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Chapter 9.14 The conscience that hit rock bottom

 People who have not experienced profound social revolution have very weak social memory.

Whenever an undercurrent of the times occurs, the people always act as "comforters" and laugh and show that they have seen through the essence, but are unwilling to label the essence. When the undercurrent ends, the "capital, feudal essence" will be wrapped up by the upper class groups again. Put on the wrapping paper and sell it as a blind box.

The generation of Europa has forgotten the essence behind the horror of the last universal war sixty years ago. They are obsessed with the black and white on the "wrapping paper".

That's right

For example, the "wrapping paper" of Soviet Russia is standard evil, such as chemical infantry (patients in mental hospitals sealed in disposable life-sustaining chambers),

The wrapping paper of the rising sun is the lunatic, the iron ronin, and the fanatical veteran who are forever sealed in the iron war preparation and serve as a human flesh chip.

Now that China has re-developed Soviet-Russian military technology in the food zone, it is naturally a heresy.

As for their own various situations, it is because they are packaged too well and are ignored. As a result, the world is black and they are the whitest.

As everyone knows, during the development process of future tanks, particle radiation shells caused a large number of blood cancers in our peacekeeping infantry. Their treatment was no better than that of chemical infantry. But the propaganda used "particle energy", "high technology" and "beam" Wrapping paper like "Weapon" can hide the risk.

For the sake of their own rule, a few luxuriant groups use sophisticated public opinion control techniques, and their so-called "freedom" and "justice" are just wrinkled corpses that are whitewashed at will!

Justice has been used too much by hypocrites, and it no longer has the ability to restrain behavior.


On the evening of December 16, all of Greece was captured by Dongzheng.

The Eastern Federation, with its black stealth stun bombers, penetrated deep into Central Europe and dropped bombs accurately, turning Europa's regiments on land into scrap metal and blocking the European Union's aid in the direction of the waves.

At the last hour before the end of the war, Greek politicians held a small meeting of less than twenty people and announced that they were ready to return the warships to the Eastern Orthodox Federation, but refused to surrender to the Russians. They declared that they would never betray the free and democratic world. ,——In this way, we hope that the European coalition forces can rescue us faster.

But what greeted them was a one-hundred-ton, pure black, smooth-curved "Avenger" tank that looked like a black Beetle, which had crashed into the Greek Parliament building and aimed its muzzle at these clowns in suits and ties.


Bio-modified dreadnought?

This thing is no longer important, and its most important role has been completed. When the group of traitors who drove this dreadnought away from the Eastern Federation happily took the gold bars and prepared to go to the free world to start a new life, He became an outcast.

As a result, within a month, they all died in various countries where they fled. The political sticks in the West were quarreling with each other, but they did not even say a word about them.

To most forces, defectors are like diapers, thrown away after use. There is absolutely no such thing as "firm protection of converts who yearn for freedom and justice."

The deaths of these traitors were horrific, as if they had seen a ghost in a supernatural incident. They either fell from a building or had their hearts cut out.

Several of them died in car accidents and explosions, and no bones were left. (Note: These people were in front of the military base on the north shore of the Caspian Sea. When they saw the news of their deaths, they picked up red wine and took their new ID cards to go to work at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. )

After the 18th,

Mosko (Chinese-style naming) Red Palace,

The leader has been transformed into a semi-mechanical life, and his entire body is encased in a four-meter-tall golden mecha.

Behind the head of the mecha is a metal ring decorated with a golden halo, and the armor is decorated with a golden cross relief and sacred angel wings, which is very much in the style of Orthodox Christian icons.

The sanctity, coupled with the strength of steel armor, helps maintain the image of a strongman.

In order to maintain such a strong image, the difficulty of taking off the armor is not a shortcoming. If a king wants to wear a crown, he must bear the weight of the crown - right?


When the time travelers in the Caucasus offered the leaders of this era such 'original surgery' that could extend their lives and enhance their strength, these leaders accepted the transformation without hesitation.

It is completely different from the impression promoted by Europe that the Orthodox Commonwealth is led by a group of fat, alcoholic, moody tyrants

In this bitter cold region of Eastern Europe, those who can grasp the hearts and minds of the Russian people and gather determination are all beings with a very firm will.

In genetic modification experiments, thousands of artificial nerves need to be inserted into the recipient, and the recipient must be awake at this stage.

