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Chapter 9.71 The star is brilliant

 Just as the Battle of the Equator in New Guinea was about to begin, the aging "tigers" in the Shenzhou Taiyang Fleet were looking desolately towards the south.

Shenzhou, Dayuan Island, Lianhua Port. This is the base of Shenzhou Taiyang Navy.

In this geographical location, if China deploys sufficient sea control forces, it can control the important maritime trade of the entire East Asia. It belongs to the position of "one child determines the four seas".

Da Yuan and Sinhala are called the two gate stone lions of the ocean by the Chinese Navy.

China's Navy Marshal Fu Yuki is 70 years old this year and will hand over power in a few years. Within China, there are always people who say that he achieved this high position by relying on his "roly-poly" skills. But it has to be said. , because he steadily controlled the strongest navy in the Pacific Ocean, this allowed the Western Pacific Ocean to maintain peace for decades. Therefore, contemporary Wei Keng's evaluation of him is: "The loyal gatekeeper."


The elites of Eastern China clearly realize that the Dongbin area is in decline, and the manpower and material resources that can be invested in various strategic directions are limited. Attacking at will will only increase the consumption of vitality, so that China Dongbin is falling faster. Only by consolidating its strength where it still has an advantage can it consolidate its hegemony.

It is worth mentioning that ten years ago, in the early days of the rise of maritime power in the Tianzhu Ocean, Fu Youji tried to have the naval power of the Taiyang Ocean switch defenses with the Tianzhu Ocean. However, this matter was said at the time that he "did not want others to get involved in maritime transactions." The Silk Sect of "Thread" stopped him and let it go. But it can be seen that this old man is not a complete coward.

However, the current situation is another matter. Lizhou has been captured, and the maritime development has undergone unprecedented changes. The era of capital ship dominance may have passed. Capital ships can only be destroyed remotely, and clear occupation A marine base is required.

But once the issue reaches this point, it becomes a non-military issue.

From the perspective of the people of Eastern China, 20 years ago, the academic and business elites with high moral sentiments in Dongbin made a " The wise decision ended ocean development.

In just 20 years, Xishenzhou took over this "garbage industry" that was despised by Jiangnan. However, funds were continuously invested in this garbage industry, and then during the great social changes in the past few years, it became this crucial industry. important strategic industry.

The economic pattern can determine the military pattern.

Fu Yuji looked at the map of the world's oceans and struggled to accept a strategic fact, that is, the Zhuyang Ocean now circled a large arc of tens of thousands of kilometers from the south in an attempt to outflank the Taiyang forces.

This unprecedented large-scale strategic encirclement is an unprecedented large-scale undertaking in the past few hundred years, since mankind entered the Age of Discovery.

In this era of rapidly changing technology, Fu Yuji is obviously old. However, due to the inertia of the bureaucratic structure in the old navy, the Chinese Navy still needs his prestige to suppress stability.

So four hours later, at the strategic decision-making meeting on China's Eastern Front, he served as the coordinator and asked the six generals second only to him to each have a set of plans. Regarding the current pot of porridge (Nanyang, Sheng) in the equatorial region Yang is one group, and Dayang Commune and Lizhou Commune are the other group), and the current response plan of Shenzhou Dongbin is selected.

After reading these reports, Fu Youji frowned inwardly, but in the end he chose the general among the dwarfs.

He chose the plan completed by a colonel named Inoue. This man was from Izumo Province.

His opinion was to concentrate the force of thunder and blockade the command strait. This seemed to be an irrelevant idle thought, but it confuses the entire Taiyang River. Oh, this is to use the stone from the mountain to attack the jade.


When China blocked the entire Taiyang Ocean into an inland sea, the situation here changed.

Inoue’s statement: Originally, the Nanyang Jiedu Envoys of China and the Lizhou United Ocean Commune were like glaring and anxious buffaloes in a gladiatorial arena.

