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Chapter 7.19 Comfort, and discomfort

 The wind has been blowing for the past 3578 years, it is midsummer, and the temperature in various industrial areas is extremely hot. The family members in the factory compound stay in the sports hall with a central refrigeration system, laying on the floor to enjoy the cool~ As for the arcane mages in the factory,

Based on the industrial waste heat generated by factory production and the heat absorption of urban cement houses to sunlight, various additional matters that need attention are calculated among the city's many balancing systems.

In next year's urban construction plan, a wetland will be planned at the upwind outlet, and artificial forests will be arranged between factory areas.

When Carret elaborated on the concept of coordination, he had fully integrated the scale development of industry with the concept of "coordination". Therefore, large-scale urban planning must comply with "Feng Shui".

Lighting, as well as air circulation in the building, ensures that quantum information remains stable in various areas.


In Xiangeling, Temple of Heaven, Central Data Center.

Carret is using its own system to record multiple types of data, trying to connect with past experience systems and find its own characteristic development path.

For example, for the rules of space, Wei Keng naturally drew on his research experience in the void twist plane. Some constants between the two planes are different, and there are several more changing values ​​in the formula.

However, mastering the space formula of this plane does not mean that the "experience of the swordsman system of the empty twisting plane" can be fully applied in the arcane world, and can only be partially utilized. Because other factors are also competitive and will have an impact on it.



On the void plane, it is very difficult to extract the amount of time. Therefore, in the swordsman system, there is basically no need to worry about the process of space shuttle being intercepted. There is only one method for space combat, and the only method is computational prediction.

But in the arcane plane, there is a reflection of the etheric realm. At the same time, the difficulty of "stopping time" and "twisting space" are almost the same. Therefore, at the eighth level and above, magic involving space can be defended.

If you still try to use high-speed jump empiricism to fight, you will fall into the opponent's arcane mage's attack.


At present, Wei Keng still focuses on protection and prophecy. On various tall industrial facilities, the word "Gou" is hung high to deal with all kinds of evil intentions in the treacherous world.

Space Lock, an eight-ring protection magic, can block an area with a radius of seven meters and prevent teleportation and plane travel.

This year, Wei Keng has completed such high-level defense techniques for thousands of places including every steel furnace, chemical reactor, and important energy exchange area! Oh, this is backed by an energy station (Mage Tower) and is under standardized construction.

One of the steps.

The purpose is to prevent some jealous arcane masters in this world from causing damage.

Don't think that no one came to sabotage it. In this year, Wei Keng caught four spell casters. Some of them sent animal substitutes, while others controlled shadows to sneak in.

They are all those four-ring and five-ring mages.

These young arcane mages relied on their extraordinary abilities and ignored the large number of mortals in the industrial area. Following the instigation of certain forces, they rushed in straight away.

As a result, everyone was warned by Wei Keng's curse~


The gifts Wei Keng gave to these "uninvited guests" were not serious spells.

Some are permanent hair petrification techniques, which make the hair very brittle (say goodbye to bald hair forever), and some are addiction techniques. They seem to be one-ring and two-ring spells, but each one embodies the characteristics of "Wei's Leaving Trap".

For normal prank-level spells, mid-level arcane mages can use potions and spell counter-spells to solve them. However, Wei Keng's counter-spell is not a standard spell.

Wei Keng's spells are not only innovative in expression, but also have novel encryption techniques.

For example, the petrification technique specifically targets hair follicle cells, and has a very sophisticated recognition function in the relevant quantum information. If you try to use standard tricks to solve the curse, the petrification effect will be transferred to nearby tissues, the pores will be swollen, and the skin will appear.

Densely packed with a large number of pockmarks, this will be more serious.

That's right, Wei Keng's prank curse, whether it was the potion preparation method or the curse-breaking experiment, wasted a lot of time and energy on these arcane mages. In the end, it was counterproductive.


Returning to Wei Keng's high-level arcane magic system. Like most arcane mages in this world, the deeper he understands, the more humble he becomes.

Now, Wei Keng masters various eight-level spells in the space system.

Whether it is building a space maze to accommodate people (Wei Keng: Hericium, I call you, do you dare to agree?)

It is better to set up permanent space gates in two places (this consumes too much energy, Wei Keng is only experimental at present. It is the same concept as the maglev track in Puhai in modern times.)

Or it could be teleportation from an alien plane (Wei Keng has searched for more than six alien planes. The alien planes here are actually in other celestial bodies. These celestial bodies lack life, and the information capacity of the etheric realm on them is obviously higher than that of other celestial bodies.

Much smaller than the current continent with people and civilization)

Standard high-level arcane spells have a large number of unique derivatives after the arcane mage understands their essence.

