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Chapter 31 Chapter 3028 Attacking Titan Soldiers

In the desert area, sixteen hours have passed since the big pit was urgently sealed.

While the peripheral troops were waiting in vain, Chi De, who had caused the conflict in the first place, had quietly withdrawn. This was a causal backup.

For example, if Su Ni accidentally loses his game, Chi De will be temporarily allowed to inherit his luck through a series of "coincidences" and become an eighth-level spiritual power, which will continue to guide the completion of the plot plan.

This kind of "backup" system has been used as early as the first plane war, and it is the "human sea tactic" in the encirclement.

Wei Keng, who was rereading at this time, was reading files countless times: The "giant weapon" buried in the funnel-shaped pit now is related to Losuna (Fire Phoenix). In the magic plane, "Fire Phoenix"

"There will be four "Fire Elves" flying around. Each Fire Elves can be sent individually to formulate a battlefield and emit ropes of flame to entangle the enemy.

In this technological plane, the fire elves are the "flame nuclear reactors" that support the interior of these giant warriors. Yes, the giant warrior nuclear reactor is a kind of "nuclear life"

In the previous "stage", Luosuna obeyed her mother's name to retrieve these giant divine soldiers, and then rushed to the battlefield of Lan Yanxing. This kind of plot is nested in the plot in which she is the protagonist.

You can achieve leapfrog challenges in the battle.

Wei Keng: This kind of protagonist who is locked by the setting, after acquiring any ability, will immediately become a killer weapon in less than "two chapters" in the next two chapters. - Unlike me, I practice

The sword can keep its edge from the beginning to the end (empty twisting plane)

Collapse in advance of Losuna's backup on the planet Soroko, the "Fire Elf" Titan Soldier, will cause her road to the sky to collapse due to the lack of important steps.

Comparison: Tukang lacks steps in the plan. You can find a "wall ladder" nearby as a backup. Even if people who leave their hometown can't make it in the city, they can still go back to their hometown to sell sweet potatoes to make a living. Have you ever made it in life?

It doesn't matter what other people say about "wonderfulness", as long as you "walk around and look east and west."

Now, Chi De, who is "insignificant" in the plot, has blended into the background of Soroko's rise, looking for an opportunity to remove a crucial step from Losuna (Fire Phoenix), directly making it impossible for her to continue the plot, making her

This "game" is stuck!

"Stuck" will stimulate the consciousness behind the dimension to come down for repairs, otherwise there will be no plane personality enough for them to descend, and it will be difficult to maintain dimensional consciousness. (The consciousness supported by the plane personality is to the dimensional life, just like cells to the living body)

…back to the big pit,…

The local soldiers carrying firearms mistakenly thought that the superiors had solved the problem and started chatting at the edge of the desert. Little did they know that the decision-making above had turned them into outcasts in the process of "the big shots were hesitant to wait and see."


As a temporary security officer, Su Ni kicked down a stone into the pit. The stone fell into the pit, and there was a pop, and the sound of water could be heard.

This is because in the military base, Chide suggested injecting groundwater into the crustal plates to release energy waves more smoothly.

About four hours later, Su Ni determined that the water poured into the ground was enough to make it "difficult to breathe" for the underground giant soldiers below. This caused the high pressure and instability of the steam in the plate, so he took out his watch and started counting down.

Mr. Wei was like an old hunter at the entrance of a hibernating bear cave. After completing a series of barbed pits, he began to pour smoke into the cave.

A mental force of level four or above erupts from the depths of the earth, trying to lock on targets on the surface, providing an "exerting force" point for the precise release of energy below the earth's crust. The energy condensed by the Titan Soldier underground is so huge,

Only kiloton nuclear weapons can achieve the effect.

Of course, there is a large block of land separated by five kilometers, and without accurate guidance and release, it is nothing. In this spiritual offensive and defensive battle, Wei Keng successfully carried out tactics and deflected his ground cracking attack point to a kilometer away.

Outside the military camp, as a whole "earth light" erupted, bulging earthquake clouds also appeared in the sky. The ground rumbling began, and the energy that should have accurately torn apart cracks at the locations of each military camp only caused

The sand dunes on the side collapsed, and the sand dunes, which were thirty meters high and covered an area of ​​dozens of acres, were flattened, and the sand was funneled directly into the ground.

The military camp just trembled. Not only that, underground, a large amount of groundwater received nuclear heat energy and began to explode. The energy of this explosion gave the Titan Soldier himself a blow on the head.

Chide, who was outside the war zone, looked at the results: It will be easy to handle next. Everything can be solved on the ground, and there is no need for plan B (plan b is for Wei Keng to back up a fusion cannon in space to attack.)