During the current bison fight, other forces, such as Edenia and Shengyang, all evacuated the battlefield and watched from the high platform. But now if Shenzhou Dongbin closes the gate of the entire stand, it forms a prison. ,

The "bisons" will look around the field and try to guard against the movements of other enemies that are impossible to evacuate.

By then, since Lizhou and the power of the Ocean Commune occupy the center of the Taiyang Ocean Basin, they will realize that they have to face the power of the North and South New Continent, Shengyang, and Nanyang at the same time. They will also be forcibly settled.


After Inoue finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up as they had been trapped in strategic passivity.

Fu Yuki did not have a prophetic perspective. If he were a system-assisted time traveler, he would have known that Inoue had made taken-for-granted strategic mistakes in several battles on multiple timelines.

The strategy needs to be supported by the ability. If you want to keep the "bison" in captivity, the "fence" must be hard enough. If this bison were the rising sun a hundred years ago, China's national power would still be able to trap them, but now it is He also included himself.

But for Yuki, there is really no solution available at the moment. His choice of Inoue is inevitable. There is no historical if.


at the corridor,

Fu Youji's assistant Chen Lejia stopped Inoue.

As the winner of the battle meeting just now, Inoue slowly turned around and asked: "What kind of thing?"

Chen Lejia took a deep breath and said: "I am looking forward to your victory toast. I wish you a successful mission." Then he handed him the report on the combat effectiveness evaluation of the latest Lotus submarine in East Asia.

Chen Lejia asked for his opinion.

Inoue pushed up his glasses: "The momentum of the Southern Ocean Front seems to be very strong now. But if China can integrate resources, it will steadily tilt the balance of victory to the imperial court."

But at this time, Chen Lejia sighed in a deep voice: "It's indeed a conspiracy, but do you know who the commander Western China sent to Taiyang in the southwest?"

At this time, the sky duly darkened, and a cloud covered the sun.

In the Southern Ocean, the Ocean Commune's offensive battle against the Java Fleet is busy.

The forward commander located deep in the ocean, Colonel Liu Xi of the Ocean Commune, after determining his mission in the campaign, began to spin like a top with afterburners, looking for a direction to break through around the overall strategic goal.

This is the characteristic of Wei Keng's command system. After the battle begins, the key nodes and significance of the battle must be clearly explained to relevant personnel.

In Master Wei's command system, abandonment does not exist. The key will not be concealed for the sake of the so-called overall situation.

In order to ensure that all campaign departments can execute as scheduled, all grassroots departments are "lively, nervous and serious".

The General Headquarters determined three possible march routes for the Java Fleet and made arrangements for their deployment.

As the team at the end of the command chain, Liu Xi declared to his soldiers: "The mission has been clarified, and I also know the dangers on the front line of the battle. But I just need to know whether I can complete the mission!"


In the small command cabin, what came from the projection communication interface was the loud voice from another small battle cabin.

Bloody masculinity blooms in the depths of this ocean.


On the other side where Liu Xi could connect to communications, the cutting-edge engineering team was already completing the battlefield network for ocean surveillance.

Information about the ocean battle comes first. After the battle order is issued, the engineering team will set up automatic monitoring stations within a limited time.

Forty-eight hours after setting up the monitoring station, a large number of ship sonar signals were discovered on the No. 2 channel determined by Liu Xi.

In the Great Barrier Reef area, on the continental shelf, the instructor of the long-range strike department who had already deployed missile units said: "Start measuring the ocean currents."

After the first order was issued, the entire missile command system was like water entering a hot pot, and various orders began to boil.

The combatants wearing spirit armor began to issue complicated orders to the interface in front of them.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the power of the Ocean Front began to attack the coalition fleet along the equatorial ocean current.

The Nanyang "Java Group", a maritime fleet that was originally arrogant in double rows, heard the sound of alarm from the bottom. Less than five minutes later, the underwater supercavitating torpedoes and the sudden air raid troops on the surface made the situation worse.

The entire sea area turned into a radiant large-scale scene.

Although the scene of lasers and small missiles exploding in the sky is huge, all this does is interfere with the operation of anti-submarine fighters taking off from the sea.

