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Chapter 30 Chapter 2828 The Disaster of Civilization

In the 26th year of the Tianxin calendar, on the Bakr planet of the Gesu civilization, it began to launch an impact on the advancement of civilization.

Bakr's shipbuilding plan is in progress, and a more secretive plan to build a "ring energy facility" on Bakr's moon is also being carried out in the name of "physical experiments."

Since the major alliances (capital) of Gesu Civilization have no support, and the microphones behind the capital have no interest in reporting, the outbreak of this industrial revolution is obviously very sudden. This is to integrate to the advanced level on one planet.

Conditions for civilization impact.

The nuclear fusion industrialization project is a comprehensive bidding process in an open manner. Small companies that can provide supporting equipment need loans. The lack of industrial chain is supplemented by investment by the military.

The major alliances that originally planned to use capital injection as a threat suddenly discovered that the generals on Bakr were trying to go it alone.

The elders of the Gesu Civilization were like a fairy waiting to be licked, but found out that the dog she thought was a licker went to the bar to spend money to pick up girls.

The Gesu civilization sneered at such a large-scale coin scattering on the Bakr planet, believing that it was absolutely impossible to accomplish.

There are many reasons listed among them: one of them is that what the entire Gesu civilization and alliances on hundreds of planets have not accomplished, how can it be possible that one planet can accomplish it.

Ever since, all parties were laughing and waiting for the failure of Planet Bakr.

However, such a civilization that is good at alliance contracts seems to have ignored the allusions such as "One monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat." - Or maybe the long history here did not occur.

Popular philosophical classics like this.

Wei Keng reviewed the ancient industrial era of the main world here: All international cooperation will collapse in nine cases out of ten, such as the global nuclear fusion cooperation project, the European Space Agency's Galileo project, the European Space Agency's Mars exploration plan, and the large aircraft of China and Russia.

Cooperation project.

A rare example of successful international cooperation: the International Space Station, or Mao Zi disintegrated and everything was sold, all of Europe was harvested, and it was completed when the United States became the dominant one. That is, one side is so weak that it cannot resist.

Therefore, Jizhong had no intention of cooperating with these alliances from the beginning.

A mobilization system is necessary to carry out large-scale projects. Taking the history of the earth as an example, there are only two ways to maintain a mobilization system.

The first type, an empire that is cruel, lacks universal morality, and is completely centered on interests, can gather enough commercial capital and rely on capital for mobilization. This requires a "financial center" system maintained by a strong military, and has a large

The base resources (broad title) are used to suck blood, but in fact, for any "empire" system, when the base is larger, the factions will become more scattered, and the team will become more and more greedy, and eventually it will be locked.

The second type is to rely on a good and fair system and ideals to unite the team and organize mobilization.

Here on Bakker, Wei Keng is sure that there are many obsessives in his team. Although these obsessives are somewhat stubborn. After the current trend, they seized the opportunity to be promoted in the fields of "knowledge" and "mental power"

Later, I got a little carried away and became arrogant.

Although Wei Keng can predict that after this technological promotion, these "technological strongmen" will create various troubles in the Gesu civilization after ending their cooperation, similar to Umbrella's various factions of scientists after the biochemical crisis.

The whole life is the same. But now, these obsessions are unified by dreams and can be used to achieve big goals.

Wei Keng: As for how to prevent obsessive people from becoming possessed, we need to constantly use dreams to repair errors in obsession.

…When a pond is dug, fish will inevitably appear,…

After the Bakr Star disclosed its nuclear fusion plan, it started the plan step by step with clear rewards and punishments. It did not prioritize "building" a prosperous economy. Wei Keng: Some prosperous economies only help rulers stabilize their rule, and even promote civilization.

There are only side effects.

First of all, cultural education was re-launched in all newly built mining cities and commercial cities. A large number of schools began to be laid out, and research institutes began to be established one after another.

