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Chapter 7.45 Field Control

 God upon God, such as "justice" and "knowledge" are broadly formless and insubstantial.

Its "miraculous display" requires the burning faith of people to show it, but its existence does not require people to worship it, because this is a truth recognized by all life.

On the eve of the war, Wei Keng was still analyzing the position of the ‘gods’.

Wei Keng also knew that as a mortal, he was analyzing gods, just like an ant analyzing the actions of wise men. Perhaps the righteous god could give up the victory of the planet he cared about with disdain.

But for such a behemoth as the gods, as a "little person", if I miss any point, it will not only be disrespectful to them, but also have an improper attitude in this world.


At this stage, the followers of the "God of Justice" in Aige must definitely be beaten. But they must pay attention to the way they fight.

If you fight the right war in the wrong way, the right war will also become the wrong one.

Wei Keng described it in the tone of a sage: "I examine myself three times every day. Have I been unfaithful in my conduct for others? Have I not trusted my friends in my dealings? Have I not been accustomed to spreading my knowledge?"

The system popped up an anonymous interface and sent: "Save your money, don't be a fool. I'm so anxious that I'm exhausted."

Wei Keng: "..."


In order to further confirm the intelligence information, Wei Keng!

Mr. Wei used his high authority in the main world to mobilize the most advanced and most advanced dimensional computer to conduct a space-time deduction.

Finally, we came to the conclusion that the God of "Justice" might want to take over "Industry".

Because if "justice" defeats "industry", then "justice" will have more dominance on the wind-touched planet.

The birth and development of the three gods of "science, industry, and machinery" on the wind-touched planet are partly intertwined with justice.


This is like the birth of a company: "Science, Industry, Justice" are the entrepreneurs, "Justice" and "Knowledge" are the old capitalists. Now "Knowledge" has given the three guys start-up capital, and in the process "Justice" is gradually

To a certain extent, I invested a little bit.

When the order system of the arcane world determines that the three new companies created by the workers sent from the main world have potential.

"Justice" looked at the fact that he only had 10% of the equity now. He decided to make some operations, through short selling, and then bought and increased the equity to reach 30 to 40%, and the old brand "Knowledge"

shareholders to the same extent.

The erroneous speculation of "Science", the agent, has almost allowed justice to take the initiative, but "Industry" here firmly holds the basics. And when "Knowledge" created these three godheads, it tied the three godheads to

Together. In other words, "science" will be shorted, and "industry" and "machinery" can come to rescue the market. Note: At present, only the "industry" promoted by Mr. Wei has excess capital.

Beginning in the year 3600, "Science" was neglected and "Industry" took over its place.

Most of the time when Wei Keng does things that are not in line with his vocation, he is directly intervened by the gods. But Wei Keng did not encounter any warning from the godhead. This shows that the big shots are


Part of the history of diversity that ‘Justice’ originally wanted to make out of was:

Egg's Temple of Justice is preparing to attack Karite in the north, that is, it has successfully shorted "Industry".

After the victory over industry, the reformists within the Temple of Justice fought against the conservative faction within the Temple of Justice, and supported the "Industrial" Divine Chosen under the leadership of "Justice", and then raised the "Industrial" God's position, that is, raising the stock price.

However, Master Wei acted too steadily and firmly occupied all possibilities on the timeline, resulting in smooth cause and effect on all time and space lines. The temple was completely dominated by the conservative faction.

The agent of "Science" may still lead to chaos, but "Industry" is absolutely impossible. "Industry" is now the mainstay of the three new gods, adhering to order.

The trading method of ‘justice’ ultimately failed to win the ‘knowledge’ layout.

In the face of historical iterations, the possibility of interpretation space (equity) of justice will be further reduced in the new era. Therefore, the only way to be 'just' is to use this war to change the old guard among its own believers and keep pace with the times.

Advance to ensure that you can keep up with the times as soon as possible. (Cut the flesh and close the position)


In fact, 'Knowledge' was a false alarm in this process. The main world transferred three places of agents for gods. If it was the original arrangement, Knowledge would definitely send an 'oracle' secretly. Then all agents on the side of justice would also

You will get information instructions from higher-level gods.

If one Sainz is stupid, he doesn't need to remind him. If all three of them are smart, "knowledge" will definitely give instructions directly.

So under this secret fight between gods and gods, the intensity of the conflict in the rise of the new gods will be several levels higher than it is now. The entire wind-attached planet may be directly raised to the mythical age of legendary agents fighting (high magic combat power), or even

This war to ascend to the gods will affect multiple worlds, and other gods will import power from other high-demon worlds to interfere with industrial development.

