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Chapter 8.22 Financial strife, turmoil in small countries

Biological weapons were developed as early as the Third World War. The Soviet Union used war bears, while the United States and the Western European Alliance used trained war dogs and dolphins.

In Europe, because capital has the mouthpiece, in its propaganda, the Soviet Union's Biological Warfare Experiment Department conducted inhumane biological experiments on war bears, while the Allied war dog training was much more humane.

However, in fact, Soviet Russia only had poor technology in this area.

And because the bureaucracy and politics took the lead, they believed that the bear was more representative of the nation and broke off the original Siberian wolfdog training program.

However, bears are wild animals after all. Dogs, both in the East and the West, have a long history of domestication and transformation. Complete evolutionary data on the evolution of various dog breeds can be found all over the world.

After the collapse of Soviet Russia, relevant departments were forced to disclose data. It can be seen that it is indeed easier to modify canine biological weapons, while bears are not technically controlled properly and are often prone to making mistakes, so that Soviet Russian experts had to increase punishment and fight Bear control methods are a bit more brutal.

The Allies, on the other hand, found out that the Soviet Union made this technical choice error, and began to discredit it from many aspects of civilization and morality...

But in fact, the Allies have never made public their dolphin training programs. Various aspects of control such as drugs, punishment, and chips have been glorified by them as "heart-to-heart" communication with marine artiodactyls.


China's peacekeeping forces finally wiped out the creatures in the biological weapons combat base in the Persian Mountains.

Although the thirty-four biological weapons are covered with Kevlar armor, normal bullets cannot penetrate them. However, facing the composite shield deployed by the Chinese peacekeeping force, these biological weapons cannot break through human defenses.

In the end, they were all solved under the burning of microwave weapons.

These biological weapons feature a large number of Soviet-style weapon parts.

Of course, Shenzhou Imperial City Division: We are not fools. The Soviet Union has been disintegrated for decades, and these parts can be obtained through various channels.


When the Kunlun General Council was trying to determine which side was causing trouble.

Mr. Wei, who was drawing villains fighting on the side, raised his head and gave the key suggestion.

Wei Keng: "Check the cardiac muscle system." Since the authority was increased, the intelligent system immediately followed the instructions, and the interface was immediately enlarged according to Wei Keng's request.

Under the gaze of everyone in the meeting.

Wei Keng also slowly sat up straight from the back row, pointing to the fusion part of the muscles and the heart and giving his opinion: "Soviet Russia is insufficient in blood vessel fusion. By using a reasonable design, the muscles are stuck in the mechanical structure On the European and American side, the integration is too good. It is possible that the use of relevant target cell drugs can save a lot of manual operations. Soviet and Russian technical experts are not so sophisticated."

At the meeting venue, the generals and the heads of the Imperial City Department focused their attention on Wei Xin. Obviously the generals present knew Wei Xin's identity and were surprised to hear the speech.

At the meeting, as Wei Keng provided the search index, the person in charge of the Imperial City Department immediately ordered professionals from the biological department to verify the entire information.

In just ten minutes, the corresponding experts determined that the heart of the biological weapon indeed contained technology that the Eastern Federation did not have.

In Europe, due to the monopoly on drug production, only four factories under Bayer can produce this type of nanomedicine. These factories are all located in the core areas of Western Europe, and there are few outflow channels.

Issues that originally required speculation and discussion are now firmly established and all that is left is a decision.


For major countries with a large number of regional allies, intelligence analysis behind such real-time international events is like rescuing people at a fire scene, which is time-sensitive.

Normally, to confirm the status of households in a building, the subdistrict office has enough time to knock on doors to confirm. But in a fire, if they know in advance which room there is someone in, the fire brigade will not search room by room, but directly

It is impossible to go upstairs and break down the rooms to rescue people. Searching each room.

This biological incident in the Persian Mountains has already caused a stir. All forces in the entire Dashi region are paying attention to this development. The Chinese side must respond in the short term.

Mechanical beasts involve thousands of highly professional technical projects, and it will take a long time for the Imperial City Division to collect complete evidence for analysis.

Originally, this time I went to the generals to view the information, but apparently they had temporarily given up on the comprehensive investigation and were preparing to discuss how to act and make all-out preparations.

As a result, Wei Xin pointed out the key at this final stage, and the response plan could change from the previous vagueness to a precise and powerful one.


