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Chapter 7.40 The contract of priesthood.

 In the Plane Trading Building,

"Science" once again held a meeting.

At this meeting, there was already a lot of excitement behind “Science” and “Mechanical”, but there were still only a few seats for “Industry”.

Wei Keng walked in wearing blue overalls and a yellow safety helmet.

Sainz looked at Carrette and shrugged. The son of God who represents industry has become more and more casual in recent meetings.

At first, I still wore mage robes, then I wore mechanical combat uniforms, then aviation uniforms, and now, I simply wear work clothes from various factories.

At this meeting of the Alliance of High-Level Gods, this Easterner never cared about the occasion.

Of course, Sainz compared it to Shan Zhen, who always attended in tuxedos. Wei Keng, who came from the native river civilization of the main world, seemed to be too calm and confident.


After Wei Keng sat down, Sainz clapped his hands. Behind him, a slim and graceful female arcana mage came to the front desk of the three parties and told the three main leaders about the situation of the Wind Touching Continent.

Regarding the situation on this continent, Wei Keng has his own intelligence analysis and is not interested in listening to Sainz's misleading explanation.

Therefore, from the beginning, Mr. Wei focused on the female arcane mage's waist proportions, which were like those of a comic book heroine, until the system prompted him to listen to the lecture.

The female mage seemed to have felt Wei Keng's gaze, so after describing the turbulent situation on the mainland, she bent down to put away the scroll and gave Wei Keng a wink.

Mr. Wei held his chin in his hands and watched her squirming back.

This scene was seen by hundreds of participants present. Someone in the front seat showed that he "cannot control his nature".

Sainz coughed and said to Carret: "Lord, does it look good?"

Wei Keng: "Huh? Oh, it's nothing, just to feel good."

Sainz seemed "puzzled", but actually said sullenly: "Don't you have any female followers around you? This is not difficult for you, right?"

When he asked Wei Keng, he was actually warning the female arcane mages in the back seat not to imagine certain things.

Wei Keng sighed and said: "My side is full of shrews who hold up half the sky, and there's nothing good to see. It's your side that's more eye-catching."

When Wei Keng said this, the elf princess in the back seat (now the president of the neighborhood committee that manages the druid profession in the eastern forest area) had a twitching expression.

Carrette never regarded her as a woman, she was always used as a machine.

If it hadn't been for today, the princess wouldn't have known that Carrette would have such a leering look.

Sainz is not going to waste any more nonsense on this.

Sainz reminded: "Judging from the situation in the major old capitals, the old gods are about to start a war. Are you ready?":.

Wei Keng smiled: "War supplies have been prepared, and armored trains are also on standby on multiple combat readiness branches on the Meridian Railway."

Wei Keng knows that "science" seems to be concerned, but in fact it is a test. Looking at the current situation of the three gods, science may expect "industry" to fail.

In order to make Sainz give up, Wei Keng opened multiple interfaces, which contained the strategic preparations of United Industries.

On the interface at the factory, green-painted boxes of agricultural supplies are neatly stacked.

On the railway interface, an armored train with a steel shell and equipped with steam machine guns, mortars, and steam crossbows is also on standby at any time.

Sainz glanced at it silently. He had always been clear about the abundant supplies of United Industries, and he understood that what he was shown was all on the surface, and there were many cards hidden in the dark.

However, he is not here to investigate how many cards "Industry" has, he has other purposes.

Sainz: "Carret, who among the three of us do you think will be dealt with first by the old gods?"

Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, started to be "confused", and pointed at Shan Zhen.

Shanzhen: "Your Excellency Xingche, why is it me?"

Wei Keng: "Your battle front has been extended to the greatest extent."

Sainz explained: "Although the battle front of 'Machine' is large, this is an era of gods. The southern continent is a place abandoned by the gods, and there is no intervention by the Son of God in his battle front."

Wei Keng continued to be "confused": "Then, it's you."

Sainz smiled: "Then why me?"

Wei Keng said seriously: "As the core of progress, if we defeat you, we can achieve a decisive victory."

Sainz smiled at Wei Keng's compliment, but still maintained the original purpose of asking: "I will not be defeated this time. I have locked all the temples in my area." Sainz and other gods of order have

Due to contractual ties, "technology" is currently staying out of this conflict.

Wei Keng couldn't help but point his finger at himself and said: "Then, it can't be me. No, no. I am good to others, so there should be no contradiction."

(This performance made many supervisors in the supervisor space laugh.)


Sainz's "kind-hearted" persuasion said: "Please be vigilant, the Aige Kingdom you are in is an uncontrollable element. I persuaded you twenty years ago to take over the inheritance rights of this Aige."

Wei Keng shook his head: "Okay, okay, I just need to pay attention to the inheritance rights of the kingdom. It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married. Let him be."

Sainz was baffled by this last ancient proverb about the unpopular East.

Wei Keng paused and explained: "It means that things in fate should happen and cannot be avoided."

Wei Keng pointed at the emblem of the God of Justice on the left interface, which obviously meant that the fate of King Aige was not under his control.

