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Chapter 7.22 Science, Industry, Machinery

 The time and space trade building in this plane is owned by the time and space travelers from the main world.

In addition to gods, only super-dimensional civilizations like the main world can deliver enough information to flatten the entropy increase in space, write rules, and build an area that makes many demigods and legends bow their heads.

The current owner of this building, named Sainz, is also a time traveler who wants to inherit the godhood in this time and space area.

Unlike Wei Keng who was assigned the "Industrial" godhead, the godhead he inherited was "Science".


Sainz is at the top of the building, which is a circular layout of the hall.

The entire hall is divided into three sector-shaped areas, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, in the two sector-shaped areas now filled with people, one table has a prismatic light path and a set of light screen interfaces, while the other sector

The tables and chairs in the area are in the style of mechanical gears. The area that is now empty has only blank stairs.

The further outside the sector is, the more seats there are, while there are fewer seats inside, and they should be reserved for people of higher importance...

In the core position, Sainz reserved only three seats.

He occupied one himself, Shan Zhen occupied another, and as Wei Keng walked in, this position also lit up. (Shan Zhen's full name: Shan Zhen Fengdao)

When Sainz met Wei Keng, he was obviously more enthusiastic than when he faced Shan Zhen. Because Shan Zhen was only a surpasser selected under the Mediterranean system.


Sainz was born into a family that traveled through the main world.

In his self-perception, he is the successor chosen by the Space-Time Clan after hundreds of generations!

The time of the main world is only two hundred years, and according to one generation in twenty years, there are only ten generations, so Sainz's family tree is not reproduced in the main world.

The Mediterranean Travel Group selected the children of travelers from many planes, put them into space bubbles, and went through step-by-step trials before finally selecting the ones who could adapt.

Under such screening, the adaptors are like Slytherin in "Harry Potter": ambitious, shrewd, honorable, sizing up the situation, being prudent in protecting themselves, and winning first.

Sainz had such a background. He first went through many trials before being officially recognized by his time and space clan.

Therefore, compared to Mr. Wei's speculation about the Space-Time Management Bureau, he often "judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain".

These children of time and space created by the Mediterranean system are as devout to the time and space management system as they believe in religion.

Now, Sainz regards the arcane cosmic plane as his final trial.


Wei Keng took a look at the empty hall, and his first reaction was to find a seat in the back row to sleep. However, he soon realized that in the sector where he was, there was no one else but me.

Sainz: "Mr. Caret, I'm glad you're here. Now the banquet is finally complete."

Wei Keng responded: "Me too." Now Wei Keng looked at the operating platform that popped up in front of him, and he could define the style of this area at will.

Wei Keng walked to his seat and saw the number of people in the sector. At this time, on the sector seat behind the three people:

There are five behind Sainz.

Behind Shan Zhen are thirteen people.

Since Wei Keng came here for the first time, he has no survivors yet.

These are the assistants selected from the arcane plane in this time and space mission, and they are also the angels for future generations of gods to exercise their divinity.

The number of seats on the back bench does not matter. It is like the United Nations General Assembly in modern times. Only the five permanent members have the decision-making power, and the rest are made up of numbers.

The 18 people in the back seats sat down only after Sainz and the other three had completely entered the stage.

At the same time, in the central hall, the topographic map of the entire planet appeared in the form of a projection in the center

There are already hidden spaces on the planet, and secret time and space gates connected to other planets, all of which appear on this map in every detail!

As the successor of the godhead, Wei Keng also received a series of elements on this planet that can interfere with destiny.

For example, there are several druids in my northern forest who are now God's Chosen and are silently cooperating with me.


In this arcane cosmic world, a large number of planes are generally in the stage of ignorance.

"Science", "Industry", and "Machine" can cooperate to change the belief components of this world. And according to the historical development experience of the main world, these three items are inherently mutually beneficial.

Sainz made an opening speech to Wei Keng and Shan Zhen: "The two of you have reached a peak below legend in this world. You also have a general understanding of the situation of our planet. So, let me understand below.

Can you tell me your plans?"

Yamasada first gave his plan: his plan was to establish a commercial order in the south and popularize inventions and creations in applications in various regions.

Wei Keng looked at his general plan and frowned,

Clicked on the system and asked quietly: "Is this guy an Oriental?"

