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Chapter 30 Extra Volume Chapter 02: Stealing Account to Participate

When the Guards and natural disasters came to the mainland, everything was in full swing on the Steel Collar. The Steam Academy was teaching "Metal Mage Apprentices", and the Knight Academy was teaching warriors (these are Wei Keng's comments on the original timeline of Tomorrow Collier Xia

Covering up the traces of time and space produced by travelers).

High-level goblins and human workers quickly planned an industrial area. This world uses large steel machinery, which is always prone to breakdown, so use small ones instead.

Just like the principals of famous magic schools who like to leave famous quotes at the school gate, Yu Chen also left his own shocking speech: There are limits to the design of magic protection for large machinery, just like the side armor and deck armor of a battleship when it is large enough.

It is impossible to resist armor penetration forever.

This kind of design limit can be found everywhere in the magical world, not only in weapons, but also in production.

When the planners of Goblin Industry found that the large blast furnace of fifty cubic meters could not operate normally, they calculated a relatively reasonable model and designed a set of small blast furnaces connected in series to increase steel production.

The molten iron smelted from these small blast furnaces in series is like lumps of unevenly colored cakes stacked together due to the different times they come out. Oh, when the iron that comes out first is about to solidify, such a large ball of hot steel,

Sent to the rolling mill for processing.

Under the heat treatment of various steam-powered machinery, fire-based hot melt magic, complex mechanical steel parts

This is a mechanical manufacturing craft similar to that of dwarves and goblins, but the difference is that the Iron Collar has scaled up this technology.

Small production lines have interchangeable parts, but the large number and scale of rows of production lines of the same type adopt a new enterprise model.

Compared with the dwarves' family title system, the Tomorrow Territory, which is dominated by humans, has used the "share responsibility system" for the first time to allocate the obligations of voluntary industrial production.

In the entire industrial chain, the transportation of raw materials and supporting roads for the transportation of industrial products are handled separately by dwarves, elves, and humans - this is something that the dwarves' family workshops nestled in the valley cannot compare with.

After producing a complete set of knight plate armor and swords, Yu Chen quickly sent a hundred sets to his old employer, Earl New Brandt.

Earl Brandt in this plane has no heirs, and Yu Chen is his illegitimate son.

He also sent a batch of magic suits to Sirolina, who had promoted him, and promised that in the future, if these two need it, the price will be easy to negotiate.

Such generosity made Sirolina, a noble female mage who has attracted much attention in the kingdom, admire Yu Chen very much. This also gave the old nobles in the kingdom another reason to be jealous. They took the metal weapons produced by the Iron Collar to the dwarves.

, deliberately instigating the conflict between the dwarves and the Iron Collar.

The nobles of the kingdom have been so "provocative" to the dwarves in these years: "Look, this is our new steel product. How is the technology compared to your dwarves? You dwarves better learn!" How can the stubborn dwarves stand it?

This anger directly caused conflict with the Steel Leader under the instigation.

Of course, in this alternate timeline, Wei Keng has no energy to deal with such trivial conflicts with the northern dwarves.

…Instead of using your limited energy to coax the stubborn dwarves, it’s better to allocate your energy to the people you should take care of…

Perhaps from the perspective of a businessman, Yu Chen (Eryuan) does not know how to do business, but Wei Keng knows exactly how to do business in a national-level industry.

As for industry, it does not depend on the profit of one link, but on the share of the entire upstream and downstream markets. Once an industrial economy supported by industry emerges, the profit will not be the two pennies in the hands of the nobles, but the control of the market.

Knight's supplies such as swords and armor were originally the dwarves' market.

With these time-honored products, the dwarves can exchange for a large amount of food and textiles in human territory every year.

In this kind of high-end industry, steel collars can also do it, but the cost is slightly higher. There is no need to compete with those "ingenious" dwarves for the market.

In Yu Chen's "Middle Man" strategic thinking, the steel territory is to gain control of the "agricultural tools", "construction" and "shipping" industries. The amount of iron ore consumed by these industries is dozens of times that of the dwarf workshop.

In short, the industry operated in the Iron Territory can support dozens of times as many people as the dwarf forging industry.

Yu Chen: The dwarves’ high-quality strategy can only make money for themselves. Upstream, it cannot make miners make money; downstream, it cannot benefit the broad agricultural population.

The "high-quality" strategy can gain cultural advantages, but in a chaotic world, "mass production" is the ultimate way.

In the 595th year of the Glorious Calendar, after the Battle of Minda River and the Battle of Naga, the Iron Territory became famous in the first battle, opened up the maritime trade line of the Wave Territory, and began to dump the kingdom in the steel industry.

A large number of farm tools and iron tools in the kingdom, as well as the steel bars used to strengthen forts, are produced in the Iron Ring.

In addition to these low-end markets, the steel territory has also opened up new consumption "tracks".

For example, the kingdom is now increasingly equipped with heavily armored knights' logistics carriages, pure steel wheels, and spring torsion rods, all of which are produced by Steel Collar.