If that were the case, it would not be possible for "science", "industry" and "machinery" to survive the most difficult initial development on this small planet as it is now.

Qin Tianfang unintentionally transferred the top consciousness of the main world's great river system to observe, which essentially did Monat (Ogma) a big favor.

This is also the time when the Second Plane War has just ended, and everyone still doesn’t understand the situation. If it were another era, Wei Keng’s appearance fee would not be something a king could afford.


Narrator, Wei Keng applied for a dimensional computer, which was a technology used in the Second Plane War.

Based on the strength of the traveler's consciousness, positioning is completed on a broad timeline, and then the main world schedules the information enthalpy for future verification.

The computing technology of the main world is no less than the time and space deduction of the superior gods of the multiverse.

But the premise of this technology is that the traveler who has arrived in the multiverse plane has a wide and wide consciousness and can support the timeline.

This technology depends on the person.

Mr. Wei’s awareness of dispatching to this plane is indeed strong enough! It can support such a calculation. (Sainz does not have such authority, nor does he have such ability.)

It can be said that Wei Keng has now dispatched this kind of cheating ability because the main world's Space and Time Administration has come up with a 'king' level consciousness to declare its ability to the gods of this multiverse.

The overworld can now reverse-copy all of the deity's methods.

For example, filling souls, giving it to junior time travellers, binding an arcane analysis chip, and deducing various skills, but these are currently the lowest level of technology.

As for the Space-Time Management Bureau, being able to dispatch Wei Keng to arrive is the best of all means in this plane. The one that makes the gods feel cautious the most.


What the dimensional computer deduces is the "real history" that may have happened in the past, about tens of millions of them. Of course, due to the derivation, the wave function collapses, and these histories will not happen again. But the key information passed back before the collapse is important to

Individual events are of great reference value.

Wei Keng, who had searched to the bottom, finally felt relieved.


June 3603.

The Egg Empire has accumulated troops in many military fortresses near the northern territories. One after another, cavalry troops crossed the border and began to harass.

The war has begun. Although the intensity is more like the provocation of the South Asian powers in the Himalayas in modern times.

This is an army of hundreds of thousands under the feudal system.

The Egg army was organized by a group of sixteen local nobles. Danny's restrictions on these armies were limited to sending his knights to assist these big nobles in this military operation. This would make it impossible to have the execution capabilities of a modern army.

The style of the modern army: When ordered to hold off for xx hours, people are present in the position, and the loss of position is reported immediately. When ordered to arrive at the target area, the commander immediately leads the troops on a forced march, and must reach the predetermined location at xx time point.

Under the feudal system, this was impossible. Although there would also be a military law department, and the king would definitely reward and punish him after the war, the lower-level nobles could persuade the military judges and find reasons for the king. When the king encountered many nobles disobeying orders,

, you also face the risk of losing your authority.


As for the high-end combat power of the Egg Empire, the arcane world is not a fairy world that combines individual offense and defense.

Below the legendary level, even if it is a nine-ring arcane mage, it represents the output ability of spells, but it does not mean that it has the defensive function of being able to directly connect the siege crossbow.

High-level arcane mages deploy energy defense through arcane magic, or directly jump to other worlds to avoid attacks, making themselves difficult to kill.

Please note that the arcane mage is an intelligence unit, not an mt that can absorb damage on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the ones who resist the line for the arcane mages and siege artillery are the big soldiers. Once all the big soldiers resisting the line in front are dead, the arcane mages will also flee, instead of coming down to attack Wushuang.——What?

?As a magician and martial artist, do you think you are the top divine choice?


Faced with an aggressive person like Iger,

In the northern territory, restraint was still maintained. The reason was that Mr. Wei did not want to bleed and drift.

Wei Keng: "If we just kill them, a large number of young and middle-aged people will be killed and injured. Does this mean anything to our industry? Also, those high-level arcane mages and knights surrendered and survived after the war. Can we still hope to transform them? Hey, kill them.

If we can't kill the people who deserve to be killed, the resistance will still remain there. There is no difference between me fighting this fight and not fighting."

The joint industrial mobilization system has also been mobilized, and all bridges and highlands along the way are under control. Prepare for a northern assault.

Danny's army of hundreds of thousands heading south this time was led by sixteen nobles, which meant that Egg's military strength actually consisted of more than a dozen parts.

Each part is directly commanded by the big nobles, or coordinated by commanders appointed by the royal capital and joint nobles. With such a huge army, there are always areas where the battle lines are not coordinated.

