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Chapter 7.48 The Great Siege.

 At 8 o'clock in the evening on September 22, a group of lights in the sky were moving southward. In the ancient times of the main world, this was a scene of night flights seen on the ground, but now it is an airship moving south.

The First Army, composed of four corps of the Industrial Army going south, encircled and annihilated a total of 80,000 royal troops on the western front, and handed over the prisoners to the security forces who arrived. After that, they hurried eastward to continue the pursuit.

The United Industry's First Army marched for 48 hours to complete a major roundabout. The troops spanned 600 kilometers and cut off all the communication lines behind Wang **.

At a total of more than 170 road nodes, the accompanying airships first dropped heavy weapons and equipment, and then the delta-wing air transport troops dropped the soldiers to complete the armament and equipment.

Each of these transportation hubs only needs one or two platoons to be stationed at most, with thirty or forty people, or even ten people. It seems like a small number, but anyone who has played "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" knows that you don't need too many people to block a bridge. No.

Armored vehicles and heavy firepower assaults, thousands of people are useless...

The movements of Wang**, who is carrying heavy equipment, is the target of United Industries' focus.

The First Army composed of the four battle groups of the United Industry did not disperse. Instead, it gathered into a large sharp knife and continued to cut the connections between the royal nobles and warlords in the encirclement.

As Wang ** was struggling to deal with it, the various units dispersed amid mixed orders, and once dispersed, other battle groups from the industrial faction would immediately intervene to widen the gap.

For example, at dusk on the afternoon of the 22nd, in Sugao Plain,

In addition to farmland, this area consists of a large number of hills covered with pine trees.

During the main assault of the First Army (01, 05, 11, 12), the 20,000 troops led by King ** Count Pollitt still lost contact with their elite troops and a large number of grassroots troops. 20,000 troops,

Scattered within a range of thirty kilometers.

Before Count Pollitt could assemble his troops, the 02nd and 04th regiments of the Industrial Party followed suit and devastatingly destroyed the aristocratic force with less than 2,000 men.

Under the first round of artillery strikes from the 02 and 04 regiments, most of the sword, shield and musketeers in the count's two thousand-man team had been routed and fled to these hills for shelter.

In an instant, only the retainers of the great nobles were left. This team only had about two hundred people, and its scale was more like a large team of adventurers. And they were facing rows of industrial tanks advancing.

Oh, that scene was so awesome that the three mid-level arcane mages hired by the Earl fled directly.

The three-headed chimera domesticated by the Pollitt family roared with thunder and lightning on the battlefield, and was finally killed by a volley of rockets from a helicopter cluster.

In the five-minute air battle, more than 60 rockets were fired, hammering down the three behemoths. These behemoths still wanted to struggle after falling, and their huge wings flapped hard, causing sand and rocks to fly for a while, leaving the industry

The infantry units cannot get closer.

At that time, these three two-headed dragons were so playful and rolling around that they would not be spoiled.

So the tracks of the "Heavy Knight" crushed the wings, and the gun barrel hit the forehead.

At this moment, the Chimera immediately showed that it has an understanding ability that is no less than that of humans. After alternately hitting its two heads on the ground (kowtowing), it became a prisoner of the industrialists.


In this great battle, all the nobles of the royal family had profound knowledge, and there were many who showed dazzling special combat power like Earl Polit.

[After the war, the three-headed chimera confessed honestly: In fact, she had a contract with this earl family hundreds of years ago, and she was just fulfilling the agreement. She asked the industrial leader to "give a generous opportunity"]

Although these ancient families have come up with some weird powers, they cannot change the outcome. What matters in large-scale battles is command ability. As long as they do not break through the boundaries of the nine rings, no behemoth unit can make a big splash.

Several battle groups and hundreds of caterpillar steel forts moved forward. In front of this torrent, everything was in vain.


On the afternoon of the 23rd, as three hundred thousand kings and three hundred thousand kings were engaged in successive encounters, some sober-minded nobles of the kingdom understood that they were surrounded.

