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Chapter 6.06 The battle in Yunnan, the gesture of recognition

 August 14th, 149th year of the Pandora calendar.

As the most vital human force in the contemporary era, the expansion of the command zone in western Yunnan has encountered resistance.

This stalemate is like the Imperial Cemetery where the lighthouse fell in the Plane of Death.

As a party with technological advantages, the Tongfa District invested thousands of motor vehicles in mechanical combat. Although the number of casualties was very small, it consumed a large amount of manpower and material resources.

Not to mention the traditional consumption of war operations such as fuel and mechanical parts. Biological combat weapons have been integrated into the battle against ecology, adding a new logistics schedule.

In the ecology of western Yunnan, the mechanical beast was infected with worm-like hyphae and needed to be surgically removed.

As a result, the number of supporting medical clinics alone has reached 50, and the number of medical personnel assembled has reached 2,000. This is with the technical assistance of blood packs and life radiation to help regeneration.


Zhanjiang Industrial Zone

There are a total of 4,000 guards on duty in all production departments here. It has developed into the second largest city in the urban control area, with a total population of 110,000. It is a forward supply base in the war.

At the newly built airport in Zhanjiang West, An-II aircraft are undergoing busy take-off and landing activities, transporting people back and forth.

The people who got off the plane looked as pale as zombies. As soon as they got off the plane, they entered the adjustment cabin to take a bath, and at the same time replenished their food to restore their vitality.

Although there are now more advanced aircraft, the aviation department of the Tongfa District, which has entered a state of brutal expansion, still prefers this five-ton biplane.

[Even if the engine of this aircraft fails in the air, the only operation is to pull the lever back to the end. The designer fully considered the coping ability of rookie pilots]

At present, although humans in the controlled area have completed their suppression of the regional ecology, the radiation of life in the wilderness still has an impact on most non-prime male human individuals.

The impact is small, but it is still an impact!

It is necessary to reduce the time spent traveling through wild life radiation areas during transportation.

Railways are currently only suitable for bulk cargo transportation, and in order to facilitate the exchange of people in various sparsely populated areas, it is of course necessary to vigorously develop air transport.

Now, on average, every ten plantations in the unified area are responsible for maintaining a hardened road surface, which can meet the highest standard of twenty aircraft takeoffs and landings every day.

According to the statistics reported by the current small and medium-sized planting bases in the unified logging area, 1,500 new airports have been built so far. In the future, there will be even more expanded unified logging areas.

In other words, the An-2 transport aircraft will become the "air bus" in the memories of one or two, or even three generations of people in the renaissance era of the Pandora plane in the next ten or several decades.

This transportation strategy can refer to the United States

In the 21st century, in order to promote the developed aviation industry in the United States, some people have calculated the concept that the number of airports in the United States is a hundred times that of our own country. In fact, objectively speaking, there are many airports in the United States, and the scale of air operations is two to three times that in the East.

Times, but hundreds of times the airport difference? That’s because India’s statistics on highways during the same period are generally unreasonable. (India includes unhardened roads)

There are a large number of small airports in North America. The air transport infrastructure of such small airports is actually very cheap! And there is no shortage of fuel. In contrast, the high-speed rail that costs 1 to 2 billion per kilometer is just a waste of money.

The transportation in the Tongfu area is state-run. When faced with the same multiple-choice question, the only choice was air transportation due to cost.

On the industrial production lines in the Zhanjiang area, 500 aircraft are rolled off the production line in a year. Stimulated by wartime demand, production is expected to expand to 1,000 aircraft next year.

There is no problem with workers on the production line, but pilots are in short supply.

In the next five years, this air transportation system alone will need to create 10,000 to 20,000 new jobs to maintain it! The current total population of the Tonglu District is only 1.8 million.

Therefore, those who fly airplanes in the unified area must not be high-end elites.

The salary and social status are that of a bus driver.

The consumption of war will highlight the social problems that existed during the quiet years. Now it is plunged into an endless biological clearing war in western Yunnan, so that the exhausted command area will naturally have various problems in its operation without exception.

Detecting "problems" is also an ability. In the past timeline and the same period, no time traveler could restore the civilization of this era to such an extent!

The hard indicator for the rejuvenation of civilization depends on the ability of transportation, industry, agriculture, medical public services, and the necessary supply of human clothing, food, housing, transportation, production and life.

Because Wei Keng wanted to build a sufficiently advanced social system as much as possible instead of building a relatively easy bourgeois government.

The more advanced the social structure, the greater the upper limit of social development that its skeleton can support. However, the initial governance investment consumed is also large.

The current unified army has a very large foundation, but the overall body is skinny.

With a population of less than two million under its control, the industrial level has reached the level of Italy in the early twentieth century. In terms of science and technology, in addition to nuclear weapons, shipbuilding, aviation, etc., in terms of technical assistance in critical areas, refrigerant engines, communications, etc.

It has reached the level of the mainstream industrial countries in the 20th century in the 1950s and 1960s.

Under this condition, the bourgeois social structure is actually enough to stimulate the production enthusiasm of more than 90% of the people in the society. In comparison, the feudal structures of Jianye City and Five Color Alliance can maintain the stability of their rule.