These new cities will not have nightclubs or restaurants, which are symbols of "economic prosperity." Instead, they will have libraries, parks, science and education centers, and supermarkets and bus stations are all affordable consumption places.

Workers who have just transformed from the mineral extraction industry to primary manufacturing are beginning to be able to provide the next generation with cultural edification. - Although it can only maintain such a "simple and progressive" atmosphere for one generation, for those who want to leap forward to civilization,

this is enough

Fusion reactors require more than 10,000 industrial chains, just like the world of immortality requires primary and auxiliary drugs for refining medicine, none of them is missing.

The social and cultural aspects must also be prepared. At this time, society is like a "alchemy furnace", and the atmosphere is like the "property of medicine". Just like blending medicinal materials to prevent the conflict of medicinal properties, Wei Keng, as the supreme commander, now needs to combine various social

All contradictions are eliminated.

It would be very difficult for a normal civilization to get all this together.

Wei Keng: Now with the secret help of the "Tianxin Alliance", as long as the social atmosphere of a region is reached, high technology can be injected immediately.

Tianxin League now finds a "key acupuncture point" (obsessive person) and "meridian" (people with important social relationships to be promoted to heaven) from each lower-level civilization. "Scientific research" and "management" are required for promotion of the introduction of civilization.

This is like a master who can pass on the skills of several Jiazi to others, but he must find the "young man"'s unique bones and good wisdom.

…the initiation of civilization to civilization begins…

In the No. 3 space station outside the Bakr star, people are shuttled in space tunnels with a width of several hundred meters, using shuttles to control dozens or hundreds of groups of robotic arms in the space tunnels.

In a low-gravity environment, construction is carried out like "ants building a nest".

These space engineers are all "motivated young people" found by Xinghai Company from other planets of Gesu Civilization. Now they are all lined up in this dome space station to receive "spiritual power" awakening training and space industry production training. -Here

There is no "consumption wage" as a reward for production activities, but "one-on-one awakening training of spiritual power" is the reward.

At the end of capital, wage consumption as remuneration can only buy degenerate enjoyment, but class promotion cannot be bought. - At this time, the best market for capital is "women, the elderly, children, pets", and the most beneficial market for class promotion is

The demand for young and middle-aged men is at the bottom of the market.

Following reports one after another, these newcomers in the space station came to the "space work grid" to receive their tasks.

These tasks include teaching for forty years, working as an industrial engineer for forty years, and other ordinary jobs. (In this plane regeneration surgery, thinking can be carried by mental power, and the threshold is far lower than in the main world)

In the 21st century, everyone initially works for money, but after working for many years, they no longer work solely for money, but for great ideals.

Of course, in the fossil plane, one still cannot awaken to great ideals, and almost one ten thousandth of them are just obsessions.

The reward you get is spiritual power seeds. As long as you complete these tasks, the spiritual power seeds will naturally grow every moment of every day, even when you sleep.

Note: This seed is driven by Tianxin consciousness, but it is a sub-personality. If they find their own will (obsession) in these ordinary positions, they can control this weak sub-personality and eventually devour this personality.

In this way, 600,000 scientific and educational personnel entered the Bakr planet one after another between the 26th and 33rd years of the Tianxin calendar.

As a result, the entire industrial technology of Bakir Star has entered a state where the world and the earth are working together.

The generation that grew up in this atmosphere did not have many distracting thoughts. They came out of school in a strong scientific research atmosphere and then invested in social development.

...As time goes by, the saplings planted by the students themselves are growing up in the school...

As the military commander on the planet, Ji Zhong was very low-key in the process of advancing science and technology. His low-key attitude made most of the alliances of the entire Gesu civilization begin to think that the "very ambitious" technology promotion plan on the planet Bakr has become over time.


The entire upper echelon of the Guild may be paying more attention to the affair between General Yinhui and the female president of the Holy Class Union.

Oh, this rumor is that when Ji Zhong came to the planet of the Holy Class Union, the female president personally held hands with her.

