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Chapter 30 Chapter 2707 (Part 1) There are traitors inside and powerful enemies outside

 Chapter 1331 Chapter 07 (Part 1) There are traitors inside and powerful enemies outside

War is an "excessive" state in human society, so commanders in war must realize that their team is on one side of the "dispute" and that the overall mood is not neutral. At critical moments, they must jump out of their emotions and calmly lock in their own strategies.

The target does not yaw.

Excellent strategists often flexibly adjust short-term tactics to serve their long-term strategy. At this time, Wei Keng is so "indifferent to favor and humiliation" and "flexible and able to stretch".

After the third battle, because the kidnapper of Mine Boss No. 034 (Guan Tianshe) once again made a "ransom" demand, some big shots in Hechuan City started a new round of discussions.

If in the past, the upper class in Hechuan City wanted to discuss the ransom issue with this group of "bandits", it would have been a loss for the big shots in Hechuan City. But now that the bandit army is powerful, they put the overall situation first and have no choice but to make a choice.


Therefore, the wine served by the governor of Hechuan City at the private banquet on that day was "Shenghe" wine.

In Hechuan City, at the top of the skyscraper located in the Shanshui Park in the city center, in the conference room, big men in suits and ties seriously discussed the gangsters' request, which was to occupy the mineral and 73% of the mineral shares. (The Tianxin faction wanted 70%, and

(Requires mining rights.)

In the conference room, the city's largest bureaucrat issued an instruction: We must not compromise with the gangsters, and we must let the gangsters understand our determination and will. The big leader's fist hammer banged on the table, but he was actually emphasizing something.

Soon, the participants deeply understood the "core spirit" of the leader's speech - that is, the leader did not want to show up, but wanted someone to help him do it in secret. If he succeeded, the leader would reward him "as appropriate".

Then a "temporary worker" from the logistics department found a gang in the city, found a middleman, and prepared to negotiate with the heroes of the mineral site.

Ten days later, the temporary worker became an "operator" and established a new mining company in Hechuan City.

A few days later, this "temporary worker" took this "shell" to find the 034 mine. At the same time, he brought a group of security personnel "uniforms" and worker uniforms to arrange for the gangsters to become regular workers.

The leader instructed that the agent of the mine could be run by gangsters, but the funds required should not be less. This mining incident can be regarded as a property rights dispute between local private individuals.

And Wei Keng thought: First get the mines down, and then establish the grassroots personnel rights. As for the nominal "Zhao'an"? Well, first of all, Li Zicheng fooled the Ming Dynasty like this.

As a result, under the spiritual guidance of Hechuan City bureaucrats, "this group of newly recruited workers and security personnel will defeat the gangsters entrenched in the No. 034 mining area."

Bureaucrats cannot deviate from the general direction, but they also have to deal with complex local situations, so there is a broker-like "Li Hongzhang" who plays both sides.

With everyone knowing it, Mineral Base No. 034 fell smoothly into the hands of "Guantian Society".

The entire mining area has been reformed according to public ownership, ensuring everyone's welfare, and updated equipment. Its mineral output has tripled its previous level, and it is still making progress based on current technology.

As for why it didn't work before? Because of the "production system" of the low-tech asset-based raw material industry.

Under the commercial-private system, mine owners value "control" more than "production progress."

In the eyes of a mine owner, high mining efficiency does not mean that he can make a profit. Profitability depends more on the market. Businesses and private parties operate raw materials, so they only care about two factors, the first is control of the means of production, and the second is the analysis of the market.

But for a publicly owned system like the Tianxin Alliance, the focus on raw material production is completely different.

First of all, don't pay too much attention to "market fluctuations". This "market fluctuation" is adjusted by the general economic plan. Downstream industrial and high-tech enterprises will submit "capacity demand reports" in advance to formulate raw material production capacity tables.

Therefore, Guantianshe's cadres in the raw material production area do not have redundant management to "cope with market fluctuations". They only need to ensure production safety and efficiency. This leaves unnecessary R&D costs for the scientific research downstream of the raw materials. Unlike other

Unlike the warlords during the bandit era, Guantianshe was a military production system.

Next, the rebel army's military armament will be upgraded, and the equipment supply of Gauss rifles and suspended assault vehicles will be stable.

And in the temporary cave factory, former auto repair workers began to think about repairing old tracked armored vehicles.

"Strategic promotion" is like dominoes. When the strategic leader starts to knock down the first domino, his eyes are no longer on the domino he knocked down, but on those dominoes that have not yet "topped".

After "Guantianshe" obtained Mine No. 034 and ensured workers' welfare, it tripled its mineral output.

During this peaceful operation stage, Guantianshe's organization quietly moved the rebel force group 70 kilometers away to attack another mine, and exchanged another rebel name to fight with the federal forces in the interior.——

That is to say, open more vests and mobilize the federation repeatedly.

...Wei Keng made a detailed summary of the battle in Hechuan City in the staff department...

This small battle in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from 2599 to 2600 tactically verified that guerrilla warfare began with the strategy of encircling the city center in the wilderness.

The "Xinhuo Army", re-armed with faith, always has the advantage of the command system when dealing with local troops in China's inland areas with low combat readiness and poor equipment. It often suppresses the interests of these inland merchant and private armed forces.

The front line forced these big city armed forces to queue up with vehicles, and had to go to areas they were unfamiliar with and go through pitfalls.

Wei Keng gave the following strategic instructions to the newly formed eight column leaders: "The strategy followed in all battles is to cut off the federal gains in remote areas, so that the federal bureaucrats' investment in regional military expenditures is far greater than the gains. This will make

Federal forces gave way out of exhaustion, allowing our base to expand in the area."

As for the federal military command in eastern Asia, the small conflict in Hechuan City was suppressed, but then more local rebellions emerged.

You must know that when Wei Keng let the mine owner No. 034 go, he did a lot of ideological work on the team leader Fang Rui.

Wei Keng said this: "The purpose of compromising with secondary contradictions is to have a decisive battle with the main contradiction. (In short, Hechuan City compromised with us because their small group wanted to stop losses, and we and Hechuan City compromised on No. 034

, is to fight the entire federation.)"

Starting in the autumn of 2600, as five columns began to assault on the south side of Jingchuan, a "you catch me, I disturb you" public security war began around each mineral point, population gathering point and local federal garrison.

The Xinghai Federation is no longer able to maintain order on the Yangtze River tributaries!


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