Here, the Industrial Party can rely on the advantage of the strong execution capabilities of its corps in various major regions to concentrate its troops and defeat some of his rash advances in a short period of time.

The knight Grace who followed Carret said this: "The outcome of the war is decided from the beginning."


Wei Keng: In a world dominated by gods, each noble has more or less "prophecy" magic items. When approaching the battlefield, they did not rush in foolishly.

But the army has already started, and a huge amount of supplies are consumed every day. They must fight, even on a small scale.


On August 7th, outside Braun City,

The cavalry regiment from the Quaker Territory in the south passed through here quickly, but they were intercepted by the mechanical motorcycle troops from the north.

Although the motorcycle riders in the north also have lances, and the lances have a projectile length of ten meters and a better lightweight force field. When charging, the sudden and lethality can challenge a large ground dragon.

However, the two sides did not engage in an orthodox knight battle. The motorcycle riders used more superior power to conduct "mounted shooting" combat from a distance.

Um, mounted shooting, riding on a motorcycle, throwing rockets with a range of 300 meters.

Three sets of flame burst runes and a set of air propulsion runes are sealed in the rocket. The three sets of runes obtain "three small equivalents" through the energy net. (A small equivalent is the amount of a fireball, about 134 grams.


After the rocket explodes, three sets of flame runes provide the blast, while the wind runes transfer the kinetic energy of the shock wave to the 600 prefabricated fragments.

Ever since, in the eyes of Egg's knights, the despicable northerners just launched a wave of rockets from a distance and ran away on the engine. But when they let them go, they caught up again, and again

Rockets were fired.

While projecting, the motorcycle riders sang an RPG hymn: "While pear blossoms are blooming all over the world, soft veils are floating on the river..."

In this way, "you chase me, I chase you", after both parties have had a great time,

Perhaps the dragon beast under the southern knight's seat was so bloodshot from the shrapnel that it couldn't move quickly, or maybe the northern knight had almost used up its rockets.

In short, both parties go back to their respective homes and find their respective mothers.

Tomorrow’s appointment is still not on time, and the location is uncertain, but we will definitely take the initiative to find each other.

Motorcyclists from the North greeted their counterparts in the South with enthusiastic middle fingers and issued an invitation to the event: "Who is a coward?"


A week later, on August 14th, the mechanical iron gate of Braun City slowly opened, and the knight team returned after fighting (and being beaten) for a day.

The injured knight captain wiped off the shrapnel on his body, took the leaflet sent by the northerners, and came to the command hall of Braun City.

The Marquis in charge of the army here took today's nonsense flyer from the North from his knight, read it once, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Regarding such leaflets, it is said that the nobles of the major frontier regiments received them from the knights they sent out.

They are all insincere persuasion such as "Don't fight anymore".

Carret was particularly verbose in this war. All kinds of "peace is more important", "both sides manage differences", "come back to the negotiating table", "don't let bloodshed promote hatred"...

These words seemed to be the weak words of a loser who was about to be besieged by a large army. - Oh, before that, in the royal capital, Karit was judged to be weak based on these words.

However, Carret's men used the most arrogant attitude to hand the peace request letter from their lord to their counterparts in the south.

It's not just like this in Braun City, it's like this on almost all fronts.

It is said that on the battlefield on the Eastern Front, after the northern gang of mechanical knights won the battle, they cursed and humiliated the southern knights with words such as riding a dog and ruining their crotch.

And if you look carefully at Carret's summation books, although they are all about summation, you can't see a single word "concession".

The leaflet stated: This war that blocks the trade between the north and the south has caused great harm to the people in Ege. It is something that neither order nor justice wants to see. Please take a responsible attitude towards history, do not reverse the course, and return to normalcy.

The communication and negotiation mechanism is up.

Oh, Wei Keng is passing the blame. What consequences will the war have? He doesn’t know. But he should discuss the negative effects in advance to prevent the temple believers from criticizing his side.


These days, when these small-scale wars are all "draws",

Carrette has a new nonsense, which is: "In the new era of technology, industry, and machinery, people's lives will become better. Please adapt to the new era and do not go against the trend of history."

Oh, this is the first time that Carret has widely advertised the three words "technology, industry, and machinery" on the battlefield. It officially announced the birth of a new faith.

An hour after reading this nonsense report, the Marquis of Braun felt something was wrong. He took out the crumpled piece of paper and read it again.

However, when he saw "technology, industry, machinery" again, he paused, and then carefully took out a gold coin! This gold coin was a gold coin of destiny.

