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Chapter 6.10: A sophisticated self-interested group that contributes to the unity of the world

 At the end of the 150th year of the Pandora calendar, Ye City was built and the Supreme Council was convened.

The predecessors of each seat at this meeting were the heads of major units, including the director of the heavy metal smelting plant, the director of the waterway administration, and the director of the biopharmaceutical institute.

In the early Pandora era, they were the substantial managers of Jianye City.

However, as the situation in the doomsday could not be improved, and the era of mankind was gone forever, and it could only maintain the status quo, this council began to gradually abandon its public ambitions, and began to ring the clock every day as a monk.

Decades after entering the end of the world, procedural corruption began. Internal elimination, retired members were stationed in various companies in Jianye. At the same time, the company controlled various important departments, and then controlled the entire Jianye City. It can be said that a council was formed around this council.

The iron curtain of power.

However, this closed system became increasingly inefficient and unable to handle complex external issues, so it outsourced some responsibilities to some individual organizations.

Among these individual group organizations is the Trainers Association, which currently holds governance rights.

Please note that it is an escrow, not an overthrow. Most senior trainers also have the status of council members in their own families. It is just that the council group is not suitable for managing the city-state, and then a new group was created to facilitate management, but it was bloated.

The old group has not been cancelled.

Now, decades after the Trainers Association took over the governance of the Jianye city-state system, the old system of the Council was restarted for the first time.

This bloated system suddenly started to meet because the natural changes around Jianye now meet the definition of a human crisis. This bureaucratic organization reluctantly started to activate in response to the stress response of the procedures for handling major security issues.

At the meeting, a slide was showing the unusual phenomenon of a large number of sea animals that fearfully landed on land near the mouth of the Yangtze River this month.

Of course, in the world of Pandora, the polyexpression of genes brings more choices and stronger adaptability to organisms. Although 90% of the sea beasts have died, 10% of the sea beasts have begun to fade.

The limbs quickly completed the land transformation, and then swallowed up the debris of the surrounding failed landings.

Due to genetic interaction, this evolution that originally took millions of years can be completed in a few weeks. In the same way, the results of millions of years of evolution can also degrade in a very short period of time.

Each animal tide will bring complex interactions of genes to an area, and a variety of new species will be born.

The speed at which life jumps between various forms has made quite a few people today deeply self-doubt: Have humans who keep their genes in one form now lost their advantage?

Over the past two hundred years, all advanced vertebrate species have evolved to a very high level worldwide.

Twenty years ago, in the European Mediterranean, a race of feathered beasts that could sharpen tools had appeared. They had the advanced airbag breathing structure of birds, the upright joint structure of their leg bones was more developed than humans, and the feathers covering their bodies could keep them warm. They even had intelligence.

It has also evolved significantly and can sharpen tools. The only shortcoming in the "assembled" biological structure is that there are no sweat glands. The air cooling method of spreading feathers still lags behind the existing water cooling method of human sweating, and cannot adapt to the high temperature smelting industry.

.This gave the remaining humans in Northern Europe huddled in Greenland a temporary sigh of relief.

But what about the future?

Will humans be replaced? This is the worry of all existing human city-states in the current dilemma of development.

At present, the time and space monitors are critical of the mentality of these indigenous people: they are obviously uneducated and unskilled people, but they deliberately act like they are worried. They bow to the evolution of creatures that they cannot cope with, and they are flattering.

It’s called “Humility towards Life”.

However, they are extremely arrogant towards the conquered areas in the south and completely deny their efforts to reform. The implicit meaning of stubbornly defining the conquered areas as "the same as the old civilization" is that the old civilization has failed and the outcome of the conquered areas will definitely not be good.

Sooner or later it will collapse.

Bai Linglu, who studies recent history, can also find examples: At that time, there were such people on many forums: everyone talked about how advanced and open the outside world was, envious and wanted to fly over, and determined to be a "cautious person"

"Humble learner"; but he turned a blind eye to the down-to-earth efforts made internally and continued to criticize with the arrogance of "not going along with it".

The perspective returns to the Zifeng Building where Ye City was built.

After all the information was presented, Wei Renlu expressed his opinion: the Destroyer dragon community in the East China Sea is being impacted by the oceanic sulfur-iron community, which is the source of the beast tide.

Further information will be provided by our fleet to the "big officials" for inspection and further reporting. Of course, the situation is not optimistic. This kind of apostle-level existence has begun to expand, and the resulting group migration will have a negative impact on Jianye's influence.

