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Chapter 29.33 Passing through the mountains, a legendary journey

Chapter 1463 Chapter 33 Through the Mountains, a Legendary Journey

The teams of Eryuan and Jieli began to move forward, together with the three followers and the twelve knights brought by Jieli, as well as the 300 soldiers who were subsequently teleported over. This is Eyuan's current position in Nanlu.

The troops that can be gathered for the kingdom. The teleportation array can also send more soldiers, but it exceeds the space supply capacity prepared by Eryuan.

During this march, Eryuan and Jieli were in a group, walking in the front, and the knights were in the middle and back to ensure the safety of the large army. The three direct Eryuan soldiers, as natives of the south, were scattered by Eryuan on both sides.

Determine if there are any suspicious signs.

Everyone who crossed the mountain range and approached the orcs did not encounter many obstacles along the way.

On the third night, in front of the campfire, Eryuan took a charcoal pencil and drew a map to Jieli and her knights: "While the orcs are concentrating their forces to attack the human hinterland, they cannot allocate a large number of troops to defend the mountains."

——In other words, Eryuan is going to lead a team to take a detour to dig out the orcs' hometown.

Eyuan: In this changing disaster, the core goal is to protect the Tomorrow Territory and the Brandt Territory from corrosion.

On the third day of the journey, Eryuan met city residents whose hometowns were destroyed in the disaster, and dwarfs from the southern mountains.

After seeing the tokens provided by other dwarves on Eyuan's body, these dwarves made a request without any politeness at all, asking Eryuan to help them regain the thermal boiler that was taken away by the Tauren tribe.

When these dwarves shook their beards and made requests, their rough and arrogant tone seemed to be giving orders, which made Jie Li and other knights very dissatisfied. But Eryuan smiled and agreed to these seemingly rude dwarves, because the dwarves with tougher tempers

, the more you keep your promise.

Eryuan asked Jieli to choose an experienced knight to lead the troops and stay with the dwarves in the camp, while he and Jieli went on a tactical mission alone.

Eyuan, who was very pressed for time, shouldn't have made a fuss here, but he saw that there were musketeers and mortarmen in this group of dwarves, and it was because of the "thermal boiler" that was detected at the location the dwarves said.

Dwarfs consider a boiler to be a sacred instrument. It is a "perpetual motion machine" that can drive bearings by adding water. Not only that, it can also be a key prop for producing "metal blasting powder" (nitrogen-containing explosives).

Now this sacred artifact has been snatched away by the tauren in the ravine. They are a team of eight tauren. They robbed this thing and now use it as a hotpot.

Eryuan used perspective magic to see these tauren cooking meat in this one-meter-large thermal boiler. He couldn't help complaining about the steaming pot of soup: "This stuff is the best for boiling beef with blinds.

You have to add chili pepper.”

When Eryuan was talking, he heard the sound of his stomach growling. Looking back, Jieli paused. After being confused for a short time, she stared at Eryuan, as if to say, "What are you looking at?"

Eryuan was stunned and said: "Oh, by the way, it's time to eat."

…After simply using bread with eggs and vegetables to form egg-filled pancakes, the two were ready to fight…

In the valley, Jieli, who had eaten enough, raised her war hammer and was about to rush over to fight the tauren. Eyuan grabbed her braid and told her not to be stupid.

Although the tauren have a bull's head, they still eat meat. Eryuan used the wind step to walk over, first deliberately making a little noise to attract the group of tauren, and then he casually started cooking in their barbecues and boilers.

He took some medicine. In the end, Eryuan, the chef, fell ill and felt that the tauren were wasting the ingredients, so he sprinkled a little cumin on each piece of barbecue.

After a while, the group of tauren came back. They didn't have much brains and continued to sit down and eat. A few minutes later, Jieli, who was also ambushing aside, stared at the tauren who suddenly went crazy.

These minotaurs with red eyes chased the target of the red balloon dummy released by Eryuan, and then fell down the cliff. Finally, they rolled down and hit the dug deep pit. In the deep pit, there was an upright and tall figure lying in wait.

The sound of spikes and slithering sounds rises and falls. This is the sound of steel spikes piercing the chest of the tauren.

