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Chapter 9.49 Sequence Changes

 In such a psychic battle, there is no unnecessary human negotiation.

Wei Keng's acknowledgment that Omega has been on the plateau for four full years has already made the biggest concession. It is no longer tolerated that a fight still breaks out.

As for the obligation to "rescue" Omega,

Wei Keng: "That's not my obligation. As for 'if I don't teach you a lesson for a long time, I must save you', it's your Japanese culture's self-impression."

Wei Keng is a silent person, and can easily be squeezed out in the previous stages, and then forced to make more concessions when the talks officially begin. But it will always break out in the end.

Although Omega felt that she was in a desperate situation at this time, she never considered the possibility of saving herself.

Instead, I want to find a direction that can release the pressure from beginning to end, so I always unconsciously try to lead others into falling step by step and understand my own desperate situation.

Wei Keng, a Chinese from another timeline, cannot be infected by Japanese victim emotions. He is simple and self-reliant and self-reliant, and he always has a cold attitude towards the Japanese-style Liuyao beauty's painted skin performance.

People in the Xinhua History Line: "I am clay, you are wrapped in silk, I am located in the Yellow River, and you were born on the coast. There are objectively contradictory positions. You were given the opportunity to actively cooperate, but you still chose the most drastic way to exert pressure. Then

Just fight!"

This is the national character that China developed in response to the sun in modern times. Violent earthquakes are stored in the plains, and thunder is hidden in the white clouds.

Since you insist on playing your dark drama, then I will play the "March of the Broadsword".


The local evil was detected, and when the psychic warship on the Tianzhu Ocean approached quickly, Western China's anti-submarine fleet in the Tianzhu Ocean was already dispatched.

On the sea, under the clear sky and white clouds, warships went out to sea one after another. The 10,000-ton destroyer cut through the waves in front of it, and the water flow was like cut wool, sliding towards the sides of the warship.

The perspective zoomed up to the top of the majestic battleship. The smooth mechanical modules started quietly. Inside the thick steel shell, the electromagnetic gun and radar were in full operation.

Xuanming-class battleship data center.

The fleet commanders opened the information chain comprehensive processing platform and contacted the latest Disha and space-based satellite comprehensive scanning systems. An extremely clear dynamic visualization system of the seabed and ocean appeared in the captain's command module.

This is the official application of the Disha system in the maritime command system. From then on, commanders will re-enter the "open map" combat mode.


At the same time, in the plateau area, at each airport, seventy-meter mechanical covers were opened, and azure blue magnetic fields spewed out from the large pits.

Then the 400-ton fluctuating light survey cannon took off in such a force field storm. After reaching an altitude of 60,000 meters, it unfolded its umbrella-like flying wings.


Just like the super battle seventy-four years ago,

At the level of risking one's life, a big system adjustment was made, and Mr. Wei activated all the family means that he had always hidden.

What is right or wrong should be discussed before the battle. Rather than trying to influence the opponent to put down the butcher's knife during the battle.

"In this world, those who have the upper hand in quieter times don't talk about restraint, but enjoy themselves to the fullest~"


May 22, 2290 in the Qin Dynasty.

On the north slope of Mount Everest. This is the shady side of the mountain in Feng Shui. It does not receive light all year round, and ice and snow accumulate. At the same time, due to the protection of ice and snow, there is no sunlight and weathering effect on the south slope, making it very steep.

Oh, to use a bit of fantasy theory, corpses buried in the mountains will absorb evil spirits. Well, it’s hard to say whether they will turn into zombies. It’s just that people who die during mountain climbing will freeze in place.

Become a unique landmark on the road.

Omega 20 came to this mountain peak. Looking at the solidified jelly on the peak (actually Wei Keng mobilized the "Zhi Ge Force Field"), she also activated Omega's super power delivery weapon in space.

In space, the Sun Metal Petal Satellite opened, revealing a dark blue super wave of destruction that was ready to go.

Through psychic induction, she determined that the target was on the other side of the mountain. At the same time, she frowned and noticed that her warship in the southern part of the Indian Ocean, thousands of miles away, seemed to be locked, and a large number of anti-submarine robots were projected.

Come down.

She also sensed the arrival of several large strike systems in the surrounding sky.

The faint blue light in Omega's pupils became stronger. Faced with the psyker she was looking for, who was so unwilling to understand her pain, she felt that she should be completely black.

So a few seconds later, her pupils radiated dozens of meters of flames, blazing flames, and cold dark blue psychic gaze. This was her main personality.

This blue psyker slowly floated up, like the moon emitting cold light in the haze on a cloudy day, rising high in the valley, forming a strange halo.

