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Chapter 27.29 Skilled historical promotion

 In June 2623, at the southern foot of the Himalayas, the once peaceful hillside became a cemetery where advanced warships crashed. In addition to the burning fighter planes on the hillside, there were also aircraft that fell relatively smoothly and did not have time to burn, leaving only the nose of the aircraft.

of aerial vehicles.

A total of 180 warships in the Federation fleet were shot down within three hours.

Speaking of this battle, it was a process in which the federal fleet general mistakenly used a long snake formation to open up and was suddenly divided and surrounded.

Wei Keng’s fair comment: But in fact, every unit will undergo a process of stretching into a long formation march, but will there be enough reconnaissance force to cover the entire formation process? Strategic mobilization must be maintained at all times.

Don't let the enemy take advantage of this time difference.

Therefore, when the federal fleet was deploying in a long snake formation, it had to see the "columns" of the Fire Army making risky advances! However, the Federation failed to cut off the "columns" of the Fire Army. Instead, it was itself

Cut off.

Therefore, the cause of victory or defeat is not only attributed to a strategy, but whether sufficient margin conditions are provided for the execution of the strategy.

The Xinhuo Army has made a lot of preparations from tactics to equipment to deal with the invincible armada that the Federation has defeated in recent years.

For example: In 2611, Xinhuo put large-scale cryogenic helicopter technology on the Suzaku and modified it into the "Shangfu Fighter".

Oh, it is actually a technical inversion of the federal Poseidon freezing cannonball technology. Poseidon's freezing warhead is a cannonball that uses a jump field to store "absolute zero". This kind of warhead is not very lethal. It is often

It assists land armor group battles and hinders ground group charges. This kind of weapon is rarely installed in the air because its lethality is not enough and it is easy to be locked and killed by flexible fighters in air combat.

The "Shangfu" class cryo fighter jet played a great role in this battle.

The Federation's main fleet was harassed in turn during the battle, and according to the theory that "the speed of the fleet depends on the speed of the slowest battleship", as long as the Xinhuo Army's aerial harassment delayed the slowest battleship among them, the Federation Fleet Corps would not be able to

It hasn't slowed down overall.

When the federal commander saw the dark blue ripples exploding in the sky when encountering a harassment attack, and the warship that had completely slowed down and could only rely on a force field to remain suspended, he had to make a choice, that is, to give up the warship and continue to maintain speed and maneuver.

Or sacrifice the speed of the fleet to keep the troops intact.

In the end, all the squadron commanders in the long snake formation chose to "dilly-dally".

The reason is also very simple, "giving up" requires determination, and making the determination to "give up" in war requires a decisive leader who provides a very clear battle plan!

For example, when Xiang Yu made a major decision such as "burning the cauldron and sinking the boat", he had a clear battle plan to attack the Qin army, and he took the lead and prepared to fight until the last moment, instead of failing the battle like other generals at that time and escaping under the protection of his personal guards.

.Therefore, under his command, the attack was like falling rocks from a high mountain, and the entire army did not hesitate during the action.

However, the current high-level command system of the fleet in the Federation does not have a king like Xiang Yu. The civilian officials in the Federation Ministry of Defense want merit, not stain, so they set a general order to "push to the north" in this battle.


The success of this push-back process is the result of the "up to the top", while the commander of the squadron below must bear full responsibility for the loss of a battleship, and may even end his military career.

Moreover, as a synonym for the Federation's "invincibility", each fleet is composed of nobles with mixed seniority.

With such concerns, all squadrons of the Star Sea Federation encountered tactical harassment after advancing. Without exception, they were forced to slow down as a whole.

A ship-borne radar officer in the Federal fleet described this in his post-war memoirs: I saw with my own eyes that everyone was stagnant, but they were as if they were stuck in a quagmire in their sleep, unable to move.

On the roof of the world, when multiple columns of the Fire Army boldly interspersed, those federal military experts who reviewed the incident later lamented that the Federal Army missed the most important ambush window.

Next, the glory battleships were shot down in the air one after another, and the Sethus bomber was destroyed. (Content of the previous chapter)

... Looking back now, when the fleet fell, for the Federation, it was equivalent to the loss of the king's division in the Western Zhou Dynasty...

