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Chapter 8.02 After Arrival, Rethink

 Wei Keng, who had just been released from the refrigerator, was scanned by various precision instruments and placed in the "static stagnation zone" in a pure white environment for observation.

This is a safety and stability measure prepared by China for super powerful psychics when they are promoted to prevent their minds from becoming possessed by Taoism when they gain great power.

Europa's records in this regard use the term "superpower out of control", and crazy psykers can destroy a base.

The technical staff of Fenghou Group set an observation period for Mr. Wei, which lasts for one month.


On August 4, 2270 in the Qin Tong calendar, Antarctica was in polar night.

After continuous testing at the Antarctic base, observers determined that Wei Keng's resurrected body was in stable condition.

Wei Keng was moved to a fully enclosed observation room to learn about contemporary situations from electronic interfaces.

Of course, this process of understanding the outside world is also constantly monitored by outsiders.

After the body of "Wei Keng" woke up, Shendu was very concerned and sent fifteen psykers from the Dragon Group and Tiger Group to identify the resurrected "Wei Keng"...

If Wei Keng goes out of control, these observation groups have the authority to destroy it.

For the powerful parties in China, they "look forward" to Wei Keng's resurrection because they have their own "expectations."


The security system of this world is much worse than that of the Death Plane.

The "root cause" of the desperate plane is that the Warsaw Pact camp started military production at full capacity in order to severely damage the global colonial system of Europe and the United States. Uncontrollable excess arms flowed into the so-called "black market trading" market.

Although the military production in the Deadly Plane is highly integrated, it still requires a large safe zone as a rear area, so the powers on both sides still have a natural obligation to protect the people. In other words, in the Deadly Plane, human life is still very important.


But today in the Shenzhou plane, nano-manufacturing technology has become popular, and the level of military integration is terrifying.

Its military group of tens of thousands can complete the supply of energy, ammunition, and more than 95% of its own parts. Only the remaining parts require authorization from the rear technology center, which is technology unlocking.

In other words, the upper-level restraint of China's superiors on the generals of Jiedushi is limited to technological limitations. However, each partial general can still maintain the old and existing military armaments and then mass-produce them even if the technology is limited.

A soldier'.


After the end of the last World War, with the fall of the industrialized power of Soviet Russia, the impact of its remains on the world far exceeded that of the Death Plane and the main world in recent times.

The Soviet base vehicles and various equipment were transported to the third world, providing the warlords there with the ability to produce their own weapons and equipment.

During the last world war, the standard equipment of the Sino-Soviet camp was a three-piece set for mobilization soldiers: AK, ceramic bulletproof coat, and throwing Molotov cocktails. They were widely distributed in large areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Motorcycle mortars and sickle mechas also frequently appeared in conflicts in various places.

If the warlords in these areas can do something a little better, such as Kadzo and Saddam, they can cling to the lap of the world power, stabilize the hearts of the people in the region, and win over a team of technicians. They can also turn Soviet Russia's "nuclear reaction energy station" It was created and equipped with weapons such as the Hammer Tank.

Oh, although the hammer is quite old-fashioned, it is enough for the second-rate regional forces. With chip implantation technology these days, and there are cannon fodder tool people everywhere, there is no need for sand camels like the ancient times of the main world. A "first-class" tank like Siam's is necessary to maintain combat morale.

In recent times, in countries with no social changes and a lot of feudal dross, their ruling groups must use their own people to control armed forces such as tanks. If they are not advanced enough and the protection is not good enough, coups will be as good as fried chicken and potato chips. Just as common.

But now with chip control technology, there is no need to worry about uncontrollable equipment. Specifically, the chip is like the military police in World War I, censoring ideas and immediately raising the slightest disloyalty. This makes it impossible for soldiers at the grassroots level to form an organization secretly.

Advanced technology has strengthened the ruling capabilities of careerists, but feudal warlords are still backward.


Soviet and Russian base vehicles can produce their own base vehicles, but all warlords are restrained in expanding their base vehicles. This not only requires a lot of resources, but also takes a long time.

The tank driver can use the chip to censor his thoughts, but what are the thoughts of the commander of another base vehicle besides himself? That is impossible to determine.

For those warlords, wouldn't it be a joke to spend a lot of resources to set up a base vehicle and then cultivate a "thick eyebrows and big eyes" Zhao Kuangyin?

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Without the restraint of faith, trying to maintain a political alliance with personality charm and an agreement like worshiping a boss is uneducated and naive! Temujin and Jamuka were Anda. Duan Hefei and Feng Guozhang were classmates in Beiyang. But what’s the result?


Therefore, the current powers are still areas of faith.

Or belief: pretentious, God's chosen people.

Or belief: the people of the Xia Dynasty, the glorious dynasty.