…Of course, the plot is not that jumpy…

After shaking in the aftermath of the earthquake, Soroko's troops started running next to the pit to call for support. A large amount of groundwater spewed out of the originally sealed pit.

The area of ​​​​the big pit began to slowly rise upwards, and at this time, the previous expert (Wei Keng) had come to the general with a report. He opened the three-dimensional map and informed the general: the thing underground has awakened.

…Wei Keng: I’m not a crow’s mouth, but I mixed the disadvantages with the advantages in the “pros and cons analysis”…

Six hours later, two divisions with a total strength of 30,000 people were assembled here, and large machines began to build the barrier.

The artillery was deployed on a mound three kilometers away. "Unexpected" poured out of the prepared pit.

The steam tractor transported 60,000 cans of chlorine. Since the things below cannot come out to contact oxygen, he sent strong oxidants that are heavier than air and began to transport them below. Mental power can catalyze

This strong oxidizing substance corrodes the underlying metal at a rate thousands of times faster.

Compared to mental strength and physical skills, Wei Keng prefers to use industrial technology to win.

In the cockpit of the armored vehicle, Su Ni projected the underground situation in front of these local officers on a huge crystal display.

Based on these circumstances, these generals wearing rubber boots and large-brimmed hats ordered the correspondents on the side to send applications to the top again.

At the edge of the pit, slave soldiers carrying oxygen tanks and gas masks were ready to go down to investigate.

This is a very dangerous action, but under the current productivity, when providing food and clothing to the lower class is a great gift, the soldiers are really just animals. - Unless like during the First World War on Earth, several years of war caused the soldiers to mutiny collectively.

, prepare to hang a few gentlemen on the street lamps as pendants, otherwise the upper floors will always be like this.

Su Ni waved his hand and said, "We'll have people evacuate later, if there's an emergency."

Su Ni clicked on the screen of the geodetic sonar and scanned it for a while. At the place five thousand meters below the sonar mark, he "discovered" something was wrong with great experience.

Immediately, Su Ni did not report it to his superiors, but directly broadcast the discovery on the public channel of the desert garrison.

During the key scan, the sonar seemed to have discovered something like a triangular pyramid deep in the earth's crust.

The tip of the pyramid is facing the funnel sinkhole, its acute angle is 47 degrees, and its height is more than 300 meters.

Immediately afterwards, the seismic wave analysis team once again detected that the pyramid was emitting heat energy and had weak inverse displacement particle fluctuations.

After the general and staff saw this, they did not reprimand Su Ni for his wrong behavior for not doing frontier confidential exploration. Instead, they directly asked Dr. Tie (again Wei Keng) who was invited aside: "This is what happened?"

The geology is unstable, what kind of monster is below!"

"Doctor Iron" looked at the general who knew what he was asking: "Wait a minute, this thing seems to be just the tip of the iceberg in the sonar, there is something bigger underneath it.

Subsequently, the detection of the cutting-edge sonar reached a depth of eight kilometers. Dr. Tie was stunned (actually), and the generals on the side also stared at what appeared on the display screen. This was the upper body of a huge humanoid body, and

The three-hundred-meter-long pyramid is just its head.

The entire military base fell silent.

At this time, outside the military base, the upper echelons of the Soroko Civilization were constantly making phone calls. They had obviously thought about what they were going to say (Wei Keng: These upper echelons wanted to say not to take action). However, at a critical moment, the communication was cut off.

Dr. Tie on the side had a calm expression - because it was him (another mini-soldier clone of himself) who cut off the phone call.

…Now, in the past, and in the future, Wei Keng is all doing work separately…

On the other side of the planet, Wen San looked up at the direction of the Feiyu Military Alliance in space, and said: Losuna (Flame) will be in bad luck next, and you (plot editor) should also appear.

Narrator: In Han Xin’s art of war, time, place, and conditions are determined by himself. Therefore, the more troops the better. - The pits at various locations on this planet all play a guiding role.

The changes in the giant pit have shaken Soroko's high-level civilization on this planet, and they are being violently beaten by "advanced civilization" communications.

The senior civilized angel of the Feiyu Military Alliance originally wanted to hand over smoothly to the next successor (Luosuna), but now something unexpected happened. This pretty but ruthless woman appeared in the "Interstellar Projection"

"During the dialogue, the leaders of the creeping Sorok civilization were given the oppressive choice of "1 or 100".

The perspective comes to the ground. In the forward military base, the situation in the pit is beyond the control of all the big shots.

While waiting for the military communication at the frontier, Dr. Tie (Wei Keng) studied and analyzed the sonar data, and suddenly realized: It turned out that what he had detected in the huge tunnel next to the human settlement was the Feiyu Military Alliance a thousand years ago.

