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Chapter 9.64 Empire, business and private affairs

 In the year 2292 of Qin Tongli, the Eastern Federation lost twelve generals, more than two million professional troops, and more than ten million tons of steel in the direction of Weihai and Xianhuan.

The Eastern Orthodox Federation had to retreat completely and gave up production in a large area of ​​territory. All industrial sites and agricultural areas in the Kazan Fortress area were bombed and destroyed by the Eastern Orthodox people themselves.

This is the scorched-earth strategy Maozi implemented in response to the many invasions from the direction of Europa in history. However, this strategy was effective for the Europeans, but for China, it was somewhat uninteresting.


Historically, when the Europeans pushed eastward from the areas occupied by the Slavs, they always strategically targeted large cities represented by Mosko.

Therefore, for the Europeans, the winning condition lies in whether they can conquer Mosko and make it a satellite country that obeys them. As the defender, the Slavs can survive the opponents from the west as long as they persist to the end.

Now they are using the same strategy against China, but they are wrong. The strategic goal of China's opponents in the Mobei Western Region is "What the hell, stay away from me!"

The Eastern Federation retreated significantly, and the Chinese side had no plans to pursue further. Facing the fertile territory of the Lihai lowlands and the lower reaches of the Voyaga River, they had no plans to occupy it.

Yes, this territory is indeed very fertile, and the blood shed by the people around Lihai for it can dye the Volga River red. But there is no need for China to pay attention to the governance of this land full of contradictions.

Take Zhuangzi's allusion: "The owl catches the rotten rat, and the bird flies past it."


Based on the process of the war against the north in the Han and Tang Dynasties - after attacking the effective strength of the powerful enemy in the north, it was just waiting for the powerful enemy to break up.

And now there is this trend. The local forces in the area of ​​​​Lihai and Jihai Continental Bridge have begun to show disobedience to the Eastern Federation.

There are several famous names for that knot in modern times: Genujia and Chetao.

Therefore, after the year 2292 of the Qin Dynasty, the Western Region of China confirmed that the Eastern Federation had scorched the Weihai area and retreated.

The Chinese side announced that it is seeking peace, retreated to the actual line of control in the Yibohai area, and suspended its attacks on the Eastern Federation. It looks forward to further negotiations between the Eastern side and its own side.


This battle in the center of the world island started suddenly and ended suddenly.

The war brought certain losses to both sides.

Well, for China, the military equipment and billions of tons of logistics supplies that had been hoarded for ten years were all emptied. More than 700 people were killed and lost in action, which is quite painful.

Of course! These military preparations were originally designed to deal with the conflict in the west. Now that they have achieved the strategic purpose, it can only be said that this investment has not been in vain.

In the chaotic era of world war, a big country like China can use these military investments to buy a long enough regional peace in a strategic direction, which is not a loss.

Moreover, China blocked the flames of war from the outside. At the same time, it contracted after the war, and there was no mess of post-war governance.

But for the Eastern Federation, this battle is a piece of cake.

The largest strategic offensive force was completely wiped out. The productivity in the ruled area was continuously consumed and drained. Industrial productivity dropped by three levels, and it was difficult to recover in a short period of time.

The most important thing is that since the conquest of Europa and the northern part of Cathaysia, the ruling authority of its leadership group has been severely weakened by China.


In the Palace of Light in the Caucasus, the "Great Father" of the Dongzheng people has vacant positions for many generals under his command - including three generals from the future. They were all created by China's two-year military attack.

The leader looked at the map around Lihai.

Dongzheng has indeed retreated, but the Persian region deployed mechanized troops along the sea, which made the people of Dongzheng very angry.

There is nothing to say about being defeated by the strong, but the Persian region is obviously weak. When China no longer has the obligation to invest in military alliances, the Persians take the opportunity to seek benefits here. It is really a bit courageous.

However, the Eastern Federation did not have the strength to go south at this time, and could only punish the Persians on a small scale. However, the follow-up problems of this suppression and counter-suppression are endless.

The leader slid the global map to the north. At this time, Dongfang faced the undefendable territory of Xianbelia. The leader made the decision to introduce external forces: "Alliance with Edenia."

Across perspectives, Edenia and Shenzhou are in conflict at this time in the North Pacific Ocean. Introducing Edenia's power to exert military pressure on Shenzhou in the vast land of Xianbelia can make up for the power gap after the failure of the Eastern Campaign.



The perspective shifted to the Tianzhu Ocean. The industrial construction troops from China entering the ocean began to move quickly like clockwork. Wei Keng was also included in the team going to the sea.

On the seabed of the Tianzhu Ocean, batches of machines push ceramic-coated cement components of more than 100 meters on the seabed to build high-rise buildings in the deep sea.

The graphite battery-powered flying saucer shuttles through the sea. When it stops, it uses its squid-like tentacles to clean the seabed sediments and determine the seabed rock foundation.