Cowards and weaklings cannot survive. Only staunch fanatics and "demigods" who are pushed to the throne and cling to power without letting go can survive without fear.

Because this bald leader knew the great benefits of power, he did not cry out in the face of great pain, but endured the transformation.

In Mosko, who does not believe in tears, the iron-like strong will is more popular than Dongfang, Shiren, Xingde and other means to win over people's hearts.

This is what the Slavs do. Compared with wisdom, the quality of steel that can stand firm in the ice and snow is more important.

That's right, the leader of this era's performance through this operation not only impressed the people of this era, but also won the allegiance of the time travelers who came from the future.

When the transformation was successful, the travelers from the downstream time and space were like pilgrims, holding golden laurel crowns and placing them on the heads of the newly born leaders of this time and space. The leaders of the Eastern Federation in this era also accepted such worship indifferently. .

Because I can get through it, I am confident enough.


On the 20th, agents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported to the leader the Greek strategy.

Under the guidance of the time travelers, compared to Maozi's violent strategy in Europa in the original historical line, the polar bear's dance in this timeline is now much more dexterous.

First of all, those Greek politicians who were against the grain were trained in the spiritual training room and sincerely loyal to the emperor, no, the leader.

[ps: Mind domestication, this is a technology developed by the United States of Eden in the downstream history. 】

At present, the Orthodox Federation has built huge Orthodox churches on the streets of Greece that have been incorporated into the Third Rome, allowing people to be baptized - this mind control device technology has become a sacred object for spreading the state religion. For those who are obsessed with low-level entertainment,

This is very useful for ordinary people in the West whose thinking lacks connotation.


Narrator: This kind of spiritual training technology looks like a black technology, but it is actually a rough application of technology.

In fact, when disseminating ideological information, the biological stimulation frequency band is introduced, causing the human brain to secrete dopamine and other happy factors.

China's technical staff have analyzed this technology. In this spiritual frequency band, the whole person feels like betel nut and smoke have boundless magical power, just like watching a Hollywood movie or an Oriental novel. It doesn't matter what the content is.

People with immature thinking will follow the crowd. In the East, middle school students aged 12 to 17 will be encouraged. For example, a "Young and Dangerous" movie may be able to make some high school leaders appear.

But once a person's thinking matures and his logical chain is perfected, he will become wary of this illogical pleasure and try to get rid of the influence. But once he leaves, the seeds of doubt he retains will ignore this kind of mental brainwashing.

Under Europa's commercialism, 90% of the people have restricted perspective, so this technology is very easy to use!


Of course, this time, the obscurity and skill of the use of psychic technology clearly exceeded the historical average level of the bears. In Wei Keng's opinion: there is guidance from "experiencers" behind this.


The group of travelers who are now nestled in the Caucasus base believe that the reason why the Orthodox Federation failed in the last world war was because it advanced too fast and its faith construction was not enough, so it was instigated by European heretics and failed.

Then we must let the people see the truth. The so-called "freedom" is nothing but "evil linked to chaos."

The group of vampires in Europe spread the message of debauchery and pleasure between men and women, the violence of the strong against the weak, the injection of drug anesthesia into any disease or pain, and the treachery of refined egoism disguised as correctness.

These chaotic thoughts corroded the minds of the people in the immigrant spaceships in the interstellar era, causing mankind to suffer setbacks in the great cause of the interstellar expedition.

Therefore, the Emperor came to lead the people to recognize the chaotic and evil true face of the heretics who were entrenched above the people in Europe.


Greece is just the beginning. The Dongzheng Mechanized Corps, with black and red as its background color and silver-white cross as its emblem, will march towards the waves in half a month.

On the great plain of Waves, the huge mechanical legion of the European Allied Forces faced the torrent of steel with the black double-headed eagle symbol. They adopted a strategy of holding firm on the great plain.

It is said that Europe is peaceful and just.

This is a magical brain circuit, but in fact the wise generals of the European League do this.

This generation of European generals, who have been indoctrinated by the idea of ​​European democracy and freedom being invincible, are confidently deploying hundreds of thousand-ton mastodon wave energy cannons and five thousand 120-ton vehicles on the undulating plains.

Level heavy tanks and a large number of semi-mechanical infantry are ready to give the Orthodox Federation a head-on attack.


On the night of the 28th,

Cold raindrops were raging on the battlefield along with the cold wind, and blue beams of light penetrated the battlefield for dozens of kilometers. Under the blow, each tank was burned with red light and smoke emitted from the highly heated materials.

