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Chapter 5.22 Old ideas, old interests, and the fever caused by new technologies

 In Pandora 146, compared to the rule of thumb in the conquered areas, where science and technology served the masses and the masses promoted the development of science and technology, the Northern Jianye and Five-Color Alliance experienced a "high fever" due to the division of science and technology.


In the Jianye 343 Research Institute, Wei Keng (Zhen Xinzheng) spent the entire first half of the year 146 modifying the flying combat mechanical beast.

This big goose, which is as tall as an ostrich, is the genetic template that Wei Keng got from the Tongfa District. It is the same batch of chicks that Wei Keng abducted when he was digging eggs on the cliff.

In 145, when the Tonglu District decided to establish a project on the route of aerial mechanical beasts, they selected a batch of large and docile ones. Later, in the process of developing life-band communication technology, they cultivated a series of biological tissue transplants.

An individual who can listen to instructions.


September 145, that is, when Tianshu Long just fell.

The Tongfu District started the "Lugia" project plan, and the construction of Wei Keng (Zhen Xin Zheng) in Ye City was also carried out simultaneously.

At the beginning of the Lugia project, 30% of the flying mechanical beast was mechanized. However, with the advancement of breeding technology and the support of repair fluid technology, the total weight of the mechanical structure of the flying beast reached 943 kilograms.

The current finished product is based on the black Lugia data here in Jianye City.

It is 5.2 m tall and has a wingspan of 15.4 m. Its wings are covered with scale armor made of extremely thin ceramic sheets.

The first is to replace the support frame from the abdomen to the head with aluminum alloy. It not only protects the vital parts, but also strengthens the body structure of the flying beast, allowing more mechanical parts to be installed.

There are two bicycle-like wheels on the abdomen. Relying on the turbojet propulsion at the tail, it can take off on very simple flat ground. Of course, it can even take off in a dive on a slightly sloping hillside without rocks.

In order to mechanize, biological organs have been greatly reduced. In particular, the digestive tract has been made very short and can only digest oil and sugar, and it must be digested with the assistance of the owner's life radiation.

The equipment carried is a wire-guided missile in a launch barrel. This is a projectile with wings controlled by internal muscles. It weighs 300 grams, which is the size of a 250 ml soda bottle, and has a 100-gram charge.

In order to ensure the quality of the propellant during long-range attacks, usually use a long nylon thread to pull it, and when planning to attack, use the claws on the abdomen to slightly pull it and throw it out. In this way, about 20 grams of propellant can be used.

Deliver accurate firepower to the target in the air five hundred meters away.

The result of this Lugia project is already the best result calculated by Wei Keng through the system, so it is also a "legendary" mechanical beast in Jianye City.


In the open space outside the research institute, the huge wing surface was gliding in the air, and it accurately defeated the target while it was fifty meters above the ground.

In the process, Wei Keng simultaneously observed the strike status in the sky through his spiritual link with the mechanical beast. A little hobby was satisfied.

But some things are hobbies for some people, and for some people they are the basis of ambition.

When Lugia fell from the sky and folded its wings and turned into a goose, bending its neck and rubbing Wei Keng's raised hand, Wei Renlu's secretary at the research institute called Wei Keng to come up. Wei Keng paused and followed.


Over the past year, Wei Keng has clearly felt the changes in Wei Renlu.

When I go to upper-level meetings for meetings, I often go there with high expectations, but when I come back I have a gloomy expression. Occasionally, I am alone in the office and seem to be arguing with someone above me on the phone.

When Wei Keng came to the office, Wei Renlu spoke to Wei Keng very seriously.

Wei Renlu: "Zhen Xinzheng, you are the human apostle in the south!"

It has been a year since Wei Keng came here, and for the first time someone from Jianye City pointed out his specialness. But the old man in front of him who pointed out his specialness seemed a little abnormal now, as if he was a gambler putting his last chips on a plate.


Wei Renlu stared at Wei Keng, who was a little confused.




On the other side of the city, there is a room that was once a high-end garden and is now an ecological botanical garden.

Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei were sitting at the table discussing some experiences. When talking about the commanding area in the south, Su Lingshuang's expression looked particularly solemn.

[This year, the Five-Color Alliance also contacted the unification zone, but compared to Jianye City's neutrality towards the unification zone, the Five-Color Alliance was obviously extremely vigilant towards the unification zone. 】

Su Lingshuang: "Aqiu, do you know where the title apostle comes from?"

