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Chapter 9.79 Battle of the Wild Touch

 On February 5, 2294 in the Qin Tongli calendar, after the main army of Eastern China entered the Arctic Circle from the Command Strait, they won consecutive victories in two battles at Cape Barrow and Mikkelsen Mountain.

March 19. In the Battle of Cape Barrow, the Kirin 4 tanks modified by China Electronics received sufficient environmental redundancy design considerations from China’s technical staff. In the ice and snow, all the tanks were equipped with a special cold-resistant diesel power combination.

Sla's electric team maintained its attendance advantage over Edenia's crispy guardian.

The Guardian's blown-up turret was burning with flames on one side, and the barrel fell on the other side. Within a few minutes, the wind and snow covered it with layers of ice. And in the sky, there were arcs flying around, and straight up and down.

Particle anti-aircraft beam.

Ballistic missiles that seemed weak in front of the dense air and space protection net at low latitudes. As the battlefield shifted to the extremely cold Arctic Circle, due to the inadequacy of Edenia's various interception facilities, the Dongbin generals used tactical missiles to hammer them.

Knocking down these nodes one by one creates good conditions for the concentration of troops.

In each battle in the Arctic Circle, although the number of combat vehicles invested by both sides was less than a thousand, this was the limit of the troops that could be used in the Arctic Circle based on human mechanical technology and transportation.

Larger-scale mechanized troops would be difficult to maintain under various types of harassing firepower.

The Western China Construction Committee will have large-scale construction plans for the Arctic Circle ten years later, but that time should be a time of peace.

Scientific and technological progress is beneficial to the regular army's offensive, and it is also beneficial to the guerrillas' operations behind enemy lines. Smooth transportation lines will benefit both the offensive and defensive sides.

Unmanned automated weapons still have to play a role in the offensive through "soldiers are more valuable and faster", but in the endless interactive movement operations, the requirements for personnel quality are higher.

Commercialism will not mobilize large-scale manpower to carry out construction in places that are supposed to attract blood.

Therefore, in the first half of 2294, the war between China's merchants and Edenia's capital within the Arctic Circle was a battle involving nearly a thousand tanks and hundreds of aircraft under the command of tens of thousands of people in a logistics construction.

After the Battle of Cape Barrow, China's land forces gained land maneuverability in the ice and snow, and Edenia was furious. On Edenia's side, the four-star admiral General Thorns was determined to cooperate with the navy in the Arctic Ocean to launch another attack.


Edenia General Thorns first used a large number of ion beam weapons and light prism tanks to capture Mikkelsen Mountain, and established a land-based particle cannon on the mountain with an equivalent of 400 tons per second and a continuous firing rate of fifteen seconds (

An upgraded version of the proton impact cannon from a hundred years ago). Then they bombed the occupied areas of China in retaliation.

In China, Bai Huanling (this time and space) and Guanyue naturally joined forces in the face of such a provocation.

They held a meeting and solemnly exchanged opinions on joint operations of the air force, surface ships, and underwater formations. The two East Coast sea and land commanders imitated the Western China system in the military model. During wartime, each person in charge

The mechanical watches on the watch have been calibrated (to prevent electronic intrusion). These two commanders have a very thorough understanding of China's modern warfare processes in Dashi, Lihai and other areas in recent years.

That is, under the premise of accurate intelligence, in a very short period of time, through organization and coordination in all aspects, the offensive force uses other fraternal forces to create short-term opportunities, quickly mobilize firepower to suppress, intersperse, and encircle others to severely injure others, in order to achieve strategic goals.

March 29, 9:28 am.

When Edenia's fleet had just smashed through the ice floes on the sea and was preparing to cooperate with the ground, the ground signals were directly interrupted. Even the various central systems of Edenia were cut off by the Chinese information jamming force.

Then Edenia's maritime fleet encountered the third company of the Shenzhou combat system:

1. Gliding warhead projected by the Shenzhou Zhuque maritime attack aircraft;

2. Ramjet missiles launched by heavy battleship electromagnetic gun systems;

3. The sea-skimming torpedo fired by the Hyunwu ballistic missile in the sky. (That is, it flies on the sea for a period of time, and then plunges into the sea when it is close to the target.)