The remaining "Giant Soldiers". At that time, this ninth-level civilization was still transforming the planet.

The Soroko Civilization's outer space detection equipment scanned 640 suspected large craters on the surface, some of which are in the ocean.

This is the Feiyu Alliance's backup weapons arsenal on the planet Sorok.

The Feiyu Military Alliance will activate a Titan Soldier every once in a while to confirm whether the military equipment is normal. Well, it is similar to the 21st century, when intercontinental missiles are in service. They need to be fired every few years to determine the status of combat readiness.

This kind of maintenance by the Titan Soldiers also caused the "super weapon out of control" incident that occurs every fifty years on the planet Sorok.

Sorok's superiors knew the truth, but did not dare to object. Just like in the 21st century, they knew that American soldiers killed people and were subject to so-called return trials and confinement for a few months at most, but they still acquiesced that "Eagle Dad would

Fair ruling.”

This time Sorok moved such a force to the side of the giant pit, not to prepare for a crisis, but to cooperate with advanced civilization experiments.

But now, the soldiers on the other side of the giant pit accidentally bumped into each other and found a plan to "destroy the Titan Soldiers in advance."

Diao Min: If the Titan Soldier is destroyed without being activated, it is something outside the script.

On the Golden Winged Throne in space, the goddess sent a "reminder" that if she could not cooperate with the experiment of one giant god soldier, then a hundred giant god soldiers would be activated at the same time to destroy the world.

The top management of Sorok Planet knelt on one knee in front of the projection and promised to cooperate with the Titan Soldier's experiment.

…switch perspective…

On Lanyan Planet, Yu Cheng, a real outsider, was watching this session and joking: What on earth are these people on this planet?

Yu Chen is carrying a vegetable basket and choosing ham. He is a very ordinary individual, but he is one of the "dream bases" deployed by Wei Keng, and this kind of life is on the same wavelength as a certain consciousness in Fertile Land.

…In fact, this plane sandbox has read hundreds of billions of files.…

Dreams can travel through dimensions. Links between sub-ruins and fertile soil, even if everything that happens in sub-ruins will become the fantasy of ordinary people in the fertile soil area.

The fertile soil node, on the adjacent timeline of the Tai plane, is approximately at the node of the Earth-Moon system's space channel.

Similarly, the young man Wei Yuchen also carried a basket and walked to the supermarket shelves, choosing skin jelly at the meat stall. He carried a small notebook in his arms to record his inspiration for drawing comics today, and suddenly he finished selecting.

After eating meat and vegetables, I feel happy and inspired.

After the dimension is solidified and strategic bombing is carried out, the entire sub-ruin of time and space will disappear, and the only remains will fall in the mind of the fertile soil dreamer.

The perspective returns to this time, on the war zone plane, on the planet of Soroko civilization, if a hundred giant soldiers are activated at the same time, they will initiate annihilation.

Therefore, in the eyes of these humble colonial officials on the planet, it is worthwhile to exchange an armored corps for the destructive test of only one Titan soldier to save the people on the entire planet.

Just as the cultural phenomenon is described in Japanese animation in the 21st century: When there is a conflict between "the survival of the individual" and "the whole world thinks that your death is worthwhile and a necessary sacrifice", a kind of tension will be formed.

The contradiction is that you cannot find the meaning of getting the public to support your "resistance", and at the same time you have lost the meaning of living for "group justice".

However, does the meaning of "alive and dead" really need to be unilaterally defined by the outside world? Perhaps, they can be defined mutually!

"I was not born to compete with others. The capital is too lazy to build a golden platform. The number one scholar and all the officials are like dogs. They are always cutting off the material."

Next to the big pit, Wei Diaomin decided to give the top officials of Sorok Planet and the big shots of the Feiyu Military Alliance a tough blow.

At the forefront of the crisis area, Su Ni turned to the generals and asked, "How many years has this pit been abandoned?"

The general who was originally in charge of the army was confused and confused. He questioned the staff, and the staff continued to question the higher-ups on the backup long-wave communication - it seemed that he would not be able to respond within two hours.

In the chaos, Su Ni began to preside over everyone's thinking.

Su Ni first used his mental power to scan it out and found the glass bottle garbage left at the bottom of the pit.

Then, the food production date on the bottom of the glass bottle helped the staff at this time determine that this big hole had existed at least 80 years ago.

Then, without waiting for them to cry out, he guided them to continue thinking and analyzing the structure of the Titan Soldier without stopping - Su Ni: Let them have no time to panic.

After analyzing the infiltration process of groundwater into the bottom layer, it was determined that the nuclear-powered furnace on the Titan Soldier's chest should be at a distance of 6,000 meters. According to the unique growth rings of the infiltration traces on the bottom layer, this furnace has been activated for fifteen years and should have a power of 100% per year.

