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Chapter 6.03 The honeymoon is over and the confrontation begins.

 In the 148th year of the Pandora calendar, Jianye City carried out many unilateral actions against the conquered areas.

For example: confiscating shops in the Tongfu District, increasing troops on the defensive Great Wall in central Jiangxi, and prohibiting merchants in the Tongfu District from transporting goods on the Yangtze River route.

This series of actions caused the bilateral relations between the Tongfa District and Jianye City to continue to cool down after the Tianshen Dragon Incident.

May 13th.

The two sides held a diplomatic meeting on the current situation. At this diplomatic meeting, the team sent by the unified area included eight crew members, and the other 67 members were from the local faction. Twenty-seven of them had been genetically contaminated.


The reason why the rate of genetic contaminants is so high is not due to "correctism", but because there are very few people in the control area who are familiar with affairs in the Yangtze River Basin.

Some people who were originally doing paperwork in the Yangtze River Basin were ostracized by the upper echelons of the city-state system where they were due to mild genetic contamination. They were then treated by the controlled area, assessed, and selected into the external system of the controlled area.

On the freighter in the middle section of the Ganjiang River, both parties sat down.

On the conference table, while the elite trainers sent by Jianye City were dressed in various styles, those from the commanding area were all dressed in blue homespun clothes and wearing red star cloth hats.

The fabric is a bit shabby, but the energy storage battery metal armed belt around the waist and the ligaments extending to the legs are in the style of the "Predator".

From the beginning of this negotiation, both parties had little expectations.

In the unification area, there is a very common way to judge whether a certain job is important, that is, what proportion of the job does the Wei Keng group occupy?

If it is important enough and the policy pays enough attention, then the proportion of Weikeng cluster in it will be very high.

But now in this negotiation, there is no one Wei Keng. Before departure, the entire team was told to "stand firm", and everyone understood that this work was to be a repeater.

So at the meeting,

The trainers in Jianye reported a lot of conditions: "Not allowed to enter the Yangtze River waterway", "Stop oppressing the city-states of Fujian", "The navigation trade between the Min and Liu Straits in the unified area should be jointly managed by both parties (also

That is, the fleet in the command area must have trainers sent by Jianye)"... This series of regulations requires taking advantage of all the benefits.

The negotiators sent by the commanding area also competed with each other.

Wang Lekang——This is the ideological and political officer on the ship. He is the most upright and popular person on the ship. However, in actual work, the disadvantage is that it is not easy to make detours. He is also personally aware of the shortcomings of his work. In recent years, he has rarely put it into practice.

The publicity work was so straightforward.

But this time, Sun Xiangyang specially appointed him to stick to his position. Sun Xiangyang said: "Well, there is a high probability that the negotiation will not work out anyway. Since the other side is acting rogue, we have to send someone to show off our temper."

At the negotiation table, Wang Lekang blasted Jianye's unreasonable demands over and over again. When he was tired, he took a sip of water from the teapot and continued.

Wang Lekang: "We insist on xx", "Our actions are based on the conditions of equality between both parties", "You should reflect on your arrogant and domineering behavior."

This day was the most comfortable day for Wang Lekang in the world. With his own powerful strength behind him, he pointed his nose and cursed the "feudal decadence" on the other side. He could use his sharpest words and was not afraid of "the other side getting angry and starting a fight."

Oh, "rush fighting" is not a big deal!

The commanding area has prepared troops in the south. The Rogia cruise war beast in the sky is on standby with live ammunition. A seven-meter-high hydrogen peroxide and alcohol rocket with a range of 100 kilometers has also been set up in the rear.

There are profound contradictions behind war. If a war breaks out, the reason cannot be that one's side is not humble enough, but that the other side is hungry and one's side is not strong enough.

If Jianye wants to fight, someone in the control area may be injured, but these trainers will definitely be wiped out.

Of course, what finally brought the negotiations to a complete end (broke down and broke up on bad terms) was that the commanding area came up with a plan for dealing with the city-states of Fujian.

That is the model in Guangdong, Ji'an City and other places.

Reshape these city-state societies from the inside out, from the foundation to the top.

The Tongfa District has always emphasized its position:

"Under the framework of great unification, we uphold the constant morality of the people's stable life and the upward development of the nation, adhere to policies and governance under the extensive supervision of the people, and guide the behavior of everyone and every class of people fairly and fairly.

and resolve conflicts in accordance with the law.”

In short, if the conquered area wants to fully integrate Fujian into itself, the privileges of a small number of people in the city-state must be eliminated. The right to speak in determining the general direction of governance must also be returned from a small number of people to the hands of the masses.

Now this plan is being thrown out unabashedly on the negotiation table. It seems to be dealing with Fujian, but in fact it is a gentle and cruel statement: "Sooner or later, I will deal with you like this."