Bai Linglu: "Yes, he belongs to the transcendent. But in the history of the plane he belongs to, the eastern ocean island country had a technological and political advantage for a hundred years. He should be a person at the end of that era."

Wei Keng clicked on the history of Shanzhen, clicked his tongue, and clicked his tongue.

Indeed, the Rising Sun Banner country in that world completed the establishment of order in Asia before the Second Industrial Revolution. It even developed nuclear weapons on behalf of Asia. (The Man in the High Castle historical line.)

Like Prussia, as a small nation, they have jointly controlled the world order for a period of time. This kind of control includes the control of the world island, as well as the export, integration and confrontation of values ​​​​to the New World.


System: The rise of Rising Sun is a historical necessity. This is the first and second industrial revolution, the development of ocean transportation capacity, and the dividends of coastal countries on the edge of the continent. For example, the British Isles in the main world once expanded to occupy 3,500

Thousands of square kilometers of land.

However, its decline is also inevitable. Just as the Mongols reached the peak of their nomadic era after the technological changes in iron tools and horse-taming, the first and second industrial revolutions were only a brief period of the island nation's century-old peak.

This era cannot last forever, and technology will still progress. After the third and fourth industrial revolutions, as more advanced railway technology penetrates mainland civilization, its cultural awakening nature will never allow such a rule to continue.

The hegemony maintained by the island nation was soon like the nomadic dynasty of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, which was fully resisted and finally defeated by the progressive forces of the vast mainland. The economy accumulated by the narrow island nation's plundering for hundreds of years was soon reduced to ruins under missile attacks.

Wei Keng listened to Bai Linglu's introduction and understood one thing: "At the end of the century-old history of the plane where Shanzhen is located, there must have been travelers from the great river system who participated in the historical process."

Because, the information the system gave to itself clearly stated Shanzada’s information: before the collapse of the empire, he was a member of the Ministry of Commerce, and it was specifically marked that he was born in an ordinary He clan family in Urami. Dominated in Haiyang

After the fall of the empire, Shanzada fled to the New World as a person who was unable to recover. If you can check people's household registrations in such detail, what did the other side of the river system do in this plane? One can imagine.

Wei Keng made a sideways comment on this.

Bai Linglu added proudly: The number of Transcendents we pulled out on the same historical line was one hundred and fifty times as many.

Wei Keng: "Good guy, he is actually a traveler in the Mediterranean, right."

Bai Linglu: "My opponent, they left Asia and joined Europe anyway. You don't need to take into account cultural sentiments."


At this time, Sainz had turned his attention to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng breathed a sigh of relief and launched his industrial development plan, which was a large report on economic construction, divided into eight five-year plans, and the gradual expansion of the industrial population.

Sainz scanned it and asked: "Excuse me, do you have a more specific plan?"

Wei Keng felt strange: "Isn't it specific enough?"

Bai Linglu reminds: He is asking you what kind of political status you seek on the wind-touched planet.

Wei Keng lowered his head and thought deeply.

Sainz: "Sir Carret, the Xuan'ao Alliance is my force, and the area to the north is within your area. I can ensure that the mages within our area abide by the rules, and you should also stabilize the Northern Egg as soon as possible.

The royal power within the empire. I heard that your inheritance rights are not yet stable. Do you have other ideas? Oh, I have to say that the princesses in the royal capital are all great beauties." At this point,

He had a "get it" look on his face.

Wei Keng ignored this gentleman's joke.

Wei Keng thought for a while and said: "The knight dynasty of Egger has its own destiny and can perish. It is on two different lines from the industrial order I pursue.

In the short term, I cannot establish my industrial order by cleansing the social structure of the north from top to bottom through a revolution. If Ige causes obstacles to you when it exists, you can let the Xuan'ao Alliance attack

There is no need to take this into consideration, but please abide by humanitarianism and respect the will of the people. Otherwise, this will evolve into an invasion war, and my force may be involved in a conflict with you."

Sainz frowned: "You are saying that you are not willing to restrain the behavior of the Egg Kingdom, but if risks arise and the Xuan'ao Alliance launches an attack, you will fight under the banner of defending Egg."

Wei Keng: "Behind the war, there must be justice and justice. At present, I have no reason to attack."

