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Chapter 3207 The wandering Lord No. 8

The dimensional area where Lord God No. 8 fled is the timeline adjacent to the Xia Sheng plane, which is the solar system after the great nuclear war.

On the desolate earth, life seems to have returned to ancient times.

A large amount of iron elements in the earth's crust have been mined, and after thousands of years of reduction, these iron and steel have impacted the ecosystem. The composition of the atmosphere is now dominated by nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. The earth's carbon-based life has been greatly reshuffled, and the oceans are full of

Blood-like red, the ground cover is a carpet of anaerobic photosynthesis.

…This is the time line that Taiyi is facing, and the name of the plane is “Rust Era”…

The current level of time and space civilization and technology in the plane where the Xia Sheng people are located is equivalent to the period of the Second Plane War in the main world. The understanding of time and space is still very primitive.

The "near planes" currently discovered in the Tai plane are actually penetrated by information from the main world (the Great River Mediterranean) where time and space technology is more advanced.

To put it more simply, "information" will penetrate with human consciousness. Therefore, before civilization enters the stage of time and space exploration, many similar "subculture stories" will be produced.

Before the Tai One dimension entered the time and space civilization, in the ancient industrial age, artistic creations related to the "Rust Age" were produced. The representative works are the game series from Rust Age 1 to Rust Age 5.

For this, you can refer to Wei Keng’s main world.

In the 21st century, there were games such as "Command and Conquer" and "StarCraft". In the exploration of time and space in the 27th century, in the territory of strong electric time and space, we discovered the connection between the late 20th century and the 21st century.

A plane similar to popular games that appeared in the early days.

Once upon a time, I thought that "there was the game first" and then the "dimensional world". Later, I became more aware. It may be that a similar plane appeared nearby in time and space, and then it was reflected.

Wei Keng: But it is more likely that other time and space civilizations have interfered with time and space, and then the dimensions were leaked and became fertile ground for the author's story, - an egg lays a chicken, and a chicken lays an egg. As for the ultimate source, it is the "consciousness" in the universe.


Wei Keng's main world used to be inside the eggshell, but now it is outside the eggshell, and the Taiyi plane is the chick inside the eggshell who is pecking away the confusion.

...The "Rust Plane", a plane adjacent to Taiyi, is actually the eggshell given to this new space-time civilization after the diffusion of Wei Keng's main world dimension information...

This is how the new space-time civilization of the Tai One Plane has set up their approaching time and space codenamed the Rust Era.

The year 6322 of the Suigu Era, well, it was probably six thousand years after the Hemudu cultural period in the main world started. It was also three hundred years after the development of the Xia Sheng plane's industrial age.

The Rust Plane is the bad history of the "Taiwan Plane". After the first nuclear war on Earth, the contradictions were not resolved. After the fifty-year armistice, the ruling groups of powerful countries found and improved underground defense facilities and determined their command.

The system can survive the first wave of land, sea and air nuclear strikes. Soon, thermonuclear weapons will be put on the battlefield.

Years of war have caused human civilization to begin to flow out of the earth and develop towards Mercury and Venus.

In just a few decades, Mars and Venus have completed "pyramid ladder"-style ecosystem experiments.

The primary ecosystem is an ocean covering tens of thousands of square kilometers, with only algae, nuclei and bacteria, which can be easily regulated and supply oxygen, carbon dioxide, and the simplest organic matter.

Intermediate level: Ecosphere, hundreds of square kilometers of vegetation and insect ecosystems - its stability is low, but the stability can be adjusted unilaterally through the primary ecosystem and the input of "algae strain flow".

The advanced ecosphere is a ten-square-kilometer simulated natural ecosphere, with mountain forests and wetlands. The ecosphere is dotted in the primary and intermediate ecospheres. There are tigers, sharks, birds and other high-end consumers.

Of course, it is the most difficult to stabilize. Internally, the organic matter production cannot supply such a high-level food chain. Intermediate biospheres are needed, and "rodent tides" and "insect swarms" are regularly sent out in one direction to supply consumption. At the same time, these problems are solved regularly through "severe winters" in artificial seasons.

Write about the problem of the flood of primary organisms in the advanced biosphere. - Tigers can withstand winter, but small rodents cannot have fun in winter. Well, northern mice and cockroaches are smaller than their southern counterparts.