Coastal city-states have had an unpredictable impact.

Trade routes will be cut off, the probability of genetic contamination outside the core human area will increase, and the trainer's mechanical beasts will suffer a lot of wear and tear. These effects will weaken Jianye's influence on the region.

After the technical staff finished their reports, the various forces within the council began to discuss.

At the "seniors meeting" in Jianye, each team issued their own statement.

It can be seen that although the current crisis has brought various teams in Jianye together for meetings, it is still difficult to make all participants of the board of directors take responsibility.

Jiang Xu looked at the speeches of each force present. Among them were members of his own family and his own students. Although they all gave him enough face, none of them gave a guarantee.

These people from Jianye came to the meeting mainly to see if others would mess with them at the meeting.

To put it more simply, this is equivalent to the chattering aunt at the entrance of the village. No one is willing to move the small bench and leave first, because if anyone is not present, he will become "the center of whispered discussions."

Therefore, from the morning discussion to the afternoon,

The senior executives of Jianye reached a consensus on one auxiliary decision when they failed to make all the expatriation decisions!

That is to find the unification area to jointly deal with the impact of this beast tide.

From the perspective of basic diplomatic common sense, this consensus is very funny. The relationship between the two sides has now become cold. Jianye has not given any benefit feedback to the Tonghua District. Now it is in trouble and has to assign tasks to the Tonghua District.

Yes, Jianye suffered the negative impact of a decline in leadership during this incident, but he had to assign tasks to the commanding areas that "can handle this incident on their own."

Diplomacy is about exchange of interests.

When the various forces in Jianye fought and the only consensus emerged, Song Heng and other senior leaders of the training association felt confused!

The commanding area is not present now, so these own forces in Jianye, talking and talking, came up with this plan that can take advantage of the "absent foreign party".

But can the plans decided by political stars like Jianye be implemented obediently by the outside world?

This board of directors meeting was originally expected by all parties, but due to the wrangling of all parties and the mutual blame-shifting of such a group of smart people, everything came to nothing.

June 3, 151.

In the No. 1 Carbon Pit Laboratory, the giant power supply equipment is humming towards the center to provide power.

Brand new experiments are taking place here.

After the construction of the experimental equipment was completed, the researchers worked tirelessly to plan this year's work tasks, and were busy with one experiment after another.

Well, you can refer to the young man who got firecrackers one after another and happily tried various explosions. Exploding cow dung, exploding cracks in walls, exploding iron pots, flying into the sky, exploding under the ice, exploding bird's nests, etc.

Blow up toad holes in the water, blow up mouse holes...

The gadget in your hand needs to be touched with various things, and you have to see what happens first. This is the fun of exploration.

Huang Jingfei is a researcher here.

The current experiment was designed by him.

As the colorful light gathered over Carbon Valley, he "clearly saw" the "guidance of living things" in the light.

This is the feedback mechanism he built by controlling his own life radiation, and is connected to the "life bubble" generated in this experiment. It includes 857 unique information frequency bands of the language of the soul.

When the energy supply was cut off, the "life swell" above the Carbon Valley that could reflect various life information in nature disappeared, but Huang Jingfei felt that a similar "life swell" appeared in his body.

Five hours later, he walked out of the Carbon Valley and came to an exclusive plantation, feeling the life energy in his body and the resonance of the powerful life frequency band in the plantation!

He raised his hand, and a miracle happened. The regional life radiation that could only be mobilized by Wei Keng, the center of the cluster, now began to gather with his will.

He selected a frequency band, and as the biogas pool's decomposition genes appeared, a large amount of golden flames of flammable gas soon appeared in the area in front of him.

Then he tried other frequency bands.

Or there is a colorful accumulation of electric charges, or trees are growing, or plant fiber tissue is decomposing into liquid.

After realizing everything, he paused and touched his abdomen, the feedback life bubble he had obtained through the carbon valley experiment.

Following the recent popularity of Xianxia in the control area, he murmured:

"My golden elixir has become great."

About this technology, it was quickly recorded.

Jin Dan? Oh, what a middle-class title. However, if he wants to be so romantic, there is no law in the Tongfa District that does not allow it.

Generally speaking, this is a technology that can only appear after human life communities establish their own ecological order across hundreds of kilometers.

