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Chapter 5.19 still participated in the construction of the scientific and technological system of Ye City.

 November 23rd, 145th year of Pandora's era.

Whether it was the battle to annihilate the Tianshu Dragon or the visit from the commanding area, two months have passed. Everything in Jianye City has returned to order as usual.

As usual, Zhenxin was debugging the machinery on the war beast, preparing to explore the upper reaches of the Huaihe River again after the frost in winter. In the past two months, he had made his swarm supplementary.

Learn about herbal medicine. At the same time, I also bought ammunition, oil, and parts openly.

In Wei Keng's vision, when the Tongfa District and Jianye established diplomatic channels, he would be able to do his own work under the protection of a certain framework.

This is a mature diplomatic thinking developed in modern times. The two countries sign agreements on trade, study abroad, and scientific research exchanges, and then communicate within the legal framework of the two countries. This set of thinking is also very useful when dealing with external issues today.


This Wei Keng individual may not know that he is not considered a "person" now.


On the afternoon of the 23rd, Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) had just finished debugging the mechanical beast. At the sink, he turned off the quicklime alkali faucet and just wiped the back of his hands when he met an old man with a white beard and age spots.


The old man looked at the mechanical beast debugged behind Wei Keng with approval, and then turned his gaze to Wei Keng. He took out a very high-level visa and handed it to the person in charge of the school who came with him, and then asked Wei Keng without any explanation.

Follow yourself. (This scene feels a bit familiar to Wei Keng.)

The old man’s name is Wei Renlu.

Just like the captain character in Japanese comics, he made a warm invitation with an exaggerated expression: "Zhen Xinzheng, you are a genius, come and be my disciple!"


The old man's laboratory was underneath the Jiangnan Provincial Museum before the catastrophe. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the museum, Wei Keng felt a familiar sense of penetration.

That feeling of an undercooked snake or eel. No, no, it used to be half-cooked.

Now it feels even more eerie, dormant in a dark cave.

When Wei Keng looked at the building and stood motionless, Wei Renlu patted Wei Keng's shoulder and said, "You should have felt it, what we got from Puhai."

Wei Keng turned his head and looked at the old scholar.

The old scholar said sincerely: "Come and help me."

Wei Keng relied on his intuition and saw a blazing heat in the old man's eyes.


Zhenxin just stepped inside the building and entered the twenty-seventh floor underground.

Compared with the spacious space in the surface building, the underground area is very narrow. Although there are 27 floors, the corresponding space on each floor is only 50 to 60 square meters, which is the size of one bedroom, one bathroom and one living room.

This is to dig out basements along the side of the shaft passage. Even the entire shaft lifting platform cannot be independent of the overall space, and it also has to serve as an operating platform.

In order to prevent life radiation from causing harm to the experimenters, many experiments are performed indirectly by the operator in a closed lifting platform (elevator) by connecting to the mechanical arms in the underground darkroom.

The lift platform that moves in the shaft is filled with the smell of disinfectant. Combined with the yellowing lights, it has a depressing atmosphere like a horror movie.

Wei Keng arrived at the bottom three floors. In these three floors, the laboratory descended with the lifting platform, and the lights were turned on, so visitors could see what was here.

The blood and flesh of Tianshu Dragon, the most dangerous powerful life-radiating material, were placed here. When he came to this floor, Wei Keng's face was distorted, as if a dead mouse had appeared in the distance of the "mobile phone screen". Disgusting.

"Cough cough cough." The old man coughed a few times next to Wei Keng. He took out the medicine bottle and swallowed some medicine. After swallowing the medicine, he turned to look at Wei Keng and praised: "You can really withstand the genetic contamination radiation."


Zhen Xinzheng looked at his medicine bottle and paused. The old man took out a bottle and handed it to Zhen Xinzheng and said, "I originally prepared it for you, but if you can't use it, don't use it."

There is no instruction manual on the medicine bottle, but there is a chemical formula label C47H51NO14. After a systematic search, it was determined that it is a chemical that blocks protein synthesis.

While Zhenxin was looking at the medicine bottle, the old man moved the debris on the table beside him at the edge of the lifting platform, revealing the following line of words:

This tabletop turned out to be a plaque, "Educated, shrewd, virtuous, good"


In the circle of Eastern civilization, righteous people often follow the same path, and the righteous arrive at the same destination by different paths. However, the evil and hypocritical people have different thoughts and evil thoughts secretly, and each person is the same.

, there will be huge differences.

The people on the top floor of Jianye City now secretly regard Wei Keng as a controllable, useful, and harmless humanoid existence.

In other words, Wei Keng is not regarded as a similar person.

However? - Under the condition of lack of understanding of Wei Keng at the top level of Jianye, different people also have different attitudes towards Wei Keng.