In the early morning of June 6th, Xinhuo was already carrying out aerial cleaning work.

Xinhuo discovered that the federal squadron had jumped back to Guangfu (Zhang Tianci's side) during this battle.

The commander of the plateau, General Yang Wanwan, pointed his hand at the remaining federal fleet in the encirclement on the map: "Within seven hours from 4 to 11 a.m., the Cangtian (the code name for the Star Sea Federation's fleet) must be

The 2nd and 3rd Squadrons, a total of thirteen warships, were eaten. This declared the Federation’s complete defeat in the Eastern Hemisphere!”

On June 8, as the incident of the Federation fleet crashing in the mountains and "polluting the local environment" spread on the Internet, the fiasco that had always been covered up by bland publicity could no longer be stopped.

The humiliating defeat shocked the Federation. That morning, the Internet media was full of voices saying "What should we do?" and "It's over."

The super weapons that the old forces spent the entire country building at the end of their life were more powerful in their propaganda, and the greater the psychological shock they caused when they were destroyed.

For example, the Beiyang Ten Towns in the late Qing Dynasty, the Yamato of the Japanese Empire, and America's Ford class in the Three Wars in modern times.

These are all "national pillars". National pillars can only appear in crumbling forces. New forces can always gain their "foundation" without leaving their feet.

The foundation of the Star Sea Federation is a large number of citizens. If the Federation wants to strengthen its foundation, it must open up channels for upper-level promotion and transfer development dividends in the construction of public facilities such as education and medical care. However, over the years, the oligarchs of the Star Sea Federation have long been quietly fighting for power.

This foundation was scraped away silently, leaving only a few national pillars such as "military" and "finance" that could not fall.

Moreover, since the Agent Rebellion, the middle class that the Federation had previously been able to control now felt persecuted and began to protest. However, in panic, the federal civil servants did not dare to show mercy at this time and carried out brutal suppression.

You must know that Silicon Heart Society is now able to recruit experienced federal technicians and engineers.

At this time, federal public opinion is becoming more and more hysterical, because when sensible people are scared away by idiots and lunatics, what is left ferments into a cesspit...

“What is a middle-class mentality?”

Wei Keng: No one understands the middle-class mentality better than me. This is a mentality of "wanting to distinguish from those at the bottom who have not worked hard, and at the same time not wanting the upper management to suppress the channels for their own efforts."

Since the Guantianshe rebellion was backward-compatible at the beginning and did not differentiate among the lower classes considered by the middle class, such as loan-evading youths, it did not win the support of the middle class at that time.

But now, these people who claim to be well-educated cannot afford to lose face and join the Guantianshe stock that they had misjudged before. Of course, they don't want to be narcotized in federal consumer entertainment and become fools who are happy to death.

Therefore, the middle class of the Federation is a group of working class whose "class identity" is extremely sensitive. In fact, they are living in an ideological trap and cannot get out! Just like some martial arts people in martial arts novels who are limited by the title of "Martial Arts Supreme".

In the minds of the middle class, the biggest fear is the decline of class, so I don’t want to join the Guantian Society now because I am afraid that I will be in a lower class than those who joined before in terms of seniority.

Wei Tucao Keng: "If Guantian Society lets them jump in line, they will definitely merge happily, for example, by introducing a policy of preferential treatment for returning overseas scholars, but I just don't do this."

Nowadays, these people are faced with multiple-choice questions in which there is a depression on the left and a cliff on the right, and they are in urgent need of an intermediate option.

The "Silicon Heart Society" provides just such an intermediate option, letting those who don't want to mix with the majority of lower-class people, and at the same time don't want to follow stupid meat-eaters, breathe a sigh of relief.

This kind of mentality is very controlled by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: If the dignitaries of the Xinghai Federation are the lords, the Guantian Society is the people who stand up in the hall, and the people who are attracted by the Silicon Heart Society are the village elders who read notices to the people at the city gate, and the middle class of the Federation are the people who stand up in the hall.

The master in front of the master - the middle-class elite: The position of master is my beloved one, and we cannot let it be snatched away by the lower class people, nor can it be squeezed out by the housekeeper installed by Mr. Huang.