In the land of waves, although large ships in maritime trade still use wooden hulls, they begin to use fine steel materials for their keels.

There are also some gadgets, such as clocks in the kingdom, and various high-quality and cheap mechanical animal toys. The clockwork parts needed by the goblins are also supplied by the Steel Leader in the prosperous light industrial area.

…The “prosperity” of the Steel Territory has attracted the attention of both the Guards and the Natural Disaster Party…

After 596 years in the Glorious Calendar, on the mainland, the lines of natural disasters and guards have come into contact with each other and are fighting along many roads.

Because some heroes of the natural disaster party directly controlled some nobles on the mainland through special props, they took their troops to take a detour without following the military lines. They carried out ambushes waiting for work in canyons and rivers. This special prop is called the "Domination Helmet", which can directly

It can control local lords with weak comprehensive attributes. Of course, this type of equipment can only control units below "level five". Well, it is probably at the level of ordinary human knights, barons, and leaders of two to three hundred gnoll tribes.

However, some heroes such as the red dragon Samu and the high elf royal family, direct descendants of the dwarf family, and the human kingdom cannot be controlled.

Of course, the heroes of the Guards had the support of the local kingdom. When the heroes of the natural disaster determined to attack, they also "led" the troops borrowed from the nobles of the kingdom to launch the attack.

In the first month of the war, due to intrigues between the two sides, more than a dozen heads were exchanged.

However, this is nothing compared to the twenty deaths that each player had to experience in every game in the past. Especially some heroes who are in the late stage can counterattack after being fully equipped.

…Six months later, as the battle between “light and evil” unfolds…

The various lords witnessed the terror of these heroes, and each of their extremely powerful magics shocked the entire continent.

On the plains of the river valley, when the Human Alliance coalition was fighting against the invasion of tribes composed of tauren and porcupine people, a tauren hero, holding a totem high, created a fifty-meter-long ravine, which directly buried more than fifty people.

The tree trooper.

For another example, the funny mage summoned a fire storm that was forty meters high, directly creating an insurmountable restricted area on the battlefield.

In fact, each hero only has a few skills, but since the spells of these dozens of heroes are given by "gods", their power is so powerful that mainland mages cannot achieve it in their lifetime.

The many confrontations between the two sides in the game may be due to the fact that fighting each other will cause real death, and the sense of crisis brought about more or less made them start to use cleverness.

The tauren warrior has come to the orc tribe, raised his totem pole, and won the position of chief in the tribal duel.

The two heroes, Guard (Big Murloc) and Shadow Raider (Little Murloc), pulled out a force in the mainland river.

Medusa has rushed to Naga, defeated the veteran family leader, and gained control of an army.

As for Zhang Yue, the butcher who hated the prototype, he suppressed his nausea and went to the rancid dark cemetery to summon an army of undead.

The captain of the League of Legends on the Guards side is currently the Goblin Tinker. His skills are firing lasers and rocket rain, commanding robots to march, and loading cannonballs.

Compared with the natural disaster forces, they can directly use violence to subdue the forces of their own tribe on the mainland and directly obtain troops. It is difficult for the heroes of the Guards to borrow the troops of their own tribe. For example, the dwarf musketeers came to the dwarf tribe, but they could only use

If you exchange gold coins for gunpowder and machinery, you won't be able to win over anyone.

…In the early stage of trying to gain support from mainland forces, both the Guards and the Natural Disasters have taken a fancy to the Steel Collar…

In the Iron Territory Factory No. 1, a shadow flashed. A high elf mage appeared in this industrial area full of iron and fire. The supplicant (summoner) looked like a handsome prince. But everyone who knew his roots knew that

, his personality is as varied as his skills.

The summoner found Yu Chen with his Wind Step. He planned a plan to kill Yu Chen first, and then appear as a savior, nominally controlling the people in the factory for his own use.

In Warehouse No. 1, Yu Chen was debugging the Centaur mecha. At this time, his whole body suddenly became alert because he felt that the elements in the surrounding environment were abnormal. In the space in front, blazing fire elements gathered, one meter in diameter.

A big meteorite hit.

Judging from the state of the meteorite's fall, the material of this huge meteorite is actually similar to foam. Every time it rolls, sparks will shoot out like exploding charcoal, and its volume will decrease at the same time.

Of course, even if it is rolling charcoal, this meteorite with an initial diameter of five meters can still create terrible scorch marks on the ground.

Yu Chen dodged the falling meteorite, but the centaur mecha he had just assembled behind him was smashed and turned into a wreckage with a clanging sound.

However, the dust scattered in the factory also allowed Yu Chen to locate nearby suspicious targets within a tenth of a second.

Observation magic flashed in Yu Chen's pupils. Although the magic trace of the "skill magic" released by the petitioner only flickered briefly in most people's perspective, he was still caught by Yu Chen, but Yu Chen did not look at it.

Instead, he turned elsewhere and asked loudly: "Who is it?"