This series of plots made Jieli cover her chest and asked Eryuan: "What on earth did you do?"

Eyuan took out a small mushroom and said: "Red umbrella with white pole, after eating, lie down."

Eryuan claimed that he had just picked up such small mushrooms on the roadside and threw them into the tauren's pot.

But in fact, this is not a natural mushroom, but a chemically synthesized super hallucinogen.

Eryuan shook his head at the tauren who rolled down the cliff and said: "Giant-level units like this will be easily plotted if they don't have small servants to guard them."

After finishing speaking, Eryuan noticed that Jieli was staring at him with suspicious eyes, and seemed to sense her doubts and said: "Why, are you doubting my character?"

Jieli, who had not wiped off the oil on her mouth, said: "I think it's better for me to eat white bread these days."

In fact, she was the one who ate the most of the dishes cooked by Mr. Wei during the picnic these days. She ate eight of the egg-filled pancakes just now.

Eyuan stared at her waist, and it was difficult to determine whether she, who was not fat now, would become fat after marriage.

Eryuan thought about this and smiled: "Tsk, tsk, when you drink too much, it's the same as taking the wrong medicine."

"Really?" After Eyuan finished speaking, Jieli pulled out her sword and put it on Eyuan's neck. She looked fierce, pressing the back of Eyuan's head with the sword spine and leaning towards him. The two looked at each other. Jieli whispered with

Telling the secret, he whispered in a low voice: "You don't know me, can you not get drunk after a thousand cups?"

While Eryuan was stunned, Jieli took the initiative to kiss Eryuan's cheek, and Eryuan pinched her nose in turn.

The girl's ears turned red visibly to the naked eye. Eyuan touched the slightly pointed ears in her hair curiously. It seemed that Jieli also had elven ancestry.

The system's interpretation is very uninteresting at this time: when a man and a woman cooperate in hunting in the wild at the same time, primitive love feelings will arise.

And the last two tauren started a wild dance after being poisoned, holding totem poles and knocking each other on the head...

Two hours later, Eryuan brought back the boiler the dwarves needed. The dwarves used it to repair three steam tanks. These dwarves carrying guns were also unambiguous, and then squeezed out a 150-man dwarf army.

, follow this action.

Narrator: Eryuan also deployed teleportation arrays in the dwarf camp to support the movement and long-range supply of the dwarf troops.

The dwarves' tanks passed through a hidden jungle that no one knew about in the past, shortening the original six-day journey to three days.

Looking at these clattering iron beasts, the knights couldn't help but sigh that the iron ox they would bring over tomorrow was also moving forward tirelessly while boiling water.

The legendary journey is like a thread that connects various special events. Each event gives future Xia Sheng travelers the possibility of changing the outcome.

...Tukang: Well, I don’t have to do the best. A good plot is to give future new time travelers the possibility to release variables...

After Eryuan led the mixed team through the jungle, he met an elf ranger who was fighting a wild wolf. After being rescued, the ranger also sent a "help" request to them.

It turned out that the village where this elf ranger lived contained a group of elves and an ancient tree of life, which were being attacked by harpies and porcupines.

Eryuan still emphasized to this new visitor that his purpose was to stop the orcs and that he had no extra time to go to the elf village. The elf ranger claimed that he "knows the source of the evil power of the orcs" and is willing to

Give guidance.

Eryuan and Jieli looked at each other and nodded in understanding. At this time, they were very close to the source of evil, and they really needed the help of elves with "strong magic perception".

Jie Li then took out the agreement between humans and elves, requiring the elves to obey the orders of the human commanders during this battle.

At this time, Jie Li, as an earl and a noble, was just qualified to become the commander of the proud elves.

...Humans, elves, and dwarves began to fulfill their contract for a small battle in the southern part of the continent...

A combined army composed of Eryuan, Jieli, and three elite human infantry, a dwarf gunnery squad, and three groups of elf rangers, a total of 600 people began to attack the orcs.

When he first entered the jungle, Eryuan noticed the familiar fluctuations of the feather-type harpies through the magic messenger. Eryuan himself, as an excellent ranger, directly penetrated the past. Jieli, as a high-defense

The Cavaliers, on the other hand, continue to stay with their own team and hold the battle.