After June 2623, with the defeat of the Star Sea Federation in the south, the Silicon Heart Society conducted a military operation on the Caucasus lands. This operation caused the Silicon Heart Society to engage in a thousand-man battle with the imperial troops in North Asia who were trying to land.


Because the empire originally put pressure on Guantianshe in the strategic direction of North Asia, but Guantianshe made preparations a year ago, which made the empire feel uncertain when calculating the cost of the war, so the empire has already

There are no large-scale preparations for the use of troops.

But now in this conflict, Yu Cheng led the team to devour this small army of the Empire. Under Poseidon's cold light cannons, the entire Imperial tank formation and Imperial vanguard soldiers were all under the charging blades of the Prism Chariot and the Blade.

Turned into scrap metal.

As the empire retreated on the permafrost, blade mechas corroded by flame warheads and the corpses of more imperial soldiers formed a tragic corridor.

The scale of this war was very small, but the empire chose to retreat in terms of overall strategy.

In this way, Silicon Heart Society used such a small war and took advantage of Guantian Society's victory in the south and the "possible counterattack to the north" to complete a great victory over the imperial intervention forces who "did not want to speculate".

Moreover, in this war, the Silicon Heart Society proved to the world that it has more than 70,000 tons of combat machinery under its command and has become a regional force that cannot be ignored in the Caucasus.

Wen San has raised the value of the Silicon Core Community area with minimal cost.

Public opinion in the Star Sea Federation gradually began to talk about the positive role of the Silicon Heart Association, and at the same time began to hold federal forces accountable. This also allowed the "middle class" in the East Asia coastline area to find a "liangshan" to go to after the big bankruptcy.

The perspective came to the crumbling upper echelons of the Federation. On June 7, two of the four major fleets in eastern Asia had been destroyed by World War I. The president of the Star Sea Federation and the military staff spent 60% of their energy discussing and arguing about "so-and-so"

Who is responsible for the loss of the ship? (Shifting the blame). The remaining four levels of energy are used to promote some young and promising people who were once suppressed by the "eyes of discernment" (self-proclaimed "eyes of wisdom").

The president met with some young officers in the reception hall, deeply absorbed (stylized and perfunctory) the opinions of these young officers, and then made the appointment. (Leaving the hard work to them)

The "people-telling" technique of aristocratic families has been passed down orally from generation to generation. Therefore, in order to adapt to this "people-telling" technique in various situations, the middle class has also derived a series of response formulas.

For example, newly promoted young men will dress very appropriately when meeting upper-class people. Even these expensive party clothes are usually kept in their wardrobes and are not often worn. They are very reserved in speech and movement, but

They were very excited when talking about the plan and eager to be recognized.

In this way, in the eyes of these high-level figures, if they are willing to be so attentive when seeing themselves, they will definitely be able to work hard on things when doing things.

Narrator: This kind of fortune-telling technique is not suitable for Mr. Wei.

The unscrupulous people who are lying down have no interest in working hard when they see managers who are pretentious. But when they want to rebel for their own relevant interests, the middlemen will exceed the expectations of the boss and burst out with subjective initiative.

At present, these "talents" who have been selected by the federal big shots in private meetings have entered the highest military center of the federation.

These talents quickly brought the "rush for quick success" into the federal military policy.

Wei Keng: In many aspects such as technology accumulation and military management, don’t expect geniuses to make an immediate impact and turn the tide in the short term. Of course, they (Star Sea Federation or Haoshuo) are already in their final stage, and “messing up” is the norm.

Now I want to mention the current battle situation. After the decisive battle between the fleets, the Xinhuo Army launched a powerful offensive on the southwest ground. This was to conduct a major land detour from the south and outflank the Star Sea Federation's stronghold in the Pacific region.

Overnight, four ground armies and three sea battleship formations were formed along the entire Burmese River and Nanhai direction for a decisive battle.

On June 3, the Himalayan Flotilla Fleet approached the war zone. On June 6, the air power authority was defeated. On the 8th, an encirclement across the Lancang River was formed in the land battle. This strategic rhythm pair is still debating whose "fleet defeat" belongs to them.

