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Chapter 29.14 The end of the end, the beginning of the search for the path

Chapter 1440 Chapter 14 The Decline of the End, the Beginning of the Search

In the year 3724 of the main world, Earth, Mars, and Venus formed the Black Alliance.

These three planets, which have been in the asteroid ring for hundreds of years, have gone through the solar prominence hydrogenation project and now have oceans and are black in color, so they are called black.

With the establishment of the Black Alliance, Jupiter and Saturn also formed the Star Ring Alliance. Compared with the hydrogenation project of large planets in asteroid rings, humans have built a system similar to the sun's Dyson ring technology on the periphery of gaseous giant planets in the past few hundred years.

Star Ring Belt. Therefore, the humans here call themselves Star Ring.

It can be said that in the thirty-eighth century, the establishment of a sense of identity among human regional groups is still similar to the human totems that established a nation in prehistoric times.

The powerful individuals in the will cluster always cling to famous individuals in history books from centuries ago in terms of their source of consciousness.

Therefore, the existence of ancient time-traveling consciousnesses such as "Qin Tianfang" and "Yuan Yue" have "returned like lightning" one by one with loud voices. Just like some countries in the 21st century claim to be the successors of Rome or Macedonia. Because they want to

Find a "cause" for the powerful results now.

Looking back to the current situation in the solar system, the complexity of the contradictions between the major camps of the eight planets in the inner solar system is comparable to Jerusalem in the 21st century. No planet can be immune to itself.

Uranus, Neptune, and Mercury, the three planets that have been watching the battle between "earth, fire, and wood" for the past five hundred years, are now becoming impetuous and no longer remain neutral.

Because, the people on these three planets now have a sense of superiority, that is, they can emphasize their inner ring identity to the human forces outside the orbit of Pluto. To maintain the sense of superiority, they have to "actively behave". And this is because

Vanity's strategic choice led to his involvement in conflicts.

Oh, this kind of force that goes beyond the periphery will increasingly emphasize its central identity to the outer periphery. For example, in the 21st century, in non-Western-centered Australia and Argentina, one emphasizes his Western identity, and the other emphasizes that he is white.


After several centuries, the unruly people are still the unruly people. The unruly people remain wary of the "grand narrative view" and always carry a hint of rebellion.

For example, in the current era, Wei Keng heard what the Black Alliance said: "the sense of identity of the stars and the sea" and "expanding to the periphery", which only created a reason for the "center circle" to be full of superiority.

After the era of shroud is over, the era of arrogance has arrived.

Seventy percent of Mercury's gravity wells have been taken over by political forces on Earth. The gravity wells of Uranus and Neptune are all linked to the same orbital frequency as Jupiter and Saturn and are used as secondary channels.

After preparations were completed for the rivalry between the two major space-time bureaus in the solar system, they officially started fighting over a vast territory.

In the initial confrontation, there were thousands of categories of planes, hundreds of millions of timelines, and barriers between multiple inner universes, which became the "breakthrough" for tens of billions of travelers to cross and penetrate each other.

The concept of "breakthrough" in the dimension can be classified as this kind of time-travel phenomenon: some magic plane travelers come to the world of immortality with the magic system, and some consciousnesses of the world of immortality come to the interstellar world with the knowledge of cultivation. These time-travelers

Consciousness itself doesn’t know why it happens, it’s just an instinctive activity during time travel (it’s cool), but it’s actually the penetration of the master and arrangement of the universe within each other.)

As well as the dazzling application of plane physics, in this war, it can be said that the stacking of physical systems on various planes has reached its peak.

The rulers of the inner universe call this "final ending" on the plane the Battle of the End. The end means that the development of the plane has come to an end in a technological sense, and the technological development of the large timeline has reached the point where it can be jumped out of.

Entering the final stage of "dimension".

...The supreme beings of all inner universes and all planes began to use all their strength to prepare to metabolize the first batch of time and space that "reached its end"...

