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Chapter 30 Chapter 2938 (Part 1) Peace within the Fence

Chapter 1468 Chapter 38 (Part 1) Peace within the Fence

In the kingdom, Anlexi, who returned with his military team, received a commendation from the king. As for the heroic mage Eryuan who directly penetrated into the center of evil in the south and destroyed the contaminated sunwell, the kingdom downplayed it as "

"Eryuan is sent by the kingdom" was said in one word, and he was given a warrior's sword to dismiss the matter.

In response to this, the dwarves who were the reinforcements in the alliance simply did not attend the kingdom's victory banquet. The upright dwarves were not interested in the complex politics of humans.

However, it is sung in southern folk tales that when the black tide swept across the entire earth, a mage led a lone army into the core of the beast tribe and destroyed the dark fortress. This story, which should have been sung by bards, was kept secret among the upper echelons of the kingdom.

...Eryuan doesn't have time to do this fake routine at this time...

In the southern lands, the retreating orcs are still wreaking havoc.

In the spirit of never abandoning or giving up, Tomorrow Leader sent out the trainee knights to search for the surviving settlements of humans, elves, and dwarves and provide assistance.

These villages were left behind because the orcs gave priority to attacking the Blackstone Fortress at the beginning. But now, the spreading orcs are spreading out to attack these cities. A small group of orcs are besieging the village of Loninna, trained by the Brandt Land Knight Academy.

The fully armored heavy knight turned on the invisibility skill and quietly approached and charged. After a wave of piercing blows with his spear, he dropped his spear and raised his sword. The orcs who originally attacked the village were taken away in a wave.

The founding spirit of the Knights College founded by Eryuan is "pragmatism" and "innovation".

In short, we don’t engage in the kingdom’s fancy “chivalry”. Eryuan: Wearing heavy armor is not a sign of arrogance. When it’s time to raid at night, you have to paint the armor in camouflage and the knight’s sword in black paint.

This type of knight academy is modeled on the modern Prussian officer education. Jie Li's knights are hired as teachers, and then they train equestrianism, map drawing, and tactical warfare in the form of classroom lectures. Narrator: Teaching the art of war is similar to Sun Tzu's Art of War, but it is

It comes from the ancient military science of the Xia Sheng plane.

The military philosophy conveyed by Xia Sheng's plane travelers is also simple and unpretentious: "There is no harm in tactics. What can reduce the casualties of yourself and your teammates is wisdom."

At this time, the rescued villagers looked at the knights with respect, and followed the knights' arrangements and walked into the teleportation array. They left their former homes where their ancestors had lived for generations and came to the administrative area planned by Tomorrow Leader on an area of ​​40,000 to 50,000 square kilometers.

——Unconsciously, a migration was completed.

In various villages, groups of local young people were gathered by cadres who graduated from the Knight Academy in the Tomorrow Territory. After receiving blue and black uniforms and toiletries, they formed organizations one by one.

In the villages that were saved, there were many old men who had been Kingdom soldiers who came forward to ask. The young men who were attracted by the propaganda of Tomorrow Leader trembled and threw their crutches: "Why do we need to evacuate?"

These local young people wore red armbands and explained the conversation skills they had just learned from the pamphlets.

Of course, the stubborn old people will not be persuaded so easily by the stupid young people. The words of the young people in the village are listened to by the women holding their children next to them, as well as the little brats of twelve or thirteen years old.

After the women and children who had been watching all left, the people who really came to subdue these old men appeared.

When these elderly family members saw the leader of the "knight" in the territory tomorrow arriving, they abruptly put away their words of discipline to the young people in the village, and instead persuaded the knights: "This is our land."

The knights sent by Eryuan faced the local women and children gathered by the old people, and directly used clairvoyance to show the villagers the scene in the direction of the nearby orc army. When the dark orcs were crowded in the camp, they were cooking human flesh over a fire and chewing it.

After the scene with the skull and bones played.