However, in the end, it was shocking.

In the year 35, on the planet Bakr, a huge aircraft that could eclipse the hills on a three-kilometer-long island rose from the sea. The vector jet at the bottom sprayed out a large amount of "anti-gravity"

The beam slowly rose into the sky.

This space battleship took off for the first time, causing air waves in the atmosphere and even causing the trajectory of a typhoon cyclone a thousand kilometers away to "avoid" deflect. When the spacecraft entered the outer atmosphere, the planet Bakker reveled.

Although this spacecraft has not yet perfected its automatic jump function, it is equipped with a "space protection field" and can travel through public wormholes in large black holes.

The spacecraft hovered over seventy-four cities on the planet. On the surface of the planet, millions of technicians looked up and watched their participation in the "greatness" being realized. Some cheered and some shed tears.

The longer you work hard, the sweeter the rewards you get.

Such a battleship became a totem and gradually appeared in the hearts of the Bakr people. This battleship was named Hope.

When the spaceship flies across the continent, dragging water vapor clouds, it rises into the sky and turns into a bright star in low-Earth orbit, representing the takeoff of dreams. This spaceship reminds the remote planet of Gesu, a level 4 civilization.

People: "Sudden promotion" can be seen by oneself.

However, the lifespan of the Hope is only seven days

Just seven days later, the four extraterrestrial space battleships that heard the news started to open fire as soon as they saw the battleship on the planet Bakr. After a forty-minute chase in space, the fireball fell from space. This scene of falling

It's much bigger than taking off.

This warship, which the Gesu Civilization had finally saved, slowly fell from space into the ocean, turning into a tragic flame. The shock wave caused by the fall spread for a full kilometer.

…The ninth-grade Zhongzheng civilization is full of small blessings. Once exceeded, it represents boundless cruelty…

The extraterritorial warship that defeated the Gesu Civilization Hope was a sixth-level civilization from the Lomon Republic (15 robot massacres). After these four warships finished doing this, they left in a daze, as if they were a bear that smashed things and left.


…Achievements without disasters are destined to be imperfect. Obsession needs ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships before it can reveal its true colors...

People on the entire planet were stunned, feeling bitter and helpless in their hearts, but they also suddenly aroused anger.

Ji Zhong faced all this very calmly. He even said some incomprehensible words to himself: "Well, if the battleship was destroyed, then obsession will drive 60% of the progress of civilization."

Narrator: As a certain movie that was nominated for World Heritage said, the reason why the common people (lower civilization) dare not take money (to pursue progress) is because they are afraid, and the money they got (to cross the threshold to progress) was taken away. What follows?

It's anger.

As for why these foreign warships came, the "Tianxin Alliance" in Jizhong knew very well.

Returning to the perspective of the Gesu Civilization, after the battleship was shot down, several other alliances pretended to comfort the planet Bakr, but in fact the people who planned all this were celebrating at their own banquet. It was as if the demons and monsters were having a banquet of skeleton dishes and plasma wine.

Dance wildly.

Fifteen hours after Hope fell, Ji Zhong delivered a global speech: "Hope has not fallen, anger has risen, and the Endurance is already under construction."

Six months later, in a highly confidential base on the territory of the Holy Class family, the No. 2 battleship as the backup for the Hope ascended into space. This battleship was named the Fury.

…This peaceful sea of ​​stars finally began to ripple…

Around the year 36, at the No. 4 military fortress of the Lomon Republic, the seventh fleet of this civilization, known as the Hercules fleet, was standing right here. The military commander had just finished suppressing the Gesu civilization.

The phenomenon of abnormal technological development in action.

The fleet is in the midst of a relaxing carnival scene. The aroma of wine and barbecue collides in the restaurant. The soldiers in the fleet are talking about "destroying the battleship that the lower civilization has worked so hard to build will definitely make them very desperate." Such topics make them very desperate.

