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Chapter 7.10 Inside the Perspective, Outside the Perspective

 In the 3575th year of Fengfu, Wei Keng did not carry out a long period of "not doing business" like in the empty twisting plane, but directly entered into the advancement of substantial "industrialization development".

Bai Linglu 'taught' experience to Qin Xiaohan: "In the empty twisting plane, you indulged him when you came up and didn't put any pressure on him, so you let him hang around at the merchant level for decades! As for me, I just told him about it when I came up.

Understand the pros and cons."


In the process of debugging the industrial production chain, Wei Keng, who is a middle-aged man, tried to find a model that fit his own industrial concept among countless roads traveled by his predecessors.

The rune technology system was born.

Arcane spells that produce the same effect are all the same in principle, such as fire element restraint, and all arcane mages have similar methods of condensation.

While the principles are the same, the performance varies from person to person. An ordinary mage makes small fireballs, while an excellent mage wants to show that his abilities far exceed those of his peers by making large fireballs.

For runes, the tolerances on size, length and width, speed, and calorific value must be small enough.

In the arcane world where geniuses are rare, 90% of fireballs are actually released through spellcasting items.

Therefore, fireballs can be shot out of energy guns. Casting props can be standard industrial assembly products.

Mechanical parts and runes need to be precise to prevent impurities from leaking and damaging the durability of the props.


Wei Keng is preparing to compile and manage the industrial code: all types of standard runes can be digitally matched.

For example, during the operation of a steam engine, the runes of water and fire are in mechanical operation. If the margin of a certain part increases a little, then after hundreds of repeated mechanical operations, the accumulated margin will be in a large amount.

Cause damage to the mechanical combination system.

Resonance destruction theory on the earth: When the vibration of part of the structure cannot be eliminated, the accumulation will cause damage to the entire system. The same exists in the mechanical and energy structure operation of the arcane world.

Each set of standard runes corresponds to a set of realistic sculptures. These imaginary sculptures whose length, width, and movement speed all conform to the standard provide students with a reference when condensing the runes.

After any group of statues is visualized by the apprentices, the scalars formed in their thinking will be difficult to correct. Therefore, Wei Keng adjusted the entire production chain and fully verified it before making the basic design.


Of course, even if everything goes well with the above conditions, the statue can provide a certain standard.

Due to the specificity of each apprentice's spiritual power, the actual runes they condense are still different.

Each apprentice will remember the tolerance coefficients of his own runes and standard runes, mark the tolerance coefficients on the industrial accessories, and then debug them.

Finally, load the buffer system.


In the past, each arcanist coordinated his own model system. They pursued knowledge, but had no intention of generalizing the technology.

After all, this kind of standard that restricts the freedom of research and development of one's own models and facilitates others to master, infiltrate, and participate in the direction of one's own knowledge system is really too selfless for Master Da'ao.

In the arcane world, knowledge has always been valuable.

Even most common sense requires apprentices to study it from the basics.


In the two months after the runes were standardized, a hundred batches of steam cars rolled off the assembly line.

Compared with the car factories in the industrial age of the earth, this productivity is nothing, but for a start-up workshop, such a steadily increasing output is gradually breaking through the times.

The most special thing is that the production components of core parts can be completed by a group of apprentices.

Rather than the automated production of magic items in other magic towers driven by the spiritual imprints left casually by the great arcane mages. (The great arcane mages can construct many spiritual imprints, and the difficulty is as difficult as ordinary people memorizing one more word.)

Although in terms of production efficiency, the spiritual imprint of the Great Arcanist is better, as there is no need for arcanist apprentices to correct tolerances, and it also needs to be equipped with a buffer structure.

From the perspective of capitalist management theory, it is also easier to monopolize and control by leaving one's own spiritual imprint, which allows the Grand Arcanist to directly control the core assets.

It’s just Wei Keng, not a mortal, not a mortal from the arcane world.

That is the right and obligation of an individual to pursue the truth, and it is the path of a "mortal" arcanist without cheats. What Wei Keng, who has a cheat, thinks about: "The stable inheritance of knowledge at the civilization level."

The more people who master a type of knowledge, the stronger the backbone of civilization becomes.

Of course, as for the spread of knowledge, making him look like a middle-class person, etc. As an earthling who has experienced many social changes, Wei Keng is used to it.


In May 3575, Wei Keng began to enter the seven-ring field of necromancy and change. Since then, the knowledge fields he has been exposed to have become more and more advanced, and Wei Keng began to behave like a mage. In order to verify his knowledge, his personality became more and more sophisticated.

Rigorous and cumbersome.

Of course, maybe Wei Keng's original personality is like this: the more he knows, the more cautious he will be.

The necromantic system and the transmutation system are the understanding of organic chemistry and physics in this world. In Wei Keng's view, these two systems of spells are quite dangerous.

Basic arcana spells related to organic chemistry are very common, such as food creation.

