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Chapter 7.38 Carrying the Bucket and Leaving, ‘Law of Cause and Effect’

 In the year 3592 of the Fengfu calendar, Wei Keng had already predicted the "catastrophe" through big data statistics.

"Crooked machinery", "massive bankruptcies of the middle class in the agricultural era", and "the greed of aristocratic financial business groups fostered during the southern colonial wars" are all happening on the mainland.

Moreover, as a veteran who has experienced the Second Plane War, Wei Keng can feel that despite the seemingly chaotic situation, there is indeed more than one force secretly targeting him.

Now Wei Keng will not make it clear, and he is not interested in playing with these guys in this dimension. He is ready to come up with a counter-attack plan and then it will be over.

Of course, the implementation of these plans will involve the interests of his collaborators, and Wei Keng must also consider them.


On April 1, 1993.

After three sincere attempts, Wei Keng finally contacted his supervisor. Wei Keng: Well, I seem to have offended these system girls.

Wei Keng knew about Qin Xiaohan's transfer. His silence didn't mean he didn't care. To care, you don't have to speak.

In the information space of the system, Wei Keng first launched his own "absolute information shielding space". This 'shielding' setting comes from the confidentiality of the quantum channel docking between the traverser and the supervisor.

All the backgrounds in this hall were conceived by Wei Keng's thinking. They are also sufficient to answer all the information questions provided by the supervisor's consciousness.

Once the connection between the consciousness information of both parties becomes unstable, or a third party attempts to forcibly observe it, the information channel will "quantum collapse."


With Wei Keng's invitation, the consciousnesses of more than 600 supervisors appeared in the consciousness space constructed by Wei Keng.

After seeing them, Wei Keng said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my consciousness can only build 600 consciousness dialogue halls, so I have to meet you in four batches."

Many supervisors are looking at this absolutely parallel cube, absolute geometric state of the hall, occasionally flashing messages such as machinery and Go, all of which are in a state of serious thinking. All irregular thoughts are submerged in the vast ocean of information from Master Wei.

When the supervisors heard Wei Keng's words, they couldn't help but paused. They didn't know what to say because this guy was so persistent.

Bai Linglu came here for the first time. In this heart-to-heart state, he was also very curious about Wei Keng's senses about him.

So Bai Linglu also asked related questions and got Wei Keng's "sincere" opinion. Wei Keng: Miss Bai Linglu is smart, capable, insightful and ambitious.

Bai Linglu curled his lips: "They are all compliments, not a single bit negative. It seems that they are deliberately controlled at first glance."

However, rationally, I was shocked by the scale of Wei Keng's consciousness.

Bai Linglu murmured to himself: "The tolerance of another person in the consciousness space must be based on the speed of quantum information processing, which is completely faster than the other person's."

She looked at Wei Keng in the hall with strange eyes, used a modern "Hail" salute, and said respectfully: "You are already on the throne where people are looking up to you."


The strength of consciousness cannot be completely observed by the outside world. Active external observation will only lead to quantum collapse. Consciousness continues to be hidden in the fog.

Therefore, the speed at which consciousness actively expresses information to the outside world under standard quantum conditions is the only reference for judging how strong this consciousness is.

This applies to time travellers, monitors.

In other words, only if the "consciousness" is strong enough, can the "information expressed by the consciousness" of the weaker party be perfectly matched during the conversation.

Then build this information space of "you know, I know, heaven and earth don't know".


Wei Keng is very subtle, and it is the first time that he has brought outside consciousness into the information space constructed by his own consciousness.

So before that, let alone Bai Linglu, even Wei Keng himself didn't know how strong the "scale of consciousness" was.

Now, Mr. Wei can continue to cope with the 600 supervisors including Bai Linglu, the high-ranking supervisor.

This means that at the level of total consciousness, Wei Keng is the total of 600 of them. If this were at the level of carbon-based species, with such a huge size difference, they would not be the same species at all.


Moreover, Wei Keng has a high degree of control over the information in this space and will not flash embarrassing information.

For example, when the monitor flashes the word "urea", the corresponding interlaced information on the mirror wall of this space is the standard chemical formula, as well as plant growth. Information screens such as "Baby Gold Water" will never be passively flashed.

.If Wei Keng is reluctant to maintain his consciousness space, then some messy scenes will definitely appear.

You must know that when the monitor and the time traveler are of the opposite sex, they will become partners during the ceremony.

When the supervisor enters the consciousness space of the traveler with a very beautiful appearance, it will raise very life-threatening questions in the consciousness of the traveler. For example, questions like "Your mother and I fell into the water at the same time."