At the end of time and space in the inner universe, the time travellers have figured out most of the physical rules and seem to be omnipotent.

For example, in the starry plane in the realm of anti-displacement particles, super civilizations can: draw energy from the void and create vacuum destruction.

Taking the inner universe of the time-seismic territory as an example: Command and Conquer Time and Space, a human organization codenamed "Tiandao", can technologically divide space into modules to store different materials. Space modules can store red-hot iron.

The cold ice remains unchanged.

The "Heaven" developed on the historical line of China has been able to store the singularity of the collapsed universe in this universe and developed a means of destruction similar to "two-way foil".

The end points in these inner universes, without exception, are when "destruction" technology has reached its limits.

Because the ruling consciousnesses in the inner universe still want to maintain their governance power when faced with the unruly people who say "although I am uncomfortable, you are not worthy", the idea is to ensure their leadership by increasing the deterrence of "destruction"


Judging by the depth of the "physical principles" that can be explored, the planes of the inner universe are all "shallow water areas". Technology can also be developed to the ultimate level under "superficial" goals, but the main world belongs to the "deep water area".

Although Starfield has begun to be laid outside the solar system, there are still physical fortresses waiting to be breached.

Existences like Mr. Wei have always been wallowing and crawling in the "mud" of the shallow waters of various inner universes (the low-tech primitive state of the plane). But now they are diving deep in the deep waters of the main world.

...In the main world, in this sixth plane war, Wei Keng is an absolute supporting role...

As a bystander, Wei Keng is still in the outer interstellar orbit of Pluto in the main world's solar system, unfolding the star field according to the five-year plan.

Wei Keng in the star field looked at the countless light particles in the sun, and the space battle between the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter.

This scene made Tu Kang couldn't help but compare the situation in the current dimension.

In all major inner universes, Wei Keng's earthly consciousness is a victim of the struggle for hegemony launched by the party whose ideology is the "leader" in the inner universe.

In the final era of these inner universe planes, civilized civilians watch the "two-way foil" falling from the sky, destroying the entire civilized star at every turn. People among all living beings, under the rules of "God's promise", can never obtain that

"Already scarce" ferry tickets.

In various inner universes, Wei Keng has always been the promoter of scientific and technological progress. Of course, he is the kind of promoter who is not so obedient and will always add complexity to the leadership consciousness that leverages history.

Wei Keng has a complex evaluation of the current war in the dimension. First, for thousands of years, his own step-by-step route in dimension development, although there are many backward stages, today is the first time that it has been "leap-forward development"

"It was covered on the ground.

During the apocalyptic historical stages in multiple inner universes, Wei Keng traveled through consciousness and was forced into a desperate resistance mode in the face of the ruthless siege and suppression by the ruling group where the leadership consciousness resided.

For example, in some planes with interstellar backgrounds, although Wei Keng's consciousness would flicker and explode, he once completed a counterattack against these "group consciousnesses" and seized the autonomy of a planet and a star region, but the fate of the plane was still uncertain.

The leadership is no longer in Wei Keng's hands.

Great achievements are always stolen by the consciousness cluster in the universe. After the third-level traceability Wei Keng tunnels away, history will return to the state of being "under control".

However, even though the Chinese have always been suppressed and have always experienced betrayal from the "laws of history", as "Tu Kang" they still have not given up and have not succumbed to the "absolutely correct" standards set by the Inner Universe Clusters.

At this time, in the main world, on the field outside the solar system, Wei Keng murmured to himself: "(I) The reason for not giving in is very simple. Even if every plane you lock can lead to the end of the universe, in the end there will only be a few people left.

The ending of Running to the Future is too utilitarian.”

Later, Wei Keng nodded and confirmed again: "Yes, you (leadership consciousness) are advancing the stage of advanced civilization in various dimensions, and there is too little "consciousness" to rush to the end.

If only a few people at the end of civilization, well, just your so-called "historical guides" can reach the other side, I don't recognize this path!"