At the end of the meeting, the generals undoubtedly expressed their admiration for Wei Xin's knowledge and knowledge.

Wei Keng was polite for a moment, and then continued to sit down. He would not arrange military missions on the Persian Plateau.

As for additional communication, Wei Diaomin felt that he would not be able to negotiate with the next shopkeepers of Shenzhou Yindang.


In the era of the rise of China's world lords, the upper class respected knowledge very much. However, this kind of respect had a kind of pathology, that is, it was very optimistic about people with "talented talents and learning".

For example, Wang Bo, a child prodigy who became famous at the age of six, King Luo Bin, who wrote poetry at the age of seven, and Yang Jiong, who passed the imperial examination at the age of eleven, are all worthy of praise from the powerful.

And the current upper class in China have very strict requirements for geniuses. It is best to complete university studies at the age of twelve, win a scientific research project at the age of fifteen, and dominate the exclusive field at the age of twenty.

Are there such people? Indeed there are.

But a country cannot expect the world to be at peace with its sleeping dragons and phoenixes.

Wei Keng: "The achievements that normal people can accomplish in a short period of time are limited, and we cannot expect to make a big leap forward. For the country, what is needed is to organize people to use their strength as much as possible, rather than preaching

A few people are 'cheating'."


After the top meeting ended, Wei Keng took off his communication helmet. It was just time for dinner.

I trotted alone to the restaurant kitchen a few hundred meters away, showed my ID, took out the eggs and seasonings from the refrigerator, and started to fry myself a tomato scrambled egg. I also reheated the canned beef.

And conveniently clicked on the news channel.

The Chinese side condemned the South American Sun's actions in Antarctica and declared that it would support Liyang's actions to strengthen sovereignty in the Southern Ocean.

Upon hearing the news, Wei Keng tapped the pot lid with his hand and picked up the cooking oil sprayer. When the fried noodles were suspended in the air, they were wrapped in explosive flames. When the fried noodles fell into the pot, they made a sizzling sound and burned. Fragrant, sprinkle with chopped green onion and call it a day.

Wei Keng served the fried noodles, came to the table, and looked at the huge globe suspended in the canteen, with hot spots marked on it.

While slurping noodles, Mr. Wei entered a state of overall thinking. Finally, Wei Keng's attention was focused on the fluctuation competition of "gold price and silver price".

Wei Keng: "There is an imperialist war going on in the world now."


Mr. Wei may not be in-depth about finance, but he understands the general rules. This depends on good education in the history class of the 26th century.

How did the Western financial hegemony come into being in the modern world of the main world? They were still poor in the Middle Ages, so they accumulated during the Industrial Revolution? In the 21st century, China became the largest industrial country, but it has still been unable to complete capital accumulation for decades! The West Finance comes from plunder.

In modern times, what were the two biggest financial plunders by the West? One was the dismemberment of Soviet Russia, and the other was the Qing Dynasty! The plunder of the Qing Dynasty was actually the biggest.

After the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War of 1898-1894, the Beiyang Fleet was defeated? The history books of the 21st century only recorded a compensation of 200 million in silver! But in fact, it was the silver standard that collapsed.

During the Qing Dynasty, capital accumulated around the world for hundreds of years since the Ming Dynasty. This form of capital was formed by the gathering of silver to the East.


In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, what was the purchasing power of silver? Don’t use consumer goods such as grain, rice, and steel to calculate it. If calculated in terms of consumer goods, the telecommunications traffic in the 21st century would easily be ten gigabytes per month. In the era of the 20th century, 1M cost one dollar. , wouldn’t it be true that per capita income has soared one to two hundred times in just a dozen years?

Capital should be calculated in terms of means of production and labor force. Horses are the most important means of production. In Kansai, it costs about 21.4 taels to mount a horse, 14.3 taels to middle a horse, and about 11 taels to dismount. The purchasing power of 10 taels of silver is equivalent to two to three years for a middle-class family. Labor accumulation!

Labor force is the most basic link of capital. The true value of one tael of silver is not how much food it is worth in modern times, but the price equivalent to the price of a month's worth of liver in modern times.

[The salary of a long-term worker for a year is two taels. According to the price of rice, in the 21st century, a few hundred yuan can hire migrant workers for a few days. In ancient times, a donkey carrying two sacks of grain and sugar cakes could be exchanged for a large sum of money. My dear daughter, how much was the betrothal gift in modern times?】

In the late Qing Dynasty, the actual level of capital accumulation in the East was beyond imagination.