In this kind of consciousness connection, sometimes even the weaker party can use its own information dissemination scale to conquer the other party's inner true information.

[Well, all Mr. Wei’s comments about Bai Linglu are sincere. It’s just that Bai Linglu can’t get Wei Keng’s other comments now. Bai Linglu wants to be angry, but is afraid of being angry, so he generates information correspondence and lets Wei Keng catch it.

In turn, you can understand your own emotions, so you are forced to calm down.】

Now in Wei Keng's consciousness space, there is no information flashing about "eating and sex". Does this mean that Mr. Wei is a "serious person"? It is obviously impossible.

After monitoring for such a long time, they were sure that Wei Keng knew a lot of information.

Now in such an intimate connection of consciousness, Wei Keng can still maintain the communication of information like a diplomatic speech. How big is the scale of Mr. Wei's consciousness really?

Although Wei Keng's consciousness has not yet developed into greatness in this world, even as a mortal, he can look directly at the gods.

And you also need to know that it is only a partial master who has arrived in the "arcane universe area" now! The main force of Wei Keng's consciousness is in the Pandora plane.


Judging from the multiverse where Arcana is located, the filling consciousness of the earth's recent history is two to three times that of the mortals here.

The consciousness of "civilian" time travelers is more than twenty times that of mortals here, and it has undergone qualitative changes.

The consciousness of a sergeant-level traveler is hundreds of times higher, and in terms of quality, it corresponds to a proper legendary level.

As for the rank of minister, most of them are just a thin line away from the gods. Some ministers are even on par with the lower gods.

As for Wei Keng,

This group of supervisors who are familiar with a large amount of information cannot find the category of the known arcane plane. It is said to be a god. It is not as extreme as a god.

This makes them absolutely sure that Wei Keng is the king now, although Wei Keng has not completed the "king achievement" in a plane and has not yet been officially recognized by the main world.


Information is highly connected through the consciousness space.

Wei Keng also soon learned that the "six hundred supervisors" he accommodated were "chirping" to find out what was big and small about him, what was long and what was short.

In order to prevent them from thinking wrongly, I immediately started a formal conversation.


Wei Keng asked Bai Linglu the first question: "Does this mission require me to become a god and set the benchmark for mission success?"

The hall of consciousness fell silent.

Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu.

After all, they were old partners who had worked together for a long time. Bai Linglu quickly deciphered Wei Keng's meaning.

Bai Linglu tried to ask back: "Do you think this plane's goal is inappropriate, or do you have a new goal?"

For example, in the air twisting plane, Wei Keng abruptly transformed the mission goal of "becoming a sword master" into "change of times".

Wei Keng responded hesitantly: "I don't know what the future of this era is. In the numerous deductions I have conducted, the history and society here have never been able to stabilize and balance."

Wei Keng opens the "historical development bundle" model.

In this model, Wei Keng used his own personality as a template, and at the same time collected a large number of other people he met as secondary templates to carry out the natural historical evolution process. He found that when historical evolution reaches a certain stage, it will end.

The supervisors also fell silent after observing dozens of historical developments and changes in Wei Keng's evolution over thousands of years. In the end, these histories can only look forward to the heroic advancement invested by the gods.

As for Bai Linglu, after reading the history of the three deductions, he turned to Wei Keng, shook his head, and swept his single ponytail back and forth twice on his smooth shoulders.

Wei Keng said that he used himself as a template, but the template was definitely not complete! Wei Keng deliberately ignored a possibility of his own personality, which could have an "explosive" effect in both the Pandora plane and the air twist plane.

Bai Linglu pointed to the history deduced by Wei Keng with great interest: "At the end of history, will you be so calm?"

Wei Keng felt Bai Linglu's denial in his consciousness, and explained: "My rationale is that I will avoid 'despair' as much as possible." But when Wei Keng encountered a situation that he could not avoid, the supervisors every time

What can be observed for the first time is "rather than surrender".

Bai Linglu was noncommittal and continued to ask about more important topics.

Bai Linglu: "You failed in preparing for this mission, right."

All the supervisors were stunned, because when faced with Bai Linglu's question, Wei Keng did not deny it immediately. In other words, Wei Keng was indeed considering "active failure."

Now that Wei Keng has entered the arcane plane, this is the first opportunity he has encountered to master eternal life.

"Failure!" This is something that most time travelers would not consider. Even the Shangqing would not be so arrogant.

But what about Wei Keng? Faced with the massive inquiries from the supervisors in the conscious space.

