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Chapter 9.04 Heaven and Earth are the same force from time to time

 In the middle of 2283. At this time, high-voltage cables were being laid on the thousand-kilometer route from Qinghai to the plateau, and a charging station was maintained at an average of five kilometers on both sides of the road.

A few years ago, the roads here were empty enough to play a game of football without worrying about a car coming and going. Nowadays, they are filled with large trucks carrying all kinds of goods.

The nearby high-speed railway is also full of migrant workers from the surrounding inland and populous provinces.

There are developed coastal ports on the south side of the plateau area, close to the Bay of Bengal, and there are four directly administered ports along the Bay of Bengal.

Nowadays, the economic development of Tianzhu Ocean is becoming more and more prosperous, and these four ports are the busiest.

After the container goods are transferred from the ship, they are sorted by customs and sent directly to the plateau.

Moreover, the international situation in the world has changed drastically this year, and processing industries have emerged in large food regions, so the plateau region has a greater regional economic responsibility.


The Dashi area has experienced a golden moment after winning the first foreign counterattack in modern times, but it is still a troubled place.

In the past few years, several countries in the food region have initially built railways, chemical industries and steel plants under the leadership of military strongmen, which has caused some expansion.

Isn't it? After the manganese nodule mining supply chain was completed, and these countries in the large food regions began to have a steel industry with an annual output of 80 million tons, the warlords in the region felt like the great powers of the last century.

China's large and complete industrial chain has begun to shift to Dashi...

Wei Keng: "Basic industry is large and comprehensive, and the bulk of the entire industrial chain must be retained within the country. This is a strategic thinking misunderstanding of the Chinese in modern times."

First, I was afraid of being poor in the past. Second, because I relied on being big and comprehensive to accumulate wealth, which went against the industrial layout of Dayan that the young people tried to achieve, so I was afraid that others would use the same method to surpass me.

But looking back from the 27th century, the East is scaring itself. Only it can walk its own path, and others have their own national conditions.

Relying on the integrity of the mid- to low-end industrial chain, we will attack the high-end industrial chain. This requires the support of social revolution and decades of constant national strategic execution (those areas that cannot even guarantee a peaceful transition are really considered useless)


Xiaoli's position in the upper reaches of the industrial chain was gradually lost, and it was seemingly beaten down by the cabbage prices of its neighbors.

But if you really want to follow this statement, it is the same as "linking the victory of the peninsula to the human sea tactic". This is a denial of deep-seated advantages.

Neon does not have the ability to independently plan its industrial strategy, and it even relies on defecting to North America to get a place in the high-end industrial chain. It does not have the strategic will to catch up even though it has been selling everything for decades.

If we can pursue "high and precise" just by relying on "big and comprehensive", then we will be underestimating the superiority of social xxx.

After a major epidemic in modern times, Dongfang saw clearly how good the level of governance in the surrounding areas was, and he felt relieved.

Like the steel industry, once the domestic construction needs are completed, the excess steel production capacity can be transferred to surrounding and safe areas. Pay attention to safety and surroundings. It can eliminate external interference and facilitate knocking, no, peaceful negotiation.


This is the case with the current transfer of steel production capacity in the Dashi region. Regardless of the tens of millions of tons of steel production capacity, all of it relies on the technology patents provided by China.

The kind of "Sharingan" that makes you pregnant at a glance in external technology is not only the optimization ability of technical personnel, but also the determination behind it to be independent and overcome various difficulties in the trough period of research and development.

An artillery processing technology requires organizing thousands of related workers and dozens of departments to jointly tackle key problems. This is not just a question of technological research and development capabilities, but also the location of advanced social organizational capabilities.

In the Shenzhou plane, Dashi has only obtained the production authorization and summoned dozens of experts who studied in Shenzhou to run the artillery factory, without changing the standard capabilities at all.

In the modern times of the main world, the transfer of industrial chains in Western Europe and the United States could only be transferred to areas with stable societies and experienced social changes like East Asia. The social conditions in other parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America had turned into a cesspit for him.


Seventy percent of the steel production in the Dashi region is used for local infrastructure, while 30% is exported.

This 30% of exports accounts for more than 80% of the steel output value! These are steel products supplied to the midstream industrial chain with high standards, and are completely the technical guidance of China's mid-level steel industry chain.

As for Dashi's upstream industries, all types of commercial engines, robotic arms, and even metals used in food and medical care are not located in Dashi.

In today's industrial era, the crude steel production process is also the simplest. It can be refined directly in a converter. Blindly increasing production will only increase the number of engineer positions.

High-precision smelting and refining require the sulfur and nitrogen impurities to be reduced to an order of magnitude so that they can effectively penetrate trace elements. Then, through complex forging and heat treatment processes, the internal crystal lattice is stabilized and the chemical bonds are optimized. These steps are It requires a large number of engineers and research teams.

China is now an upstream industrial country.