The consensus spirit of the current unified conquest area was drafted by Wei Keng, and this comes from the main world's modern summary of the founding spirit of the East in modern times: "constant righteousness, public law, and clear government."

Hengyi is the reason for unity: since ancient times, we have been united and united. Above the sky and below the loess, we have endured disasters together and moved towards prosperity together.

Mingzheng: It is a method of reducing conflicts and friction between each other when uniting and gathering on the basis of constant justice! Everyone has enough to eat, everyone has clothes to wear, building roads, and farming are all manifestations of Mingzheng. Mingzheng

The essence of this is to allow the voices of all types of people who maintain the world to go straight to the center and become the basis for policy formulation.

As for public law: law governs rewards and punishments. The consequences of all actions should be fair and should not be distorted for any individual or small group.

The city-state system in which Ye City was built did not account for any of the above! It can be regarded as a substantial degradation of civilization.

In the past hundred years, these people in Pandora East have claimed to be "the stone of another mountain and the jade of their own country", and they have played the city-state of Mediterranean civilization. This is not a pioneering work, it is an old thing that was abandoned long ago on this land.

Mr. Wei Keng: The allusion of "One man rises above the sun, Jie is his only husband" comes from the Chinese city-state system. It can only be said that the upper class in Jianye, who regard old Hollywood movies as "enlightenment knowledge of the old civilization era", are uneducated.

At the meeting on May 13, Tongfu and Jianye had a frank wrestling match, exchanged in-depth opinions, and then enhanced their understanding. In the end, the two sides reached an agreement to strengthen border control.

What is meant by increasing understanding:

Starting at 3:30 in the afternoon, the aerial mechanical beasts of the two parties demonstrated against each other in the skies over southern Gansu.

The aerial array of Lugia clusters from the Conqueror Army suppressed the trainers' mechanical beasts. Without firing at each other, the Lugias pulled out the flying feathers from the backs of the trainers' flying mechanical beasts.

Yes.——That scene was just a swarm of geese chasing after and biting.

Due to the advantages of informatization and productivity, the unified army deployed twice as many Lugia as the opponent, loaded with 50-kilogram turbojet engines, and the sprint speed reached three times that of the opponent. This is a righteous group.

Beat! The trainers in Jianye City were beaten until they cursed, but they did not dare to actually open fire.

Wei Keng: "I have the advantage in logistics and information command. I can fight in groups, so why do I have to fight alone?"

After June, city-states in the Yangtze River Basin issued official documents and began to strengthen border controls.

This decision was made unilaterally after Jianye fell into a disadvantage after the air confrontation on May 13. It can be regarded as feedback on the behavior of the command area.

Following the order from the Trainers Association, the decision-makers of the Jianye bureaucracy no longer issued passes for the unification army.

Such a decision by Jianye made the city-states in central Jiangxi celebrate. These brainless local city-state nobles put up "no traffic" warning signs on all roads, completely blocking the trading routes in central Jiangxi.

In the confrontation between the Tongfa District and Jianye, the politicians of these small and medium-sized city-states in Jiangxi were the most active promoters of the deterioration of relations between the two behemoths.

According to the assumptions of these small city-states, the route of commercial exports from the conquered areas to the north must depend on them. This is similar to the late Ming Dynasty, when the Jiangnan clans strongly supported the maritime ban in order to facilitate their monopoly on smuggling profits.

They believe that if we actively seal the deal now, businessmen in the Tongfu area will definitely come to ask for it, and then they will be able to collect a higher proportion of tolls.

However, these inland "country riches" thought wrong.

With the ban on the border, the trade volume of the Tongfu area through central Jiangxi has really decreased!

The city-states in central Jiangxi had no idea that this land passage was no longer the only trade route between Tongfa District and Jianye.

After the commercial channels along the eastern Fujian coast were opened up, goods from the unified area took multiple routes through various coastal city-states and entered Jianye's sphere of influence.

The ban in Jianye could not stop the city-states in central Jiangxi from smuggling, and it certainly could not stop the city-states in the East China Sea region.

After all, everyone has to live. As the boss, Jianye has enough to eat, but it is wrong to issue orders to let the brother city-states starve.

After August, the city-states in central Jiangxi went from being able to make money while lying down to a state where they could only make enough money.

After completely cutting off commercial exchanges, the city-states in central Jiangxi have developed consumer demand in recent years.

With this fight, the business world was completely deserted, and these interest groups in the city-states in central Jiangxi could not sit still, and began "inexplicable" protests against the uncontrolled area's destruction of regional harmony and stability.

This is the same as in recent history, a certain port city that made a lot of money from re-export trade. After losing the privilege of being the only channel, it is difficult to adjust its mentality.