Popular science knowledge for early childhood education in the 23rd century: If the entire biosphere of the earth is destroyed, it will definitely collapse. The steady state of the earth's negative entropy involves the magnetic field and atmospheric circulation, and the weather alone cannot be calculated by the supercomputer of the 21st century. It is directly divided into "low"

The three-level ecosphere of "medium and high" is the most feasible solution for humans to maintain a "large biological chain" on dead planets such as Mars.

On Mars and Venus, the technology to maintain the pyramid ecological chain is not only an immigration technology, but also has great military significance. Just like the emergence of synthetic ammonia in human history is not only an "agricultural fertilizer" but also involves military industry supply.

In the age of rust, when humans perfected the "pyramid ecosphere" on Mars and Venus, it meant that humans could survive without the "natural ecosphere". This was fed back to the earth, which means that "hundreds of years ago, maintaining the earth's ecology was our common responsibility."

The phrase "responsibility" has become the superpower's mouth "Maintaining the ecosystem is our vision."

On the Rust Plane, after Mars and Venus were developed, several powerful governments on the earth completed the production chain of oxygen tanks, algae, and insect food preparation. Then the nuclear weapons began to hit harder, hitting the cracks in Yellowstone and the crater of Japan.

Smashed inside.

Countries without a complete industrial chain will collapse quickly. All this is like the 24th century stage of Wei Keng's dominant world in the Mediterranean and the Great River Culture.

Of course, this kind of historical evolution that occurs in nearby planes is even more cruel.

For example, countries in South Asia, Africa, and North America (there are no powers in these areas on the Xia Sheng plane) quickly disintegrated, were replaced by companies, and became warlords supported by the powers of Europe and East Asia.

Whether it is the Xia Sheng plane or the main world plane: after the three industrial revolutions, these areas in Africa and Latin America were hastily established, but the nominally independent countries in these places could not even compete with the companies in developed countries at the same time in terms of mobilization power.

Therefore, many countries that have completed the early stages of the nuclear weapons era are destined to bloom in the late autumn of human history.

On the Rust Plane, the continuous war of thermonuclear weapons has caused the earth's human beings in this plane adjacent to Taiyi to lose two billion, most of which are these "Ephemeral Epiphyllum countries".

The dense populations that non-industrial countries originally cultivated under modern agriculture and medical care will be eliminated after the great crisis arrives.

However, the population in the areas ruled by the core of the power has not decreased significantly, but the living standards are declining, and the colorful modern life economy that once could be indulged is no longer available.

After 6355 years, both sides exploded their metal smelting capacity to tens of billions of tons in this oxygen-deficient atmosphere.

Although the atmosphere has lost its oxidizing ability, carbon dioxide and sea salt can still oxidize steel. Red is floating everywhere in the ocean. This is an era of rust. An era groaning in the flames of war, waiting for the end of tragedy.

…In the Rust Plane, the two civilizations confront each other and develop into a deadlock…

Buzzing, the four-meter-tall war mechas advanced in groups of three in the desert north of the Tianshan Mountains. Metal tremors echoed on the ground. But this tremor was not the trampling footsteps of a group of small mechas, but the tonnage. A five-thousand-ton mechanical spider that relies on six mechanical legs to move forward. This overweight unit is like a mother beast among small armored units.

This is just one of the legions.

In the era of nuclear war in the original version of the Tai One plane, most of these mechanized corps were automated and intelligent, but large-scale armor was popular in neighboring planes.

Now every mechanical unit has "special quantum" communication within it.

The commander in the distant command base, Su Tianji, had just completed the whole body standard measurement and started the "Dharma system docking".

Dharma system! This is a military information sending and receiving central system that targets the body. The nerve myelin sheath is attached with graphene material, which can directly contact the computing array outside the body.

The commander's own will is like the central "star", and the artificial intelligence with its own thinking habits written by the commander moves along the inertial orbit like a "big planet".

After Su Tianji completed the information processing in the warehouse, he compressed the information into an energy warhead composed of a precise combination of heavy nuclear elements. Then, it was sent to the sky and exploded. The distant army received the electromagnetic pulse frequency generated by the explosion. After receiving the information, combat deployment begins accordingly.

Currently, on Earth, Moon, Fire and Gold, the four hundred mechanical combat divisions are all under the overall command of a single commander.