Except for plateau areas, the midstream and downstream steel production lines have only maintained unsatisfactory production efficiency. The workers are basically professional workers, and the government pays to support them, ensuring the existence of a low-end industrial chain.


As for Dashi, their current steel output would have been at the level of a great power in the era of ironclads two hundred years ago, but in today's technological era, these steels can only be digested internally.

The military-industrial system that they are somewhat proud of now is also full of contradictions.

This military industrial system was designed and built by Wei Keng for them in order to allow the region to manufacture more than 95% of its own military components as much as possible to ensure that China's material support in wartime could be invested as much as possible. Send core material resources.

Because this system was not designed by Dashi’s local technical team from the beginning.

So if they want to upgrade, they can't find a general outline at all. Their original military production general outline was made by Luoshui represented by Wei Keng.

Again, independent industrial design capabilities are the most important thing for industrialized countries to replace themselves technologically.

For example, the Dashi region is now engaged in military competition and needs to further electronically and intelligently upgrade the Mammoth tanks. When introducing technology to other countries, they have to go to Wei Keng to seek verification of "system compatibility."

Their dependence on China has not diminished, but has greatly deepened! What's terrible is that Dashi, as a late-developing region, has no awareness of being a "late-developing country".

The warlords in Dashi may have only read some books on the military aspect, and only read some explicit data on the economic aspect.

You need to know: ppts are made the same way all over the world. This way of dealing with lay leaders is to throw out the best data. The upper management of Dashi is slightly more enlightened than in the past, but it has not yet reached the level of engineers running the country.

The newly wealthy people in the big food regions do not feel that their country is still weak after falling behind for so many years. Instead, after having huge steel production, they are ready to export ism.

So, after two years of stability, these strong men in West Asia have inserted their hands into Egypt!

Small submarines were smuggled across the Red Sea area one after another, and individual mechas, self-aiming rocket launchers, and electromagnetic anti-infantry rifles from the Mesopotamian arsenal were quietly sent across the Red Sea.

These military products, which were produced only after China authorized them to provide core technical support, now appear in places where they should not appear.


In 2282, when Wei Keng was engaged in construction on the plateau.

The Green Revolution emerged in the lower reaches of the Nino River. Local youths with green cloths on their sleeves stormed the colonial governor's palace. After the colonial rulers opened fire with machine guns, the resistance forces equipped with individual mechas and small missiles fought back on the spot. Then the Suez Canal

The waterway control department was taken over by the resistance forces.

The Suez Canal Crisis breaks out.

Under the leadership of Rupert, the European Union sent a general (Leclerc) born in Gaul into the Egyptian region and began a war of suppression.

When the European Union's 200,000-ton steel Mediterranean fleet docked in North Africa, steel tanks rolled off the 3,000-ton landing ship. Each batch was more heavily armored, reaching three meters in height and weighing nearly one meter.

Tons, the bald heavy-armed mechanized soldiers jumped down with "Ka Beng, Ye Hao".

The general spread out his army in the Nino River desert area, put the drone air force and the two-ton nano-armor vanguard into the battlefield, swept away the local resisters who created the crisis, and successfully won the street battle.

The Gallic general "accidentally" blew up the complete head of the Sphinx in Egypt in order to humiliate the local resistance elements.

The so-called "accidental" was reported by the European Union media with a special expression of "regret".

In fact, when the monument was blown up, there was no on-site protection. Immediately afterwards, the remains of the monument were put on the European e-commerce market, with the name "The Blessing of Alexander, the Trophy of Foreign Countries".


After the EuroLeague won the first battle, its mouthpieces, such as the "Der Spiegel" and other media, angrily denounced the mastermind behind the incident, namely Dashi, and put pressure on China!

The Chinese side had to provide clarification. As the Silk Party, we do not want crossfire to occur on the Eurasian communication lines, and the crossfire must be won. This ineffective export of the Dashi region is just adding to chaos.

The Western Region Protectorate was very angry at the disobedient behavior of allies who provoked conflicts without permission.

After the incident broke out, the Chinese ambassadors had to make a show of saying in front of the European Union: "We will never support geopolitical changes near the Eurasian Continental Bridge."

China will not abandon the Dashi region. But the new generation of leaders in the Dashi region are very emotional, and national strategies sometimes emerge at the drop of a hat.


These Persian Gulf oil-producing countries collectively decided to impose sanctions on the European Union.

The leader is Persia, whose spokesperson declared that in view of its own industrial development, it must store oil on a large scale and establish industrial reserves.

This kind of reserve is not to take advantage of the market surplus, but to start hoarding the produced oil now. When they do this, the entire world's hydrocarbon supply chain is disrupted.

Although it has had some impact on Europe. But Europe is an old industrial country after all, and technically holds energy technologies such as coal-to-oil conversion and graphene high-energy batteries.

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You must know that in developed areas where high-rise buildings are covered with hardened materials that can support the movement of tanks, there are "charging plugs" everywhere, and civilians no longer rely on fossil energy.