This is just like each industrial country in the 21st century, which has its own set of applied technology trees based on the same theoretical experiments.

Each arcane mage has unique characteristics in how he uses theory. The higher the level of arcane magic, the greater the effort the industry needs to put into unifying standards. On the contrary, the arcane mages who topology the production line in spirit do not have mutual standards.

Issues of difference will be freer.

After deducing this result,

Wei Keng is somewhat pessimistic about the future: "For the specific purpose of changing the world, the secret method mastered by a few people is more powerful than the industry collaborated by the majority."

According to Wei Keng's current understanding of Austrian law, in the realm of legend, it is absolutely possible to restore a planet's atmosphere through hydrogen extraction from stars.

It is not even necessary to restore the atmosphere. It can be more convenient to directly build a glass cover and use the materials of stars and planets to build an ecosystem.

Then collect sunlight, no, or directly use high-energy arcane magic to create a light source. It is impossible for the legendary level not to know the knowledge of star fusion reaction. They can even program the fusion reaction control system into certain bloodlines. Now that they have

After the light source and water source are provided, an alien nest is established!

This situation verifies certain legends. Legendary mages, in pursuit of restricted areas that only gods can enter, will invade multiple other worlds and plunder a large number of slaves, and then enter their own lairs for research.

Only a world blessed by God will not become such a dark forest.

So Wei Keng hesitated: Should he continue to the left, or should he acquiesce to the facts?

Mr. Wei is just a middle-aged man with no results. He is also confused as to whether to pursue this path.

Are the physical rules of this world really suitable for stripping away gods? This seems to be a joke for a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy who wants to run away from home.


Don't use the main world's concept of the starry sky in recent times to understand the concept of territory in this arcane plane.

The gods do not care about the condition of each star in the sky, the information content of the stars is the key.

Compared with those barren planets where a single footprint on the surface can be preserved for hundreds of thousands of years, those planets with very few intelligent life and advanced development have millions of times the amount of information reflected in the etheric world than uninhabited planets.


To reach the level of God's favor, the feudal kingdom system appeared politically, and various complex cultures and arts appeared in the exchanges between mortals.

And a very small number of people are born in a world where stable energy appears in the underground three-dimensional space and forms an ecology. Civilization has developed for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are many races and a long history, forming various societies.

Compare it with a planet on the surface where civilization has just appeared for a few thousand years, such as the one at the foot of Wei Keng. The difference in the amount of information in the etheric realm is like the difference between a star and a planet.

To God, one faith star is worth more than tens of thousands of unmanned stars! (Aside: Just like to Lao Sepi, a website with a lot of resources is more valuable than thousands of blank addresses.


Wei Keng gradually realized this reality, which made the unruly people who were accustomed to "diligently" changing the world couldn't help but curse.

Mr. Wei sighed deeply: "There is no way I can escape being cut like a leek. Damn it, I have accumulated so much!"


In the surveillance space, Qin Xiaohan watched Wei Keng stamp his feet, exhaled, and said to Bai Linglu: "He realized the special nature of this world."

Bai Linglu, who had just finished his break, put on his work clothes and watched Wei Keng's recent exploration of the plane. After a moment of silence, he said to Qin Xiaohan: "I'll make a bet with you, even if he realizes it, he still won't change.


Qin Xiaohan felt a little distressed: "In this world of gods, in order to prevent certain adverse consequences, he restrained himself from becoming stronger, but other gods would not pay attention to such sacrifices."

Bai Linglu glanced at Qin Xiaohan: "You finally know that this world is not suitable for him, right?"

Qin Xiaohan paused and said, "How about we apply to end this task? Well, I will apply alone."

In the inspection hall,

When Qin Xiaohan said these words, everything was quiet.

Bai Linglu turned his head and stared at Qin Xiaohan completely! There was "approval" and "sympathy" in his eyes.

"Approval" is because, although the guy who originally competed with him for Wei Keng did not have the ability to foresee, he now has the courage to admit his mistakes. This is countless times better than those guys who "just make mistakes".

"Sympathy" means being the first to admit your mistakes, and you often get not rewards, but inertial containment.

Bai Linglu silently clicked on the system screen, and a warning to Qin Xiaohan appeared on it! As a supervisor, if you give up for "no reason" in a high-level task, relevant procedures will be started.

Qin Xiaohan had been warned. Moreover, Bai Linglu knew that the system was already asking her a series of questions about this issue.

When Bai Linglu saw that Qin Xiaohan's expression did not change, he knew that Qin Xiaohan now understood the meaning of these words.