This encirclement is shrinking rapidly. The distance between all the mechanical battle groups participating in the encirclement has gradually increased from tens of kilometers to more than ten kilometers.

Wang** will find that the frequency of encounters with the industrial army is becoming more and more intensive.

After the 23rd, after confirming that they were surrounded, Wang Zhongzhong's warlord nature was fully demonstrated, and they began to break out of the encirclement without authorization.


When the encirclement has not been completely tightened, there is still a relatively large gap between each of the encircling troops. It is still possible to break out of the encirclement due to their large size. However, collective action is required.

However, some warlord troops are worried that when they break out collectively, they will be placed in the front and rear, becoming the leader of the platoon wading in the water, or the abandoned one in the rear.

Once the general breakout begins, the party forming the encirclement will immediately begin to reinforce the counter-breakout.

At that time, the besieging party (United Industries) will throw all their heavy firepower at them and mobilize the most elite troops to kill people. However, the second- and third-rate troops in the kingdom simply do not have the courage to collide with these elite troops. To be honest, they are just following Dan.

The Ni prince went north to make a fortune.

On the side of the breakout, the lords who thought they were not direct descendants did not want to lose all their wealth, so they would take a gamble and break out without authorization before the royal capital ordered them to cut off the queen.


It's just that Wang**'s operation of selling teammates to each other was completely within Karit's expectation.

Several royal and aristocratic troops broke through, but were captured and subdued: their organizations were defeated, all their baggage was discarded, and they became small units that could not communicate with each other and fled in all directions.

Then, those on the outside who are blocking the bridge are waiting for the "express delivery".


On the two nights of the 23rd and 24th, the hundreds of thousands of troops of the four nobles of the King's army were divided into dozens of forces and hit the encirclement, and they paid a heavy price.

As for the Industrial Corps, although it was a case of seizing the big ones and letting go the small ones, in actual operation, it took the joint industrial staff a lot of effort to analyze the sequence.

The big ones in the kingdom are all rabble and don’t need to be released. If defeated, they will be easier to catch than pigs. Even if the kingdom’s elites are small, they cannot be released. They will be broken into pieces under the cover of arcane magic at any time and at any time, so they must be watched at all times.


Post-war analysis shows that it is inaccurate to use the term "breaking through without permission" to describe Wang **'s current situation.

Because... there is no central command at all. Perhaps Prince Danny can only restrain his own troops. After finding themselves surrounded, each noble army exercised its own judgment on the battle and was no longer under the command of the kingdom. Therefore,

There is no such thing as "unauthorized".


And by the 25th, the largest area of ​​​​Wang ** was divided and surrounded. It was already trapped in a small circle with a radius of less than 20 kilometers. There were only two small towns in this circle. Obviously, it was not enough to support hundreds of thousands of troops.


The mayor's compound in the center of the town can only be used as a command post by the king's senior officials and His Royal Highness.

A large number of knights could only sleep on straw beds laid in dug earth pits, while ordinary soldiers did not even have earth pits and straw.

It was still a winter night, and at least I had to get through with a pile of firewood. But as the encirclement shrank, most of the carriages and horse baggage were lost to the industrial army's steam crossbow bombardment. Where was the fuel?

When Aige's generals opened the door, they could see a large number of shivering Kingdom troops huddled together in the wilderness, shaking each other to keep warm. The lack of fuel in the wilderness caused some soldiers to dismantle the wooden parts of their weapons, and the mouse holes were even more so.

I was carefully cared for by these hundreds of thousands of people.

In this encirclement of dozens of square kilometers, there are more people than rats! The rats suffered an unreasonable disaster this winter.


In the Kingdom's Earthly Dragon Corps, Danny was much more tired than he was dozens of hours ago.

After a previous encounter with the 30th Battle Group of the Xuanguang Industrial Zone, both sides were ready to shake people. However, the Industrial Party's team members were all Liushen-suited teammates, while those on their side were all pigs.

