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Chapter 4.40 Different beliefs, same principles

 The contradiction between "historical accident" and "historical necessity" in many time flows in the space twisting plane has reached its final climax. But on the axis timeline, everything is a very orthodox development, and there is no dimensional space-time central expectation.

Fierce fighting occurred.

The one who was sent down by the Mediterranean Time and Space Center and Wei Keng are doing their own thing.

The two of them had no understanding of each other, but both agreed to the development of the "Christmas Eve War".


Year 1211 of the Dangxing Calendar.

New space warriors and the new systems that match them are currently only developed in fringe areas such as brown dwarf regions. However, interstellar channel conflicts have permeated among various planets/forces

The Starry Sky Revolutionary Army gradually began to control the waterways, turning the nodal forces such as these space cities into isolated islands. At the same time, the people of the space cities who were instigated to rebel continued to flee to the base area, and like a huge wave, they gradually eroded the remaining soil of the isolated islands.

The stationed swordsmen who used to enjoy peace and tranquility on various asteroids finally felt the imminent crisis. As a last resort, they finally took some of their attention away from beauties and swords, and at the same time, they also broke off the inheritance of power and strength.

Small pieces, used to cheer up the hearts of people they have long forgotten.

As a result, such a trend emerged in these space cities where the old forces were entrenched.

Swordsmanship competitions aimed at recruiting talents and expanding the army have begun.

A girl wearing a transparent space protective suit with only her private parts covered held up a promotional sign and floated back and forth in the public square of the titanium alloy low-gravity area, promoting the third-person reward.

Reward 1: a superior residential area, Reward 2: a set of swordsmanship inheritance, Reward 3: a high-level lightsaber. Oh, and maybe the favor of the city lord’s daughter.

The so-called interests of women, rank, money and all others are placed in front of ordinary swordsmen in Space City, beckoning them to come forward and get involved.

As a result, people who usually rely on various means to make a living in Yingzang Space City started to sign up.

Oh, it’s not entirely voluntary. The means of diversified space cities are also diversified.

Some of the gangs named were faced with the official swordsman team coming directly to their doorsteps and had to send personnel to sign up.

The war forced the upper echelons of the space city to enter the blind spots in the ruling area and rummage through these scum heaps to find available talents.

It was like prying open an ant hole, and the smoke, the smell of alcohol, and the broken simulated robot escort lady were dug out dirty.

After the summoned swordsman signed up, he reported his name, age, place of origin, and wore an electronic monitoring ring.


In Tianling City, the city lights are much dimmer than they were ten years ago.

The Starry Sky Revolutionary Army was secretly sent out, and Michaelena, who was conducting intelligence gathering, was also recruited. Well, as an outsider, he was sold out by his business partners.

I was escorted to the dormitory that day. Apparently the dormitories were divided into three, six or nine grades. The lower dormitory was just a cement house, while the higher-grade dormitory had a 24-hour power supply, a bathtub, and the Internet. Under the cold face of the instructor

Next, these selected students immediately stared at each other eagerly to confront each other.

Those who have the ability will naturally live in the house, and of course they will fall under the eyes of the superiors. Without too much manpower to control the swollen team, you must learn to catch the important people. This is like a group of chickens, the one who can grab the most is also the fattest.


Michaelena scanned the people he saw, frowned, and confirmed in a low voice: "There is no him here!"

Although she didn't know Wei Keng's personality, she was certain that high-level time travelers would never commit the seven major problems of "arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust".

Among this chaotic mercenary team, Michaelena, who has light blond hair and a proud figure, would have attracted a lot of attention. Some guys who wanted to do whatever they wanted came up to talk to them. Of course,

The result can be imagined. Their "sword" was broken.

As a top-level time traveler, her current level is the late swordsman level and she will be promoted to the sword master at any time.

Now that I have separated from the Starry Sky Revolutionary Gold Organization and appeared on the side of the old forces, I am no longer bound and can simply show up in this plane openly.