This kind of spell can help the continuation of the race at critical moments. Even some shamans of the beastmen and barbaric tribes can find a simple spell.

The art of food creation is to sense the most common organic synthesis process in nature (plant photosynthesis), record the information left in the quantum field, and then guide the gap in the quantum field to turn carbon dioxide and water into organic matter in the palm of your hand.

The food produced by the early food technique is very crude and even tastes like wood residue. In addition to supplying basic energy for life, it has no effect on the recovery of physical strength and energy.

Someone, out of the spirit of a qualified cook, tried to make the grain-making process delicious by adding glutamate and fat synthesis, but in the end he felt that it would be better to make instant noodles with wheat and then study storage methods directly.

Wei Keng studies the essence.

In the era of unstable magic network, the famous words of the great arcanists were: "Spell slots only represent your ability to release spells, but insight into the nature of spell production allows your spells to be ever-changing under different conditions."

Translate it in words that people on earth can understand: Explosives such as grenades and mortar shells can allow you to release explosions. But what is the nature of explosions? Why can flour detonate when it is mixed with air and ignited?


The further development of the chemical and metal smelting industries requires the summary of basic theories that are far more complicated than earth-related knowledge.

After all, the materials in this world are much more complex than those on earth.

Quantum entanglement can store different kinds of information, which means that compounds of the same type can also be different.

On Earth, the carbon dioxide cracked in limestone and the carbon dioxide purified in biogas pools have the same molecular formula and the same material composition. However, in this world, the conditions for the production of the two types of carbon dioxide are different, and the quantum entanglement information above is also different.

After a large amount of grass and trees rot in the biogas pool, the carbon dioxide produced obviously carries some special information.

In an experiment at the Basic Arcane School: after the carbon dioxide in the swamp was mixed with oxygen and given to mice to inhale, negative effects would soon appear on the mice.

Even the methane gas produced by rotting vegetation in the swamp is different from that produced by rotting cattle, horses and even human corpses.

The quantum information carried by carbon dioxide cracked from rocks or purified in the atmosphere does not have negative elements, but it obviously carries quantum information that has been stably deposited in the lithosphere for a long time. Of course, the information of such gases is meager.

The effect of petrification.

Quantum information carried by the simplest inorganic molecules can create differences in chemical reactions.

Not to mention more complex organic matter! The physics of the arcane world is fundamentally an order of magnitude more complex than the chemistry of the earth.

The scumbags of science and technology in the ancient times of the earth can basically bid farewell to the line of arcanists. If you want to be a magician, high intelligence is a must.


In the laboratory, Wei Keng shuttled around various flasks, and each floating smart puppet collected and fed back the experimental information churning in the flasks.

In order to test out a suitable internal combustion engine fuel, Wei Keng felt like he had become a card-drawing maniac, constantly testing the reaction process of each fuel.

Although the quantum information accumulated on the fuel will not affect the total calorific value of the fuel, it will affect the release path.

In the deflagration test, the "fire element dissipation" indicators after deflagration of alcohol and gasoline in a closed container are different.

Does the heat dissipate more to the air or to the water vapor? For people outside the cylinder, this is the difference between feeling the face is warm or the internal organs are warm.


The chemical industry on earth is dangerous because the equipment may explode or leak even if it does not explode. In the early days of the earth's industrial revolution, the lack of safety measures in the production of certain hazardous chemicals would cause all workers in the factory to get cancer.

The chemical engineering, no, alchemy and pharmacy of this era are weird.

Because no matter how closed your experimental equipment is, the chemical reaction will tunnel directly out of the reaction container through the quantum information field and affect your body.

Have you ever seen how unique those old witches who make medicine look? And remember that when they were young, they were also beauties with long legs and fair skin.

At present, in the chemical industry, workers in the ammonia synthesis industry area are doing fine, but there is a problem with urea synthesis.

Carbon dioxide in biogas digesters must not be used as raw material. Carbon dioxide produced by burning steel furnaces must be used. Of course, carbon dioxide cracked from limestone is the safest.


Although necromancy is just a technique, most researchers' faces are as pale as zombies. Unless you are good at protection spells.

But speaking of people who major in the protection system and also master the necromancy system at the same time, and they can go hand in hand, they are rare.

Well, Wei Keng himself is a demigod, with many talents, multi-threaded learning, and an almost infinite spell structure in his mental power to record various classic spells.

But the apprentices under his command cannot. They must find a low-loss production standard, and they cannot rely on the undead for the future labor force.

Wei Keng is writing a report, and he predicts that he will not be able to complete the first stage of technical summary within 30 million words.

The system was having a headache. Qin Xiaohan and Bai Linglu looked at each other: "The road on our side seems to be heading towards a difficult place."

Naturally, among the travelers who come to this world, some have an easy time walking.


At the same time, to the south of the main continent, summer storms had just touched the southern side of the main continent.