A tongue-in-cheek introduction: After Wei Keng, the Human Emperor, spread the order of life in areas dominated by humans, large tracts of land were filled with node plants that relied on humans to supply protein! Under the nourishment of these "spiritual creatures of heaven and earth" that filled the mountains and plains

, "The vitality of heaven and earth", that is, a set of life radiation with human life as the core, runs through hundreds of kilometers.

The Northern Five Color Alliance is now using the organs of the Death Dragon to absorb the vitality of the huge area where the Death Dragon community is located to supply their mechanical beasts.

Huang Jingfei now understands the life field of this huge human-dominated ecological area where he is located by observing the high-energy "Pandora Field Bubble" that appeared in the Carbon Valley experiment! He also uses the language of the soul for feedback control.

Please note that Huang Jingfei's technology relies on the area currently occupied by the Tongfa District (Master Wei).

Because Huang Jingfei is a human, humans can control the radiation in the human-dominated ecology. As for other areas, Huang Xianchang has no plans to stop being a human yet.

For example, if you want to use the life radiation of the Tianshu Dragon like in the north, Wong Tai Sin: "I'm sorry, we are from a well-known and decent family, human race, innate Taoist body, and have no plans to turn into demons and cultivate."

A week later, Huang Jingfei submitted a perfectly handwritten application for joining the organization.

After several rounds of review, the vocabulary invented by this technology researcher who loves cultivating immortals was regarded as another "meme" by the staff of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Tongfa District.

As the first "immortal family" in the current renaissance of the human race, wearing the red scarf, he deeply felt that he had the responsibility to assist the "Human Emperor" in his overseas expeditions.

Let's put it this way, after having the "golden elixir" soaked in the space in his body, when he came to the border of the commanding area, he deeply felt "the evil spirit pervades all directions."

Huang Jingfei is very sensitive to those life radiations that are difficult for ordinary people to feel but can cause genetic contamination.

In these strange areas, he can rely on the life radiation "Fairy Family Inner Qi" stored in the space inside his body for a while, and he can also show some magical powers. But to completely overthrow the ecology here, he must rely on human society.

Orthodox power advances.

The main world supervision team is highly interested in Huang Jingfei's application of life technology. It is the first time they know that in the world of Pandora, humans can play like this in their own dominant ecological area! This has not been found in all previous explorations.


Liao Yangxiu: "Good guy, now everything that monsters can do, humans can do, and they can do it in a more refined way."

1. The telepathy of the insect swarm, and human beings develop spiritual language.

2. Quick recovery of various strange creatures, and blood pack technology in the control area.

3. Node creatures draw life energy from Pandora's field, and now humans can too.

With such a huge technological advantage, compared to other time travellers, Wei Keng's steady progress strategy makes people anxious again.

Therefore, more than one monitor has now said: "I really want to think about it, open another timeline, use the most explosive route, and try the sideways push process."

But this is the last process that humans have started in the Pandora plane, at this early point in time.

The time point in the Pandora plane where Wei Keng is located is already equivalent to the past for the main world! It is already difficult, well, basically impossible to open a parallel timeline.

In the space command hall, Bai Linglu comforted his subordinates after Pandora's technological breakthrough: "Actually, I also hope to see brilliant fireworks. But you know! The wait today is for the long-term future."

Bai Linglu's eyes flashed with ambition that matched her appearance.

Today, she is no longer satisfied with letting Wei Keng complete the construction of a "mere" millions of square kilometers of human security and stability. She wants to witness the reshuffle of the world.

On the plane of Pandora, Wei Keng ended his review of Huang Jingfei.

There is no need for his technology Wei Keng. In terms of focusing life radiation, he can achieve it through the individual resonance of the cluster. And compared to controlling life radiation to disrupt some life chemical reactions, Mr. Wei prefers incendiary bombs and strong acids. If he loads it himself

Life bubbles are a waste of resources. The high-intensity Pandora field generated in the carbon valley consumes a lot of energy.

However, Wei Keng is still ready to provide support

Being able to control life field radiation by other human beings other than oneself means that many medical technologies can be spread to the outside world.

The Wei Keng cluster looked at the sky through the perspective of some individuals, and sighed: "In Jianye, I want to hold on to my own hope. But here, hope must be shared with my companions. How do you say this in ancient Chinese, oh, poverty leads to poverty.

Take good care of yourself alone, and if you achieve great things, you can help the world as well."

This chapter has been completed!
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