During the Westernization Movement, the Qing Dynasty had control over the pricing of silver, and silver was still an international hard currency, so it could directly purchase German and British fleets. But after the Sino-Japanese War of 1891-1891, it became unaffordable! Battleship prices were clearly marked in pounds and US dollars.

The Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War was behind the British. The compensation that the British wanted from the Qing Dynasty was not silver, but pounds. Paper currency pounds. So when the Qing government wanted to pay compensation, it directly sold the silver at dozens of times the price in exchange for pounds. This process

For hundreds of years, Chinese embroidery workers and ceramic workers spent a lot of time creating world-class products, and the silver they earned in return suddenly shrank significantly.

Since the Ming Dynasty, the huge amount of capital accumulated in foreign trade has been slashed dozens of times overnight. Raw materials, energy, and equipment can no longer be purchased internationally. Centuries of labor have been unrecognized, and the foundation needs to be laid.

In times of industry, you can only rely on your own efforts.

Think about it, the trade in which tens of millions of shirts are exchanged for one airplane. Developed countries also manufacture shirts, and those famous brand clothes are not so cheap. This is one of the disadvantages of losing the pricing power of "precious metal capital".

Some people say that the amount of silver mined is too much and that it should have devalued long ago! This is bullshit. In later generations, a piece of paper, a dollar, was distributed to hundreds of times the actual wealth, and it did not depreciate. In the late Qing Dynasty, silver was an actual item, and the British pound was

Paper! No matter how cheap silver is, it has a more stable value than the paper printed by the Federal Reserve.

The economic plunder during the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War was far greater than the compensation! It fed Europe enough to fight two wars.

When the East throws away its wealth and wealth, and turns from the richest country in the world to abject poverty, it has no choice but to take a path it has never imagined.

Wei Keng learned the above information from the textbooks of the 26th century. People at that time were a little helpless about the slogan of returning to the top of the world in the 21st century.

People of the 26th century: When you return to the top of the world, do you really not know how rich your ancestors are? Only when the tanks and artillery go to the British Museum to transport all the loot back can it be considered a return. Only if your sister does not follow the foreigners

Easy, only when the blonde girl marries in, the center of wealth will be transferred back.

In this dimension, China has never been so timid. The banking industry still has very strong global pricing power.

China's silver coins are linked to a number of bulk trades in oil, electricity, and chips. Now that Europa wants to take advantage of it, China's business and private groups will inevitably choose to fight head-on.


After finishing the last noodles mixed with eggs and tomatoes, Wei Keng walked into the kitchen with a plate. The moment he entered the door, when no one was paying attention, the psychic energy wave wiped all the grease on the plate clean, and then he

The faucet was flushed and sent into the disinfection cabinet.

In the middle section of the Tianshan Mountains, Base No. 1, ‘Arctic’.

Tang Youfeng came to a metallized secret room. In the center of the secret room, there was a sharp rhombus-shaped mechanical body suspended, flashing with super energy fluctuations.

This diamond-shaped individual turned around after Tang Youfeng came in.

This rhombus is actually a person.

Zhang Nongri, one of the earliest psychic commanders in China, was Wei Keng's apprentice. Of course, his father was Zhang Sicheng, a high-ranking cadre of the Xijing United back then.

Tang Youfeng respectfully said: "Master, after so many days of observation, that person spoke today."

Zhang Nongri responded with a voice that vibrated in the super space: "I saw it. It is indeed exactly the same as the mentor back then, and he is younger."

Tang Youfeng: "His psychic powers are rarely displayed, so it's impossible to judge his level. But judging from his ability to operate the command system, he is Zhanmeng (B) level or above."

Tang Youfeng's own superpower level is Level B, and the master in front of him also happens to be Level A. So the level given to Wei Xin is already very high.


In today's world, level A and above, or "ψpusi, omega", are extremely rare.

The two Omega classes of Shengyang are currently recognized as the strongest and can be called humanoid self-propelled nuclear bombs.

These two Omega-level superpowers will deliver their subordinate B-level superpowers together with the combat nanoswarm to the target war zone. After the delivery is completed, the shock wave generated by the superpower diffusion at the target location is the detonation effect of two hundred tons of explosives. .

In contrast, in the last world war, Shengyang's super weapon "Super Energy Wave Destruction Device" was as powerful as the detonation effect of a thousand tons of explosives.