But what is really deadly is the underwater assault. A ring-shaped white shock wave appears centered on the bottom keel of the battleship. There is no smoke, and there is no scene of steel collapse, but this does affect the shock wave directly on the keel. If the battleship passes through the heavy

Internally, the keel has already cracked. In the core cabin, small tears scattered densely over a range of tens of meters are spraying water. This is a fatal injury that cannot be blocked.


The encirclement and annihilation of the Java Fleet was the focus of a battlefield spanning thousands of kilometers, but fighting was also taking place elsewhere.

One thousand four hundred kilometers away, the Rising Sun Navy crossed the equatorial ocean current, preparing to take advantage of the start of the war to launch a sneak attack and look for opportunities.

Clear skies and all is well,

Within fifty meters, Shengyang Submarine's Spear VIII submarines were forming a battle line to complete regional alert for the subsequent large warships.

However, at this moment, the Shengyang submarine formation sent a warning, and there was a fierce battle with supercavitating torpedoes in the water ahead.

This was obviously the Ocean Commune interception force that discovered the Sun Sun Navy and was setting up an ambush.

Nozomi Shirata, commander of the rising sun on the flagship Hachiko, hesitated while looking at the murderous sea ahead on the bridge.

As a fleet commander from afar, her mission is to participate in the war. But as a fleet commander, it is her duty to save the battleships.

At this time, in the captain's command room of Shengyang, circles of red warning stripes flashed continuously on the blue navigation chart, and all the ship members were discussing these enemy attacks, "The anti-aircraft guns should be raised." How high the angle should be calibrated and how deep the torpedo should be" and other topics.

But please note that these discussions of Shengyang are all self-centered. It seems that what they say is very timely, but in fact it has nothing to do with the up-down process at hand. This is a situation where Shengyang is "powerless". The behavior of bureaucrats. At this time, everyone in Shengyang was talking nonsense, waiting for the order from the supreme commander.

[Under the same "powerless" situation, the atmosphere in China's officialdom is: everyone remains silent, always ready to push away the inexplicable pot. 】

In such a nonsense atmosphere, Shengyang Commander Bai Tianxi hesitated again and again and did not issue the order.

What finally forced Shirada Nozomi to make a decision was the attack of ballistic missiles launched from the Great Barrier Reef area.

Shirata Nozomi thought that the enemy's main force was nearby and was ready to close in on her, so she prepared to evacuate!

As a result, Shengyang encountered Haiyang Commune for the second time. Such a force that could determine the key to the battlefield directly withdrew from the battle order and took the route of protecting the ship.

In fact, Bai Tianxi's judgment cannot be said to be correct. As the general dispatcher of the maritime campaign, Wei Keng did arrange enough reserves to guard all directions.

[Shengyang people will be very courageous when gambling for their own immediate interests. But if they make promises for others, once they judge that the cost is too high, they will choose to "bow and apologize". 】


Wei Keng is right about the Sun Group and also the Malaysian Group.

From a post-war perspective, when the Marine Commune was attacking the Java Group and preparing to ambush the Lu Song Group, the Malaysian Group fleet commander chose to wait and judge the battle situation at this critical moment.

Although this commander, whose ancestors were trading in the Straits of Malacca, has qualifications from the China Naval Academy and has joined the circle of military commanders, in the Malaysian business society, the rules of conduct are often inclined to the rules of businessmen. This is like a tiger acting like a cat. After a long time, it really turns into a cat.

On the 40,000-ton warship, in the captain’s room, which is filled with calligraphy, paintings and antique displays, the Malaysian fleet commander adheres to the principle of “minimum cost” and “maximum gain”. (In fact, the core of the war is

It is to win, to achieve the predetermined strategic goal in the predetermined time and space, and then consider the cost and gain.)

The Malaysian commander’s judgment on the battle zones with multiple red dots on the projection map is: In this current war, victory means a tragic victory. Failure requires maintaining chips.