Among the tens of thousands of timelines that other time travelers have interfered with, there are only a few dozen that could completely complete the governance of the bourgeois regime in the 230 years of Pandora's history!

In the era of productivity that has just returned to the internal combustion engine, the less advanced social supervision system reserves a large proportion of resources for upper-class groups to mobilize privately, and benefits the promotion of the middle and lower classes even more. (There are also a large number of outsiders during this period.

The population is filled in as the lower class) Therefore, when the productivity is sufficient in a certain era, the entire society has no motivation to further promote the progress of the governance model!


The social level that Wei Keng has advanced to will soon reach several important standard thresholds for the "level of human development" in modern times in a few decades, namely "average life expectancy of seventy years, all employees being literate, and continuous investment in transportation infrastructure."

, industry and agriculture are basically self-sufficient.”

The above standards were assessed in the 27th century.

As for what was valued at that time in the modern era: the total GDP injected by the tertiary industry, happiness, etc., they were all considered by the main world as false achievements defined by the Western discourse power in the modern era.

When drugs are rampant, community public security is chaotic, and public safety cannot be guaranteed during epidemics and natural disasters. If these most necessary problems are not solved, then what is the meaning of the beautiful colorful oil flowers floating on the stagnant water.

With a population of two million, it maintains an overly advanced social rights protection system. It will be useful in the future as more people release widespread labor enthusiasm, but at present, this infrastructure system consumes too much resources.

As a result, the current development has encountered a war, which is a bit too much for the promoters: "one table of food, two tables of guests".

However, war of conquest is inevitable, and restoration to the level of civilization before the war is also necessary.

Be sure to squeeze in a few dishes to satisfy these two "guests".

During the discussion at this time, the upper echelons of the commanding area believed that the two main goals were correct, but the system was still lacking and failed to mobilize greater enthusiasm.

Although since the war started in the west, transportation, field medical care, and mechanical logistics have all been emphasized as priority. Each region has assigned target tasks for talent training. For example, the number of pilot certifications this year is 100% more than in the past.


As for those who have already registered, they are also beginning to develop in the direction of general skills.

For example, most of the mechanical maintenance personnel currently master more than three skills.

The most common thing is that the three ability tests of plowing tractors, gas buses, and aerial vehicles are all integrated into one experienced driver.

It is wartime now, so the commanding area has implemented flexible scheduling, staggering the peak periods of flight and material transportation, allowing experienced drivers to solve the problem of flying people, and doubling the overtime benefits for the experienced drivers, and then turn to solve the problem of material transportation.

Because during the war, the task of learning how to operate machines was too intense, and some tasks were too rough.

For example, new craftsmen have a lot of broken hands now. If it were not for the blood pack technology, the number of disabled people would increase sharply. Of course, everyone must write a checkup after every accident, and the same accident rarely occurs in an area.

The war against the southwest region has been going on so far, and although the command area is exhausted, it can hold its breath every time, constantly improve its management, and at the same time make breakthroughs in mechanical productivity, and tenaciously push forward the battle.

For example, the current communication system has been replaced by a manual transfer system (in the 1970s and 1980s, all calls in the city were transferred manually) to automatic transfer by equipment.

Both the Desperate Plane and the Space Bubble Monitoring Team originally believed that this technological advancement would take at least seven years! But in fact, they still underestimated the potential of the organization to explode in wartime conditions.

Regarding this point, space bubble monitors also made a special research report.

The bourgeoisie can only stimulate labor productivity, and this stimulation often stimulates the repeated use of the work ability that people already have.

However, a fair social progress system not only stimulates labor productivity, but also stimulates the public's enthusiasm for learning and the ability to replace the social system. People's learning ability is the core productivity improvement.

In May 149, the monthly supply capacity of materials to the front line was only 500 tons.

So far in August it has risen to 3,000 tons.

But to be honest, all the above are still not enough, and it still lacks the advantage to deal with the biological communities of Yunnan.

In Baise, the newly established frontier base in the unified control area, energy stations have begun to operate, and the scientific and technological research center has also been set up.

Wei Keng has already figured out the existence that can frustrate such a vigorous conquering army.

Within three to four hours after our own war cats entered the combat area, their bodies were covered with parasitic mycelium! Such a terrifying method came from the apostle "Mirage Mycelium" from the south.

This is an extremely weird existence. When releasing spores, Hulala can scatter large spores, invading everything. After foreign animals enter it, they will have hallucinations in just a few dozen minutes and see all kinds of strange things.


And every year between July and October, a large number of organisms spray spores all over the mountains and plains, like a thick miasma advancing.

Please note that this kind of spore spraying is not just for mushrooms, but for all plants in the area. The only animals in the area are insects and fish.

Such an ecosystem structure covers the entire Southeast Asian peninsula.

With the intervention of human forces in the logging area, a large number of these spore-ejecting vegetation on the mountains were set on fire. Although the scale of such plants was reduced for a time, ordinary plants grew again. However, there are still some areas in the area

When spraying spores, the effects of vegetation that have just recovered naturally are assimilated into species that spray spores. It is really like wildfire that cannot be burned out and the spring breeze blows again!