If there are some beings who want to have strong combat power, they may do something that has no limit to Wei Keng. That is, frame him, and then conduct a mechanical fusion experiment to become a weapon against Yucheng in the west.

And now Wei Renlu may have reached the upper limit of Wei Keng from the upper echelons of Jianye City!

In the opinion of Jianye's biological experts, as one of the individuals with the same face, who can truly communicate, cooperate, and has a strong ability to resist the life radiation of other apostles, he will definitely be able to help him complete many difficult tasks.

Results and wishes. - As for whether Wei Keng, the collaborator, was human, he didn't want to care.

Even in Wei Renlu's eyes, even if Wei Keng is really an apostle! For an apostle who strives to imitate humans in habits and form, humans should peacefully make use of this 'human-like' habit in their attitude towards him.


So on October 1st, Jianye held a meeting on exchanges with the commanding area.

After Wei Renlu learned about the possible situation of "Southern Apostle No. 28", he put forward his own ideas. After a full month of observation, he got ahead of other forces in Jianye and took down the contact Wei Keng (

True) individual authority.


Continuing back to the present, this biological laboratory beneath the Old Era Museum.

The first time he came to this underground laboratory in the central area of ​​​​Jianye, Wei Keng stayed for five hours. In the first half hour, Wei Renlu introduced the operation of the entire laboratory to Zhen Xinzheng, but after 20 minutes, he seemed a little bit overwhelmed.

Unable to hold on any longer, I took the lift platform to the surface and continued to communicate with Zhenxin through phone lines and video.

Zhenxin just took a good look at the flesh and blood of Tianshu Long.

Just as Wei Keng is a little disgusted by the feeling of radiation from the Tianshu Dragon's life, it seems that the Tianshu Dragon - no, there is no "seem" - the remaining flesh and blood of the Tianshu Dragon is also disgusted with Wei Keng.

When Zhenxin came down, the remaining flesh and blood of the Tianshu Dragon was like a loach, huddled in the corner.

If Zhenxin hadn't operated the manipulator and stimulated it with electric current, it wouldn't have moved. The two sides hated each other.

Tianshu Long is now in fragments, but it is still a solitary individual.

On this planet, according to the total life radiation standard, the two top communities, in Jianye, a place where neither side can use their full strength, are "spitting" and "cursing" at each other using the life frequency band.

When Zhen Xinzheng came up from the lifting platform, he first poured a tank of water and ate two hot rice cans made in the Tongfu District to dispel the yin energy in his body, and then he boarded the laboratory (formerly the Provincial Museum).

On the third floor, we found Wei Renlu in the office.

Zhen Xinzheng: "Teacher, what kind of apprenticeship ceremony should I perform here?"

On November 24, 145, Wei Keng officially joined Jianye 343 Research Institute.

This is one of the eight technical research institutes in Jianye City. The project it is responsible for is domesticating biological cells and reconstructing tissues.

After the Urami Dragon Slaying Battle, the flesh and blood of the Tianshu Dragon were divided among four research institutes. They were the 53rd Research Institute, the 78th Research Institute, the 117th Research Institute, and now the 343rd Research Institute.

The amount of Tianshu dragon flesh and blood allocated to the 343 Research Institute is not that much. After all, it is building in the central area of ​​Yecheng, and the high-risk laboratory can only be deployed in a small underground space, which is not large enough.

However, the equipment is quite advanced.

Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) quickly became the backbone here and was Wei Renlu's right-hand man.


First of all: Wei Keng's educational level was top-notch in the Tongfu area, and it was still the same in Yecheng under construction.

In this apocalyptic era, those who can understand mitosis, understand the steps of using a microscope, and can draw are all high-level intellectuals. Wei Keng’s teaching experience was in the late 26th century. At that time, he directly used the holographic virtual world to let students learn from the structure of cell organelles.

On a large scale, observe the entire process of cell division! What's more, Wei Keng now has a system query tool that can directly call up the knowledge system. It is definitely an expert level at the moment.

Furthermore: compared to the old times, the technical threshold for biological operations in this world is really too low.

There is no need for a sterile room in the first place. Biological tissues with strong life radiation can automatically sterilize weak bacteria. In the past, it was necessary to cut and splice the genes of two organisms. Now, even if the differentiated tissue cells of the two organisms are directly used,

Through fusion, biological tissues with directed functions can be obtained.


What is the way to change and deflect a group? This is not certain. But if you really want to make achievements in construction, you must join it.

The current situation in Jianye cannot be completely changed by Wei Keng alone, but he can give some guidance.

For example, it is difficult for Jianye City to invest as much in the field of communications and enhance the governance capabilities of the areas under its jurisdiction as the Tongfa District did. However, Wei Keng found that in another research direction, the top leaders of Jianye City can be guided to invest manpower, material resources, and funds in carbon-based

in the field of components.

Pandora March 25, 146.