Bai Linglu turned his head back and looked at the interface. He did not let Qin Xiaohan see his complicated eyes, but pretended to sneer and said: "Oh, is it possible to apply for evacuation now? But if you want to give it a try, I won't

Stop you."

Qin Xiaohan nodded: "Then, I'll feel relieved with you."

Qin Xiaohan smiled at Bai Linglu.

Qin Xiaohan was determined to apply. She understood that Bai Linglu would not join her.

According to normal rules, if two supervisors propose that the task is over at the same time, they can determine whether the task can continue.

But some things in the Space-Time Management Bureau are not normal rules now! Especially Wei Keng's current mission, which involves the plane coordination plan formulated by Qin Tianfang, a king-level traveler, after the second plane war.

Bai Linglu had already raised objections at the beginning of the mission, but the mission still started.

If Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan both apply to interrupt the mission at the same time while the mission is in progress, it is very likely that Wei Keng's mission will not end. Instead, both supervisors will be removed and another supervisor will be sent in. This supervisor

Definitely from Qin Tianfang's faction.

As for Hanhan Weikeng's character, Qin Xiaohan, who knew something about him, was not at ease.

So one must be left.


The perspective comes to the middle of Fengfu Continent.

The Xuan'ao Alliance gradually stabilized its expanding territory. In the year 3578, this alliance established a "screening mechanism" within its own rule.

Specifically, during a month in winter, arcane mages conduct group hypnosis in various residential areas at night, and pull children under the age of thirteen into magic towers built in the etheric realm for assessment and testing.

Once they pass the intelligence and perception tests, these children will receive letters delivered by owls, summoning them to enroll in school.

Such a set of mechanisms will screen out those with excellent intelligence in their area as much as possible. And these people with excellent intelligence will promote the progress of the arcane world.


This kind of thing has the characteristics of the main world, and the Wei Keng Supervisor Group also knows that Monat (Oriot) has invested three godheads.

This has the spirit of extensive material selection in the main world, but it is still different from the spirit followed by Wei Keng, who also came to the main world.

Mr. Wei has an obsession with "the appearance of the middle man". He believes that intelligence and physical strength can change greatly in the day after tomorrow. And this "change" model is sometimes more important than selecting one or two basic geniuses.

As the north develops industry and gradually accumulates resources, the talent cultivation system is implemented for the basic training of reserve talents for the Austrian law system.

That is to say, for the reserve team in the juvenile stage, the spirit of special selection can often be given up by default. Wei Keng's insistence is based on basic equal development opportunities in minors, and then selects talents in adulthood!


Xuanao Kingdom.

The high-level arcane mage imitated and summoned sixteen of his disciples. Now the surrounding area of ​​his arcane tower has been expanded dozens of times. These were all arranged by the Truth Alliance.

A large number of potential candidates have been searched for in the Kingdom Alliance and are now assigned to various mage departments for basic education.

These disciples of Mijue have become very busy and have to teach these children big classes every week.

Of course, although they are busy, they dare not relax~ All magic factions have accepted a large number of disciples, and these disciples will determine the rise or decline of the magic faction hundreds of years later.

Fangjue asked these disciples one by one about their work.

pharmaceutical production

Spell Guidance

Or bloodline screening,

The children selected this year are talented~ Oh, even if they are not talented, after being implanted with a spell and dying a hundred years later, their souls can still be used as enchanting materials for the magic tower.


Of course, there is also a female mage whose whole body is wrapped in gauze that is very conspicuous.

That's right, she was the one who spied on the industrial development in the northern part of the Aige Empire, and was turned into a petrified hair by Master Wei. She suffered a big loss and was describing the arcane territory in the north to the truth of the Kingdom of Xuan'ao.

threats to the plan.

The number of spawns of northern knights has made the "Truth Alliance" very concerned. However, after so many detections, it was also discovered that the archmage in the northern alliance has extremely high attainments in protective spells.

Protective magic is everywhere in the northern industrial territory, and the core secrets cannot be detected. But for the mages in the south, the arcane potions and rune machinery technology that appear on the market have revealed enough information.

In the end, the disciple was left behind.

This disciple took out a variety of medicines purchased from the northern market: in addition to refined grain medicines, there was also a medicine code-named "melatonin" (which can speed up meditation, but is actually sugar, and has a high degree of binding to brain cell receptors.

Sugar), a wound tissue healing powder code-named Yunnan Baiyao.

These medicines are very simple, but without exception, the cost is very low.

Mjue nodded after receiving these potions, and said silently: "I understand."


A few minutes later, after entering the secret room, he opened the space door. After the space door was opened, the message "Wanwei Warehouse" popped up.

This is a chamber of commerce established by a businessman from another world. Of course, this model is very overworld.

This chapter has been completed!
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