After this extremely precious prop was thrown upward, it landed steadily on the three words on the flyer. Finally, the gold coin cracked and burned to pieces.

But he stared at these three words, stood up after a few seconds, picked up the flyer and ran to the temple, trying to seek enlightenment from God.


In the plane trade building, Sainz suddenly sat up. When the name of the "technology" god was mentioned, and was publicly mentioned at some moment of great historical significance, he naturally felt something.

Then he learned that during the Northern War, Karet reported the names of three new gods including himself!

Sainz looked at what was happening on the light screen, confusion flashing in his eyes.

In this war, Karet was only qualified to expound the name of the god "Industry". In the subsequent victory, "Industry" would gain strong faith. But at this time, he allowed the names of the gods "Science, Industry, and Machinery" to appear at the same time.

After this victory, the power of faith will be divided among the three gods.

Such profit sharing makes Sainz a little confused!

After Sainz watched Carret write such a declaration proudly in front of many members of the Industrial Committee, confusion flashed in the eyes of this holy son of science: "Industrial, why do you do this?



On August 10, Feng Fu Li, in the No. 1 Industrial Building in Xiange Lingzhong, this is the place where the world of industry reflected in the ethereal world and reality meet. The elevator in this 33-story building can rise to 10,000.

layer or above.

We are currently on the 33rd floor of the building.

"New gods have appeared in this world."

In the meeting hall, Wei Keng told the facts in a matter-of-fact manner to 32 mechanical generals and 78 technicians from important production departments of the Industrial Commission.

Grace and other followers stood silently in the crowd. When Carrette glanced at the podium, they all bowed their heads humbly.

As Carret scanned, shining symbols appeared on each person. The divine emblem of "Industry" was imprinted on these people.

Most people looked down at the divine emblem on their wrists and didn't know what it was. But Grace, a follower, knew that this was a quota to stand behind "Industry" and participate in "Science, Industry, and Machinery" meetings.


In the past, there has been an empty space behind "Industry", but now the people have finally been selected.

Of course, the color of these divine emblems is now gray-white. Only by winning this war will the divine emblems completely turn into silver-white or gold. These industrial party people will finally achieve righteousness.


For a long time, the Northern Industrialists have been wandering outside the door of faith. Whenever they think they want to believe in something, they feel the omen of "having to wait a little longer."

When the current war began, it was determined that the God of Justice and many other gods were not on this side. They were at a loss and confused as to why they could not get the recognition of the God of Order when their side had always insisted on industrial development.

However, now they understand that they were originally "righteous believers". They did not know that they believed in industry, but their hearts tended towards industry and did not waver.

Now, they suddenly knew that they had faith.——These participants silently looked at Carret and the divine emblem on Carret's podium.

Their eyes are brighter than ever

Industrial believers who have just confirmed their faith: all the progress made amid doubts in the past turned out to be "saints' trials".


Wei Keng began to explain the strategic objectives: "At this stage, we are making two preparations based on the two possibilities of the enemy.

First: The enemy has lost its way and is unable to withstand the logistical pressure of the war and retreats. We must be prepared to provide economic assistance to the South. Of course, the probability of this possibility is very small, unless the god they believe in sends a miracle and makes them realize their enlightenment.

Second: The confrontation is over. They have put everything on the line and are betting wildly on this round. We have to use everything to defeat our opponents resolutely and defend our core industrial circle.

(This can definitely be done in the staff deduction. Unless the opposite god turns into an evil camp and performs a miracle. But in this case, it will be a decisive battle of order and evil. The 'Industry' side firmly occupies the "order and justice" organization.

No one can move it away.)

After defending the industrial area and counterattacking the enemy area, use 'industrial' order to quell the chaos in southern Aige."

Wei Keng tapped the screen, and the screen rippled like water.

Karet: "Please note that we are not against "justice", but the believers of the "justice" god have a misunderstanding. Their wrong definition of 'industry' leads to justice that they cannot understand."

When Wei Keng said the name "Justice", he instantly felt someone's gaze. It was obvious that the God of Justice was paying attention to what Wei Keng said at this time.

But Wei Keng did not give in. Instead, he smiled calmly and said coldly at the meeting: "Since justice does not educate his followers, I will help him educate them."

This sentence silenced everyone in the venue. Mortals did not dare to show any expression of the conflict between gods.

Mr. Wei said fiercely: "What's wrong? Am I wrong? If you don't let me lie down, you will have to suffer!"

Eventually, the power of this gaze slowly dissipated.

Wei Keng clapped his hands and told people: "The meeting is dismissed."

This chapter has been completed!
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