In just half an hour, the sea was filled with smoke, and Edenia's navy retreated from the battlefield in embarrassment, while Shenzhou's magnificent Super Xuanming battleship, which was as magnificent as a sea castle tower, began to support the land campaign.

With the flash of naval guns, more than a hundred kilometers away, the Edenian garrison in the Mikkelsen Mountain area was bombarded and overwhelmed by White Caller's mechanized troops.

Any complex and sophisticated operation requires sincere cooperation.

Everyone in the team realizes that their work is vital to the lives of others, and that other people's work is also vital to their own lives. Only then will they be able to solve problems efficiently.

This kind of consensus was tempered by modern nation-states in the flames of war. It is also the core reason why several developed civilizations that have entered the industrial age are able to suppress underdeveloped areas.

Edenia once had such a spirit. But with the rise of financial giants and the arrogance brought about by unmanned technology, this principle has been forgotten. Therefore, further "faster, denser" military development has always fallen into the trap


When Eastern China was fighting against Western China, they worked hard to gather this belief. Although they are wrong to gather the core now! It cannot withstand falsification, but it is more upright than the weak and crazy Edenia.

But under the enthusiastic charm of the two young generals Guan and Bai, there is such an atmosphere at the core of the headquarters.

April 13th.

In the Battle of Mikkelsen Mountain, White Caller's troops defeated more than 300 enemy tanks and pulled out 16 airfields.

Guanyue sank fifteen battleships, and the remaining thirty-two battleships fled in panic. The news reached the capital, and the new Grand Sima Fu Yuji shouted, "Good luck!" He raised the battle report in his hand and told everyone in the DPRK: "

My dynasty is invincible in the world!"

However, on April 4th, there was no sense of triumph at the forefront of the Arctic Circle.

On board the floating battleship Dongsheng in Shenzhou, the Alaska Legion of Bai Huanling (this time and space) and the legion in the Command Land Corner area where Guan Yue is located held another military meeting.

These two Chinese generals, who have provided the final appearance for the Chinese imperial court, are watching the latest changes in the world.

After China's victory in the Arctic Circle, the Eastern Federation and Edenia officially reached the third Holy Alliance!

In this time and space, the First Holy Alliance was the response of the entire European countries to China's first expansion in the Red Sea region.

The Second Holy Alliance was a response to Soviet Russia in Eastern Europe and the expansion of China's influence in Africa after the Second World War.

The previous two Holy Alliances all had a tendency to target China, so now that the Holy Alliance is being established, China has a clear idea of ​​what to do.

On the screen in front of Guanyue, the latest military intelligence was playing. Ten hours ago -

The Eastern Federation's Molykov successfully completed a breakthrough in the Black Sea area. MiG-57 fighters, in conjunction with Kirov heavy bombers, bombed the Salombas Peninsula. The bombers even desecrated the holy city, which had a serious impact on the entire The Dashi Alliance collectively began to declare war.

A few years ago, when dozens of villages were bombed, the intellectuals in Dashi were not angry but became weak, setting off an anti-war frenzy.

But when the Dongzheng people desecrated the holy land, they really refused to die. So much so that the local intellectuals of Dashi who made such nonsense a few years ago were found out by the angry people and sentenced to death by stoning when they were facing a reckoning in the future.

Guanyue and Bai Huanling, as the Chinese side, conducted a calm strategic analysis and understood that this was just a trick to attack the east and attack the west. Dongzheng was trying to redirect China's strategic attention back to the Tianzhu Ocean region to share the pressure on the Arctic Circle.

The Dongzheng people did not take the bombing of Dashi seriously at all, just like the great powers in those days did not really care about the people's livelihood in the colonies, and they could just glorify it afterwards as "getting freedom".

Now, the upper-level forces in the Dashi area are making frequent moves, hoping to introduce the Chinese Tianzhu Ocean fleet to re-station in key areas.

Regarding this situation, Guanyue shook his head slightly and made this judgment:

The current decision-makers of Dashi may no longer understand the current situation. (Shenzhou Dongbin has not studied the current internal situation of Dashi. The top strong men are already facing a huge crisis.)