When herdsmen more than ten kilometers away saw a faint blue light rising from the other side of the mountain, they all knelt down and worshiped, shouting that the mountain god had appeared.

Three minutes later, with Omega as the center, a 600-meter space field depression appeared. This depression was like a huge slingshot that was constantly accumulating force. Directly in front of the slingshot was the north slope of Mount Everest.

Omega's expression was still cold, but her spiritual energy field was trembling slightly, which was an extremely unstable energy she controlled.


Today, the ever-changing ice and snow on Mount Everest went against the trend from below, and the corpses that once served as road signs, as well as the garbage thrown by climbers in the ice and snow, began to roll as the ice and snow rolled up, and an ice storm surged from the foot of the mountain to the top.

A huge wave was formed that defied gravity.

Omega's huge spiritual energy has been able to cause large warships such as aircraft carriers to lose gravity and roll over since the last world war. Today, the reverse "avalanche" rolling up from the foot of the mountain towards the mountain peak is spectacular.

As long as this avalanche crosses the mountain peak, it will turn into a huge wave rushing down the south slope.


Twenty kilometers away, Sun Luer, who was driving a combat mecha, was rushing to the scene of the psychic storm with his mecha team transferred from Beidu.

Including Sun Lu'er, there are a total of six innate-level warriors, driving the Pojun mecha, spraying blue light and floating across the mountains. This power can defeat the defense systems of small and medium-sized countries anywhere on the earth.

of combat effectiveness.

They got the prompt dozens of minutes ago and hurried over. Of course, the order received on the Jinjia system now is "to be on alert outside."

Sun Luer would never obey such an external warning order, but the entire plateau military command system was restricted by the Plateau General's Mansion.

Sun Luer had to mobilize the authorities in Shendu and connect the satellite and Disha communication links to determine the specific location of the battlefield.


But now, when she arrived at a location twenty kilometers away from the battlefield, she felt an unprecedented powerful Jie Hongzi storm.

Then, at the prompt of her companion, Sun Luer looked at the highest peak in the world. Circles of ice waves on the entire mountain were surging up to the top.

The six mechas sprayed blue light and settled on the plateau valley, and they all stopped. They were watching this strange natural disaster.

In the communication channel, Shen Zongyun (Xiantian) said dullly: "Is this the power of first-class psychic energy?"


This kind of humanoid nuclear bomb was used by the United States of Eden when they besieged Omega decades ago.

When the war started on the plateau, the Great Lakes on the other side of the ocean dispatched spy satellites in high altitudes and immediately followed the Jiehongzi fluctuations and locked onto the Omega-level fluctuations that appeared on the plateau.

Sixty years ago, the Edenian military secretly built a war criminal base on a Caribbean island in order to decipher the black technology of the two defeated countries, Soviet Russia and Shengyang.

Due to the Soviet Union and the Sun, human experimentation technology was too inhumane. As a beacon of freedom that flaunted humanity, in order not to be attacked by anti-war opponents, it secretly took over this technology. (The famous double standard of the United States of Eden.)

Edenia houses a variety of dangerous war criminals such as Iron Werewolves, chemical infantry, and magnetic explosive infantry. At the same time, it also houses a copy of Omega.

In the end, Omega discovered this copy of himself, directly transferred his psychic energy to the past, and woke up in this containment center.

In the base of Edenia, in just two hours, an entire fleet, as well as an armored force composed of aerial gunships and neutron cannon tanks, were completely destroyed by this Omega.

What happened back then has left the Edenian psychic science community with lingering fears.

Today, on the Aegis floating battleship above the Great Lakes, the generals with the bald eagle symbol of Edenia are discussing "how much loss China will suffer this time."


Sun Luer and his party didn't stand still for a few seconds before they noticed through the feedback system on the golden armor that the survey cannons were being mobilized in the surrounding sky.

Six survey guns fired simultaneously.

The firepower of each sky survey cannon is comparable to the penetrating power of a ballistic missile. But, are these aerial mechanical artillery useful when dealing with such superpowers?

Sun Luer, who had been distracted by Omega's all-out explosion, was a little unsure of the technological firepower at his disposal.


Wei Keng looked at the trembling and whistling sounds on the other side of the mountain, with a somewhat disgusted expression on his face! He ran to an inaccessible place just to reduce the damage. But he still underestimated the extent of his opponent's madness.

Wei Keng lamented: Omega is still the same as before, the same as Shengyang people.

The people of the rising sun stand in a place where they can't see "flesh and blood". They have no sense of guilt and use their strength unscrupulously. And when the injury hits themselves, they cry and look like victims.

Wei Keng whispered: "It is ugly to use the power that you cannot control as an excuse to destroy without restraint."