Qiu Mengfei: "In the old era, when the global spread of Pandora Field was difficult to contain, various official governments around the world conducted statistics on the increasingly chaotic species life, and conducted statistics on overly powerful individuals in some regional communities, and found that

In some broad areas, some individuals have appeared with super bodies that exceed the past concepts of natural life."

Su Lingshuang: "Yes, but research data before the Great Destruction shows that apostle-level creatures are not only the overlords of a region, but also have an important condition."

Qiu Mengfei couldn't help but pause. Jianye City certainly didn't have as much information as the Five Color Alliance, which inherited the pre-war database.

In particular, understanding of beings at the level of apostles?

Su Lingshuang used a pencil to write down a little knowledge on the slate on the table: Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine are the macroelements in life, seven in total.

Qiu Mengfei paused,

Su Lingshuang wrote another set of data. The outermost shell of carbon has four electrons.

Then, a multiplication sign is added, 4 times 7 equals 28.

Su Lingshuang said: "There are twenty-eight main areas in the global organic frequency band. When the energy of the life metabolism of the dominant life community in a large area is very considerable in the entire planet's ecosystem, then there will be a conscious response to a certain life.

occupy the frequency band.

The ability to suppress other life groups in this frequency band means that it has jumped from a regional hegemon to a global one, and its life information has the ability to project globally."

The pen tip in Su Lingshuang's hand began to skillfully draw a global map on the table, marking the locations of each apostle on the map.

Su Lingshuang: "Of course, global projection requires the energy of organic matter in the local area. Most apostle-level communities have competitors around them, so the local ecological niche energy will not be wasted. Unless the surrounding opponents have been cleared, those with more energy will

It’s going to overflow.”

Qiu Mengfei opened his eyes wide. It was obviously the first time he heard this information. He was familiar with the library materials and only knew that apostle was the name of the West, and the East was called the Star Class in the past.

There are twenty-eight stars in total.

Su Lingshuang's drawing is finished

Qiu Mengfei looked at the round boxes representing the apostle level on the global map and asked: "Is Tianshu Long still an apostle?"

Su Lingshuang: "At present, its community gathering place has not been destroyed, and it still has energy that permeates the entire ecosystem. Now that we have mastered its nodes, we should guide it to benefit mankind."

Qiu Mengfei nodded,

But Su Lingshuang then added: "But if a certain group of unknown meaning (referred to here as Wei Keng) uses human technology to control the Tianshu Dragon, then"



After Qiu Mengfei left, Su Lingshuang began to arrange her next trip. She received a letter from her father in the north. There was a doctor named Wei who was once from the north and wanted to pay her a visit.

What Su Lingshuang said in her conversation with Qiu Mengfei was not perfect.

The records on Bailinglu's system are more complete. Humanity has retreated to the stage and operates on the edge of the world. However, on the big stage of Pandora Field, the ranking of global apostles has been constantly changing for more than a hundred years.

In the first year of the Pandora Era, the number one apostle was the World Tree in the Amazon rainforest. The fruits produced by its root system could evolve a large number of biological types. This huge tree withstood a hundred years ago.

The United States has launched hundreds of super nuclear bombs, and now a large number of lakes in the area were blasted out by high-yield nuclear bombs. However, after the bombing killed the main trunk, its roots still absorb the organic matter of all the plants in the Amazon. They have grown into giant trees again. The power of human civilization on the North American continent

It was completely broken by the apostle's life tide.

In the 34th year of Pandora's Era, World Tree reached its peak and began to project globally. At that time, communities with super giant trees as the core appeared in various regions around the world. It was at that time that Yucheng integrated the genes of trees.

However, because of the use of frequency bands for global projection, too much local ecological energy was consumed. Around the 54th year of the Pandora Era, they were challenged by the new apostles rising from the South American Plateau, the Tallin Nest Master, and the life community of the World Tree.

It is losing ground in South America. This earliest hegemonic system in the Pandora era has declined.

If Yggdrasil is the first overlord in Pandora's Field on Earth, then the second overlord is undoubtedly the Slayer Dragon.

Around the year 79 of Pandora, the family of Celestial Dragons was the dominant one on land and sea in East Asia. At that time, the mirage mycelium in Southeast Asia was still the regional hegemon, and the sulfur-iron basalts were still dormant on the seabed. The Celestial Dragons controlled the largest area in the world.

An ecosystem that collects sunlight. It also begins to project its surroundings, trying to influence the world and interfere with the direction of organic matter on the entire planet.

No doubt it failed too.