After a few seconds,

Sainz: "Your code of conduct is a bit complicated."

The atmosphere became less harmonious.

Wei Keng thought about the wording for a moment and continued to read again: "Without justice, a just war will inevitably have widespread consequences. I am exactly in the middle of this, so I clarify my position in advance."

Sainz said helplessly: "So, when will you be able to completely control Iger."

Wei Keng continued to read again: "I made it very clear before. The history and culture of my region are very complex, and it is impossible to launch a revolution in the short term and deal with all problems from the bottom up."

At this time the venue

It was a bit quiet. Mr. Wei's voice was very upright, and even after he finished speaking, it could still ring in the eardrums of the attendees.

Except for Wei Keng, no one else at the venue may know what Wei Keng is talking about. Not to mention the chosen ones from the Arcane Plane sitting in the back row.

Shan Zhen was born in a country on the edge of Eastern civilization, and his understanding of Chinese history was limited to the level of "superstructure power games" such as the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.


The system can no longer hold back on this kind of chicken-and-duck situation.

Supervisor Liao Yangxiu directly connected with Wei Keng and found the key first: "What are the conditions for launching a revolution?" (Note: She knew what Wei Keng was talking about before she could ask the key. The purpose of asking the key was translation.

Main points.)

Wei Keng: "All economic and social contradictions have intensified, and the resistance to further development is clearly placed in front of everyone in society, and has aroused everyone's desire to solve it."

In short, industry is a social state and a problem for all people! It cannot be solved by a few genius scientists or outstanding investors.

If everyone in society does not pay attention to the root causes that hinder industrialization, even if someone from the sky raises the flag, it is impossible to enter industrialization!

Supervisor Space translated this passage to Sainz.

And reminded Sainz: As a traveler of the great river system civilization, our side acquiesces that industrial development is a historical issue. In the modern era of the main world, the main body of East Asian civilization, as a late-developing country, has a long and arduous pursuit of catching up.

As a late-developing industrial country, when all the technological dividends were eaten up by the early-developing countries, we saw that too many countries on the same starting line, such as the Four Tigers, South Asia, and South America, all stumbled into the industrial era. Therefore, Wei Keng’s view on "industrialization"

The social understanding of the term is unique.


But Sainz is not satisfied with this explanation because he believes that Wei Keng is definitely the first industrial country in this dimension.

[In Wei Keng's theory, this first move is meaningless. There are many ways to achieve productivity in this world, and it may be more first move and more convenient than "industry". When arcane mages and even gods have technological advantages,

It is more difficult to maintain an industrial society here than it is for the main world to catch up with the United States and the United States with the Middle Eastern countries in modern times.】

Sainz and Wei Keng had a stalemate.

What he wanted was to promote trials, but Wei Keng obviously ran counter to his "excellent" plan.

Shan Zhen coughed: "I already have advanced arcane equipment to support me. Your Highness Karit, do you need "mechanical" help here?"


According to the context of neon: they are more reserved than Chinese civilization, or perhaps they are more "damp".

The bastards of Chinese civilization like to respond with "uncertainty". That is, they don't give the result of "whether" first, but just give an attitude. The real "whether" and whether the promise will be fulfilled in the end, China's great men,

It depends on "your own mood".

As for Neon, based on the culture of shame, they will always give the answer "Yes, I am definitely willing to help" at any time. However, they seem to not refuse, but they are actually waiting for you to refuse.

Just like a neon man, he will ask you if you need help at any time. But you have to look at his situation. Many times, he is waiting for you to bow and say: "Thank you, no need!"

If you don't refuse the "courtesy" of the neon man, don't expect him to sincerely help you. You will find that his "help" is full of soy sauce.

Oh, of course, if you put the gun at his head! That will definitely work. Just like in the ancient times of the main world, the Yang guys directly stationed troops in Tokyo Bay.

They sadly found out that Mr. Yang really ignored their politeness and really asked them to help spread the "national debt for military expenses".

All we can do is help Mr. Yang and his allies until they have the highest suicide rate in the world.


Therefore, when Shan Zhen offers to provide machinery to Wei Keng, this is by no means a true "willingness to help."

Instead, he expressed that he had received help from Sainz.

Of course, Mr. Wei didn't take Shan Zhen's so-called "help" seriously. For the same reason, neon culture was too shady.