Therefore, the old man's idea that it was hard to leave his hometown could no longer affect other people in the village due to repeated work, and he became a minority and was taken away.

As for some stubborn people who tried to stay, after three attempts to persuade them failed, they had no choice but to offend. This was still the Middle Ages after all, and there was no "five lectures, four beauties, and three loves."

The entire evacuation operation evacuated the population of sixty-seven villages within four months, and by the time the kingdom discovered this situation, the population of the Tomorrow Territory had tripled.

…The increase in prestige and population power is quietly changing the balance of power on the East Coast.…

In the year 582 of the Holy Shield Calendar, in the Tomorrow Territory, Eryuan once again completed magical communication connection with the Botao family.

The female mage on the mirror has obviously matured a lot, and can already use a formulaic tone and describe the kingdom's requirements without blushing.

But in the conversation, in Sirolina's eyes, Eyuan still looked calm, especially when he vetoed the kingdom's request.

The wizards of the kingdom ordered Eryuan to send knights to continue to the area of ​​the original Elf Sunwell in the south to investigate the newly emerged "mechanical elemental life".

Eryuan murmured in his heart: "Mechanical elemental life" was originally summoned by me, will I investigate?

Eryuan used the tone of an announcement: "Please tell your majesty that the area where mechanical elemental life comes is a dimensional fluctuation area. In short, it is a zone that blends with the rules of another plane. In such a dangerous place, even if you are a high-ranking person,

A mage will not get involved easily."

"An alien plane?" Shinolina showed worry and disbelief on her face.

Eryuan's expression was indifferent: "At present, the forces in that alien plane area are still "absolutely neutral". They may be biased towards kindness, but no matter how kind the forces are, they will be angry when encountering uninvited harassment. Hmm

, just like tree people.”

This is the last persuasion to the kingdom. With the kingdom's current selfishness and short-sightedness, and its old vision, trying to contain the travelers from the taiwan plane will only accumulate disasters.

After Sirolina returned, she reported the situation to the magicians of the kingdom.

After hearing this, Anlexi said to Sirolina: "It seems that he has not received enough honor in the kingdom and no longer wants to obey the kingdom's orders."

Anlexi was aware of it, but it was limited to politics. He believed that the Kingdom had blindly avoided denying the legend created by Eryuan, which made Eryuan no longer listen to the Kingdom. Little did he know that in Wei Keng's eyes, he

All it does is just a "fixed plot" that allows new generations of time-traveling forces to repeatedly travel and explore.

…Three years after the Big Bang, in the year 584 of the Holy Shield Calendar…

Liuliang Town is a temporary military stronghold established in the eastern part of the kingdom.

This is also a shelter established for southern refugees. In the originally small town, a six-kilometer wall area was rebuilt using the spell of fossilized mud, and several of the channels leading to the river were excavated.

Shentuo became a central wharf that can handle 300-ton steamships.

There are currently 5,000 people gathered in this shelter. The shelter provides immigrants with elementary science education and learning of the Kingdom's characters and mathematics.

Of course, in the intentional cultural diffusion of Xia Sheng travellers, some important magical knowledge was recorded in Xia Sheng characters. Eyuan turned a blind eye to this.

Eyuan: Objective analysis shows that their (Xia Sheng people) writing method of Luoshu Hetu hexagram is more difficult than the eight-part parallel style, and the dissemination is really small.

Industrialization and agriculture have begun in the kingdom. The mass-produced knights used sharp weapons such as "frozen crossbows" and "frost crossbows" to drive away various monster tribes in the swamp. Then the farmers began to

Hedges are used to divide the land and water conservancy is also maintained.

Eryuan uses the elves' perception of plants and industrial regulation to allow plants to achieve maximum growth under chemical fertilizers. And when pests and diseases appear, plant-based magic is performed to allow them to absorb minerals and increase plant resistance. That is, to allow the plants to

The outer shell is so tough that even insects cannot bite it.