In the small room, Wei Keng read the information on the Huanyu chapter on the screen, and then entered the Kyushu chapter.

After the Xialian dynasty and the restoration of the dynasty, although most things in China have changed, some familiar things can still be found today.

The Jibei Group is now a force in Yanbei, occupying large areas of land such as the Bohai Bay and Siberia, and is connected to the Arctic Ocean. It has formed a situation of north-south party struggle with the Donglin Group in the Yangtze River Basin on the mainland.

In the western part of China, the Internet economic system left over from the Wei Keng era has been divided up between the south and the north. However, the huge energy, food production and other infrastructure left behind, coupled with the risk of war in the west backed by the plateau, has become a 'Xiliang' Group.

Due to the monopoly nature of high technology, the level of education and organization at the grassroots level has been disrupted by various "chaotic information" from monopoly capital and it is difficult to maintain. So! Cliques still appear.

Seeing this, Wei Keng felt a little sleepy. He leaned on the bed and continued to read while leaning forward.


Outside the observation room, the review team sent by China was paying attention to the reaction of the "Wei Keng Resurrectionist" in the room and quickly recorded it.

This kind of observation is euphemistically called a test of the "Weikeng Resurrectionist"'s acceptance of world information. But do these review teams really clarify the final judgment criteria?

In the words of Guan Hao, the psyker leader dispatched by the Dragon Group: The world has changed so much that it is difficult to guarantee whether the remains of the predecessors can be accepted. If he becomes demonic, it will be a disaster for all of Kyushu.


The veteran leaders of the Chinese Restoration Dynasty all knew what direction Wei Keng's Xia Lian was heading back then.

Now that the entire China is like this, how will the resurrected Wei Keng react when he sees all this?

When Mr. Wei's subordinate Guan Shiyuan, Guan Yiyan's son and commander of the Tianzhu Fleet, heard the news that Wei Keng was successfully reborn, he was as anxious as a primary school student who had not finished his homework on the last day of summer vacation.

For primary school students, if their homework is not finished, they would like to burn it on fire.

As for those in power who were in the same era as Wei Keng more than fifty years ago and have now become leaders of powerful families, they can also burn their jobs!

After all, it is now up to them to define whether the reborn Wei Keng is Wei Keng or not.


Therefore, after reading the information, Wei Keng stared at the camera in the laboratory with a blank expression, and said in a confused tone: "I've finished reading. Is there anything else you want to see?"

A few seconds later, a query came from the outside: "Please describe your thoughts."

Wei Keng said confusedly: "It's a very strange world, and I still need to learn."

The inquirer seemed to be concerned, but in reality he was asking to get to the bottom of things: "What else do you want?"

Facing these fox-like juniors, Wei Keng sneered inwardly, unlike the silly and sweet ones on the surface: "Yes, grandsons, I have lost my memory! Are you satisfied?"


At night, over Antarctica, the signal link to the stealth satellite in space is turned on.

The projections of many big bosses in China's dynasty descended on the Antarctic Experimental Base. After they sat down, they began to receive information on the recovery status of Wei Keng's regenerated body over the past month.

The person in charge of the project, Bai Yunfa, raised his glasses: Judging from the current situation, due to the long thawing time, the remaining thoughts of the regenerated body are extremely incomplete. Although his intelligence is that of an adult, he has most of the common sense of an adult.

, but emotional intelligence is still in the ignorant stage.”

Bai Yunfa, the genius of the Fenghou Group, was named by the emperor to be sent to the Antarctic to lead the project. This is the key used by China's elite to ensure that the "Weikeng Individual Regeneration" project has no risk to China.

But in fact, the Law of White Luck tends to uphold the righteousness of "Wei Keng can inherit all his memories and thoughts during his lifetime."

The high-ranking people in the dynasty want to use "great righteousness" to unite people's hearts, so there will inevitably be people inside who believe in great righteousness.

The Antarctic station area is on the edge of the ruling zone. Without a little faith, such a long and boring life cannot be endured. For example, if online games are extremely boring and there is no hope of upgrading, who would be willing to play?

For the Dynasty, the "flawed" Wei Keng is just right.

After three hours of negotiation, the high officials of the dynasty agreed that the project could be completed and that the regenerated Wei Keng could enter the project.

But at this time, an accident occurred.

As a factor that affects history, it will inevitably be refuted by those downstream who are unwilling to accept history.

Fifty kilometers away from Xianhe Station, a hyperspace phenomenon occurred. Three maglev transport aircraft designed beyond this era appeared, followed by one hundred and fifty soldiers wearing "space-powered canned" equipment.

They spoke Unsa and after confirming with each other that the battle formation was complete, a terrain map was displayed on each person's helmet. The terrain map marked the location of the "Crane Antarctic Station" and the layout of the defenses.