Wei Keng, as a cunning man with only "the appearance of a middle-aged man", realized that the route arranged by the current leadership group did not have his own seat at the final stop. Therefore, he resolutely refused to cooperate.

Just like the honest peasants in ancient China, they felt that the good stories of princes, generals and ministers did not belong to them. They were unwilling to die of hunger in order to achieve "good stories".

Of course, so far, there is still no reason for Wei Keng to fully project in the dimension.

Looking back on the previous "plane wars" that Plane Wei Keng participated in, the reason why the consciousness of the middle person is shining brightly in the dimension must be full of hope and therefore extremely enthusiastic.

Keng is thinking and looking forward to whether there can be a loud noise in the world where he is (the main world of stars, dimensional perspective), providing him with a real milestone that transcends the times.

As a consciousness group that has lasted for thousands of years, Wei Keng can wait patiently, even if it takes a thousand years.

Wei Keng promised in Dimension: "During the long waiting time, I will continue to rise up."

…on the magic plane…

In the royal capital, Eryuan, who came from the Lunos territory, handed in his "resume" in the palace. Wei Keng, who had a rich resume, fully described his strengths in the report.

On the ceramic floor of the palace, a seventeen-year-old boy with no hair on his mouth was talking.

Eyuan: I participated in the war of local lords at the age of fourteen, joined Karar at the age of fifteen, and participated in Count Lunos's war against the ogres at the age of sixteen. I encountered the orc sword master. I bravely defended the dignity of the human race and the glory of the kingdom.

, Holy Shield, protect me from defeating the powerful enemy!

The old magician, who was wearing glasses and holding a pen to record information about Er Yuan, was looking at Wei Keng's resume full of personal boasts.

Kalal studied for one year and participated in the war to exterminate the jackals in the Eastern Mountains and the war to exterminate the ogres in the Runos territory. This series of dazzling experiences, well, as well as the mastery of "magic stealing", "primary medical skills" and "potions"

Learn to prepare various beautiful techniques.

The old mage looked at the child who was too young in front of him with a suspicious expression. His eyes were like those of netizens in the 21st century who saw a twenty-year-old young man with eight years of work experience and published twenty papers.

Just like winning multiple technology awards, it is full of doubts.

Although there are geniuses in this world, they are only reserved for people with great backgrounds.

The old mage looked at Wei Keng carefully, trying to determine whether he was an illegitimate son from any family.

Eryuan is not an illegitimate son of a powerful family, but an ordinary human villager.

Of course, as a time traveler, holding the pen tip of one's own destiny and writing on the paper of this plane, this is actually God's choice.

If you use your own courage and wisdom to worship your own personality, you will have divinity.…

Narrator: Because in this magical world, faced with the sword master's machete, Wei Keng's consciousness experienced two waves of stimulation of a death struggle, and the inspiration that jumped in his dream was also powerfully executed.

Therefore, in this relatively cold plane, many major events will inevitably occur. Oh, the name of this world's satellite is "Eryuan". (The bait is here, where is the fish?)

On Karar, Eryuan drew on the observation experience of the magicians to build a preliminary physical system.

Eight positive particle transitions were identified and theoretical verification found in experiments.

In this way, Eryuan is well placed in the magic system.

This is similar to the research on earth life. Once you enter the theoretical framework of the four pairs of ribonucleic acid bases, you can break down the mysterious barriers of all life phenomena that originally seemed irrelevant.

At this time, the eight "positive substitution particles" found by Eryuan are exactly similar to the four pairs of bases of ribonucleic acid in biology.

The infinite combinations of these eight positive displacement particle forms are the basis of all magic that controls "phase state".

This basic theoretical system can easily explain the principles of planetary shuttle and even tunneling from alien dimensions.

Such basic theory is very advanced, similar to the "aerodynamics" that appeared in Leonardo da Vinci's era.

The basic theory that Eryuan chooses now is often a theoretical framework that can only be explored when the rune civilization of this type of plane has developed to the stage of "controlling the source of planetary magic".