Too fast for federal bureaucrats to take responsibility.

The federal government was still deploying defenses on the Tianzhu subcontinent to cope with the collapse of financial market confidence in the war." But on the other hand, it discovered that in reality, artillery fire was already approaching the city where it lived.

In the southern subcontinent, when people in wealthy areas look up, they can see the cloud traces of missiles streaking across the sky.,

Wei Keng, an ordinary person (with a bearded look) who was undercover in the area, took off the turban wrapped around his head, raised his head and said lightly to the sky: We are here.

Xinhuo's staff officer was trained by Wei Keng, so when he entered the war, his whole body muscles were naturally tense.

Scouts, main battle corps, and logistics coordinate with each other. Air penetration and ground assault are all linked under one command system.

On the other hand, the Federation's million-strong army has been in complete chaos since the fall of the "National Pillar" fleet that the Star Sea Federation relied on.

…Military corruption is often subtle…

On June 10, Yang Wanwan confirmed that his regiment had teleported to the planned attack position through time and space. Iron Buddha tanks began to run over the subcontinental roads. Some King Cobras that raised their heads towards the tracks were mercilessly crushed into real giant snakes.

Flat head.

Thirty percent of the Federation's Poseidon Ice Tanks in the area only have three reserve warheads, and fifty percent of the Prism Tanks' intelligence cannot automatically track the enemy because its good smart chips have been sold and smuggled.

So it’s not that the top leaders of the Federation don’t have “new thinking”, but that when the Federation focuses on the “new concept” (fleet), all other old systems are quickly corrupted.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Huai army was completely unable to fight. It was after the establishment of Beiyang that because the elites were transferred and the management was also transferred, the "smoking" that had been strictly controlled began to deteriorate, and it was completely "undertrained".

The Star Sea Federation's bet on a "more advanced" floating fleet strike system has caused collapse in many departments, including ground combat forces. A large number of military corruption cases that have been exposed in recent years are all caused by the "fleet faction"

After taking power, they "cracked down and cracked down hard". On the one hand, the trend was like this, but on the other hand, the Fleet Faction did not intend to really solve the trend, but only attacked other factions. - Just like the 21st century European and American human rights critics against the third world.

Criticizing corruption is just to maintain a sense of superiority. As for how to solve the problem, he shrugged gracefully: "That's your problem. I am only responsible for criticizing with good intentions."

In just three years, the land warfare force of the subcontinent was not only short of armaments, but also ideologically reduced to the model of the "Great Song Dynasty". The corruption of military equipment in these few years could only be 100%.

Twenty or thirty, but if you are lazy mentally, you can send away the remaining 60 to 70 percent of the troops in one afternoon.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 4, the Xinhuo Group defeated the White Tiger Brigade and the Victory Brigade of the federal troops on the ground front, causing a chain reaction on the battlefield, which caused the rest of the federal troops to retreat.

The Star Sea Federation lost all its heavy equipment when it retreated.

Wei Keng recorded as a bystander: If the federal regiments on the Burma River had not lost their heavy equipment, the Xinhuo Army would not have dared to formulate such a bold siege, because if the huge number of armor and artillery were really used, according to Wei Keng's prediction of the enemy

Judging from Yan's "serious" situation, if Xinhuo's light-armored vanguard troops really surrounded the Federation's heavy-armed regiments, it would be difficult to defeat them. One bite might break their teeth.

But the "magic" in the Indian subcontinent opened Wei Keng's eyes. - Wen San: Those curry-flavored instructors in East Asia's "raise their legs" military salute seem to have an extra talent in escaping from the wind.

Troops that have lost their baggage and heavy equipment can be surrounded and annihilated as long as they can catch up.

Xinhuo's headquarters originally thought that the Federal Corps was retreating with a "French Roller", but after discovering that it was a "Indian Roller" retreat, they immediately activated all reserve forces to intercept it.

Ten years later, Tianxin League war historians looked at the history of the war and described Yang Wanwan's strategy of "squeezing the soft eggs", that is, squeezing the soft eggs out of the hard shell (heavy equipment system), and then a spatula suddenly

It was fished away in one go.