And such a genetic community is defined in the system data as almost unbeatable.

The stubborn Wei Keng decided to give it a try.

In the scientific research center, Zeng Shuxie is conducting biological research.

Under the microscope, the hyphae are constantly proliferating. Of course, with electrical stimulation and the continuous addition of chemical substances, the hyphae are changing.

Based on this type of mycelium, she is developing a practical technology that can greatly improve the energy source of a series of mechanical war beasts such as Lugia.

Of course, if the biological node behind the mycelium is not defeated, the tool organisms are extremely unstable and can easily go wild under the influence of the life radiation of the node organisms.

Zeng Shushe ended the experiment and went to the next door, where fifteen guards and military departments spread out maps and were discussing the battle plan for November.

In the next room, the sand table has been set up.

On the sand table, there are mountains and ridges, as well as urban ruins that look like "spots". A large number of mature node biological chess pieces are placed in various areas, and the core "giant" in Dianchi is in Dianchi Lake.

in position.

That is the ultimate body! It belongs to the daughter of the Mother Fungus Apostle, and is also the opponent of the Conqueror Army in the area.

The chess piece Wei Keng made for him had a double form.

The first form is in winter. It is a tomento mushroom floating in the water. It is fully fifty meters in diameter and has a large number of spore spines. The spore spines can eject a large number of flying insects.

The second form is in spring and summer, it is a bug that is between 40 meters and 60 meters long and has countless long legs. The back of the bug can spray a large number of spores. The spores have wings and the ability to fly, and they pounce on the target.

Then it immediately penetrates into the skin and causes infection.

It had extremely strong vitality when it was entrenched in the Dianchi Lake. Bombing and damage could only temporarily destroy its body, but once it entered the Dianchi Lake, it was immediately repaired.

"Ecological replacement must be completed in Dianchi Lake." Wei Keng said the core goal of the plan.

The ultimate body will also have a brief transformation period due to the change of form.

In early to mid-November, the climate is dry, and fires can be used to destroy the area and reduce its life radiation.

At the same time, they suddenly descended from the air and deployed regiment-level forces to reach Dian Lake, cut off the life of its deformed node, and trapped it in a small pond.

The third step requires environmental destruction within the next two to three months.

Wei Keng pointed at Dianchi Lake and said, "Make this place eutrophic."

Chen Jiarui, the military leader in charge of this direction: "The difficulty of this plan is..."

Wei Keng: "The difficulty is that we must simultaneously suppress the surrounding complete biological nodes during the operation to prevent them from entering Dianchi Lake and becoming new life leaders."

Chen Jiarui took a breath and said to Wei Keng: "What about the counterattack of biological radiation during the mission in this area?"

Wei Keng: "I will fight the tough battle. For the Dianchi Lake mission, I (the cluster) have 4,700 volunteer applications."

On the other side of the glass window, although Zeng Shuxie did not receive the full content of the spiritual language, she still saw the mission.

When she saw Chen Jiarui picking up Wei Keng's list, she wanted to shout a report.

But when Wei Keng once again used the language of his soul to persuade the comrades in the room, he also linked to her.

Wei Keng: "In terms of objective factors, human beings have also formed communities. The society we maintain has always avoided this point, because to recognize the community of human beings, we have to face such a problem: communities have some influence on the independence of individual consciousness that society wants to protect.


"But avoiding the objective nature of human communities can only obscure the problem. This is not an attitude to solve the problem.

"Now, please admit objectively that I am the node of the biome.

Because I can concentrate the strongest life radiation effect in the human community. Physiologically, I am different from you. Just like the objective physiological differences between men and women."

Wei Keng looked at everyone, and of course he also glanced in the direction of Zeng Shuxie. Through the telepathy channel, Wei Keng knew the girl's sudden mood and wanted to accompany him. Therefore, he linked to her.

Wei Keng: "Biology and society are separate. Biological differences should not affect the freedom of equal development of consciousness. Social progress does not negate biological differences as a reason to emphasize equality of consciousness."

Wei Keng said slowly: "Society should protect the weak and ensure that they are not harmed by danger, but it should be cautious about the strong! It should encourage its glory, safeguard its reputation, and let its strength be used for greatness."

This is the final definition of the gender conflict between men and women after the 22nd century. Women must be protected by law, but this does not mean that they are given the right to rely on the weak and sell the weak. Men must be cautious, and be wary of the possible consequences of their evil intentions.

When it comes to destruction, "possibility" must not be used as a reason to make premature conclusions and reduce its bottom line in society.


In the current war, in order not to give up the "two development goals", Wei Keng, who has always been "a middle-aged man, avoiding trouble and lying down", has further put himself on the line and clarified his relationship with society.

On the issue that Wei Keng had always avoided with ordinary people in the Tongfa District, Wei Keng gritted his teeth and faced it, acknowledging and exchanging consensus.

As one of the most biologically tolerant and thinking beings in society, I have the obligation to take on more responsibilities.

Humanity's restoration of the ecological world belongs to a genetic community war! We are the vanguard.

This chapter has been completed!
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