...For the next step of the fate line, prepare the dividing line of "remainder"...

In the Kingdom Tavern, Eryuan invited some old mercenaries to drink out of necessity. During the process of gathering intelligence, Eyuan had completely restrained himself when faced with the kisses from the waitresses, acting like he was not close to anyone else.


For no other reason, Er Yuan explained to himself: I just don’t want to waste time, and at the same time I’m worried about being plotted against by someone with ulterior motives.

In the kingdom, as a foreigner without any identity, the surrounding noble forces must be very concerned about "how to capture the representative of this powerful team."

If you act too frivolously, it will make your team cheap. - You can't record it like this in the little book of the aristocrat: This is a greedy and lustful person who can be taken over by beautiful women and BMWs. Well, in the countryside

This is how Lu Bu fell into trouble back then.

When negotiating prices, a self-respecting person will always appear more "expensive" in the eyes of others than an indulgent person.

At this time, Eryuan must ensure that it can bear this "price".

After the Ogre War, Eryuan's mental power increased threefold. Furthermore, the loss of water and fire phase control techniques dropped to one thousandth of the original. The loss of energy operation is reduced, so it can be complicated


Eryuan's current progress in magic operation technology is equivalent to "the evolution of steam engines to gas turbines" using the earth's industrial analogy.

In this plane, in the process of using runes to alternate "phases", whether it can complete the "negative entropy" conversion with low loss reflects the level of a magician.

As for the ability to accurately detect the details of "phase" transformation, commonly known as elemental affinity, based on the level of this plane, Wei Keng has increased eight times in this aspect, which has reached the level of a high elf.

A year ago, Eryuan had no chance of summoning water or fire element spells. But now, as he has gained reputation in several wars and gained enough communication among the magicians, he is now ready to learn this type of summoning system.

Spell abilities.

In the magician's assessment hall, the magicians of the kingdom looked at the field with pens. Eryuan declared that the spell to be assessed was a difficult spell such as "mana stealing".

Now the target that Eyuan is about to use "Mana Stealing" is a 1.5-meter-tall little clay puppet. This little clay puppet also has certain counterattack capabilities.

Eyuan stabbed and dodged the mud released by the little clay figurine, then went around to the back and pressed his hand on the back of the little clay figurine. In the red flash, the magic puppet turned into a unit controlled by Wei Keng.

Afterwards, the kingdom's mages checked the assessment situation and determined that the little clay figurine was controlled rather than dispersed, and then issued a silver mage badge to Eyuan, recognizing his status as a mid-level spellcaster.

After getting the Mage Association badge, Eryuan walked out of the Ministry of Magic in a high-spirited manner, took out a money bag and handed it to the soldiers who accompanied him into the city. He asked them to buy good meat and vegetables and have a good meal tonight.

As the captain of two infantry teams, Eryuan worked part-time as a cook. He cooked skewers and hot pot, as well as multi-grain noodles fried in oil and served with soup.

…The “royal way” lies in the crops, and the “military strength” lies in the stove. The superiors and subordinates share the same desires and can fight.…

Now that Eryuan's perspective has broadened, he is not limited to being a magician. He has witnessed the lord's resistance ability and the pursuit ability of the orc sword master. Wei Keng is sure that in this era (version): warriors are

Kingly way.

The body attributes of a strong person are more than three times that of ordinary people, and their physiological processes also undergo drastic phase changes.

At this time, under the influence of the Body Fixation Technique, Wei Keng's physique became more and more beautiful, such as the shining platinum hair and the smooth white jade-like skin. These are the external manifestations of the perfect and harmonious appearance of the elements of the whole body.


A strong person can emit energy waves with similar magical effects just by relying on muscle strength.

Mr. Wei was deeply impressed by the storm hammer thrown by the lord and the shock wave of the ogre leader.

Only "strength" heroes are the protagonists on the battlefield (Juggernaut is agile).

