black pupil" mutation will appear in the largest rift on Mars. That is, everyone in the city will have an abnormal change in which the whites of their eyes turn pure black. This type of people will have a negative impact on other people.

Powerful illusion ability.

System notes: It is a disordered version of "Soul Language", which is not for the purpose of "communication" but to directly control the mind by damaging the target nerves.

Around 2837, these "Demon Heart People" will be killed by the Federation, but some of them will still be hidden among humans, playing with people's hearts and manipulating right and wrong.

What follows is 35 years of strange events on Mimas where human beings disappeared one after another.

All in all, the future exploration of ruins will not be a good thing, but within twenty years human civilization will generally be able to deal with it.

Now the level of the ruins is getting higher and higher. For the earth, when the space-time door opens, it will no longer be the brick of the earth that knocks on other people's doors, but the "granite" falling from outside will smash the doors of one's own house.

Fragile "eggs".

This is reaping the dividends, and finally reaping them until death is imminent.

Four months after the sudden change in the Arctic Circle, a meeting of the Lunar Humanity Alliance with the traversers as the core was held.

For the comrades in this plane, decipher a top secret.

In this meeting, Qian Yun and other six time-travelers revealed their identities as time-travelers to the Human Alliance through this decryption. - Narrator: Only six time-travelers have been disclosed, and the identities of the remaining time-travelers are still at a high level.


The purpose of "decrypting the time-travelers" for local comrades in the Human Rights Alliance is to inform the people of this plane about the "authenticity of time-travel", and then start the "time-travel plan" in this plane.

After twenty years of struggle, it is obvious that these liberated people on the moon were only surprised when faced with the "travelers" and quickly accepted the fact.

Li Fang: "Oh, time traveler, so that's it. Well, so I can also travel through time?"

"Yes!" Mo Ya affirmed. In this plane, the time travel plan is called the "Xinhuo" plan.

Now is the time to specially select a group for pre-shuttle training!

There are 26,800 students in the first batch of the Xinhuo Group. Compared with the "Martial Arts Team" sent by the federal government to explore the ruins in this plane, the "Xinhuo" of the Humanities Alliance is a large establishment!

"Fire" is the fire that conveys the fire of human civilization. In a temporary school under Crater 0334, the time travelers practiced various survival situations in the end of the world in classrooms with electric lights.

However, these ordinary time travelers do not know that conceptually speaking, the ultimate goal of "Xinhuo" is no longer the world of the emperors, but to lead a part of humanity into those constant and stable "big worlds" during the advancement of the planes.


In the plane area where He Qiuye's Gaia consciousness is entrenched, what this wave of plane promotion ushered in was no longer a handful of pretentious and unparalleled experts, but a group of "fire".

During the evolution, Bai Linglu mobilized those insiders who were inspired by his own conscience: The evil spirits who call themselves Gaia should be killed with humanity!

This chapter has been completed!
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