The south slope is not the north slope. It faces the sun all year round, which makes the south slope inhabited by residents. Even though it is a little far away, it will definitely be dangerous if it is washed away by this wave of ice and snow.

The original plan to prepare for a counterattack at the top of the mountain was changed. Now the snow wave must not be allowed to flow over the mountain. Wei Keng no longer held back.


Wei Keng's distant finger, his fingertips seemed to release the "Taixu Sword Qi", and the spiritual energy field formed a 500-meter line along the mountain peak, cutting from the peak of the south slope and directly inserting into the 600-meter section of the north slope. .

This slice itself does not have much destructive power, it just forms a "hyperspace gap" of the slice on the mountain.

At the moment when Wei Keng's spiritual energy layout was like sword energy, the firepower of the sky survey cannon penetrated here.

The firepower of the sky survey cannon penetrated directly along the cross-section of the mountain peak along the hyperspace.

When this energy penetrated the mountain peak, it was very thorough, without any explosion or fire, just like a stone sinking into the sea. A thin line of light appeared on a tangent line of more than a thousand meters on the entire mountain, flickering. At this time, the hyperspace gap had just ended, and the energy was released along this surface.

A second later, the top of the world's tallest mountain, nearly 300 meters high, slowly slid down like a cake cut with a hot knife.

The firepower of the sky survey cannon turned into a sword light and cut off the entire top of Mount Everest.


Even though Omega can roll up a large number of avalanches, it is powerless when faced with the collapse of a multi-million-ton peak.

The wave of snow hit the mountain peak and fell down together with the sliding mountain top.

The cut mountain still maintained its original shape during the sliding process, but when it touched the foot of the mountain, it immediately turned into crushed tofu and turned into a gravel slope.

Due to the movement of the landslide, the snow on the six nearby peaks also responded and began to collapse. This was not caused by the sound of the air, but when the mountain directly hit the ground, the vibrations were transmitted to other mountains.

As for Omega, the initiator, the force field was connected to the north slope. During the process of sliding down the mountain, she was unable to evacuate immediately in front of this powerful force, so she was directly pushed back hundreds of meters by this incomparable force.

The powerful spiritual energy field surrounding Omega was completely shattered like a mirror!

And this time the psychic power failed, the Omega in the center of the mirror completely turned into a burning torch.

With just one move, all her bets collapsed.


This psychic war took less than three minutes! It started hugely and ended suddenly.

The whole process of Jianmang's fight against evil forces fell into Sun Lu'er's observation, and also fell into the eyes of Jin Nizhang (Huang Jiayu) who was operating the sky survey cannon 300 kilometers away.

On the operating platform of the land combat center, Jin Nizhang increased the amount of glucose injected into his blood vessels. Of course, he did not stop, chewing chocolate. His own spiritual power could cope with the extremely harsh pressure of the survey cannon.

Time and space strike accuracy.

At the moment when Omega collapsed, Jin Nizhang noticed the impact of huge waves of psychic energy.

When Jin Nizhang felt that his soul consciousness was about to be broken through, the stars formed the final protection, like an unbreakable tent, withstanding the impact of excessive spiritual energy for himself. The huge and disordered spiritual energy, along the

Stars are injected into the base station.

Jin Nizhang understood that Director Wei seemed to have expected this moment! And that Director Wei who seemed approachable, well, could it be possible?

Jin Nizhang felt that his consciousness was gradually becoming heavier, but he still turned on the satellite photo screen and looked at the once-highest peak in the world that had been cut with a knife. After re-estimating the height,

Jin Nizhang suppressed the tremor in his heart: "This sword will degrade the order!"


After the collapse of Mount Everest, the psychic battle is not over yet.

The balance of No. 20 and all its branches was broken at this time, and the global Omega fell into a final state of self-destruction.

On the South American plateau, the psychic bodies that were originally in the mechanical cabin collectively opened their eyes, and then instantly turned into self-igniting flames, and the entire life-support cabin turned into a raging fire. And this fire destroyed the carbon

In the base body, spiritual energy is still connected to ionic matter.

Flames began to surge consciously throughout the underground base. One second, various laboratories were discussing how to supply more psykers for the war. The next second, after the heat was poured into their ventilation ducts, doors and windows,

Their eyes were dull. And when the flames swept through their bodies, burned their hair, melted their armor, and turned their skin into hot powder, they let out the last and most miserable howl in their lives.

Those who play with fire will burn themselves!


However, here on Mount Everest, Wei Keng, who has been out of the ordinary for a long time, today unfolds his complete self.