It lost a large ecological area in Southeast Asia, and was once provoked by the overlord community of East Asia (various monsters). Today, after being violently beaten by the sulfur-iron basalt, Longyou Shoals was tricked by shrimps.

The Five-Color Alliance inherited the knowledge system of the previous generation of civilization. The reason why it is wary of the control area is that Wei Keng is also a genetic community, and now it seems to be interfering with the frequency band. This is an "apostle-level" behavior, left behind by the old civilization.

In the concept of Wei Keng, Wei Keng is an extremely dangerous existence.

[If you know the vigilance of human city-states, Mr. Wei feels very baffled. It is the signal tower that interferes with the frequency band! I will never dominate genetic interference, and I will never be an apostle. I just want to restore civilization and free mankind from

The Cradle of the Earth, transcending to the space region. Oh, no one believes me yet.】

On the side of 343 Research Institute,

Wei Renlu's narration to Wei Keng also ended.

Wei Keng looked at the old man and asked hesitantly: "Do you want to control the Tianshu Dragon?"

Wei Renlu said firmly: "The purpose is to control him and use science and technology to strangle his lifeblood, not to be his partner."

The word "partner" is used to describe mechanical beasts, and it is also the moral concept of the upper level of the current city-state system. Therefore, in order to control the Tianshu Dragon according to this logic, the conservative moral concept requires the guardian to regard it as his own partner.

This, I am afraid, is the standard of regional civilization in contemporary city-states. Failure to abide by it is evil, and unwillingness to abide by it is barbarism.

[Oh, Mr. Wei is not bound by this. If the mechanical beast can be used, it is just a tool. If it cannot be used, it is nothing even if it is stewed. If you get credit for obeying orders, it means you have spirituality and you should not abuse. If the credit is saving people, then

Just delineate a certain range of humanitarianism.]

Now it is a little difficult because the moral values ​​of the upper echelons of Jianye City are in conflict with reality.

If the Tianshu Long is destroyed as an absolute enemy, then there will be no problem.

But in terms of benefits, if we want to make use of it, then the "partner faction" and the "tool faction" will quarrel fiercely.


Due to the development of breeding technology, the Celestial Dragon has been restored in human growth ponds.

In Research Institute No. 57, a large amount of organic matter was put into a culture room transformed from a swimming pool.

This apostle-level life was quickly repaired, and its two-hundred-meter-long body is even better than before. Such a huge body has restored the central effect of the genetic community, and can directly draw from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, as well as the East China Sea.

The frequency bands of all life are connected and life energy can be extracted from these creatures.

The humans in Jianye have already recovered an apostle. Of course, during the recovery, they put thick shackles on him. First of all, they did not allow this apostle to form a central brain, and secondly, 30% of his life structure was reduced.

The parts are mechanized, and the shell is even more restrained.



Since then, Jianye City has developed two technical routes to control the desires of the apostles.

The first one is to implant human brain cells into the nerve center of the Celestial Dragon to guide its growth, and at the same time have its personality shaped by a championship-level trainer, turning it into its own partner.

The second step is to eliminate its nerve center and use the now very popular colonization route to complete the construction of the colonization cockpit inside it.

Wei Keng: "hissed" and took a breath of air-conditioning. The second item is obviously Wei Renlu's fantasy! But this not only tramples on the moral system of the conservative forces, but also challenges the interests of factions.

The new breeding equipment system originally made trainers feel threatened.

The trainers face the native species carefully selected since childhood, cultivate their feelings step by step, change step by step, invest countless efforts, and finally turn them into combat power in their hands.

But as for the colonial mecha, according to the current data in the command area, as long as you learn the first level of spiritual language and undergo six months of training, you can pilot the colonial mecha.

[This is the difference in training between musketeers and knights in the 17th and 18th centuries. One only needs three months of training from farmers as a source of troops, while the other needs to start from a young age as a knight's squire and work with mounts, after more than ten years of training.


The Tongfa District is a force that starts from scratch! There is no such factional competition between the inherent technical system and the new technical interest system.

But, here in Jianye? This reminded Wei Keng of strange things: "Our Eight Banners conquer the world with riding and shooting. This is the ancestral system. Firearms are strange and cunning, and do not conform to the ancestral system."

Being conservative is mostly not a matter of vision, but a matter of wanting to stick to interests.

Wei Keng looked at this mentor, this old but fanatical old man. Wei Keng couldn't help but muttered: "Old man, you are crazy. Haha, you don't know how people here will slander~ Hmm~

Describe you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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