…Because he didn’t want to start fighting in the central area of ​​his workshop’s business district, Mr. Wei started to show off his acting skills and walked out of the factory aggressively with a hammer in hand…

When the summoner saw that Yu Chen had not been killed in one blow, he thought of it and then released a bird to attract Yu Chen's attention.

This colorful phoenix-like flying bird puppet flew into the distance, attracting Yu Chen to chase it. The summoner also took the opportunity to follow. When the bird was about to fly away, the summoner summoned an ice wall to "help in time" to hinder it.

Flying birds.

The frost froze the flaming bird, but after the bird was completely frozen, a ray of light emitted and went away.

Yu Chen saw the petitioner's scene, pretended to be a thief, and called him: "Friend, don't let that thing go."

A few minutes later, Yu Chen and the petitioner lost the "light" in the jungle, and the petitioner looked regretful.

As for Yu Chen, he was also "frustrated". At the same time, he felt very happy when he saw the "elf mage" who had helped him chase before, and said to him: "Thank you for your help!" - watching him perform impromptu.

Summoner: "It was the Ember Spirit that just cast a spell on you." - Yu Chen paused. The name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it. But it is certain that the so-called "Ember Spirit" was made up by him.


Wei Keng complained: When you lied, you had to hesitate. Now you insist on it as soon as you come up. Instead of pretending to know nothing about it and pursue it, isn't it a violation of peace? Alas, your emotional intelligence is really low.

Yu Chen, a professional actor, expressed his confusion: "Well, why did he (Ember Spirit) attack me?"

The summoner saw this and explained: "Maybe it was your steel factory that once caused damage to the bamboo forest where they lived."

Yu Chen rolled his eyes inwardly and continued to act while suppressing his nausea. Yu Chen asked in surprise: "Um, so, did he attack me because of this?" Then he looked at the elf mage anxiously: "Master Mage, what's wrong?

Can it be found?"

...Fifteen hours later, the two came out of the magic teleportation array...

The location of the teleportation array happened to be a neutral tavern. Yu Chen, who looked like a novice, asked: "Master Mage, is this teleportation array you are talking about a jump formation constructed by the gods?"

Prayer: "Yes, here, it is up to the gods to judge the conflict between you and the Ash Spirit."

Yu Chen has now observed that a helmet appears on his head, which is an exchange prop constructed by Information Enthalpy.

The supplicant has now confirmed Yu Chen's level, which is probably level 4, neutral, and he is standing at the refresh point.

Domination Helmet, this is a prop currently provided by the system.

The active skill is called Dominate, which can control an ordinary, non-ancient unit and change its speed to 425.

The health value of the dominated unit will not be less than the minimum value, and when the maximum health value is greater than 1500 points, the original maximum health value will be retained. The kill reward of the dominated unit is a fixed 200 gold - the skill cooling time is six

Once every ten days.

The passive skill is the aura of dominance. Within a range of 1200 steps (1100 meters), the attack speed of friendly units is increased by 20 and the life recovery is increased by 5 points/second.

When Yu Chen finished checking the information, the supplicant had already started to activate the control function of the "Domination Helmet".

As for Yu Chen, he also sensed that a large number of information enthalpy input nodes had begun to penetrate and lock the nerves in his brain.

Yu Chen said "hmm" with great interest, opened his own dimension system, seized the situation of "the young time traveler does not know good from evil", and began to counter-invade.

The domination helmet was activated, and when Karl saw that the system was about to succeed, he also saw the smile on Yu Chen's face.

The controlling helmet did not control Yu Chen's personality this time. Yu Chen stole the consciousness data of this "traveler" before crossing over, and locked that his consciousness originated from the echo of the consciousness left behind when crossing over to the main world.

At this time, the high-dimensional consciousness Wei Keng also knew at the same time that the Black Alliance was crazy.

As a time traveler in the pastoral period, Wei Keng had the most complete information on time travelers in the main world from the 28th to the 39th century. After finding the source consciousness of this time traveler who was a petitioner, he sighed.

Here, Yu Chen has gone through the system and checked the situation of the time traveler with the identity of "Prayer" entering the "game": a young man from the bottom of the reverse displacement particle world, addicted to the information cabin, traveling through the game, and has no understanding of reality.

Hope, oh, but also lack of courage to face the bleak future.

Like a fortune teller reading faces, Wei Keng slowly inferred the level of consciousness of the "Prayer" player in front of him.

In Yu Chen’s personal system, Wei Keng: “Complete anti-replacement.”

With the hacker's input, the domination helmet completely seized control of Yu Chen's assumed personality. Then, Yu Chen turned this personality over and integrated it into the personality of the petitioner.

Because the time traveler's willpower was actually very fragile, Wei Keng finally completed the hacking.

Through system query, in the Guard Tavern, there is a bug in the time travel system.

The invading plane game system appeared in front of Yu Chen, and this light group began to introduce the novice assistant: "Please summon the hero to quickly determine the hero template."

This chapter has been completed!
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