Wei Keng came up with the first technical achievement under construction in Ye City. To be precise, this was an achievement completed under the command of mentor Wei Renlu.

In the original museum, in the white imitation marble hall, a mecha is being debugged and assembled. In order not to damage the indoor environment, rubber belts are hung on the soles of its feet just like the rubber on the tracks of a military parade tank. Of course, such a small

The perfection of small details must also rely on the emerging vulcanized rubber technology in the unified area.


This mecha is obviously still a semi-finished product. The outer shell is not completely metalized, but has a glass outer layer that allows people to see the internal structure.

The inner cabin of the mecha can just accommodate one person. The person's arms and thighs, as well as the head joints, are supported by spring sensor rods with spherical protrusions. This is the input module for capturing human body movements.

These mechanical rods are connected to conduits, which can be seen as biological structures. These biological conduits are eventually connected to the mecha's movement structure, connecting each artificial muscle in the metal compartment.

This is a biological reproductive armor! When everything was ready, it was pushed from the museum to the playground in front.

This playground is now a pure gravel floor, and there are broken metal pipes on the ground, showing that this was a fountain pool in the past. Of course, it was a remnant of the last civilization era, and now it is the Pandora era.


After some veteran nobles from Jianye City arrived, the demonstration began.

First, the demonstration team brought a large can of syrup! It was about the same as a common 18.9L bottled drinking water.

After the person in charge opened it, he took a spoon, took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, and then put a spoonful on the plate in front of each observer. It didn't matter whether they would eat it or not, the smell of sugar could be smelled anyway. This step

, is to notarize the energy system of the mecha.

Push the big can into the slightly convex cabin on the back of the mecha, it clicks shut, and then the pipes in the body are inserted into the sugar can to complete the supply.

With the insertion of syrup, the mecha immediately became "energized". Through some transparent glass chambers, you can see that very thick syrup is poured into the biological capsule, and then quickly converted into power!

The pilot of this mecha, Wei Keng, exerted force on his feet and moved slightly. The mecha, which weighed a total of 800 kilograms, also responded with human muscles, as light as a small animal.


After a simple running and jumping demonstration, there is intense exercise.

As the muscles continued to accumulate force and then suddenly released, the metal accumulator suddenly ejected. Under the elastic effect comparable to several poles, the mecha seemed to be sitting on a catapult and jumped directly to the steps of the second floor.

, and stood firm without any confusion.

This is not only powerful strength, but also superb balance, as well as enhanced external perception several times.

Yes, the biggest highlight of this mecha is its perception.

Sitting in the mecha, your perception will be stronger than that of ordinary people!


The integrated nervous system of the northern ant-like flagellate integrates the images seen by the six biological eyes on the mecha into a "first-level spiritual language" and transmits it back to the head helmet and directly into the brain. This allows the driver to directly understand the surrounding objects


This integrated colorless vision cooperates with the driver's own "main sensor" eyes, resulting in excellent vision.

It's not just visual, either.

There are many small vibration-sensing systems buried in the legs of the mecha (the sensitivity is comparable to the hearing of bats). These systems are connected to the developed nervous system, allowing the limbs to feel (hear) the distance of the surrounding materials!

This further allows the driver to feel the location of obstacles with his hands and legs when moving. This is why turning somersaults with a mecha is very stable.


At present, this kind of equipment technology has become the first generation of practical individual armor.

But what Jianye didn't know was that this technology was being carried out simultaneously in the Tonghua District, and what the Tonghua District had conquered was the most difficult technical link: the integration of information on carbon-based cell "chips."

Jianye's real research institute seems to have provided a number of subsystems, such as biological eyes that provide vision and auditory cilia. But it has not yet mastered the core technology. They cannot modify the neural processing system, so each

Subsystems are all limited. If they are changed or replaced, they cannot independently adjust the design to ensure the coordination of the equipment.

In fact, the current research capabilities in this area in the Tongfa District are only mastered by Wei Keng's research institute.

As a time traveler, Wei Keng is connected to the most developed supercomputing system and the simulated space test site. The enthusiastic assistance of the supervisors has allowed Wei Keng to fully unleash his "talent".


In the square, the final demonstration process was "玎, 玎, 玎" with live ammunition.

The two-meter box was placed on the ground. The three-meter-tall mecha quickly squatted down and took out the two-meter-long firearm inside, and then destroyed the moving target in the sky.

Five minutes later, when the fifteen millimeter-caliber bullets inside the mecha hit 92%, the senior officials of Jianye City couldn't help but stand up with different expressions on their faces.


half an hour later

In Zifeng Building, Jiang Xu stood in front of the three-square-meter boss's desk. After seeing the complete set of information on colonial clothing, his expression became even more tense.

This technology is definitely good, but! It seems that it may shake the status of traditional trainers.

This chapter has been completed!
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