On such a technological battlefield, there are no shouts of charging horses and knights in past eras, only the "buzz" of beam weapons cutting through the air, and the alternating "pop, boom" of explosions.

Of course, as a participant on the battlefield, what you can also hear is the sound of the rotating shafts of the large combat mecha machinery around you.

But then the continuous roar of cloud bombs will make your hearing ineffective, and everyone has to wear earphones to listen to the order to carry out the strike.

And it has to be said that on such a cruel battlefield, the European coalition forces seemed to have been at peace for a long time. When the personnel continued to scream for death, their mentality collapsed quickly. Although their weapons were more advanced, no matter the closeness of air support coordination,

, or the firepower connection during the ground armor charge was not satisfactory.

Even the commanders on the battlefield were weak. The command skills of these beer-bellied generals were obviously inferior to those of the colonial officers.

When the Orthodox legion clearly crossed over, it took twenty minutes to react.

When the European commanders began to think of closing the hole, the reinforcements huddled together and were caught by the stun bombers in the sky. As rows of blue lights exploded, the hole became even wider.


These ammunition are very new. The explosive of dozens of tons of pure nitrogen particle salt is the first-level warhead. However, before the ammunition is released, the laser energy equipment on the fighter plane energizes the tritium-lithium 6 components in the ammunition, which makes the pure nitrogen particles

Salt can directly initiate nuclear reactions.

Therefore, after each bomb falls, it flashes with astonishing light waves. The damage caused by the shock wave is within a hundred meters, but the damage caused by high-energy particle radiation is a full five hundred meters.

This kind of radiation is very clean and will dissipate after a few hours, allowing ordinary people to enter. Infantrymen who generally wear mechas on the battlefield can also withstand the remaining radiation.

Europa's legion is like a novice chef with countless knives, who was completely destroyed by a butcher's knife.


day 30th

Berlin has begun to evacuate. This European city that once had flashing lights and hundreds of magnificent buildings with a height of 500 meters is now extremely chaotic. The vehicles below the streets have been jammed, and in the sky, military vehicles are

The plane landed on the top of the building, and soldiers in mechas picked up the important people who were fleeing in the flying saucer and evacuated them.

At the top of the building, many of the people fighting for the only passage were dragged out by the mecha warriors and thrown directly from the roof of the tall building due to the pushing of others.

Therefore, like a whistle blowing, the wails of the fallen were heard in waves.

Once upon a time, many people in this city wanted their voices to be heard throughout the city, and they did so at the cost of their morality, conscience, and bottom line.

And now - being singled out, thrown from a tall building, being sounded in the building as a "trumpet to warn others", at the moment of falling, I'm afraid they themselves are extremely ridiculous.


The evacuation of Berlin is an important asset and important personnel have been evacuated, but it will still serve as an important fortress in defensive battles to resist the barbaric Slavic invasion from the east.

In the underground command base in this city, General Franz took over full wartime command.

Berlin is not Paris. As the center of Europe's four wars, it has a culture of crisis when faced with "attacks on the city".

Therefore, the city leaders here naturally decided to make a cold and rigorous plan. Based on social data survey data, political dignitaries, major capitalists, and core scientists were the first batch to evacuate.

The families of the engineers and technicians responsible for the operation of the Berlin factory were placed in a safe area, waiting for the second wave of evacuation. Of course, the technicians and engineers had to obey military arrangements.

As for the rest of the people, they have to enter the transformation room under the leadership of the military police, have their chips implanted, and prepare to join the combat system.

Young adults with no criminal record and healthy family backgrounds were put into mechanized exoskeletons and put on helmets, just like entering a factory.

As for the chaos in the cities now, most of it is caused by drug addicts and thieves with criminal records.

Several hundred kilograms of suspended police drones, carrying tweeters and bullets, are already cruising on the streets. The artificial intelligence face recognition device will be activated to conduct a limited screening of the above-mentioned worthless people with criminal records!

When it is determined that the chaos cannot be quelled.

"Da da da"

The black drone sprayed bullets emotionlessly, violently suppressing,

The corpse collapsed and oozed blood, which followed gravity and flowed into the rain gutters on both sides of the road, turning into clusters of liquid flow and rolling into the sewer of Germany's conscience.

This chapter has been completed!
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