Who the hell takes Neon people's "guarantee promise" seriously? It's because they drank too much nuclear wastewater.

In modern times, "Promise that Fukushima has been safely resettled" is an allusion that has been passed down to the 27th century, specifically used to describe "talking is equivalent to farting".


This tripartite talk reflected such a characteristic:

Science wants to lead. Sainz, who was born into the space-time family, is born with excellence and wants to show his talent in this space-time exploration.

In order to maintain the balance, Mr. Wei Keng of the industry firmly determined himself to be the middle man. In this unfamiliar dimension, he took small steps and ran quickly to avoid any big mistakes.

As for machinery, he does not want resistance (trouble). Yamazada hopes that there will be no big trouble in his ascension to the gods this time. Faced with the personality conflict between "science" and "industry", he is quite helpless.


Sainz took a breath and said to Wei Keng: "Sir, I have heard of your name as a pioneer of time and space in the East. I respect your ideas."

In the end, he decided to give in. He must be cautious about the travelers who participated in the second plane war. Moreover, Wei Keng's industrial project on Fengfu Planet, he also acknowledged that these achievements were great.

"But," Sainz added, "I just don't want to be your enemy!"

Wei Keng nodded with a smile: "Similarly, I don't want the conflict with you to escalate into a full-scale conflict, so I will have an in-depth exchange of views with you here."

Wei Keng took a look at the situation in the north: "Your Xuan'ao Association can expand in the north, and similarly, you can support agents. If you can promote the development of the historical process, I am happy to see it. The Egg Empire is not my ban, that

The throne is not in my main plan, you don't have to consider it."

Thain paused and said, "Aren't you going to inherit that identity?"

Wei Keng: “The ultimate goal is to promote society suitable for industry. It is a historical process that I want to perfect.

In the course of history, it needs to go through a series of processes such as the collapse of dynasties, aristocratic republics, dictatorial centralization, and the overthrow of dictatorships by civil rights.

Only the center that ultimately holds the "possibility of complete centralization of power" and the grassroots regions that hold the "power to overthrow the tyrant through righteousness" form a pattern of mutual deterrence and compromise. Only in this way can "top-down consensus" be reached.


This was the first time for the Space and Time Supervision Bureau to hear Wei Keng's plan, and they couldn't help but think of the length of the space twisting plane.

The frowns on the brows of these supervisors clearly indicated that they felt suffocated by Wei Keng's plan.

However, Bai Linglu was thoughtful, because this was exactly the process of stable political development of a modern country in modern times.

In the end, the delicate balance maintained by the center and local organizations at all levels was achieved through countless suppressions and counter-suppressions by the upper and lower forces in the previous history, and the process of back and forth oscillations!

In the history of a republic, there are situations where the central government has suppressed local governments, and there are also places where the central government has overthrown the central government.

In the end, the organizers from top to bottom discovered that wherever the people's hearts stand, they can win. So they all understood that their "deterrent power" came from the people's hearts, and achieved a consensus of justice. They began to use the power of the country to serve the people's hearts.

Relatively speaking, in modern times, many small and medium-sized countries copied the Western parliamentary system. There was no historical process of mutual deterrence between them, so conflicts were very easy to occur.

Moreover, during confrontation, the boundaries of behavior cannot be grasped, so it is easy for conflicts to intensify. And when the fight breaks out, they stay in the low-level cold confrontation of "no contact until death". They do not know how to learn to mobilize all mobilizable forces.


Therefore, it often happens that in the halls of parliament, they are like monkeys slapping each other with their shoes. And the grassroots are scolding each other on the streets, and the whole society is torn apart from top to bottom.

Although Neon's reform is not complete, the parliament is more solemn, and the middle and lower classes also abide by the authority of the upper class.

Because in their history, the local government had threatened the ministers, and the capital had also suppressed the samurai uprising with authority. They had suffered a lot of bloodshed, so they would not mess around.


Wei Keng is using various methods to solve the question "Developing Industry in the Arcane Plane"!

How to resolve the gap between high-ranking mages, nobles, and the lower classes?

The best way is to slap each other back and forth. Both the villain and the superior will sit down and solve the problem if they feel pain from each other's slaps.

This chapter has been completed!
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