Three-thirds of the growth is slow.

At this time, Chi De added to Su Ni's system: Of course, after it is fully activated, Luosuna will take it back. Although the giant god soldiers lost control and caused damage, Luosuna recovered them on this planet.

It is probably a good thing to not only obtain the magic weapon, but also gain the fighting spirit of the survivors of the lower civilization on this planet. - Of course, this complaint is an internal discussion of the Wei Keng branch, and will not let Solo

Gram's army suddenly faced such a cruel truth.

…In a crisis, the direction of the overall situation lies not in the hands of high-ranking officials, but in the hands of staff with the ability to act…

Su Ni, who was originally just a foreign aid at the military base, suggested to his superiors (Gong Huo): "Now we need to take a preemptive strike, and we need to explode nuclear bombs, as many as we can.

But the military commander still has concerns, because he knows that there are many similar pits all over the world. Without orders from his superiors, he still doesn't know whether to take action, but he can't afford to hesitate.

Just when he was hesitating, a sudden ground crack outside his camp quietly swallowed up a wall. The military commander looked at the car he was going to take in ten minutes and disappeared into the bottomless water.

In the cracks in the ground, I took a deep breath and finally made a decision.

Glancing at this guy, he said: "Bureaucracy, if it's not in front of you, it's just delaying and kicking the ball. As the saying goes, persistence is victory. So we have to add fire."

In the face of great right and wrong, all the rats will care about themselves, and the world will sink. But if someone builds the stone to mend the sky, the way of heaven will roll forward.

...Su Ni took over the command in the last fifty minutes and successfully won the qualification to star in the plot line.

The army in crisis at the frontier, amidst the sudden violence, the various units that were supposed to contain the rebellion are now tacitly ordering...

Just like the three major instructions of a robot, although "the robot must protect itself" is the last one, if all programs are looking forward to the last one, then when the first two suddenly fail, the third one will be executed immediately.

At this time, the garrison troops around the pit were all waiting to retreat and return alive, but no orders came from above. When the commander who issued the order suddenly disappeared, everyone directly chose to obey the "new leader". As for the new leader,

Whether the leader was legal after the fact or not, all the military officers present felt that this was a matter for the planet officials to determine after the fact.

All frontline officers and soldiers still tend to believe that the official order to retreat has been issued.

After the military coup led by Su Ni, a sufficient amount of fusion nuclear strike weapons was "happened" to be discovered in the warehouse.

The lone army breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the order from the frontline leader, and the intensive drilling work replaced "waiting in fear"

As the Titan Soldiers prepared to surge up, a ground crack was created that was spreading upward. The soldiers who detected the ground crack leading directly to the Titan Soldier unanimously decided to drop the nuclear bomb from here.

The countdown nuclear bomb was ready, and it slid down. Then, Wei Keng quietly added a large amount of fissile material to the 1.4 million-ton nuclear bomb, and the yield increased to 3 million tons.

This giant god soldier had a gourd on his head.

On the surface, a huge collapse occurred in the earth, and then the fluctuations spread to the surroundings. The ground undulated like waves. Five thousand meters underground, the pyramid head of the giant god soldier was vaporized on the spot, and then the shock wave penetrated the entire giant.

The buried lower half of the divine soldier's body penetrated eight kilometers.

The center of the nuclear explosion is plasmaized. In the high-density ion slurry produced by the nuclear explosion, it is scratched and killed. Any material in front of it is like tofu under a hammer, especially because this is an underground blast.

The force of squeezing almost completely acted on the Titan Soldier,

From Wei Keng's mental perspective, this ten-kilometer-tall giant divine soldier stretched out countless root-like pipes in all directions, connecting to the mantle to absorb energy. Now it was all shattered by the shock wave.

So much so that the large, stable floorboards began to slip and dislocate.

…The Titan Soldier was destroyed, and the soldiers on the surface cheered, thinking that the matter was resolved, but the liver and gallbladder of the top brass on the planet were shattered…

The planet's higher-ups are now very anxious about the communication breakdown. Because the original "abandoned son" did not die in the plan, now everyone has to bear the wrath of advanced civilizations.

In the planet space station, the once majestic superior knelt in front of the gods on the projection screen, tremblingly explaining: "This is an accident, please, please, give us another chance." And this person from Feiyu Military Alliance

After a long period of calmness, a seventh-level spiritual power user responded with a half-smile: "Is it really an accident?"

At the same time, Su Ni, who was in front of him, stared at the Feiyu Military Alliance Space Station facing the sun. As the smoke column ejected from the drilling nuclear explosion behind him rose, he said with a smile: "Let's move on to the next step."

This chapter has been completed!
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