There are more psykers in China, and their psionic energy is more stable, which is deeply in line with the development of information control technology, but the total scale of psionic energy cannot reach those two monsters.

The Chinese side has determined based on various experiments that Super Enchantment, that is, Omega-level psychic energy, is at an "inhuman" level.

Shengyang's Omega level is the result of cloning a large number of clones. Relying on the supply effect of the clones on the original body, Yuriko has reached the limit that humans can achieve.


Kunlun Sanxian Zhang Nongri went through the information again, and the diamond-shaped metal directly turned into a metal man under the twisting of super energy. In this process, the metal structure is like mercury, forming the body and facial features. This is powerful Psychic energy forcibly changes the properties of matter.

After Zhang Nongri put on a long gown, he walked into the hall, raised his hand and pressed a mirror in the hall. After palm prints appeared on the metal palm, the sensor passed the application. A piece of data was entered, Then I got the response from another control center in Kunlun.

After Zhang Nongri completed the docking of the artificial intelligence of "Ruomu", he raised his hand to Tang Youfeng.

In the palm of Zhang Nongri Metal, liquid metal balls gathered and then quickly turned into a cube.

After Tang Youfeng's spiritual energy absorbed the cube, Zhang Nongri once again transformed into a rhombus like a long sword, floated back to his original position, and gave instructions to his disciples.

Zhang Nongri: "Find an opportunity to let him contact Room 0 of Ruomu."

Tang Youfeng learned that the cube in his hand turned out to be the key to the Ruomu control center, so he couldn't help but put it away with extra caution. When faced with the master's suggestion

Tang Youfeng hesitated: "This, the Ruomu floating battleship is the most important core ship of Kunlun. This? Should we consider the possibility of an accident?"

Zhang Nongri: "If there was an accident, it would have already happened. And you don't have to worry, the Ruomu Hao is spiritual. If there is a crisis, it will respond on its own."


After Tang Youfeng left.

In the empty space, another projection flashed. This projection was also in the same diamond shape. This was from the veteran Chinese psyker Xia Xingxing (son of Xia Boren) sealed by "Sifu".

Xia Xingxing: "It seems that you have confirmed it, right?"

Zhang Nongri: "Confirm what?"

Xia Xingxing: "Why ask even though you already know?"

The two Sanxian looked at each other, and their spiritual energy stirred up fluctuations.


Narrator: Kunlun as a whole has two attitudes when facing Wei Xin.

The first type: Uneasy about this. Because the "Wei Keng" who was forcibly resurrected is the Wei Keng of the past? Once a problem occurs, Kunlun will be unable to deal with it. Therefore, this faction requires Wei Xin to be treated as coldly as possible, and Wei Xin and Wei Keng will be

Try to separate as much as possible.~A few years ago, the representative of this faction was Zhang Nongri.

The second type: Concerned about this. This group hopes to activate Wei Xin's spiritual energy to the greatest extent possible. The leader is Xia Xingxing.

These earliest psychic commanders in Kunlun all have one characteristic, that is, they are basically the children of Wei Keng's colleagues when he came into contact with them. This is the theory of psychic inheritance of "the first to get the moon near the water and the tower".


Return to the present moment.

Zhang Nongri sighed: "Although you can't tell from the temperament, the fluctuations of your spiritual power are exactly the same as Master's."

Xia Xingxing asked in surprise: "Really?" His psychic level is B, and Wei Keng's condition cannot be confirmed yet.

Zhang Nongri poured cold water on him and said: "My opinion is still to treat him coldly. The lessons that master taught Guanshi back then are still fresh in the memory of Guanshi. No matter whether today's Wei Xin has inherited the master's will, Guanshi will fight to the death."

Stare at him."

After a few seconds of silence.

Xia Xingxing said slowly: "The Guan family should be over."

"What did you say?" Zhang Nongri asked in a strict tone: "What do you want to use him for?"

Xia Xingxing: "We are all soldiers and immortals sealed in inorganic matter, relying on computer chips to complete logical thinking. There is no need to think about it any more.

I just remember what Master said back then, 'The rise and fall of a country should be determined by the people, not the nobles. If the rise and fall of a country are caused by the suffering of the people, then this game of a fairy emperor waving cloth will be despised!'~The emperor of the Guan clan

, Now, there is no need to show too much respect to him.”

This chapter has been completed!
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