In the early morning of June 10th, 90% of Xinghai's troops were in dire straits. The incoming troops did not have a single Star Shield mecha, and 90% of the light prisms had broken down. The key points had not yet escaped, and were captured by the southern river network.

Blocked, a large number of people were crowded on several large rivers, relying on a small number of suspended cheetah vehicles to transport them little by little.

At this time, the only people among these military bureaucrats who can command operations are three regiments of artificial intelligence mechas.

Yilat, the Tianzhu commander in chief in the area, was originally enjoying the service of Thai women. When he saw the flash collapse situation, he panicked on the spot. He didn't even put on his military uniform. He directly issued an order through the communication to let the carbon

Silicon-bound intelligence is not afraid of sacrifice.

In the Yangon area, the Xinhuo Corps heading south encountered some decent resistance. It is worth mentioning that even during this major pursuit, Yang Wanwan put a large number of scouts in the military zone. No local "attack" occurred.

"Extreme joy brings sorrow"

The Fire Legion's tiny Beetle drone quickly discovered the "Avengers" omnic corps mobilized by the federal government to block the Yangon area. Therefore, during the pursuit, it ordered the forwards to shrink and control.

Faced with the re-assembly of the Federation's "Hard Walnut" blade mechas and reapers in the Yangon area, Yang Wanwan mobilized his most elite "Army-breaking Golden Armor", a sword-shaped omni-machine combat group.

Ever since, in this scene of elephants fleeing and the palm forest collapsing, the war of alloy robots began.

The eighteen-meter-tall Pojun mecha, with its fifteen-meter-long energy blade, swept across a hundred meters, and the charging blade was swept past.

To the programmers of Guantian Society, the Harvest trying to jump and flicker from space: The Harvester's attack method is like a Japanese warrior dancing with precision. It does not conform to the model of Eastern swordsmanship. And Eastern swordsmanship focuses on

One eye sees six ways and one ear hears all directions.

The "Pojun Jinjia" silicon-based mother core is connected to the Tianxin test and is the perfect Tianxin candidate.

In the preview, the flickering of the Reaper's cockroach face was predicted in advance. The vital parts of the armor flickered with nanofields.

The reaper was burned into pieces by the stunning "sword light" (ion beam) in the air. At the moment of the jump, "time and space were like crawling pieces of meat" and the metal structure was cut open mercilessly. The dark gray "Army-breaking Golden Armor" Peking Opera Zhang

He looked ruthlessly at these "clowns" with their painted faces (Note: Guan Erye's red-faced facial makeup was too conspicuous on the battlefield, so the artists in the Xinhuo Army did not paint it like this)

Within fifteen minutes, these more than a thousand intelligent machines were wiped out by twenty-five army-breaking golden armors.

The remnants of the federal army in Yadong struggled to the death and failed to break free. Instead, they were entangled tighter and tighter in the encirclement net.

When faced with this reality, the federal politicians sitting in front of the coffee table with fruit and wine in Mumbai are still angry, why can't they stand it.

These self-proclaimed smart people are always wondering: Why can the thrown chess pieces be picked up by the spear?

On June 11, after the annihilation battle was completed, groups of Suzaku and Shangfu fighter planes flying at low altitudes forced the remaining federal troops in the encirclement net from the dilapidated fortifications. In the end, the federal fleet was eliminated from the largest land group in South Asia.


After the annihilation battle was completed, the Xinhuo Federation troops did not advance into the Indian subcontinent, but continued to attack the Central and Southern subcontinent, the Star Sea Federation defenders and part of the empire's military forces.

On June 15, the battle to capture the city began, and within ten hours, the Federation retreated.

On June 16, Zhuguang fell, and the Huangtian fleet stationed by the Federation was forced to flee north. However, before they could fly very far, they were blocked by a network of Xinhuo drones. After a fierce battle, they all crashed into the sea.

The sea water extinguished the flames, but it sank in the ocean within minutes.

On July 13, the entire Burmese River was liberated. The legions began to move north on a large scale and began to encircle Guangfu. Yes, this battle ultimately helped the Star Sea Federation solve the problem of compulsory cultivation in the East after the "Qin Emperor and Han Dynasty".

Wei Keng: I have done this many times since time travel, and I am familiar with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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