On the contrary, in emerging economic development areas, due to incomplete infrastructure, new energy vehicles cannot be popularized, and the national economy relies heavily on fossil fuels.

Now the emerging development area is the Asian Rim of Tianzhu. This is where China dominates the trade order. It has just developed. The thriving processing industry has great demand for petrochemical energy, which directly interrupts the economic layout of China's businessmen and private individuals.


The Shenzhou Silk Party was very angry. This was a waste of money. The party bosses immediately prepared a series of cards, but in the end they decided to minimize the impact.

Originally, the Silk Party wanted to increase the price of manganese nodule minerals in areas such as Dashi. Now the Tianzhuyang mining area is being mined in China.

But then, after confirming the layout of energy technology in the plateau area, I decided to put away my anger and slowly adjust it.

A small country can be unkind once or twice, but a big country cannot be unjust easily.

Because major countries need to maintain regional stability and world order.

If a small country plays a low-end card, and a big country plays a low-end card, it proves that the big country has to negotiate with it on this low-end issue, which indirectly allows the small country to achieve its goal.

Now the purpose of these countries in the food region is to get China to support them in crossing the Suez Canal. They want the "prestige" of the entire region.

The current strategic red line of the European League cannot be touched. Once China follows up without thinking, it will push further towards the Eurasian war. "The dog wags the tail, but the tail cannot wag the dog."

It is also wrong to implement the ore ban rashly and will damage the friendship between the two regions.

The best way is to find a card in the hand to offset the cards in the small country's hand and return it to the stage where it has no cards to play.


It is such a "coincidence" here in China that there is such a card.

When the whole of China was taking the road of lithium battery, Wei Keng ventured into hydrogen energy production in the plateau area, a cold industry. This was a hedging project of Wei Keng's "venture capital". If power technology failed, there would at least be other options.


When investing in this industry, there was already a surplus of energy in the plateau area, and the industry chain was not profitable, so Wei Keng was just an idler after acquiring it.

This energy technology direction does not take the path of hydrogen energy, or the path of water and reaction chemicals to generate hydrogen for supply to generators. Instead, it allows hydrogen and carbon dioxide to react to form alkane fuel (artificial gasoline).

This is not actually "risk investment".

Wei Keng planned for a longer term in order to consider the future power surplus. It was an advance plan. But it happened to be hit by the recent oil incident.

During this oil crisis, Plateau had completed the most advanced artificial alkane production line. After a thorough investigation, the China Silk Party immediately invested funds and started production.


Under the operation of Silk Group, approval documents were obtained from the industrial department of China.

The "approval" allows the industrial project to recruit workers in the southeastern part of China, and also declares that this is an officially recognized project in China.

Then, Fenghou Group rented a large number of floating transport ships. On the one hand, Bai Zhaodi did it to help Wei Keng, and on the other hand, she did see business opportunities from the crisis created by Dashi.

On December 14, 2282 in the Qin Dynasty, after the construction of the Plateau District Industrial Park was completed, these floating ships directly arrived at the top of the industrial park and hoisted the production equipment directly into the factory!

Workers on such a luxurious "crane" don't earn one or two thousand a day. These days, an engineering aerostat requires a team of three hundred people, and the daily salary of this team is hundreds of millions!

With such construction regardless of cost, China is promoting the level of industrial science and technology in the Tianzhu Yang region, and it is also expressing its attitude towards some allies in the Dashi region! Although there will be no divorce, it is not your turn to break the dishes.


Almost at the same time as the factory buildings were being built, pipelines began to be used to transport carbon dioxide.

By the end of March, the first batch of alkane fuel had been produced, and an attached protein synthesis production line had been set up. After all, someone came to test the technology for themselves, so it was not in vain.

These artificial gasoline orders were immediately distributed to the oil-deficient areas in Tianzhu Ocean. This was China's backing for the stable economic development of these areas during this crisis.


Since these powerful people in the food region have proved unable to ensure the stability of energy supply through willful methods, China can work harder to make up for its share and ensure that energy consumption around the Tianzhu Ocean can be stable.

Military strongmen are using military thinking to understand the economy. (Their military thinking is not as good as that of Wei Keng.)

In the large circle of Tianzhu Yang Economic Circle, sabotage can certainly attract attention.

But the party that can ensure the stability of funds, manpower, raw materials, and market links will ultimately become the core of the economic war.

Gao Yuan suddenly played the role of Tianzhu Yang's economic stabilizing valve!


Wei Keng's plan to "capture the upper reaches of Tianzhuyang's industrial chain in the plateau region" was launched. In the first year of its launch, it captured the economically important "strategic area" of the chemical industry due to aggressive operations in other regions.

The chemical industry chain supports the manufacturing industry of 2.4 million people. According to the calculation of 1:1.1 between manufacturing and service industries, this means that 5 million people have stable employment.

This does not include electronics and other derivative basic manufacturing industries, which are five to six times larger than the simple chemical industry.

This chapter has been completed!
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