Low morale: Most of the lower-level soldiers can no longer find their officers (knights). They are not "likely to collapse at any time", but have already collapsed. It's just that they are surrounded and have no place to collapse.

Lack of equipment: most of the armor and weapons were lost in the chase, and only seven or eight people could get together a set of equipment. This was only one layer of paper away from disarming.

There is a shortage of food and medicine: all the rats and meat are eaten. The reason why no one is eaten is because we are in the order camp and will be severely punished if found out. The outer encirclement is also in the order camp. Every early morning, white helicopters will fly over.

, throw in some hot cans.

Of course, Wang ** is not taking advantage of such an airdrop in vain. This is the industrial camp declaring their orderly nature, and this is a run on Wang **: they will not use arcane methods to contain them like Wang ** did when he surrounded and suppressed the southern rebels.

Produce food in the area. We hope that the wounded and hungry will throw away their weapons and come to the designated location to receive food.

At the end of this war, the industrial faction, designated as the enemy of justice by the Temple of Justice in the royal capital, did more justice than the believers of justice.

The temple priests who followed the army found that except for the healing magic, their other magics had been curbed. This caused the faith at the root of this war to be shaken in the end.


"Why did it become like this?" The young man Danny was now extremely confused and confused.

Before the war, he was able to suppress Xingchekarit step by step and force the traitor of the family to be unable to resist, but in the blink of an eye, it all turned into nothing.

He suddenly realized that he had been burdened with too much in this war.

The legitimacy of his successor, the full power of the kingdom, and the halo he has carried from the gods since his birth.

And when he thought about the God's favor, Danny became very angry.

There is also a god who cares about the northern Karit. But this god's favored person has never stated it, but has always claimed that he is a mage who pursues the truth.

It wasn't until this war officially started that the entire continent knew about the three gods of "industry, technology, and machinery."

Buzz, amidst the sharp sound, in the small town square in the distance, the originally soft light of the magic circle suddenly flickered like a "broken fluorescent lamp". After flickering for a few times, it completely collapsed.

This interrupted Prince Danny's thinking because he needed to ask about the current situation of his mage group.

In the center of the town, the teleportation circle led by the kingdom's wizards failed once again!

Sixth level spell group teleportation. When reporting for instructions, this is Wang**'s current commander's plan to dispatch reinforcements from the outside world. This is actually a channel for escape, because if you want to transmit information, you only need to use a lower level material teleportation spell.

That’s it.

If Prince Danny doesn't accept the idea of ​​escaping, no one can explain it clearly.


However, now, everyone may not be able to think about the prince anymore. Under the heavy pressure, everyone has a haze in their hearts.

However, the teleportation array deployed in this small town failed one after another, making the arcane mages of the kingdom realize how strict their enemy, the Industrial Party, was in blocking them!

The arcane mages of the kingdom's army discovered through advanced detection that the small towns in this area have been detected by the arcane spells of the Industrial Party. Once an arcane mage attempts to establish a "teleportation" spell with a fourth-level or higher level, it will be interrupted.

The method of interruption is similar to the "silence" magic.

In the rune magic system established by the Industrial Party, all current mainstream arcane spells can be simulated using standard spiritual rune structures, similar to mechanical assembly.

The Rune Masters of the Industrial Party may not be able to independently release the "Silent Alien Call".

However, several professional rune mages can combine the runes they are good at to form an arcane spell with the same effect.

This is the true meaning of the "Divine Emblem" of industrial collaboration. A large number of people have specializations in the industry, allowing enough people to achieve their own expertise and then cooperate with each other.


In this war, all aspects of industrial dispatch, such as tanks, fuel, food, and manpower, are greater than those of the kingdom. Now even the power of the arcane side seems to be the same.

The kingdom's arcane magic has been accumulated for hundreds of years. But how many years has it been since the northern industrial leader's arcane magic emerged? Now, where the kingdom feels it has the greatest advantage over the north, it has been counter-suppressed.