In the last ogre war, Eryuan once asked the knights "how to be as powerful as them" and "how the lord's power is gathered through weapons to form the Storm Hammer."

The knights are willing to share their experiences. This is the process of the integration of the spirit and the weapon. The spirit can be attached to the weapon to carry out such an attack.

Eryuan recorded in his magic book: Oh, actually, it is the energy of the phase change in the body that is input into the rune structure of the weapon, and then the energy is released. In fact, this kind of control of the "matter phase" relies on one's own body.

Focus, the technology used to form skill radiation, is still related to the inheritance of life in the body, which is why this plane values ​​bloodline.

Wei Keng is an ordinary person by blood.

As for bloodline, I cannot say that it is completely absent, but it should be very weak. Because people a hundred generations ago were of the bloodline of human kings.

But without a series of training and drugs to stimulate it, it would be impossible for this meager bloodline to awaken.

Eryuan, who is seventeen years old this year, has become more and more solidified in his muscles. The blood and muscles in his body are dancing in a magical state like flames and heat in the movement of life, like a newborn phoenix.

Eryuan determined that at the peak of his life at the age of thirty-seven, he would be able to awaken the power of the thin bloodline inherited from a hundred generations ago.

During the past few days in the royal capital, no nobles from other kingdoms came to Eyuan.

It's not because Eryuan is not qualified, but because Eryuan's various performances of being able to withstand temptation remind many interested nobles that this "dish" of Eryuan is not something that can be eaten casually...

You don't have to show off to be cool. The high price of real gold does not depend on whether it is wrapped in coarse cloth or silk, but on whether it can withstand the fire test.

In the military camp assigned by the kingdom, Eryuan personally plucked and killed the chickens at noon every day, fried the meat, pulled out the fish's internal organs and skewered them, put them on the stove, sprinkled cumin and fermented bean curd, and then put the excess meat oil into the pot to start frying the noodles.

Although Eryuan behaved "decent" in front of the nobles, he behaved "approachable" in front of his subordinates in daily life.

Wei Keng's social formula: Because the people above want to buy your loyalty, you have to show restraint. When commanding subordinates, you want them to be convinced, and you can't give them reasons to complain. Don't put on airs.

When a table of dishes was ready, Eyuan gave an order and all the soldiers began to eat. The collision of pots and pans was accompanied by the sound of the rice cooks ferociously destroying the food. The unique aroma of the food in the camp attracted the attention of the soldiers next door.

The powerful warriors were drooling as they performed knightly penance and could only eat bread and barbecue every day.

This can refer to the behavior of someone posting food videos on Moments late at night.

Distinctive people are noticed from the beginning.

Due to the "high price" of Eryuan itself, the various extraordinary performances of Eryuan mages, these behaviors are as attracting attention as "coins rolling down the street".

Four days later, Eryuan was summoned by the kingdom's top dignitaries.

Eyuan walked into the splendid palace and saw the rock floor as bright as a mirror, as well as the scent of incense floating in the air. This incense had an inducement to speed up people's mental functioning, but Eyuan frowned and tried to avoid it.

This incense was inhaled.

Although Eryuan knew that this slight burning was not harmful, as an Oriental from the earth, he had a natural resistance to things that "stimulate the spirit".

Along with the knight attendants, they met the general who recruited him this time, Anlexi.

At first glance, this guy looks like a powerful hero, with a strong back and strong waist, and full of masculine aura. Wei Keng muttered: "Schwarzenegger."

The general took out the token provided by his previous boss (Lunos) that Eryuan had handed over through the guard four days ago, which was a dagger carved from unicorn horn.

The general asked Eryuan: "How is Lunus' appetite lately?"

Eyuan paused for a moment, not understanding what this meant, and responded to the general: "My lord, he is in good health."

The general looked at Wei Keng and nodded: "I will rearrange the camp for you and your team."

Then he smiled: "You are more interesting than other mages."


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