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Chapter 9.01 Misty rain and rise, sudden changes begin at the end

 The Southern Capital of China in 2280.

In the Tianzihao Jiaofang Division, a poetry appreciation party is going on here.

In the modern times of the main world, the feudal system was completely wiped out in the East, so the concepts of brothels and brothels are often confused. But in the timeline of China, if you confuse brothels and brothels, then most upper-class people will sneer at "the common man in the market is drunk."

Words of resentment."

How can a brothel and a brothel be confused with each other?

Just like in modern times, the ladies of the aristocratic circles cannot be compared with prostitutes. Even though the ladies of the aristocratic circles may sleep with them, it is definitely not something that you losers can get involved in. If you losers say: If an actress accompanies such and such, she will have to get a lawyer's letter.


Back here in China, in today's information age, courtesans and courtesans in Jiaofangsi are engaged in the industry of female stars and singers, and they do not sell themselves. Of course, if the powerful officials use force and power to force them, they will still end up with black dragons.

How chaotic the aristocratic circles in the main world were in the ancient times, China's era of pure business and private affairs must be several times that high, and the stronger the business and private business, the tighter the information curtain is. What can be uploaded on the Internet are often the stories of talented people and beautiful women.


Narrator: Due to the advanced medical technology, it is no longer possible to detect whether Qinggui is physiologically responsible. Only the powerful people with big data can know.

Therefore, before their debut, the oirans of Jiaofangsi had a "one-way relationship" with the top aristocratic families, and these "one-time relationships" would become connections.

Then, he would have a "happy chat" with the rising disciples from China's poor family. If he could grasp this level, it would be a "good destination."

Finally, keep your "perfect body" and marry a local Jiaren, or a government official in the yamen.

Anyway, as long as you marry, you must be pure. Those who come out of the Jiaofang Division are all "golden girls", and any remarks that are immoral are not allowed to be spread.

Anyone who dares to spread the word will be sent to court if it is a servant. And if it is an adult, oh, I'm sorry, please accept this girl. I don't care how I arrange it, but the Jiaofang Secretary will not accept her in the future.


As for whether the women of Jiaofangsi are as pure and pure as the "beauties under the moon" exaggerated by the contemporary media, it actually depends on the attitude of the wealthy family towards their female relatives.

Every wealthy family has a positioning watch for their female relatives. This is mainly to call the security guards anytime and anywhere, but it will also warn them not to go to certain places. As for the Jiaofang Secretary, not to mention the ladies, even the maids are not allowed to go near there.

.This is certainly a place with strict etiquette, but with such a melon field and plum blossoms under it, it can be seen that it may not be a place where "beautiful women describe their talents".


Similar to the main world, places where business and private affairs gather, such as yachts and grand gatherings in buildings, are good places for intelligence collection. Many public scholars have their elbows turned outward.

In the same way, in the world of China, those who come to visit Jiaofangsi have their mouths as loose as their belts, with nothing to cover them.

At this poetry appreciation party, a young man sat quietly at the front desk, admiring the beauty's poetry on the high-definition screen at the front desk, and to his left was a holographic projection. The information in these projections were all induced by the oiran's underwear.

The information collected by the sensors is projected down, and these sensors are very dense.

So every movement is very realistic.

Of course, clarity is graded. You need to invest money to unlock it.

The clearest thing is that even the tightening of the hair of a beautiful woman being blown by the cold wind can be seen on the projection. This is much more interesting than interacting with the female anchor through rewards.

No, on the other hand, high technology has also improved the service efficiency of courtesans.

In the past, oirans worked one-on-one, providing talent services at a close distance in the boudoir. Although this was just for fun, what the gentlemen saw was a smile and a frown, and a hint of resentment in the beauty. It also echoed the poem "Thumping Heartbeat Xiafei"

The taste of "cheeks" is not something those prostitutes can provide.

As for these "innocent sentiments" that satisfy young men, how much is true? Most of them are just a show for the occasion.

Under the guidance of their old mother, their acting skills in this area surpass those of the good-looking skinheads in the main world who have worked for more than ten years.

Now, through sensors, courtesans can provide such services to hundreds of men at the same time, allowing them to watch them at close range.

At this time, Wang Xiaoru was using medium definition. The talented people at the poetry meeting used antiphonal poetry to interact with the beauties. They appreciated the beauties' conversation in this way. The disciples of the aristocratic family clicked to switch scenes with romantic scenes.

For example, the wind is the expensive fragrance of the incense burner, blowing behind the curtain where the beauty is, and you can see the hair flying. Snow is a little more expensive, and the awe-inspiring cold wind will make the beauty weak and pitiful. Oh, there are always some things that are too much.

For example, spending a lot of money and lighting up the scorching sun for an hour and a half, letting it drip with fragrance and sweat.

The other person's love affair and my indecent play are like the video game where the other person's liver bleeds and I use my pocket money to make money. Games like this always have to arrange people to be on the same level as others so that high rollers who spend a lot of money can play it.