Sainz has interacted with the gods of order the most. Wei Keng is at the other extreme. He has not spoken a word to the current gods, and even Shan Zhen has been in contact with the gods several times.

So it is "industry" that should be the first to resist.

However, Wei Keng briefly mentioned this about the situation of Egg, obviously he was aware of the situation of "technical machinery" colluding with other gods.

Faced with Wei Keng's mild ridicule, Sainz immediately started the next process.

Sainz: "In the next war, the new gods will inevitably be blocked by the old gods. Therefore, the executors of 'science, industry, and machinery' who are still mortals may have accidents." In order to ensure that the plan is fault-tolerant.


Sainz asked for a joint contract.

The content of the joint contract is: "Once one party has problems and cannot perform, the advancement of the priesthood on the main continent will be in charge of the other party."~ This is obviously because Sainz is afraid that Wei Keng will not be able to handle it, and is trying to keep it all. After all, he

I know who I am looking for for "science" to compete against.,

Wei Keng was confused and asked: "You mean, we will be killed?"

Sainz: "No, God has no advantage in the calculation ability we possess. We are also the agents of God acquiesced in this rule under the legend. The power on this planet that can make us fall,

It’s almost impossible to show up.”

(Behind the three of them is the powerful God of Knowledge. Of course, in a broader sense, it is the star-level computing system that the main world can call in many planes.)

Sainz said sincerely: "However, since the opponent is God, God will use various other methods to achieve his goals, so we need to prepare for the worst possibility."

Wei Keng nodded, feeling that what he said made sense, just as he felt that the tasks issued by his supervisor made sense in many missions in the past.

When Bai Linglu saw Wei Keng's pure acting skills, he couldn't help but think of Wei Keng's natural expression in the past, and he couldn't help but "spit".


The meeting is over.

In the hall, the emblems of the three gods of science, industry, and machinery appeared as the three people summoned them.

Two people, with four palms, alternately hold the wrist of another hand, forming a four-way cycle. This is the emblem of industry. It means collaboration.

An eye on a hand is the emblem of science, heralding observation and action.

The gear drives the lever, which is a mechanical badge, representing inexhaustible power.

Afterwards, everyone present paid attention to the three divine emblems, and the contract was concluded.

After finishing the business, Wei Keng hurriedly left. As an "industry", Carrette is always very busy.

However, "science" achieved its goal so easily.

Sainz felt that it seemed too relaxed and unreal, so he began to repeatedly check whether there were any problems with the contract he had drawn up.

However, he didn't find the problem until all the priesthoods were completely linked.

"So what is Caret's response?" Sainz was puzzled.

Sainz is used to Carret being each other's rival in everything.

But this time, his plan to "let Karit bear most of the attention of the old gods in this battle to ascend to the gods, forcing him to be promoted to a legend and give priority to his exit" is an unprecedented and grand plan.


On the windy road, legends must leave the planet.

The old gods cannot destroy the spokesmen of "science, industry, and machinery," but they can force them to stop competing for the goal of faith.

Sainz has determined from various information that "Industry" will bear most of the resistance. And "Industry"'s choice is to resist hard?

Sainz believed before this meeting: "Carrette has a plan to preemptively drag himself into the legend of being forced to advance."

But now, "industry" shows no signs of fighting back and looks extremely unnatural.

Sainz is confused.

Shan Zhen packed up the information and was about to leave. Before leaving, she asked Sainz: "Are you struggling with his thoughts?"

Sainz raised his head and smiled: "We are both from the East, can you explain it?"

Yamazada used a Japanese-style 'overly formal' tone to package the truth and replied: "Asia in the main world is very large. The people of the rising sun and the people of the setting sun have the same culture, but they have different ideas.

I can't understand his thoughts."


After returning to the Northern Territory, the clones of Wei Keng returned to work in the factory.

The subject is sitting in an office building in Xiange City.

Karet asked the many followers who also attended the meeting: "You have also heard that the Aige Kingdom will have serious conflicts with us in the next few years."

These heroes from other worlds in the multiverse looked at Wei Keng. As loyal followers, they waited for Wei Keng's decision.

Wei Keng was waiting for their opinions, but as a few minutes passed, both sides stared at each other.

Wei Keng sighed: "Okay, I understand. In the morality of knights, vassals cannot disobey the requirements of the lord."

At this time, the Northern Industrial Territory is still a vassal of the Egg Empire. Only Karet can make this objection decision, and these followers of law cannot morally instigate it.

Faced with Wei Keng's helplessness, Grace spoke: "Holy Son, you are the saint who represents the new order. You don't need to care so much about the order of the mortal kingdom."

Wei Keng looked at him, and then at the other followers, who expressed their affirmation of this view.

Regarding the statement that followers should always put themselves as the center, Wei Keng was a little bit dumbfounded. This was not the answer Wei Keng wanted.