Deep in the jungle, Eryuan was lurking and looked at a big tree. There were four harpies on the tree who made a sharp voice: "Master Frost needs us to take down that ancient tree before the full moon, at all costs."


As soon as they finished speaking, they were hit by a chain of lightning, and all twenty harpies in the sky fell to the sky. When they landed, their feathers were blown up and flying all over the sky. Er Yuan released the chain of lightning.

He sneered and said: "It seems that you are ready to pay the price." Then he quickly hurriedly evacuated towards the team.

And if they run away after discharging the electricity, they will lose their leader's command and the angry harpy group will be guided to Jie Li's place, where they have already arranged a military array.

Jie Li looked at Er Yuan running back and the large number of harpies floating behind him, and began to adjust the formation of the military formation.

The dwarves pointed their muskets at the harpies in the sky and started shooting, and Eryuan launched his own "Strike Halo", which produced a beam of light in the sky to mark each harpy, and at the same time used arcane magic to mark the dwarves.

People indicate the trajectory.

"One, two, one, stand firm."


There was a bang, a volley of muskets, and a burst of fire. The harpies hovering in the sky collectively fell to the ground.

The small formations of human infantry were staggered in the center of the dwarf musket formation. After three musket shots, they moved to the front to form a shield wall at the end, intercepting the two-meter-tall porcupines. These porcupines could be easily shot away.

A man weighing one hundred kilograms, but now he can only hit the water element with the hammer head, causing splashes of water.

Of course, when orthodox mages see Mr. Wei's water element, they will exclaim "Wo Cao". I saw that Eryuan's water element does not rely on ejection of stones to kill people from a distance, but close combat. On the two arms of the water element, water flows.

The rapid rotation drove the circular saw to make a terrible buzzing sound. The porcupine man was rubbed against the body by this terrible chainsaw, and his skin was torn open in an instant. The water element was quickly dyed red by the bright red blood, turning into "

Blood Element".

I only saw the five water elements released by Eryuan, like madmen in horror movies, chasing and killing these porcupine people. Even if their bodies were covered with spikes shot by the porcupine people, the water source could not be dispersed. Instead, it was the water element.

The body was stained with blood and turned redder and redder.

The elves in the distance set up their bows and shot arrows, and began to attack the gnolls at a faster pace. Of course, the arrogant elves pursed their lips and did not want to accept this favor from the dwarf.

Clusters of feather arrows from the elves also followed the cursor and killed the miscellaneous soldiers among the harpies.

During the war, the elves, humans, and dwarves gradually began to gain the upper hand. A porcupine leader, who had been hiding in the jungle, stared at the dwarf team. It judged that the mage Eyuan was the core of the team, so it curled up into a ball.

It was like a three-meter-high big tire flying out.

On the left side of the team, Eryuan, who was conducting the command, took a deep breath. When the Harpy Banshee leader died, his head was facing this direction, as if asking for help, so Eryuan knew there was another enemy here. However, the Porcupine

The place where the human leader is hiding belongs to the jungle.

According to the principle in the art of war, don't enter the woods, so Eyuan deliberately left the queue and walked on the edge, selling himself a loophole.

After two sticks of incense, the brainless porcupine leader and his reserve team rolled over like armadillos.

Eyuan used the caltrops that he had prepared long ago, and this method was as skillful as spreading potatoes, throwing it on the path that the porcupine people must pass.

Not to mention that the porcupines are so "stupid" now, rolling in a straight line, even if they run in a zigzag line, Eryuan can predict where their hooves will land.

The porcupines rolled over in a menacing manner. After encountering what seemed to them to be very small "black thorn balls", these beasts howled in pain. However, they finally rushed in front of the mage Eryuan, only to find that they were staring at the mage.

The goal is not crispy skin.

After Eryuan finished throwing away the caltrops, he activated the "Hercules Transformation" mode. Well, that is, the dwarf god came down to earth. As the liquid metal seeped into his skin, some magical veins were visible on Eryuan's face that turned white.

The flow of.

The leader of the porcupine pulled out the "iron caltrop" inserted upside down on his back and applied the bloodthirsty spell on himself, but there was hesitation in his red-gleaming pupils.