Therefore, he was thinking very hard about how not to be the one who pays the price in a tragic victory, or how to maintain the maximum capital in a defeat.

So after traces of China's underwater troops appeared in his direction, he ordered the troops to strictly guard the defense line and decided to wait for a more suitable opportunity.

At the beginning of the battles of Java and Luzon, he shrewdly judged who was taking the lead in these battles and whether he might be tempted to take the bait.

As everyone knows, Wei Keng deployed only an independent regiment of fifteen companies in front of the Malaysian Group.

At this moment, this independent regiment easily stopped this huge fleet from joining the battlefield.


Relatively speaking, the Luzon Group is too miserable. It has the enthusiasm to intervene, but its commanders have no vigilance at all in naval battles.

The entire fleet headed desperately towards the southern waters, and was locked by a large number of sonar along the way, but did not complete the frigate formation. After sailing out of the Banda Islands, it encountered the navy taking off from northern Australia, as well as sea-based land missiles

, as well as the joint interception of surface and underwater fleets.

This is when Lizhou handed over half of its land, sea, and air force to the command of Wei Keng, and Wei Keng chose the fleet to fight the hardest.


8:34 am.

One minute after encountering the missile warning, the Luzon Group's naval general had no time to react. Underwater torpedoes streaked through a white air trail under the translucent water and penetrated into the bottom of each ship.

.Subsequently, air planes intervened in the radar range to drop glide bombs, and sea-skimming missiles appeared from the horizon.

Within twenty minutes, the marching Luzon Group was crippled and turned into burning refugees and iron rafts on the sea. The injured crew members jumped onto the lifeboat amid the debris of the fire and stared blankly at the scene of injured warships on the sea.

I don’t know how to walk next.

After this battle, it was impossible for the naval power of the restorationists to reinforce the Javanese troops 400 kilometers away.


And in the next forty-five minutes, the Java fleet was blocked by Lizhou's heavily-armed fleet, leaving it isolated and helpless.

During the sea bombardment, the Java fleet was suppressed by the Lizhou fleet. A large number of drones in the sky strangled the Java fleet drones. The Java fleet drones were quickly consumed, and the only four that were consumed along with them were

Fourteen anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

The Javanese fleet's will to fight collapsed and part of the fleet began to flee.

Lizhou sent a destroyer to pursue it, and in the end, it even reached a close-range artillery engagement range of fifteen kilometers, dreaming back to the age of artillery battleships. The Lizhou destroyer's high-speed naval guns pointed at the Java fleet, one after another, until

Fight these fleeing warships until they raise the white flag.


And under water,

The United Ocean Front has hooked an encirclement circle spanning 500 kilometers. Within this encirclement circle, that is, under the deep sea, supercavitating torpedoes are blocking underwater attacks. To break through the encirclement circle, you have to encounter hundreds of thousands of water Missile interception.

The militia groups like "reefs" like the Ocean Commune made the Java fleet unable to advance or retreat. Dozens of Javanese warships ran aground during the siege. After destroying all anti-submarine aircraft, they had no choice but to ask for help.

However, the Java Fleet Group's miserable request for help failed to gain sympathy from the surrounding friendly forces. Instead, it was scolded by the friendly forces for being "impulsive and rash."

Because before, Lu Song's fleet was ambushed when it tried to join the battlefield, Sheng Yang announced that he had been severely damaged when he turned around and left.

In the view of the timid officers of the Nanyang Allied Fleet, such unfavorable news: the waters north of Lizhou have become extremely dangerous and should not have been passed. This is a strategic mistake. This is Eastern officialdom culture, a must-try.)


The Javanese commander held on until the early morning of the third day, watching the white star light up in the distance of the sea and sky, and the laser beams radiating from the sky.

Under the attack that was like the falling sky of the vast galaxy, the commander looked lonely and chanted: "The journey of the sun and the moon, if you go out of it, the stars will be as brilliant as if you go out of it."

An hour later, the morning sun rose from the east, and a streak of red rose from the sea level to the east, turning golden after leaving the sea.


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