From 145 to 148 in the Pandora Calendar, there were only three years, but the local forces in central Jiangxi developed enough prestige in these three years.

Take Poyang City as an example: the concrete and steel imported from the Tongfa District were not used for the construction of dams and power stations, or to strengthen the defense of remote strongholds. Instead, they were squandered by the four major aristocratic families in the city, who built dozens of six-story buildings in competition with each other.

Layers of watchtowers!

As for the red and white events, after the canned food was imported, they started to hold a big banquet. Within the exit range of the Tongfu District: they used the most pepper and star anise. The sewage they discharged towards Poyang Lake was all carrying oil.


In the past three years, the number of places to study in Jianye City has increased from 23 at the beginning to 78 recently. These were all bought from Jianye with business profits.

When the Tongfa District and Jianye communicated directly, they have been instigating and causing trouble in the past two years! Trying to continue to monopolize the trade. Now everything is as they want, the official connection between the Tongfa District and Jianye City is broken! But the Tongfa District

Other trade needs in the Jianye-controlled area were not controlled by them.

It is not so easy to fall from a high position and become frugal!

Throughout July, they did nothing and were still waiting for goods from the Tongfa District to enter the customs! In August, they belatedly determined that after the eastern trade line was opened, goods would not go through them.

Well, the response of the aristocratic families in these city-states was not to beg for mercy, but to issue "threats" to the commanding areas!

That’s right!

The logic seems very abnormal,

But the first reaction of these guys who "clearly took responsibility for themselves" towards the command area is to threaten them! Moreover, the declared method of revenge is self-mutilation!

On July 7, city-states including Poyang City sent defense representatives, who went south to the command area and found the Ministry of Trade to make a notice.

It was claimed that due to improper trade practices in the controlled area, the eight city-states of Poyang Lake will follow the instructions of Jianye City and consider permanently blocking the southern border!

They suddenly jumped out and said such harsh words, just like the teddy on the roadside suddenly jumped out and started barking after he didn't get the meat and bones like in the past!

The threat is not great, but it can be regarded as a success in attracting the attention of the highest decision-making level in the unified control area to this cornered force.

Sun Xiangyang, who was inspecting Eastern Fujian, allocated an afternoon in his schedule to discuss the meaning of the release of the eight city-states headed by Poyang City.

In fact, it doesn't take an afternoon, and it can be analyzed quickly.

Wei Keng: "They are threatening us by using 'complete support' to build Ye City as a bargaining chip."

Wang Lekang: "Aren't they just followers of Jian Ye City? Why are they still going the other way?"

Wei Keng: "There are three forms of selling one's body. One is to follow behind and be a younger brother, which is one kind of follower. One is to be willing to kneel down and follow, which is another. The other is to rush forward and become cannon fodder."

Wei Keng used his expressions and gestures to describe it perfectly: "As dogs, they have many ideas."

Wei Keng's description made everyone at the meeting laugh.

After laughing loudly, Sun Xiangyang signaled the venue to be quiet: "Then, what does it have to do with them?"

Wei Keng spread his hands: "Yeah, it's none of our business. Just watch the joke.

Next, they may make a clear threat to engage in a head-on war with us on behalf of the forces in Jianye City. In other words, they will threaten to be cannon fodder. Then they will express their awareness by kneeling down to Jianye even more, but in fact they should not

Such courage."

"Militant" Bai Minghui asked: "What if, I mean what if, they really become angry and take risks?"

Wei Keng: "If the first shot is fired from the opposite side, then we will have to do it reluctantly and be forced~" Wei Keng looked at Sun Xiangyang. (This needs to be said by the top leader.)

As the supreme military commander of the command zone, Sun Xiangyang solemnly set the tone for the comrades: "If these few right-wing forces insist on provoking our bottom line with force, then we will also recover the Poyang Lake area and hold the Jianye forces accountable for their actions that undermine peace.


There was no accidental misfire in 148 years.

Although the Tongfu District slightly increased patrols on the defense line of the Great Wall in central Jiangxi, the shouting from the other side was only louder at first, and then stopped.

During the patrol, some tracked troops repeatedly drove along the border with central Jiangxi. Later, the 18th North Regiment of the Commanding Area, wearing colonial uniforms, explored the landforms of the area. Tripod cameras were set up on various highlands.


The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army shouted "Always be ready!" every morning, lunch, and before going to bed in the garrison.

The high fighting spirit radiates outward in the radiation field of life. The past emotional adjective "full of blood and blazing sun" is now really happening in the military camp. Mosquitoes avoid the camp.

Compared with the control area, which is loose on the outside but tight on the inside, the city-states in Poyang City are "tough in appearance and soft on the inside".

They did not have the guts to really start a war. When the plan to rely on external pressure failed, internal conflicts broke out everywhere.