In Wei Keng's consciousness, he had no choice but to reveal a trace of his original intention: "Take a step back and the sky will be brighter, lie down and relax."

Wei Keng's careful calculation: "Now, the old gods of this plane have begun to attack me hard, and the two guys 'Science' and 'Mechanical' are playing tricks. In such a situation, it is not worth my extra effort. "


Now on this mission.

Wei Keng didn't know what Sainz was doing, but now that the conflicts on Fengfu Continent are getting more and more intense, Wei Keng determined that "science" had not fulfilled enough obligations.

If "science" insists on eradicating superstition and popularizing science, phenomena such as weird machines will be greatly reduced.

Mr. Wei's character is not the kind of person who "takes the initiative to fight and take the initiative", but he cherishes his own sweat very much. If he is ignored, it is better to "take the bucket and leave".

The industrial spirit has been laid, the key definition of industrialization has been completed, and everything that needs to be done has been done.

If "science" and "mechanics" don't like you, then leave the work to them.

Wei Keng’s meaning: “Since they want to spiral, let them spiral.”


Facing Wei Keng, who wanted to give up his position, Bai Linglu had a headache, but he also felt gloating about the Space and Time Administration. Qin Tianfang's arrangement was obviously going to overturn.

However, one monitor expressed concern.

Yan Beixiang: "Your Excellency Wei Keng, in this era where information persists, after the body dies, the consciousness information will still leave traces on the plane in the short term. In other words, your soul will be detained in the battle between gods."

Wei Keng smiled and said: "I will stay here, but no one can take me away."

Yan Beixiang was a little anxious: "But~"

Yan Beixiang is the person left by Qin Xiaohan, who is specially used to supervise Bai Linglu and remind Wei Keng not to be stubborn.

In view of the "true" lessons learned in the Pandora plane, Yan Beixiang vaguely sensed that Wei Keng might be "cruel enough to lose part of his soul to drag some people into the pit of death."

Wei Keng did not respond to Yan Beixiang. He only expressed a sense of "unwilling to submit".

Mr. Wei plans to play a big role in this "industrial" godhead.

But Wei Keng did not reveal too much to Yan Beixiang about the specific further plans, he just wanted them to be mentally prepared.


Bai Linglu gave Wei Keng the information he wanted: "If there is a discord between the time travellers, leading to the failure of the mission, ultimately it will be a matter that has nothing to do with the supervisor."

Wei Keng breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. As long as the supervisor would not betray him because of the loss of profits, he could act boldly.

In response to this, Bai Linglu emotionally added: "Even if this task holds us accountable, it will not implicate you. We have friends from several planes, don't you trust me?"

Wei Keng: "..."

Bai Linglu seized this opportunity: "You hesitated, damn, you still don't trust me."

Wei Keng: "I never said that I was moved."

Bai Linglu looked at this serious information space: "Haha" and suddenly said, "I, Qin Xiaohan, which assistant do you choose?"

Wei Keng: "...Qin Xiaohan, well, I choose you rationally."

This awareness intersects and it is difficult for both parties to conceal it.


Bai Linglu then led the other three waves into Wei Keng's consciousness space and completed the explanation. Finally, Wei Keng and Bai Linglu had a conscious conversation alone.

Wei Keng didn't say anything. He gave Bai Linglu a formula and asked her to solve it.

Bai Linglu added "the amount of the quantum gap between the main world and the arcane universe" to this advanced mathematics formula, and then added in the numerical values ​​​​of Wei Keng's many consciousnesses, and finally saw the answer: 1/∞


1 divided by infinity, the answer is that infinity is close to "zero", but it is not equal to zero.

When Bai Linglu raised his head with confusion on his face, Wei Keng added another key clue:

All information in this world has persistence, which leads to the fact that in all categories of conscious observation (consciousness here includes gods), the rules for the survival and development of information have complex and precise cause and effect.

Keywords: law of cause and effect

Bai Linglu was slightly startled,

The law of cause and effect is a metaphysical concept in the main world, and it exists in this plane. Then she suddenly understood.

Then it was like meeting Wei Keng for the first time, whether it was Lao Yin B, Voldemort, or this guy 6.

When Bai Linglu gave Wei Keng a thumbs up, her heart was beating loudly. She couldn't help but feel uneasy: "Wei Keng may have inferred some of her past thoughts. Will this guy take revenge on me?"

With these little Jiujiu in Bai Linglu's heart, Wei Keng helplessly shook his head and responded to her: "I wanted to teach you a lesson, but as time goes by, forget it and I won't argue with you anymore."