The most enjoyable.


The oiran on the stage was acting out, and so was Wang Xiaoru. On the surface, he was a businessman from Nanyang, waiting for business partners here, but in fact he was waiting for intelligence collaborators.

Wang's ancestors crossed the ocean 180 years ago and were of Xia descent who were naturalized in the United States of Eden. Generally speaking, this was a characteristic of that era.

Throughout the 19th century, the earliest industrial revolution created the first educated and disciplined unemployed class. It was an era of revolutionary parties, and Edenia was the final refuge of these failed revolutionary parties in various countries in the Old World.

The assassination activities carried out by the ancestors of the Wang family in China were regarded as treason.

A hundred years have passed, and the data files have long been unable to be matched. And after more than a hundred years of immigration, they have long lost their sense of country. Even because they believe in monotheism and have no concept of ancestors, they are called Edenia.

There is no burden when being selected to perform intelligence work.

Well, in Edenia this is not only true of the Xia people, but also of the Angsa, Latino, and Germanic peoples. The orphans expelled by the main ethnic groups of the entire Old World are gathered here.

However, the New World does not pay attention to ethnicity, but it pays great attention to ethnicity. This is also a characteristic of the New World. Different ethnic groups exclude each other and establish different communities. Different languages ​​are spoken in the communities, and conflicts have existed for a long time.

But Xia Yi’s self-identity is particularly annoying!

They will deliberately emphasize that they are New Asiatics, and again and again. This constant emphasis on "new" implies that the parent race is "old" and that they must be more advanced. Although they are not that advanced.

Go, at least they didn't get enough ethnic say in Edenia, so they could only use "reaching the New World" to improve themselves.

This kind of performance of Xia people is not obvious to European people.

In the research of a certain supervision team, this may be related to geographical relations.

The United States of Eden is separated from Europe by the Atlantic Ocean, but the distance is short, and the waterway brings a large number of economic and personnel exchanges. Although Europeans have come to the New World, they can still go back, so the ideology will not deliberately belittle the "retreat route"


But from East Asia to the United States of Eden, you cross the Pacific Ocean. Even in modern flights, it spans half the world. But once you step into North America, you are really cut off from the past. Years, decades

I have been unable to return for years. And there is no way to reduce the pain of being in a foreign land. I can only mentally comfort myself that "the hometown I left is even more painful." Correspondingly, the Xia descendants of Nanyang do not have such a problem. Because the strength of China has great influence on the surrounding areas.

Xia Yi benefited from the intimidation of "any strong man who offends us will be killed no matter how far away".


And Edenia used its own Xia descendants to carry out intelligence work on China,

I only thought they were linguistically and culturally compatible, but I had no idea there was such a gap. Well, even the Xia descendants of Edenia constantly boasted that they understood the shortcomings of China, and would never admit their prejudice against China.

Therefore, unknowingly, Edenia's intelligence work in China always lacked "color".

The time is coming.

Wang Xiaoru stood up and left. After leaving the gate, he looked back at the obsessed Chinese people in the gold sales office, and sneered in his heart: "The rancid, poisonous old civilization will collapse sooner or later."



A few minutes later, in the oiran's back room, he got the electronic storage disk he wanted to take. Stored on it were economic data on the investment in the plateau area by the commercial and private giants in the eastern part of Xiameng.

According to Wang Xiaoru's interpretation: This is China's attempt to re-arm the roof of the earth and thereby enhance the deterrence of the world island.

Due to the preconceived attributes of the Xia descendants of Edenia, this person would never interpret it in a good light. In the minds of these Xia descendants' Protestant converts: only the New World is the last refuge of civilization. Before his analysis,

This presupposes the conclusion: the old continent will be destroyed sooner or later, and only those chosen by God can be saved.



What is China doing on the plateau?

This is something that Edenia and many other forces are very concerned about. However, there is a layer of subjectivity behind it. At the same time, the label thinking arising from ethnic conflicts ignores the vast diversity of China's region, so it has always been covered with a filter.


In the plateau area, a batch of training courses began to be conducted in virtual projection.

This year, the aerospace port in the plateau area needs to expand its recruitment. In order to urgently cultivate a group of employees who understand fluid mechanics,

Mr. Wei got on the horse and started giving lectures in person. It turned out that his hypnosis skills were better than those of his teacher. Mr. Wei fell into deep thought! The so-called fluid mechanics is a science that describes fluid phenomena. And if you don’t see the phenomenon with your own eyes, it will be difficult to understand.

To use abstract mathematics to describe it is very unrealistic.

The fluid will be stratified during the flow, and vortices will appear. Then large vortices will appear and small vortices will appear, and countless turbulence phenomena will occur. Therefore, the coordinate system of up and down, left and right, and front and back must be used, with mathematical quantities of partial derivatives.

to describe.