In the No. 4 maritime military base, I was still thinking about how to lie down comfortably two months ago, but now I have to enter the irritable mode.

Wei Keng was irritably teaching the novice: "Lu Tiansi, I asked you to complete the supply of fresh water pipes for Line 8. How long have you been waiting for? Are you organized in your work?!"

Wei Keng: "Zhao Yunlong, you are awesome. My entire work sequence was agreed to be at 9:32 in the morning. You took the lead in overturning the halocline. The entire work brigade asked you to start fighting half an hour early. You are better than me, the commander of the army."

"Ox, you can take this position!" - This means not obeying orders.

The entire No. 4 Ocean Construction Force has experienced the new commander's style in two months - a roar that is as intimidating as a high school teacher. Of course, this roar is masculine, not as dark as a smiling tiger. It is too silent in the deep sea.

In the background, you can hear the chatter on the radio, which can be regarded as popular as "watching the video and getting the barrage".


Wei Keng did a lot of things while working in the deep ocean.

The design of the cockpit was changed, and the toilet cockpit was partitioned, which solved the problem of difficulty in peeing and pooping.

The seat extension problem has been changed to solve the problem of lumbar pain caused by long sitting work.

The types of electric rice in the deep sea have been added, so that the deep-sea work cabin no longer only consists of luncheon meat and vermicelli. There are more than 60 deep-sea recipes such as husband and wife lung slices, Mushu pork, tomatoes and eggs, Sixi meatballs, Kung Pao chicken, etc.


And in the ocean, base station network cables are installed every one kilometer, which solves the problem of Internet access in the work area. - In the work area of ​​the No. 4 offshore construction base, it is currently rare to maintain a good "permanent" work team.


Throughout the deep sea, large-scale quenching factories have been established.

The mined minerals move along the water pipes, and finally enter the entrance of the building several hundred meters away, where they are crushed by water flow, sedimented and classified, then separated with fresh water, finally screened, and sent to an argon furnace for refining.

This complete set of submarine processing chains is fully two kilometers long, and the ceramic exterior building is as majestic as a mountain.

Since the transportation system in seawater can be larger than that on the ground, the processing capacity of such minerals is larger than any system on land, just like the blue whale is heavier than any animal on land.

When operating at full power, it can handle the primary processing and smelting of one billion tons of minerals per year. It is equipped with surrounding shallow-sea continental shelf factories to form a further mechanical processing production chain.

Of course, this requires geothermal pipelines to increase energy output, and all mining areas to be effectively developed and transported to the production center. These auxiliary facilities are currently being arranged, and it is expected that all related engineering problems will be solved by 2295.


But what will happen then?

Traditional heavy industrial production will move towards maritime areas, and the land economy will be responsible for light industry, information industry, micro-nano fields and high-energy particle fields.

The second global industrial division of labor will transform differences between ocean and land.

Perhaps it won’t take that long, and now China’s maritime economy has had a significant impact on the Thousand Islands Group between the Tianzhu Ocean and the Taiyang Ocean, as well as the Lizhou onshore economic zone.


This year, due to the significant reduction in the cost of deep-sea raw materials, the shipbuilding industry of the unionists in the Plateau and Lizhou areas has crushed other surrounding old industrial forces.

Technology was developed on the plateau, industrial production was organized in Lizhou, and now the production and construction military force settled in Dayang ensured the stability of raw materials. A complete economic chain was formed.

This frustrates the business and private forces of the Eastern Dayang faction who were originally preparing to sanction the "proletarianization" of Lizhou.

Incompetent and furious, they made the same move to dismantle the Taiyang manganese nodule mining industry back then. They found out that "the heavy metals in fishery resources exceed the standard and are directly related to the mining of Xishenzhou Mining" and published a series of reports.

Announced a boycott of all industrial products from Tianzhu Ocean and Lizhou that "do not care for the ocean".

In a series of documentaries, the dissident voices who comply with their right to speak and oppose the maritime development of Western China will be used to create a great atmosphere with the music of the heroes' return.


Of course, none of this is the point. In 2292, at the large automated port in Lizhou, Wei Keng boarded the naval flagship of the Lizhou United Front.

When this two-hundred-meter-long battleship on the surface docked with the flat engineering submarine underwater, it was like a paper boat on a tea tray.

When the underwater engineering ship broke away, the light white on the bottom of the Lizhou battleship slid backwards and dived into the deep sea, and the bottom of the ship returned to dark blue. This transformation was filmed by a high-altitude drone, which can evoke many viewers

phobia of the deep sea.

As the person in charge of the ocean construction force of the people of western China, although he has very little actual combat power, his military defense responsibilities are limited to ocean control.

But the military rank is linked to the official general in Shenzhou, that is, it is parallel to the highest military commander in Lizhou.