Bai Linglu, who felt that his thoughts were exposed, became angry and said: "I'm not afraid of your revenge, come on."


Back to the subject of the law of cause and effect.

Wei Keng wants to turn his existence into a tiny number that even the gods cannot grasp! To escape the constraints of the gods as a maximum value.

As a mortal, the manifestation of "consciousness" in this world becomes "unobservable and approaches zero."

Then all personal traces, such as achievements and things accomplished, will be modified by God in the torrent of time.:.

And this kind of influence will be minimal, and it will eventually be as unknowable as sand falling into the ocean.


Wei Keng is not a mortal in this world. Wei Keng is a time traveler. When he perishes in this world, his consciousness is infinitesimally small compared to the information about the changes and proliferation of this world. But if the key information is locked, he will always be anchored here and cannot be

Erased, cannot be concealed.

The positioning from the main world, as long as the Caesar (Monat (Ogma)) of the main world is still in this plane, Wei Keng can grasp the anchor.

God wants to throw Wei Keng's consciousness to a corner in the vast sea of ​​information. In the main world, Wei Keng can always find these anchor points along the base points and expand his memory by traveling through part of the new consciousness again.

As for how to make your consciousness infinitesimal but exist forever?

Then now we have to multiply it by an existence that will be infinite in the future.

This is a condition that arcane mages could not come up with in the past.

But Wei Keng just meets this condition. The basic concept of industrial godhead has been successfully constructed and clarified, and the terms oppression in industry and the most advanced productive forces have been clarified. As long as society develops, these concepts will develop in the future.


Wei Keng: After I chose science and machinery, these guys have to do the work of three people with two people. It is impossible for them to eliminate Wei Keng's elements. They can only stick to the industrial elements that have completed the framework, and have to maintain "science,

Balance among the three systems of industry and machinery.


Although the "Industrial" God will be absent in the future, and "Science" and "Mechanism" will exclusively share the relevant priestly duties, these two gods cannot deny the existence of the "Industrial" God.

For example: In the 21st century, there was an international discussion on "Did Qu Yuan exist?" The questioning party denied the existence of Qu Yuan by saying that "Li Sao" is a folk song of the Chu people, and Qu Yuan's birth and location were not detailed.

But in the end, we can infer from the law of cause and effect. First, Li Sao is real. Second, the spread of the Dragon Boat Festival customs began after the Warring States Period. Since such a great work exists, and since then people are willing to ride dragon boats

, making rice dumplings to commemorate.

If it is doubtful, the local ancestors connected these elements out of thin air to form the story of Qu Yuan throwing himself into the river. So how to explain and what is the motive for creating such a clear connection?

The "Lisao Dragon Boat Festival" appeared during this period and was accepted as a concept by the local people. As a "cause", it can prove the "effect" of Qu Yuan's existence.

In the same way: no matter how the gods modify history, as long as the "industrial concept" is used by people and the "industrial spirit" is spread by people, the existence of "industry" cannot be denied.

So in the arcane world, physics acquiesces to "information continuity". Even if the old rulers hide well, they will be found by mystical scholars and sign contracts. What's more, Wei Keng is now actively spreading information and has no intention of hiding it. 'Science' and 'mechanism' hinder

Connections to the priesthood do not allow "industry" to be hidden.

Legends about the origins of "science, industry, and machinery" will emerge in multiple timelines in the future.

Is the leader of the northern industrial territory called Karite? Is it a man or a woman? Or is it a group? No amount of additional information can change the reality.

That is, the 'Industrial' godhead was once attempted to be born, but later, as the basis of a great arcana, it was reversed to the infinitesimal.


This may be an arcane spell released by mortals that makes gods helpless.

In order to complete this arcana, you must tacitly abandon the opportunity to "become a god" and make sure that the godhead you are involved in is in an alliance with other gods that are about to be born.

How could the arcanists have such a train of thought? Even if they were time travelers sent from the main world, they could come up with such a strange route, which is also weird among the weird.


In the nine-ring spell and prayer technique, the wish is often too big and the price paid is too small. The stronger party senses it and destroys the wish technique.

For example, the Arcane Mage prays: He is above ten thousand people under the gods. Oh, this Arcane Mage may become a brick on the high platform of the temple statue. The price paid by the petitioner is too small, and the gods have the highest right of interpretation.

Mr. Wei went against the grain and paid a huge price. He will come again one day and continue to invest in infinite possibilities, leaving the world without a super wish to be fulfilled.

Wei Keng: Send a bottomless pit to the gods of other worlds. Provide you with the fastest updates and free reading.:.

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