This is a mathematical description of a phenomenon. When directly learning this mathematical process, you have to figure out the process of the phenomenon to facilitate understanding.

This is like not giving you a finger in elementary school.

One plus one equals two, two plus three equals five, and it becomes rote math about what symbol plus what symbol becomes what symbol.

Therefore, when Mr. Wei is learning calculations, he must see and touch the flow field.

Seeing it is easy to say, direct mathematical modeling and use projected color blocks to describe it. As for touching it?

Mr. Wei thought for a while, extracted the data of each pixel projected in the flow field, and then connected it to a glove, which was connected to a large number of sensors.

Yes, this sensor is the one that can be bought on the market. Mr. Wei didn't know that these sensors were supplied to brothels and provided tertiary industry services. He just thought the price was cheap. When the seller saw that the seller was so obsessed with supply quantity,

It's also a bit baffling.

Wearing such gloves on your hands is equivalent to entering a virtual world of perception. When you see turbulence in the flow field, the weak force in the gloves will convey the specific effect of the water flow.


When the fluid mechanics experts first began to study this subject, they often used a pole to poke the wake of the ship and sense the flow velocity through the force exerted by the pole.

Later, aircraft in World War I and missiles in World War II also used pitot tubes to collect data. However, each flight could only collect flow field data at a few points. Then based on the data from multiple flights, mathematicians deduced

Develop formulas to calculate the flow data of the entire aircraft and missile peripheral flight.

Later came the specialized wind tunnel. With just one experiment, the aircraft missile activates thousands of sensors on the model and transmits data directly during the experiment. And the computer gets the results instantly, adjusts the posture directly during the experiment, and continues to analyze the new wave.

Data. Re-adjust the results and analyze again.


Back to teaching, the advantage of such a glove is that the virtual touch of the water flow changes, and the "virtual hand" itself will not block the flow field and produce a turbulent effect, so that students can feel more real during teaching.

After completing this set, Wei Keng started to apply it in the teaching of fluid mechanics with great interest.

Wei Keng: "If you can't learn this, then~"

After the new round of training, Mr. Wei retracted his preface because the failure rate was still over 80% (originally it was 95%, but even if the improvement is only 1%, it is not a small number)


Wei Keng made a very careful assessment: "There should be no problem with the model of understanding~ The problem is that if anyone wants to be familiar with the algorithm in mathematics, he has to use problem-solving tactics to form mathematical formulas in his mind."

In other words, you still have to work hard and study hard. Who doesn’t have to use their brains to study science? There is no talent in the world, they are all just rolled out.


Regarding the flow field perception teaching aids provided by Weikeng, they are not only used in the training of current aviation technicians. The high-pressure airflow inside various engines in the manufacturing industry also requires fluid calculations. Of course, there are still many industries that are not equipped with engines.

Fields such as battery materials science and mechanical transmission physical design.

But the significance of this matter lies in the fact that under the circumstances where the academic circles monopolize the teaching force and are unwilling to support the barren plateau, the system can be integrated through the power of science and technology: using perception technology to change the efficiency of information interaction and strengthen the teaching productivity of teachers to students.

"Hand perception, visual projection perception", observation of phenomena, to assist people in abstract understanding of the mathematical meaning behind the phenomenon. In the past, these abstract meanings had to be filled in with the brain!

The business geniuses in Jiangnan have long used sensory technology in high-end entertainment (the romance of literati). People are the core productivity. In the process of communication between people, the efficiency of knowledge and information reflected in the brain can be used to judge development and progress.

the only standard.

This significance is no less than that the invention of the Jenny Textile Machine in the main world promoted the precursor of the Industrial Revolution! The spirit of the first industrial revolution was that mechanized mass production replaced manual industry. The Jenny Textile Machine was the beginning of development in this direction.

The majestic plateau is different from the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. The thought of the scorching sun is overwhelming and overwhelming.


This is the crucial change taking place on the current historical line. This change will not be taken seriously for decades or a hundred years. Only when all mankind has completely transcended the productive class, looking back at this moment, will we suddenly find that it is full of

This is a shining golden moment in the history of Huangsha.

Of course, Wei Keng didn't feel anything at this time: the narrative method he was accustomed to in Pandora's spiritual language mode was not available in the Chinese plane, so it was natural to find tools to help.


Standing in the present and looking back at the past, you will always find that the past was stupid.

For example, if you stand in the 28th century and look back seven hundred years ago, you will ask: Why did the network technology of that year promote the unprogressive accumulation of private wealth such as anchor rewards? It cannot be the state distributing science popularization funds, and online

Teaching, online questions, are there any prizes for solving the questions within 20 minutes? The managers of the 21st century really don’t know how to use technology!

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it is available on both Android and Apple.]

It's not that I don't know how to do it, it's that I haven't been forced by life and death yet and I'm not willing to use my strength.

There is no threat to Mr. Wei's survival yet, he is just taking a roll as a habit.

This chapter has been completed!
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