They felt happy.

Now, in the captain's hall, the latest information from the Gesu Civilization has been received, that is, the battleship has not been completely destroyed. Gesu still has another battleship, and the Gesu Civilization's family's proposals are okay.

"Total destruction" of the planet where the battleship was built.

Regarding the Lomon Republic, why didn’t it bomb the planet Bakr after destroying the battleship before? That’s because this level-6 civilization wants to “knock out the bones and suck out the marrow.”

These high-level civilizations have always adopted a "controllable" strategy for the development of lower-level civilizations, that is, they do not pay attention to cultivating talents, but absorb ready-made talents.

For capitalists: People in poor and destitute places are easy to bribe.

The most classic example is that the bald eagle in the 21st century hopes that its soldiers will be welcomed by local leaders and embraced by beautiful women when they go around the world. To this end, they suppress capital accumulation around the world.

When a certain family in the Lomon Republic confirmed that the Gesu civilization still had battleships, they scolded the Hercules fleet for only half of its mission.

No, at this time, the Romon nobles sent envoys to the Bakker planet quietly. They were about to put on a condescending gesture of giving and accept the talents on the Bakker planet, but found that no one was paying attention to them, and the factory was still running.

, the shipbuilding plan is still in progress, and the school is still going on and off normally, because there is still a battleship hanging in space.

…As long as the totem lasts for a day, it will always keep everyone’s still-living dreams burning...

In the Industrial Governor's Palace, Wei Keng looked at these envoys from the Lomon Republic with a half-smile. They only had a formal meeting, and then they were invited into the VIP room and left alone.

Wei Keng commented on these messengers with their nostrils turned upward: A bunch of shit eggs, thinking they are coated with gold powder, think they are more expensive than a pot of tea eggs.

When Ji Zhong faced the envoy from the Romond Republic, he only asked one sentence: Do you admit that you destroyed our warship?

As envoys sent by advanced civilization, perhaps they were originally the descendants of immigrants from the Gesu civilization. At this time, with the mentality of looking at monkeys from a superior civilization, they shrugged and joked: "General, you are very smart, why do you ask such a stupid question?


In the 36th year of the Tianxin calendar, the Bakr star began to declare war on the seven Gesu civilization planets such as Su Ling star and Ming Kai star. The reason for the war was to plan an attack on its own warships.

The path to advancement from lower-level civilizations is accompanied by challenges to upper-level civilizations.

The backstage of these seven planet alliances is the Lomon Republic. They first informed the spy operation, and then they guided the coordinates in space when the Bakker planet battleship took off, and triggered the Hercules fleet to come for the bombing.

When declaring war on these seven planets, Ling Sui from the Holy Class family appeared on Ji Zhong's communication interface.

Ling Sui was a little uneasy: "Aji, if we declare war directly, outer civilizations will have excuses to interfere."

Ji Zhong looked at her and said calmly but very stubbornly: "Yes, so I wanted to adopt a gentle policy before, but now, they have interfered (referring to destroying the Hope), so peace cannot be achieved."

Then you can consider it."

Ling was speechless.

"Ji Zhong" took a picture of her and said with relief and encouragement: "It's okay, I'm here for this kind of thing." - Ling Sui was slightly startled, she couldn't help but think about that dark night, at that time, Ji Zhong was also "taking care of everything"


…Looking at each other, but not in the same spirit; Acting in the same way, but not in the same spirit…

Forty minutes later, Ling Sui, who had level five mental power, communicated with the "Heavenly Position" through her mental power. She stared at the "advanced civilization halo body" that provided the plug-in and made her request.

Ling Sui: "I want the Ascension Alliance (the big alliance currently surrounding the promotion of Ge Xu's civilization) to win."

In the sea of ​​​​stars, the energy body Wei Keng thought for a while: "Okay, but the initial conditions need to be fulfilled."

Ling Sui was slightly startled, with panic in her eyes.