…In this plane, human beings have evolved in the direction most suitable for operating machinery…

Commander Su Tianji is undoubtedly first-rate. From the central information processing program to the tactical upper limit of each combat unit, it is all based on his "personal thinking and attached AI group"

When Wei Keng saw him commanding a huge army so smoothly during his first mission, he felt like he was seeing someone from heaven.

That's right, Wei Keng, who came to this plane as a Chinese model, couldn't believe it when he first entered the "Commander" professional education system and saw the exquisite technical and tactical operations of Su Tianji and his exclusive artificial intelligence. People can achieve this ability.

There are hundreds of mechanical arms, and each arm has a tactical system to deal with different terrains and different weather conditions. It takes two to three months to complete the course. And these are hundreds of arms! He has done every part and module.

If you know it with the palm of your hand - This took a total of twenty years, or forty years?

Wei Keng heard Su Tianji say: The orthodox commander course requires thirty years of education to complete.

At that time, Wei Keng, the commander of this plane who had just entered school: I can't learn it in thirty years.

...People are extremely humble about what they have not learned yet...

Wei Keng's high-dimensional consciousness clearly understands that the current Su Tianji is the falling consciousness of Lord God No. 8. In this plane, Wei Keng's separate identity is called "Daoxun".

As for the consciousness of Lord No. 8 falling in this hot area, Wei Keng in the high dimension did not activate the "unlimited" amount of consciousness and activated higher civilization level tactics to take him away in one wave.

Because Wei Keng discovered that this Su Tianji also had no memory of the main world period. He belonged to the original advent.

Therefore, for Gao Wei Shangwei Keng, it remains to be seen whether "the target can change his ways".

After Daoxun (Wei Keng's name in this plane) enrolled in Iron Rust Base, Su Tianji was in charge, and he was Su Tianji's adjutant at this time.

In the metal cockpit, Su Tianji's handsome face stared at the operating surface.

On both sides of the command module, in front of the adjutant's operating screen, Dao Xun was reviewing the data of each mecha power group.

There are currently no serious military conflicts in the Tianshan area, but the current military exercises, from his (Su Tianji) adjutant Daoxun, are "self-destructive and clumsy."

When Dao Xun (Wei Keng) came into contact with the commander system, he made depressing words that "you can't learn it in thirty years."

He promised Wei Keng: "If you want to learn, I can teach you. If you don't succeed in forty years, then study for sixty years. You can always learn it."

At that time, Dao Xun was so moved when faced with Su Tianji's serious affirmation that he accepted the offer and became his teacher.

Su Tianji's teachings are unreserved. - In this titanium alloy ecological warehouse, apart from thousands of biochemical people, only Wei Keng, a natural person, still maintains the ambition to learn independently.

Su Tianji thought in his heart: "Hey, I am a commander, but I want to be a teacher more."

In such a bad era, the focus of all commanders is to soak in a tank full of nutrient solution and plan and collide with steel day after day. But such a war lacks the growth of fresh power.

Su Tianji seems to have realized this. Anyone who has the power to make spontaneous progress will always spare no effort to protect it.

…When we turn against the old decadence, we can only look forward to future generations…

After today's operation, Wei Keng walked out of the cylinder and asked Su Tianji: "Sir, when will this war end?"

Su Tianji paused slightly. There was a blue light flashing on the white ceramic military uniform he was wearing, which was an external manifestation of emotional worry.

Su Tianji said leisurely: "Maybe, we have to wait until the top machine ages!"

Su Tianji's so-called top machines are the rulers who have been rotting in the cylinder. They are the leaders of major civilizations. At present, the two major forces in the world are still controlled by these ancient conservatives.

They have knowledge systems such as lineage inheritance, so even though they understand that "war" is wrong, they still have to take sides because they hold the inheritance of civilization in their hands.

If you don’t deny it, the leaders in the cylinder are just committing crimes. But if you deny the leaders in the cylinder, they are making mistakes. Now the commanders as a class can commit crimes because power can cover them up, but they cannot make mistakes.

At present, both civilizations hope that the new generation of the other side can "perform good deeds that betray their own civilization and save the earth's civilization for the sake of world peace." But no one will be so naive as to initiate civil strife.

Su Tianji has no "internal conflict" thoughts, and Dao Xun (Wei Keng) is not naive either!

Outside the base, spring has arrived on the damp rusty land. Red algae are growing in the puddles, and simple annelids are burrowing in the soil.

This chapter has been completed!
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