In fact, before Michaelena reached this plane, he knew that his own space-time military group could not win at all. In this war, the governance center of the Mediterranean system would also be destroyed.

But what if the military center of the Mediterranean plane is finished?

This may be a disaster for low-level travellers. The original rate of traveling through various support systems in their own plane will be greatly reduced. As the defeated party joins the victorious party, they have to accumulate again.

However, for those who have completed primitive accumulation, the defeat of their own time and space group is nothing.

Michaelena, she has completed her own stable existence in a space-time region and is immortal. No one can challenge her in her own time-space region. She has her own gravity well in the main world.

In the post-war situation after the Second Plane War, even if a certain space-time administration has completed the formal unification of the earth system's forces, it will still have to face the sudden increase in the voice of high-end travelers from the East and the West.

What? The Space and Time Administration can still control the gravity well! If the high-end travelers on the earth want to jump back, they can directly pull out the network cable and block it in the alien plane.

Oh, this is the old almanac, and technology has advanced in the 28th century.

In the main world, Michaelina has just completed the experiment and communicated the time and space where his life is entrenched with a new gravity well on Io. Can he return to the main world and no longer be controlled by the earth?

The high-level traversers of the Mediterranean system, led by Michaelena, commented on Wei: "The high-level traversers of the East are now a little late to realize the advancement of cutting-edge technology, but this plane war will also be the last one.

Completely obey the orders of the centralization of time and space."

It is the eve of the dawn of a new era

Therefore, during this trip, Michaelena's stance was: "The only important thing about this trip now is to meet the powerful men who deserve attention in this war zone."

Michaelena looked at the starry sky, in the direction of the eighteen administrative stars, and said to the air: "You can indeed play the role of the god of fate in this plane, but fate cannot leave this plane."

At this time, she linked her space field into the core of this ancient space city. Her space power was like the umbilical cord connecting a baby.

And this is the gift she is prepared to hand over.

With a large number of intelligence front personnel sending in intelligence, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army is also seizing the time to prepare for war.

Here, after receiving the diploma certificate of Junior Photon Guard, Wei Keng is chewing artificial meat. This is his own contribution point in exchange for figuring out a technical detail on the light energy collection board on the brown dwarf planet.

These artificial meats taste like shrimps. After all, they are made from aquatic cells, which are produced under high oxygen and zero-gravity electrical stimulation. Mr. Wei gave it a four-star rating and deducted one point mainly because there is no pepper and it is sour.

Tomato sauce doesn't suit your taste. Of course, there's nothing you can do about it. Spices like pepper consume too much water.

With a "tick" sound, Mr. Wei saw the system prompting that Michaelena was in Tianling City. There was a problem with the monitoring, so he finally turned his attention a little bit.

Wei Keng paid attention to Michaelena, but that was all.

To be honest, with this blond and tall Western traveler looking around, Wei Keng always felt that such an enemy was strange.

Wei Keng: "I admit that my control over appearance may make me soft-hearted. However, she did not trigger my taboo! This is very, very, good."

Indifference, double standards, trampling, neglect, greed, overdraft, harem...

As long as the other party makes one mistake, Wei Keng will feel bad.

From Wei Keng's observation, she seems to have a moral bottom line. (Michaelena abides by the commandments)

Therefore, Wei Keng's three views do not allow him to do the following things.

If, because you are strong enough, you do whatever you want, that is indifference!

If you define your opponent without explanation just because the culture of the great river system you live in is the one with the upper hand, and interpret all her actions in opposite terms, that is a double standard.

If it is destroyed for the so-called loot, it is negligent.

If you are eager to defeat the opponent through competition in order to show your ability to your own personnel, that is vanity.

If you pick out bad feelings from all kinds of small places out of thin air, make yourself feel unhappy, and then clash with others, that is trampling on you.

If you are curious about her current abilities and information and take it by any means necessary, you are overdrawing your firm reasons in other aspects!