In the center of the space mirror, a projection of "Ji Zhong" was projected: "According to the contract, leave this person."

Ling Sui looked at the contract fluttering in front of her, her fingers trembling. She murmured: "Why?"

The mirror system responded: "The rise of a civilization requires heroes, and heroes need to be prepared at all times. When the hopes of countless people are concentrated on one person, then this person should not belong to you."

At this time, Ji Zhong, who was considered an independent consciousness on the planet Bakr, silently looked at this starry sky. After understanding his mission, he sighed: Although I am not suitable to be a hero, I am currently in this "position"

, I have to think that someone went into the ditch later.

...Compared with the "great righteousness" of the development of civilization, if personal relationships cannot be put in the right place, they are destined to be sacrificed...

In terms of dimensions - at this time, the flow rate of this historical flow "separated" by Wei Keng began to decline further.

As the catastrophe of civilization approaches, the flame of possibility finally begins to spark.

From a dimensional level, "possibilities" do not appear out of thin air. Although the "fire hero" ignited the opening of the epic, the real performance of the epic still requires "variables of the times". This kind of "variable" tunneling is not traditional.

The meaning of "consciousness carries memory" is to directly absorb the possible "dimensional life quality" from the nearby "fertile soil zone", and now in this far plane three thousand degrees away from the main world, the "life quality" that ignites the fertile soil should be

Those that are not are from the main world.

Wei Keng asked Bai Linglu in the dimension: "Have you observed the direction?"

Bai Linglu looked deeply at the dimensional direction provided by Wei Keng and whispered: "I have observed it."

Both of them knew that this might be the prototype of the civilization of the next dimension, and that what could be resonated with was "primitive consciousness."

Consciousness similar to the siltation of the main world in the 21st century spread to the surrounding areas before his death, and the main world was still in its infancy at that time. The strong consciousness of that era led to siltation, which caused "consciousness to follow the fantasy" and overflowed to other time and space, creating a large number of

Close to the space-time line

At this time, Bai Linglu was watching the plot of Ling Sui, marveling at the plot, and asked casually: "If you dedicate yourself to confirming the "possibility", how much can you pay for it?"

Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu. At this time, Bai Linglu's finger stopped at the Lingsui interface, and Lingsui in the plane of stars had been abandoned.

At this point, Wei Keng felt that he was quite ruthless.

Wei Keng did not look at Bai Linglu, but took a deep breath: "If there is a new space-time civilization, and this space-time civilization has "positive possibilities," then I should reserve development justice for it."

After a pause for a few seconds, Wei Keng said: "I will do whatever it takes." After a pause, as if firming up his determination, Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu: "I will hit anyone who stands in front of me."

Bai Linglu looked at the stubborn Wei Keng, smiled, nodded and said, "Me too."

At this time, it was Wei Keng's turn to be stunned. Bai Linglu did not ask the so-called "fatal question", that is, "Which one is more important to you than me or so-and-so?"

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng in confusion, smiled conscientiously and added: "Oh, when did you think that you were the only one with "righteousness"? I do too." (Bai Linglu: You have the importance of being able to "leave your small family" behind.

I have ambitions too.)

Bai Linglu: "In the "tide of progress" and "wave of development" of any era in the dimension, if there are people in the era who are involved in selfish interests, then I will throw away all conscience in the eyes of these people." Then Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng and smiled.

Then he said: "I feel very conscientious towards you now." (Another meaning is that even if you get involved for personal gain, I will still have no conscience.)

Wei Keng's heart seemed to have lost its shackles for a long time. He smiled obscenely at Bai Linglu and put his arm around Bai Linglu's shoulders: "Bai Linglu, I think we are a match made in heaven." Bai Linglu grabbed Wei Keng's ear and said, "Then

Just stop fooling around."

On this day, both parties determined that they were the other's second most important person, but the most important thing in their hearts was the same, that is, comrades.

This chapter has been completed!
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