Wei Keng: "Grace, if I disappear, well, assuming that now, in a physical sense, my body dies. Then in this territory where I am now, I can ignore King Aige's will to continue to practice 'industry'


Before the words fell,

Xu (Professional Ranger, below Legend) asked in a "negative and excited" tone: "Your Majesty, why do you make such assumptions? Your assumptions about your own death are questioning us and derogating your godhead.


Wei Keng looked at this follower and said: "No, Xu, this is not a derogation of the godhead. The godhead exists in faith, not in 'force that causes various accidents'. This is not a question to you, but based on hope.

.~Well, if that happens, you should regard it as a trial."

Wei Keng released his followers, looked at the map of the south, and sighed again.

During the great uprising in the south, those evil and lawful forces took action first and began to control the development of dissatisfaction there. This time, I could only watch it lead to wrong results.

[The allusion of "impure colors" in modern times: Any movement originating from the lower class, no matter what its original intention is, will be hopeless as long as the CIA dominates it. 】


In the year 3591 of the Feng Fu calendar, cracks appeared in the Kingdom of Aige, and rebellions broke out in the territories of many lords in the south. In recent years, the nature of the rebellions is different from that of pure serfs in the past, and has been mixed with many middle- and low-level intellectuals who have lost their value in the lords' towns.

The system here again names Aige as a kingdom instead of an empire. This is because Aige's dominance has obviously declined.

As mentioned before, the financial resources of the Aige capital have increased, but the ruling authority has declined. It is the northern industrial territory that provides Aige with a lot of wealth.

During the 83 years, Carret was definitely the most popular candidate to succeed the throne in the Egg Empire.

In the opinion of some politicians in the royal capital: if the king had chosen his successor in this way, the Aige Empire would not have the problems it has today.

But when the Egg Empire, blessed by the God of Justice, selected a new heir, it also excluded Karet from the Egg throne. It also excluded further support from the Northern Territory to other areas of the kingdom.

This is a soft knife, and the calmness of the northern territory makes the royal capital feel uneasy.

If Karet shows dissatisfaction and the Egg Kingdom suppresses it forcefully, then the North-South conflict between the industrial area and the agricultural area can be solved once and for all.

But Karite didn't complain at all. He even showed great approval of the king's decision.

Some people in King Aeg thought that with Karet's surrender, well, in fact, they had made the mistake of being "too naive" in politics.

Carret acquiesced in the selection of the royal heir, but did not resolve the issue between the north and the south in accordance with the royal family's decision. Instead, he left it alone. In the following years, he seemed to directly deny his "obligation as a member of the family"


The industrial owners in the north, after confirming that Carret could not use his status as the heir of the empire to exchange for the promised rights from the Royal Capital of Aige for his group, they ignored the Royal Capital. Yes, the adjustment of feudal inheritance rights in the Royal Capital did not

Let the northern lords abandon Karet. Instead, abandon the royal capital.

You know, there are benefits to following Mr. Wei. A lot of knights from poor families were promoted to governors, married Bai Fumei, and reached the top of their lives. Carret was their financial support. When Carret was deprived of his inheritance

, they are the most excited group. They think this is a random fate.

Carret's cousins ​​no longer received letters from the Northern Friendship Group.


The superstructure of the Egg Empire directly resembles the situation during the "Civil War" in the main world.

The only difference is that during the North American period, the factory owners had the political advantage and won the election, while the southern plantation side was at a disadvantage.

Now in the Ege Empire, the situation is reversed. The feudal group that sells plantations and sells resources occupies the political orthodoxy, while the north belongs to the local government.

But the word "orthodox" is only useful in the matter of "reputable teachers."

During the American Civil War, the South, which sent troops first, was defined as a rebellion, but in fact it was the North that had the advantage of striking later. The current situation is that the northern industrial leaders also started in the same way.

The huge trade deficit alone was enough to oppress everyone in the plantation economy in the south, except the big lords, into abject poverty.


In the south of Ege, a large number of citizen uprisings broke out against this background.

On April 4, 3599, the rebellious citizens obtained the explosives for mining, seized the armory, and hanged the governor. Armed with muskets, they fumbled to master infantry drills.

It was against this background that Danny led his cavalry regiment into the south to suppress the rebellion.

The Earth Dragon Corps completed its rendezvous with the Golden Blade Lord's troops in the south. The Earth Dragon Knights looked at each other's eyes with the elite cavalry riding jungle lizards, recognizing each other's strength.

On the afternoon of the 5th, in Marigold Manor.

When Danny met his mother's grandfather, he respected him very much. In recent years, the gray-haired Duke of Golden Blade no longer had the aura of a powerful minister who turned his hands to make clouds and rain in the royal capital thirty years ago.


[The rise of Karet has turned this powerful minister into a loyal one. The independent forces in the south have now become a force that firmly supports the royal capital. So, the basic economic class changes the superstructure. 】

When the great-grandson's heir to the kingdom arrived, he happily patted the sturdy young knight.

The old duke in armor got off the dragon and praised: "My child, when I see you, I see the future of the kingdom." Provide you with the fastest updates and free reading.:.

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