The carbon-based body is shining brightly. Nano-arms sent from across time and space also rush over to absorb the excess energy.

Circular energy orbits penetrated his chest one by one. This orbital ring with a diameter of 300 meters penetrated Wei Keng's chest and rotated slowly. There were eight orbital rings in total, left, right, upper and lower, symmetrically passing through Wei Keng's body.


A huge amount of meson energy is distributed along the orbital ring, while Wei Keng's carbon-based body remains stable.

When the Edenia space satellite captured this scene, the Judah oligarchs in the secret base under the Great Lakes silently recited the word "angels" (angels in the Old Testament are not human-like, and angels among them are countless rings.



After cutting the hilltop flatly.

In his complete state, Wei Keng, like operating a war weapon, reported the stable balance of multiple data of his body, then directly crossed the cut off mountain top, like a rainbow light traveling against the wind, and arrived at the north slope.

The No. 20 who came to find her has now turned into a huge fire ball, spraying fire at everything around her, like a world-destroying god. But compared to Wei Keng's highly symmetrical, her dark energy field stretches out countless tentacles,

Just like Cthulhu in Hell, the two psychic systems have been at odds since then.

Omega's tentacles continuously destroy the surrounding rocks and sand, and shoot out ball lightning.

As for when she will finish burning? I'm afraid it will take a few hours.

During this period, in order to prevent "accidents caused by mountain fires", Wei Keng had to watch her perish before he felt relieved.

When Omega saw Wei Keng, he rushed over like a drowning man grabbing a straw. However, when the dozens of meters of ion fire ball approached Wei Keng.

A sword light flashed in the sky. This was the sky survey cannon solidified by the Zhi Ge force field. It was rearranged by Wei Keng using Jie Hongzi.

Omega was not intimidated by this, so he aimed at the sword light dancing with oriental runes as Wei Keng thought, and then slashed at her.

The six-meter-long sword beam flew hundreds of meters and hit the center of the psychic tentacle monster. Omega's ion flame was instantly contained, and her attention shifted from casual destruction to completely focused on Wei Keng.

Omega began a mental attack on Wei Keng. Heart control fluctuations began to radiate, as if all the pain came from Wei Keng.

"Why can you be praised in this world? Why, I have to be born in darkness and accept misfortune. I also want a life like yours!" Curses like this.

In the curse, the flames became twisted and ugly, and the ion state turned into hundreds of twisted human faces with miserable claws.

This is the appearance of the spiritual power that has always been hidden under her beautiful body. Seeing this appearance will give nightmares to those without mental protection.


Regarding Omega's questions, Wei Keng did not argue with her. Instead, he loyally waited for her destructive power to weaken and no longer affect others.

More Zhi Ge force fields began to expand along Wei Keng, the beams of the sky survey cannons were arranged in the force field, and the sword array unfolded.

Until the end, when she was about to perish, Wei Keng responded in a low voice: "Envy my life? I just abide by the life that a middle-aged person should have. If you are envious, why don't you abide by the morality of a mortal status and work hard towards the sun?"


Omega's psychic turbulence will not put down the butcher's knife just because of a few words, but cry and laugh crazily: "I'm tired, destruction..." The demonic voice follows the psychic energy at multiple points within a thousand kilometers.

It happened one after another, as weird as the howling of a thousand ghosts.

Master Wei looked at the sky-based super energy destructive wave flickering in the starry sky.

Wei Keng's expression no longer showed sympathy or pity, but returned to his "marketplace" appearance, and yelled: "Destroy your horse~"

Wei Keng felt disgusted with her: She didn't take the world seriously, and she would destroy it after playing through it. She thought the world was hers? Wei Keng has been a human being in this world for two lives, especially this one, he has been honest from beginning to end.

In fact, ordinary people almost don't need psychic powers. Ordinary people work hard for their own hopes and finally see a good trend. Why should it end just because you turn black?

Wei Keng, who "doesn't use much" psychic energy, has always been prepared for this kind of risk.

In the sky above the plateau, the flattened Zhi Ge force field began to spread infinitely in the sky. The expansion of the Zhi Ge force field has been an engineering problem for the past hundred years. In the past few decades, it has only been since the last war.

, the radius of one hundred meters extends to about two hundred and ten meters.

The technical difficulty lies not in energy, but in quantum control.

At this time, a plane of tens of kilometers spread out over major cities. This expansion was provided by Wei Keng Ling Neng for surveying and mapping.


When Bai Zhaodi looked up at the sky, it changed into a Zhige force field plane that even the experts who developed it could not determine, and murmured, "What is this?"

A pop-up window appeared in the system and he casually said: "Kyushu Boundary".

This chapter has been completed!
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