These proud kingdom mages suddenly felt that their school was going to be in crisis after this battle.

The self-employed arcane mages are quite capable, but they have no establishment (organization).

"Industry, technology, and machinery" have just risen, and social rules are not conducive to the old mages.

And after the birth of a new god, the etheric realm of the entire planet is changed. On a larger level, what will the changes in spellcasting rules lead to?


The perspective goes to the south,

In the capital of Aige, the old king no longer hunts. He is anxiously looking through the intelligence coming from the north, trying to "pick gold from the sand" to find some good news.

However, new information is constantly coming in. The main force of the kingdom is heading north to demand that the northern territories obey the imperial order. Now the situation has taken a turn for the worse.

The old king felt that the ministers around him were playing tricks on him.

At the beginning, it was said that Karet was under increasing pressure and was about to obey the empire. But now? Well~ under the constant message of "our own advantage", even if the king thought in his mind that the "advantage" was false

Yes, but the expectation in my heart is still "balance of power".

But losing everything now is absolutely unacceptable.


The old king found his eldest daughter, Roxanne.

The princess, whose husband was also surrounded in the north, told him sadly: "This is all true. The kingdom's army is already wandering between 'being wiped out' and 'waiting to be wiped out'."

Roshan's eyes were sad: "The reason why it hasn't ended yet is because Carret wants to prolong this humiliating process." Due to the different positions of the princess, her current judgment of Carret is also limited by hers.


On "humiliating" the kingdom before this war, the various "comments" made by nobles of all sizes about Karet could definitely be written all over the city wall.

Carret's "justification" to avoid war and to "protect" the interests of the northern industrial system was criticized by nobles and nobles as: "There is no responsibility for the Xingche family members."


The ones who screamed the loudest back then are all surrounded now!

But now, the great siege and annihilation has been finalized, and Carret is still expounding the theory that "war is a bad industrial development that benefits mankind."

It's just that the picture behind this rhetoric has finally become clear.

Now the Northern United Industries has begun to put forward specific demands for kingdom reform: the land in the Kingdom of Aige should be equally divided and the taxation should be unified. It is directed at all the great nobles in the empire.

When responding to inquiries, the spokesperson of the Northern Industry Alliance gave the answer: Find relevant personnel to hold a meeting and work together to assume future responsibilities. The relevant personnel are now one or two kilometers away from the mouth of the gun. So there is no need to worry about when the people will be gathered.

When you have a meeting, you can make a list now.


Nowadays, Roxanne is "speechless" to her cousin Carrette. She boasts that she has met countless people with different political views, but today she has to admit that she was wrong.

In history, there are many cases where Hidden Ninjas waited until their opponents relaxed before taking down the enemy in one fell swoop. However, the process of taking down the enemy was so open-ended and the elites of the entire kingdom were directly destroyed by their own power. That was unprecedented.

"The struggle in the royal court leads to the loss of the country's elite and a great loss of vitality" is the most important thing for those who fight in the court to avoid.

But now Carret obviously doesn't have this worry. The elite and vitality are already on the industrial leader's side, and they are now well protected.

The troops of the Industrial Party still seem to be kind to the king in the encirclement and have a bottom line. But if the king in the encirclement continues to be obsessed with it, or in other words, the kingdom continues to be obsessed with it, it will be doomed.


Half an hour later, Roxanne stepped back from her father's place.

Xizeya, on the other hand, waited until she got her sister.

Xizeya, who was wearing armor, saw her sister's expression and understood that the king was still unwilling to accept the reality of being completely beaten by his nephew (Carret). Back then, he was stronger than Father Carret!

After learning that the king now lacks awareness of what is at stake for the kingdom.

Xizeya took a deep breath and said to her sister: "Sister Wang, the throne can be given up, but the vitality of the empire must be preserved."

Roshan looked at Xizeya with a complicated expression.

Xizeya walked into the king's palace with his sword in hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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