Due to the stupid behavior of several major families, certain greedy forces have risen in recent years, and the military system originally used to maintain governance has been ruined.

On September 2, an explosion occurred at the ammunition depot in Ganlu City.

On October 6, the two major families of Poyang City, Huang and Tang, merged with each other.

On November 1, the salt gang forces in Yingtan City ousted the city owner.

These three are all big things.

There were also dozens of trivial matters that caused friction with each other, and they all reached the border post of Tongfa District along with a few individual small businessmen who came to bring goods.

And in December, as the cold icy rain spread across the south of the Yangtze River, the wet winter in the south became the last straw for the city-state in central Jiangxi!

A year ago, due to trade needs, the Tonglu District invested in the renovation of a number of war-prepared highways from southern Jiangxi to the Yangtze River Basin. This renovation involves removing vegetation, then spreading gravel and lime, and then flattening them with steam rollers.

.So the tanks of the Tongfa Army (Type 62 light tanks) can be used on the hundreds of kilometers of roads in southern Gansu.

Especially in winter, when the weather is cold and the activities of wild genetic communities in the wilderness are greatly reduced, the road traffic conditions are even better for ordinary people.

You must know that in vast areas where there is no deterrent from the Human Emperor, some grasses grow very viciously. For example, there is a kind of grass in the cracks of the road that will suddenly lift up when people walk by, giving people "spicy" burrs.

Take a sip to warn people not to continue stepping forward.


In late November, first a small group of refugees, traveling in groups of two or three, arrived at the border of the unified area. But within ten days, it turned into dozens, hundreds, and finally thousands of people in groups.

of migrating southward.

The word "refugee" is actually not accurate. "Liu" means "displacement", which means being separated from permanent property and becoming propertyless.

In the city-state system, these people are originally propertyless. Winter is coming, and they are short of various supplies. With the trade of the conquering army in the past two years, they know that the human forces in the south are willing to accept them.

Of course, the commanding area is willing to accept these immigrants. They register, classify, take a bath, receive personal supplies, join a group, sing, and take an oath! This set of procedures is a process that the grassroots civil administration is well versed in.

However, as the number of immigrants from central Jiangxi to the south increases, more and more people migrate to the south.

The problem that the leadership of the unified control area needs to study now is: not the group of people who have already come here, but the people who have not come here yet!

According to the descriptions of the refugees who have arrived, those who can run a hundred kilometers to reach the south are those who are physically strong and have a mouthful of food. There are also a large number of people who have no conditions and are stranded in the north.

The Conqueror Zone has this conceptual burden! - The inland city-states to the north are obviously suffering from humanitarian disasters under their governance and must be managed.

According to the "axiom" formed during the Zhu Xia period, when the king of a certain country is immoral and displaced, he can punish the people and punish him.

This kind of thinking reached the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, and it was a crime to have poor governance in a certain place. Neighbors would help you govern it, and after settling the people, you would have the right to crusade according to heaven.

After modern times, any unified regime must take concrete actions to protect the lives and property of its compatriots after a disaster occurs in the Eastern territories, otherwise it will lose the legitimacy of "unification."

But in fact, it is still an area controlled by local forces. If you extend your hands into the middle of Jiangxi, it is very likely to trigger unknown consequences.

Although the Tongfa District currently does not have the governance capabilities to swallow up the dozens of city-states within Jianye's sphere of influence, the Tongfa District does not want to use a large amount of manpower and materials for internal fighting between human forces. But this matter must be done.

In the signal tower link, the top leaders of Tongfa started another meeting about the hot spot in Gan District. The tone of the meeting was "peacekeeping."

In the newly opened venue in the center of New Gancheng City, Sun Xiangyang knocked on the microphone. Six Wei Keng in the staff center made a sand table and summarized the strategic information. Then Wei Keng, who served as the general staff, reported to Sun Xiangyang individually:

"We need a special military operation that must be controlled, have clear boundaries, and be as restrained as possible without firing the first shot."

Sun Xiangyang passed the plan to others.

In the military, the "Rogia Formation" spreads leaflets in the city-state area. The leaflets use comic strips and maps to mark the safe routes outside the city, trying to be easy to understand.

At the same time, ships from the control area sailed north along the Gan River, setting up temporary strongholds in many places and delineating "peacekeeping safety zones."

In terms of diplomacy, Sun Xiangyang found Wang Lekang again and asked him to make another trip to Jianye, asking him to express that he had no intention of expansion. The peacekeeping mission would only end before the beginning of spring, and in order to avoid the two sides getting into trouble in the Gan area, Jianye could

Send people to jointly perform peacekeeping tasks.

After the meeting, Zeng Jiaqian frowned: We have to deal with Jianye again!

This chapter has been completed!
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