The third largest port of the Talos Federation, which is famous for its trade, has begun the busiest commercial season of the year. The gold coins flowing here every day are like the water of a stream.

Relative freedom and stable order make this place the richest place on the mainland.

Because it is still under the light of God, the lords here must abide by the rules of the contract when ruling. And because it is close to the crazy coastline in the south, everything can be bought here, including some contraband.

Shukeli (Earth name: Shanzhen) is enjoying the cool air from the air conditioner.

This air conditioning machine stores the mechanical energy blown by the wind in the battery during the day, and at night it activates the ice array to work (turning heat energy into light radiation and dissipating it). Such a small thing made the chamber of commerce he affiliated with famous.

The shiny gold coins made him breathe a sigh of relief, and finally he had a large amount of funds in this world.

The nobles have always been generous with their enjoyment. When the poor can only endure the humid and high temperatures of the climate, and at this time, the nobles can solve the problem by just pressing a button, then it is not excessive to take out a hundred gold coins. A silver coin according to

In terms of purchasing power, the price of sesame cakes is about 700 to 800. The exchange rate between a gold coin and a silver coin in the south is about 1:7. So think about it, the price of an air conditioner is almost the price of more than 20 cows.

But let’s not forget that the nobles in the south have the purchasing power of such luxury goods. On the contrary, the steam tractors of Weikeng in the north can only be exchanged for money by renting them out during busy farming periods, and they have to constantly borrow money from their small and medium-sized lords to maintain industrial research and development and production.



Shukori (Yamazada) is a native of Earth. As a transcendent, under the test of the spirit of the plane, he received the mission of the hero level, and then entered this plane. His watch reminded that this is a

A high-risk plane, a plane that can curse souls. Although the system provides a godhead exchange system, it has only touched the edge so far.

Oh, his godhead is not the same as Wei Keng's, he is a mechanical godhead. This is one of the three gods originally planned by the king of the Mediterranean system.

Unlike Wei Keng who was born into a Duke's family and waited to inherit the territory, Shan Zhen was born as a small businessman.

The talent is the talent of remembering, which can remember the physical process of all movements, which is equivalent to recording a video of the dynamic movement process in reality and obtaining a gif of a three-dimensional perspective. Although it is easier to use, the rules are weaker.

After he counted the gold coins, he began to purchase materials and began experiments.

He is also an Arcanist. System: He can't be a Warlock.

Unlike Wei Keng, who is not afraid of getting tired and advances the basics of all systems, he has refined the transformation system and the evocation system.

Yamazada has a dream, that is to one day buy the entire Tata Port, build a large shipyard, and then continue to collect materials, use steel to build a large ship "Yamato" with a super magic main gun, and then build his own

Southern Ocean Supremacy.

Oh, that is still a distant dream, but just like the United States, which relied on free immigration and commerce to rise in modern times, has the American Dream, who says that this distant dream cannot be realized.

However, when he had just adjusted some of the materials and prepared to synthesize the alchemy array, a piece of paper-like letter popped out of the entrance of the roof.

He raised his hand and the letter slid down from the roof.

After taking it apart and taking a look, he was slightly startled: "Refining large war puppet parts? Is there going to be a war?"


A few kilometers away, ships entered the port one after another.

As the clattering metal chains on the ship released the template, first the warriors in leather armor walked off the ship, and then the beastmen holding a large number of iron chain shackles walked off the ship.

These were all very strong slaves. The weak and sick ones were thrown overboard during the voyage and fed to violent sharks.

Today, this slave team did not rush towards the slave market as usual, but was stopped by a team of knights wearing heavy armor and riding two-meter-high war horses in the port.

These slaves will be sent to the meat puppet factory in the northeast corner of the port for transformation.

There, the slaves would be given anesthesia and stuffed into iron cans. At the same time, the slaves would be given a mutation potion to completely fuse the meat and iron.

In this process, it is impossible to tell what race will be transformed. Of course, humans are weak in strength and physique, have a high mortality rate, and the transformation is not cost-effective, so beastmen are often used.

After the transformation is completed, it will be a monster in black armor.

No leaking flesh can be seen on the whole body, except for the cold eyes under the T-shaped hole on the helmet.


The reason why the southern commercial kingdom is so vigilant and does not hesitate to invest huge sums of money to purchase various war weapons from sorcerers who "may violate taboos" is this.

The Xuao Kingdom in the middle of the continent has begun to expand. (Weikeng is in the northernmost Aige, and the central part belongs to the southern part of the empire where the Northern Territory is located.)

Xuan'ao is the country with the highest concentration of regular mages in the entire continent. Their army naturally has the highest proportion of spellcasters.

In the last month, they marched along the Zibei River towards the four free cities.

The magic airship floating in the sky showed the unique flag with a silver star on the front and an atomic pattern on the back in front of various forces on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Is it surrender or resistance?

The multiple-choice question was placed in front of the natives of this plane.

This chapter has been completed!
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