The current military strength of the Lizhou United Front was established in cooperation with Xi Bafang's guerrilla warfare organization in the final stage of the campaign. Speaking of the establishment of the Lizhou Chinese Front, Wei Keng was also a veteran.

It is not an exaggeration for the local comrades in Lizhou to give Wei Keng the highest standard of reception. But Wei Keng, out of pragmatic considerations, eliminated the honor guard and the welcome ceremony and quickly entered the core talks.


Wei Keng met Li Ruixin, the current leader of Lizhou's front.

Because like Plateau, they both implement the management team's policy of eliminating business and private interests, and both parties maintain the principles of "no additional restrictions", "trade balance" and "mutual equality" in the industry.

For plateau areas: What can be called comrades is a team that can maintain industrial governance capabilities without relying on aid.

This is extremely rare. It requires strong organizational capabilities in popularizing basic education, industrial employment, and economic planning.

Under this premise, transfer technology, or sign a long-term, trustworthy economic complementarity treaty. And jointly carry out scientific and technological development in aspects beneficial to mankind.


This is not the relationship between big brother and little brother in modern times.

The plateau area did not continue to have "garrison-style military guidance" after the Lizhou Campaign. Lizhou has always been responsible for possible counterattacks by reactionary forces. This means that both sides are equal.

In marine development, 30% of Wei Keng's current team are also young people from Lizhou. As for what kind of relationship will evolve in the future, anyway, when the economy is integrated, the systems are connected, and the personnel of both parties are highly mobile,

The future will lead to the same destination through different paths.


Wei Keng came to the military headquarters and looked at the map.

In the past two years, the Tang family's military envoys in the north have repeatedly crossed the line and made provocations, making the second revolutionary war very likely to break out in Lizhou.

Li Ruixin declared unabashedly: "If this kind of harassment continues, we will inevitably launch a counterattack."

Wei Keng nodded and agreed to this possibility, and at the same time he confirmed in his heart: "You are just worried about the consequences when the Nanyang countries intervene, or even Shenzhou Dongbin is directly eliminated."

Just as Wei Keng thought, Li Ruixin expressed his concerns: "But if we launch a war, it will affect the entire Nanyang intervention."

Wei Keng looked at the map of Lizhou and said: "There are three military governors in the entire Nanyang Islands, four military governors in the Izumo Islands, and the Eastern China Group has twelve Qinglong warships and two hundred thousand-ton maritime combat ships. This

It is indeed a huge force.”

Wei Keng turned around and asked: "We are currently worried about the intervention of this force, right?"

Li Ruixin nodded. There was infinite fatigue in his eyes.

Most of the pressure for restoration that Xia Lian faced back then is now borne by Lizhou. Facing the fire in Lizhou in their rear areas, business and private forces used economic blockades, military threats, and various methods to deny legitimacy by public opinion.


Wei Keng: "I must tell you that in mainland China, we currently do not have the conditions to launch a war of change! If the social reform forces in 'Western China' take the initiative to launch a war, they will not get the support of the people in the east."

Li Ruixin still wants to work harder: "There is no longer a concept of 'social governance' in eastern China."

Wei Keng nodded seriously: "Yes, and as the most monopolized place, the proportion of proletarians is actually more than 99%. It's just because the chains have been relaxed that many people enjoy the so-called 'celebrity class consumption' and mistakenly think that they are

Petty bourgeoisie. Once conflicts arise, the illusion will be shattered. And we must be patient with the people."

Li Ruixin: “But the people here can’t bear the pressure anymore.”

Wei Keng: "If you can't bear it, resist, and you should resist where you should. - Are you afraid of death?"

Li Ruixin paused and said with some dissatisfaction: "Are you encouraging us to start the war first?"

Wei Keng understands his emotions. Now they are in a difficult situation. They are making decisions about Zhan He and do not want another big brother to take command.

Wei Keng drew the map, connected Latin America Shengyang and Nanyang and said: "Once your war starts, the Chinese organization will definitely recruit me to fight here, so I am not encouraging you, but reminding you,

My comrade-in-arms, you must now face the fact that the reactionary pro-potism wants to break through from your weak point."

Wei Keng tapped the map with his finger and said, "Once a fight breaks out here, you will have to face more than just the Nanyang Jiedushi. Judging from our capital and technology transfer situation in Eastern China, those turtles are now ready to

Find external thugs to resolve internal conflicts."

Li Ruixin immediately walked to the location of Southwest Taiyang on the map, took a few steps, stared at the Latin American area, and read the information Wei Keng handed over in disbelief: "How dare you do this?"

Wei Keng: "My suggestion is to abandon your illusions. It is impossible to resolve conflicts with different butts. The development of business and private affairs today has become an imperial monopoly. For the sake of profit, they can trample everything. It's not that I encourage you to go to war, but now

In terms of the situation, you will be targeted by them."

This chapter has been completed!
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