If you are motivated by sex and want to conquer and possess her, then it is a harem.

So in the matter of Michaelena

Wei Keng opened the system and handed over to Qin Xiaohan: "I have a lot to do, please help me look after it. I want to focus on the historical process."

After finishing the shrimp noodles, Wei Keng left the place as if in a hurry. It was 1211 years ago, and the great battle was coming.

Five light years away, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, the Jifeng Army, is currently the largest force in the revolutionary army.

This is a legion with a strength of 15,000, of which 6,700 are warriors who compete with swordsmen, and the rest of the auxiliary personnel are also at the level of swordsmen.

Among their commanders, the last twenty-three intermediate space controllers (comparison swordsmen)

And two of them, Ji Guang and Feng Zheng, are students of Wei Keng, and they are probably the top geniuses of this era.

The birth of the top genius in the new era satisfies two things!

1: A solid foundation has been laid through systematic education.

In this regard, the class led by Wei Keng was trained according to the markings after the middle-class Wei Keng accumulated a large amount of basic teaching data on hundreds of thousands of timelines.

2: In the educational environment where I am, there is a competitive atmosphere among classmates and peers. They are all open-minded and not rigid about rankings. They are about real levels.

For example, Wei Keng's initial class in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind all reached the level of junior space controllers in less than four years.

After joining the Starry Sky Revolution, they all formed their own algorithm research teams during the struggle, and naturally reached the level of intermediate space controllers (sword masters). And their potential can still support them to go further.

The Jifeng Army fleet is temporarily stationed in the 98th sector star field, and a fleet of forty battleships is parked quietly in the open space. The surrounding star screen remains unchanged, like an eternal light source.

There are actually light lines connecting each warship. The personnel on the warship communicate with each other and learn from each other during the war.

Between the two largest battleships, within the reserved area of ​​40 kilometers, an optical network is being deployed. On the optical network are rotating geometric objects. After these geometric objects change to a certain extent, they will jump to another coordinate.

tie up.

Just like playing Go, two chess players perform complex operations on this optical network. With each additional step, the difficulty of the operation increases.

Ji Guang and Feng Zheng were sitting on their own battleships, engaging in this space chess contest.

Today's game was played with some caution, perhaps similar to the current position of their legion.

The space encirclement and suppression corps in all major interstellar regions have already noticed their own side. The main forces of several surrounding forces have not been detected for several days. It is obvious that the other side should have united.

Finally gathered all the strength and gave up.

He faced Zhengdao: "To attack a Sword Master-level opponent, one of you and I must die before we can win!"

Feng Zheng shook his head: "Maybe two of them will die." Then he clicked on another revolutionary army team on the starry sky map: "The two of us are holding back our opponents, and then"

"Then you two can die with peace of mind, leaving an uncertain outcome." A voice bubbled away from their respective spaces.

"Teacher!" (double voice)

The two said in unison in surprise.

Wei Keng: "Don't call me like you've found a life-saving straw. I can't walk away on Purple Jupiter and I won't come to help you. The battle is still fought by you. Yes, be as responsible as you were just now."

Indeed, the current transportation of supplies and revolutionaries from Purple Jupiter to the direction of the brown dwarf has become an increasingly acute problem among the top tiers in the contemporary era. It is something that all the major sects are closely watching. If it weren’t for the sword master Youwei Keng

I can personally prove that the power on Purple Jupiter has long been unable to resist the temptation to destroy the Nausicaa of the Wind, the source of chaos in the star sea.

Fengzheng smiled bitterly: "Teacher, stop joking, you will die."

Wei Keng did not show any mercy: "Everyone will die, those who die for unjust plunder, and those who do not take a step back for the fundamental interests of survival and development. The latter is better."

The two of them were silent

Wei Keng: "Of course, if someone can stand and talk without back pain, and uses justice to force you to deliver, you can give him a big mouth."