The fragile mage in the porcupine's eyes began to grow stronger visibly. Twenty kilograms of metal liquefied, and then like water seeping into a sponge, part of it seeped into the body, while the part left outside became a Saint.

The same armor.

For the first time, Eryuan showed metallization in front of outsiders, which is the power skill of the top dwarf forging master "God descends to earth".

After the gods descend to earth, dwarves can generally grow up to two meters tall. They can withstand the killing of orcs without wearing armor, and their strength is greatly increased, making them immune to low-level magic.

Eryuan's God descends from the earth has been improved, focusing on strengthening the front ribs and face protection, so that the metal avoids the heart, so that the blood supply to the whole body can speed up. At the same time, the inner muscles and ligaments of the arms and legs are not metalized.

This ensures that you still have high agility and flexibility.

The most important thing is to leave a large circulation path for the flow of magic power, so that you can still release magic.

Jieli, who was holding the knight's sword, saw Eryuan. His original height of 1.85 meters had suddenly increased to 2.5 meters. His metallic-colored thighs and shoulders, as well as his strong biceps, made his whole body more muscular.

As perfect as a bodybuilding competition champion, he seemed to have thought of something, and he couldn't help but hum softly in his nose, affirming his approval.

Master Wei faced the porcupine leader who rolled to his side, covered in blood, and yelled like crazy: "The golden bell and iron shirt that I have trained so hard for have finally come in handy."

Before the bolas thrown by the porcupine was about to hit his face, Eryuan directly held the bolas with one hand and threw it back, denting the pig's head as if it had been hit by a cannonball.

At this time, the poisonous darts shot by the porcupine man on the side were all bounced away after touching Eryuan's skin.

As for the bloodthirsty spell released by the porcupines, these hairy monsters became larger like blowing up balloons under the bloodthirsty spell. But as Eryuan raised the butterfly sword and shuttled, these enlarged porcupine people suddenly turned into blood-spouting people.

Surgery, because several major arteries were cut open to bleed out blood, and the tendons of the limbs were severed.

At this time, Eryuan's strength has reached 100. With strength alone, he can definitely break the Tauren's totem pole like chopsticks across his thigh. And his agility is unprecedented, like a ray of silver light that penetrates the thousands of porcupine people head-on.

Horse. Oh, in the array of hundreds of people, holding butterfly swords, they caused a beautiful silver massacre in the enemy array.

After dozens of breaths, Mr. Wei held down the porcupine leader again, then stabbed its main artery with a spear, and drained its blood. He was as fast, accurate and steady as a surgical hand, and he could even predict the direction of the blood splash.

When it arrives, let it splash on the ground without contaminating yourself at all.

In the blink of an eye, such a perfect pig-killing action was completed. After Eyuan returned with the pig's head, the soldiers on guard on the flanks recovered from their nervousness and looked at the enemy's head hanging on the high flag.

Only then did he feel the smell of blood pouring into his nostrils.

Among this group of wild monsters, the most elite ones were slaughtered in just a few breaths. The porcupines that followed were frightened and fled in all directions.

Narrator: The porcupines didn’t know that if Eryuan had not left the village, he would have been able to serve as the new butcher in the village at this time. The butcher’s competition took away the butcher’s knife that was modified from the Armor-Splitting Blade.


Half an hour later, Eryuan was lifted from the "Invincible Golden Body" (the dwarf god descended to earth). After this battle, the dwarves respected Eryuan a lot, and their title changed from "Your Majesty the Master" to "Your Majesty the Master".

"Master Eyuan". In dwarf families, only the titled blacksmith will add the suffix "master".

The half-elf also looked at the transformed Eryuan with curiosity. After all, he had just turned on the "Golden Body" and could also release various buff magics to his team; "Soul Fire", "Rapid",

He also fired a barrage of "acid mist spells", causing the harpies to run around like frightened grasshoppers.

The arrogant elves couldn't help but guess, which heroic family in the human kingdom is this outstanding man with both magic and martial arts?

The three soldiers who followed Eryuan (fitting with the equipment given by Eryuan) also raised their heads at this time. Their health status increased (upgraded) during the fight. So far on the journey, they have

By default, he is Master Eyuan’s most loyal follower.


This chapter has been completed!
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