This is a space-time military team that comes from the lower reaches to kill the history that makes them feel "failed" from the upper reaches.


At this time, Wei Keng, who was leaning in the base, sensed the fluctuations in time and space and sat up. After looking at the direction of the attacker's arrival in time and space, he whispered: "Here he comes."

Wei Keng had already anticipated such a situation. What's more, the reason why he came to the "timequake plane" this time was just for this!


Wei Keng hypothesized: "The interaction between space and time is like the formula of planetary meteorology and hydrodynamics. Then you have to find a familiar similar space and time, and use yourself as the coordinate to establish a calculation verification system."

It is impossible for global meteorological analysis and data collected around the world to be perfect and accurate. After seven days of calculation, there will be significant distortion in the calculated atmospheric circulation and factual weather verification, and the forecast after fifteen days will not be available.

However, meteorological experts will never think that weather changes are mystical, but objectively admit that this is the limitation of "observation accuracy" and "computing power".

The situation in the arcane plane is too complicated, and there are too many interfering factors.

Wei Keng feels that it is necessary to establish a technical system of "observation" and "computation model" in a space-time with similar effects.

In short, Wei Keng believes that one must have the ability to "calculate the number of days in certain time and space zones."


Of course, even in the Chinese plane where the space-time flow field is slightly simpler, the amount of work required to verify this theory is huge!

In order to collect as much data as possible, Wei Keng will take the initiative to integrate almost all timeline elements in the seismic plane in this mission, making the mission complicated.

First, the special routes of communication between different historical lines:

1. Biomechanical combat vehicles integrate technology;

2. Fusion technology of humans and electronic chips;

3. Parallel technology of consciousness and quantum computers;


The entanglement of these technologies may create new and unpredictable historical areas within the observable area of ​​the "time-seismic space-time zone" (Command and Conquer).

As for how much power is needed to promote these complicated histories? Wei Keng has tried millions of timeline splits in the space twisting plane, and now he has the ability to do it again. For people, there is a first time, and there is a second time. As long as there is a first time, there will be a second time.

It may be unprecedented, but it may not be unprecedented.

[Just like the energy of nuclear weapons at the end of World War II, it is by no means comparable to the firepower projection in the early stages of World War I. Wei Keng, who came out of the first and second plane wars, far surpasses the Space and Time Administration in terms of his ability to twist history.

standards of the past.]

This is why Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan had to "quarrel" in front of the justice department before confirming this task.

If those administrators in the space-time department who "don't want to worry about too much" knew the truth, they would never approve Wei Keng's mission.


At the Antarctic Crane Station, the time-traveling team quickly broke through China's defense line here.

The individual technology of these teams coming from the future is not much higher than today, but it is carefully prepared and planned. The energy shield deployed by the space-time team's levitating chariot in the snow can just withstand the small-caliber energy cannon in the base.


The Chinese psychics in the Xianhe Station base used the psychic equipment in their hands to fight back. Flying energy darts were emitted from their arm launchers and began to automatically track the enemy.

In narrow terrain, the left and right rotating radial cutting light blades can defeat infantry, but when encountering the static force field released by the electromagnetic mechanical infantry, these flying light prism weapons are fixed in position.

The raiders in the downstream space and time had a smooth journey, but their target, Wei Keng, was a variable.


Bai Yunfa came to Wei Keng's room.

Looking at Wei Keng, who was still recovering in a white tights, Bai Yunfa opened the suitcase, and the liquid nano-encapsulated components in the suitcase flowed into Wei Keng, constructing nano-arms. The psychic energy combined with these electrically charged components

Nano-combat particles fueled by chemical energy can blow apart buildings, cut down aircraft, and overturn armored vehicles with the psyker's thoughts.

Bai Yunfa looked at Wei Keng: "Sir, our base has been attacked by unknown forces. Please leave quickly."

Wei Keng looked at him. In Bai Yunfa's eyes, the regenerated body's eyes, which had always been blank, seemed to be shining with sharpness.

Wei Keng: "Don't panic, it's just me burping. I'm not afraid of the result, so why should you be nervous. Of course, let go of worrying about 'what will be the result' now. We understand the situation and then find a way to deal with it."


Bai Yunfa was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."


Fifteen minutes later, on the east side of the base, Wei Keng's combat uniform uploaded the current situation of the base. A large number of invisible armors had sneaked into the base. They could not be seen in the optical camera, but the ultrasonic sensing system in the base could determine their number.


Wei Keng, who was on the east side of the base, scanned these enemies and said calmly to the base commander: "It seems that the target is me!"

Base commander and member of the Dragon Team, Zhu Chenxiao said to the intercom protruding from his helmet: "What do you think we should do?"

Wei Keng took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "People are knocking on the door. We can't just sit and wait. We have to move and look for opportunities to fight back."

This chapter has been completed!
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