The two of them raised their heads and looked at Wei Keng with strange expressions.

Wei Keng pointed to his heart: "Be responsible and sacrifice for a just battle" and pointed to his brain: "In many cases, there is no conflict with using your brain to avoid unnecessary sacrifices."

Wei Keng clicked on their map: "You just said, well, you want to kill a sword master? What is the strategic gain from this?"

Ji Feng: "Ensure the safety of our base area."

Wei Keng: "Very good, come to think of it! So what is the most important thing about the base area?"

In less than a second, my smart brain reacted

Feng Zheng: "It's a human being."

Wei Keng: "Yes, people, with the current supply of Purple Jupiter's industrial productivity, we can still support you to build multiple interstellar bases! It is impossible for Jianjun to find you one by one. So, in terms of people, our side

What are the core strengths?”

Ji Feng: "Mobilization power," and then added: "We must give full play to the mobilization power of all personnel and turn this war into an overall war."

Wei Keng: “Beyond mobilization, what about organizational strength?”

Looking at the two confused children, Wei Keng said slowly: "You guys have reached your limit. Every time you want to be a hero, you have to think about whether you have left your teammates for too long. Is it because you look down on those who are higher than you?

He is a low-level person, so he did not allocate the responsibility for victory well."

Wei Keng: "In the next stage, everyone will unite. For victory! We must use the collective as a unit to think about victory and defeat."

Wei Keng abandoned the Millennium Plan for brown dwarf personnel and production facilities, which was to fight mobile warfare in a weak situation.

Ji Feng nodded: "Teacher, I understand, we will obey your command."

Wei Keng shook his head: "No, I have assigned the responsibility for victory to you. You two will be responsible for organizing and coordinating the central command of the starry sky. I will not show up in front of others. The final decision on all subsequent actions lies with you.


At the end, Wei Keng scratched his head and thought of another important matter, which was to assign tasks for their personal technical development (commonly known as: cultivation growth).

As the folds of the six-sided space opened, a sixty-meter silver-white prism with a large number of space axis treasures shining on it jumped out!

This was a treasure forged by the Tianze Sword Formation after the completion of the third phase sixty years ago. It was the perfect sword that Wei Keng himself had thought about at that time.

Later, it was determined that the struggle would be launched in the starry sky, and it was planned to be used as a token to connect various parts of the revolutionary army. The chief officers of the base area would be present to carry out combat missions, and coordinate in the subsequent starry sea battle.

Later, I thought it should have some practicality, but it was too low-grade to make something like a "faucet stick", so a large number of surveying and mapping systems and intelligent judgment programs were loaded to assist the sword master in increasing the "empty twisting intention"

, which is the pure version of Sword Intent.

For such a crucial thing, Wei Keng originally planned to name it according to the year and month number, but in the end he couldn't stand it and the system forced it to label: Qingping Sword.

Under the star screen, a large number of translucent, watermark-like space interfaces popped up around the treasure. In front of these interfaces, you can see a three-dimensional perspective, just like the small world opened by the Mountains and Rivers Map. And if the space technicians are in a restricted area, they will

Get detailed values ​​just like entering a three-dimensional game world.

Wei Keng said to the two disciples who were about to arrive at Jianjun: "There is a technical verification system for high-stage space control (Jianjun) above. Your calculation system and operation are not yet ready. Now I give you this. Wherever you don't know, just click on it.

Try to graduate in six years! Of course, keep it, and those comrades you think are feasible can also use this to test and practice after being reviewed."

The two students were as curious as a child stepping into a puddle. They put their hands and feet into the interface and used their hands to stir up the water-like proofreading field in the interface.

After hearing Wei Keng's words, he couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "Teacher, are you talking about us?"

Wei Keng: "You are smarter than me. As long as you work hard and put your heart to practical use, you will definitely be able to follow the path I have taken. And the current changes are to allow more people to follow the path."

This chapter has been completed!
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