Grain production increased significantly without increasing manpower, which freed up more people to engage in light industry and greatly increased the production of cloth and metal tools.

The gold and silver coins used to measure these "labor wealth" will soon be insufficient.

In short, if the value of gold and silver currencies is allowed to appreciate indefinitely, it means that the market economy in the territory will suffer from the situation of "low price of grain hurting farmers and low price of cloth hurting weaving".

Eyuan: What is more critical is government fiscal revenue or "gold and silver". It is more difficult for the government to collect taxes. Furthermore, due to the government's lack of gold and silver currency and the lack of the ability to allocate production in the industrial and agricultural sectors,

The biggest difference in capabilities between modern governments and feudal governments is that modern governments can actively control the production process. In times of peace, they can stably stimulate the development of productive forces, and in times of war, they can directly launch the "total war" mode, allowing all economic activities in society to serve the war. This

This is something that the feudal government could never do.

In times of economic crisis, the feudal government would only find certain wealthy people in society to be slaughtered as fat pigs. For example, the salt merchants in the East and the Jewish moneylenders in the West.

If the currently expanded "productivity" in the Tomorrow Territory cannot match the modern "economic model", it will not allow local producers to enjoy modernization. A large amount of materials will be purchased cheaply by outsiders, such as the current nobles of the kingdom.

Eryuan, who is engaged in industry, certainly knows that it is necessary to develop "credibility currency" at this time, anchor factories, and increase the wealth of farms to convert gold and silver-based taxation into reputational currency-based taxation.

But now, Eryuan belongs to the background here, and this opportunity to "solve the problem" must be handed over to the travelers of the new time and space civilization."

At this time, from a high-dimensional perspective, Wei Keng discovered that he was currently after the time of the "Sunwell Explosion".

There are at least four different time-travel timelines in the Tai dimension, well, that is, one save point, and four plot developments derived from it.

Line A: Issue food stamps, plan the economy, stop producing excessive consumer goods, and instead invest in long-term infrastructure such as water conservancy. However, it was too conservative and was collectively boycotted by many feudal groups in the kingdom.

Line B: The "United Vertical and Horizontal" faction uses artificial diamonds to solidify "available phases" as gem currency, uses magic as its basis, and uses aggressive economics to draw multiple feudal lords in the kingdom into their own camp. The travelers over there will wait until the kingdom

In times of strategic crisis, we take advantage of the situation and use paper money to recruit the kingdom's real money, magic materials, and human labor force when the prices of strategic materials such as food, steel, and magic crystals increase.

Line C: vigorously launch the Miracle Sect, that is, invest a large amount of information enthalpy, jump directly to the dragon's lair, deter the dragon with force, and at the same time dispatch eloquent personnel to lend the dragon an annual interest rate of 1%. Oh, for

For a dragon that sleeps for decades, this kind of interest rate is pretty good.

Line D: The "International Capital" line, which is to form a mercenary association, convert two-thirds of industrial productivity into "ice crossbows", "frost shells", "water element powered tanks" and other war materials, and resell them to the mainland

Mercenary organizations, and give credit ratings to armed groups such as mercenaries, and use their credit bonds to form capital to deter the opening of markets in various regions.

In various timelines, when facing the "social science" taught by people from the Xia Sheng plane, what Eryuan people in different time and space consider is not "whether they can learn it or not".

After all, he has traveled through countless timelines for thousands of years and has never seen anything. What Wei Keng has to consider is how to show that "he has learned from their history" rather than "that he knows it" and "that he has strict morals"

standards but unwilling to do it”.

Wei Keng: When people are most proud, they need to find awe and exercise restraint.

A world that allows time-travelers to do whatever they want based on advanced knowledge is not a good world. Making utilitarianism too easy to achieve is a shoal for raising bastards.

The people of Xia Sheng didn't know that the consciousness accompanying them at this time was resisting desperately in the physical area next door, protecting the initial stage of this new space-time civilization from being maliciously disturbed.


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