At this time, the structure of the Tianzhu Yang region has long since changed. In recent years, China has gradually removed itself from the food region, whether it is social governance or commercial and private affairs.

Regardless of energy or minerals, the geothermal network project in China in recent years and the emerging nano-industrial manufacturing in Lizhou have made up for the operation of the Tianzhu Yang Economic Zone in the absence of food.

Guan Yue drew a big circle on the map of Tianzhu Ocean: For the Shenzhou socialist forces led by Gao Yuan, the Dashi area is no longer as important as it was ten years ago. It is no longer necessary for China to send troops to protect Dashi.

However, the senior officials in the Dashi region did not realize this, and they may still believe that China and Dashi can fight side by side due to their friendship.

Those are all clichés used by the Silk Party when dealing with its superiors. If you really want to believe this, you have watched too many movies.

Similarly, the Dongzheng side is obviously not aware of this. In their understanding, in the past few hundred years, China has been at war with the Double-Headed Eagle Empire, Soviet Russia, and now Dongzheng in the area west of the Tianshan Mountains for hundreds of years. During the war, the Dashi region was attached great importance to, and this time we will go south to divert our attention.

Little did they know that the European Union had completely fallen in this war, the value of the Silk Road had dropped significantly, and China's strategy had shifted to the two oceans.

Bai Huanling added to Guan Yue's insights: "Dongzheng's ignorance of the Dashi area will also intensify the hatred that has existed for hundreds of years. In such a place with an independent culture and development history, it is not good to be tainted with karma.


Although they have different positions in China's transformation, the perspectives of the young factions in Eastern and Western China converge. When analyzing the Arctic Circle Battle, the two generals agreed that Western China would not shift its strategic attention to the southern region.

They can rest assured that their western side will not be detoured from the left by the so-called third Holy Alliance.

But! Even the two new generals explained the strategy so clearly and sent it to the superiors.

Half an hour later, the response given by the Eastern China Court was still puzzling, which was to completely defeat all Edenia's military forces in the northern Quebec region. This strategic goal was too big to be found.

Military operations must serve specific strategic goals.

The court of Eastern China did not give clear strategic goals, only general orders.

[This is similar to when you were a student. Your parents told you to memorize all the English words before going out to play. Instead of explicitly asking you to copy the English words several times before going out to play. The former means that you don’t even think about going out to play.

It’s hard work.]

Bai Huanling frowned: "As a martial artist, I hate the implicit wisdom of literati!"

Because according to the Chinese court's aimless thinking, it can only be a war of attrition. And the two commanders have always hoped to quickly seize the key and resolve the war as soon as possible. Just like the Battle of Talas a hundred years ago, they won

Maximize strategic interests.

The literati's "non-stick pan" routine means that they do not give clear orders, so they do not take responsibility. However, general urging can gain the credit of "well-organized" in victory.

Guan Yue looked at his colleagues who were angry, opened his mouth, and then fell silent.

As a disciple of the royal family, I know the strategy that the Chinese court takes for granted now, which is to require the two of them to fight on the front line, forcing them to fire on all civilian and strategic targets in Edenia within the Arctic Circle, completely reducing the barbarian war here.


How could those moralists personally issue such an unkind order? So it must be the generals on the front line who can make their own decisions

Therefore, it was Bai Qi who killed 400,000 surrendered soldiers, not King Qin Zhaoxiang.

On April 7, two generals who had won a great victory on the frontier asked fifteen questions about the strategic layout of the court. This question sent a chill from the Arctic Circle to the Gonggun princes who were strategizing in the court.


Master Situ, who was born in Donglin, said regretfully: "Hey, the general is domineering."

Think about how majestic the Chinese imperial court was a hundred years ago. During the Battle of Talas, Wei Keng only had some doubts about the imperial court's strategy and was transferred to a casual post after the war. However, now the northern generals have formed a group to disobey orders.

It made literati sigh with emotion: "The floating clouds in the sky are like white clothes, and the beard changes like a gray dog."

However, the newly appointed Grand Sima Fu Yuji knocked on the cover of Zizhi Tongjian and replied angrily: "Some warriors are really stupid, and some are as wise as fools. Great wisdom as foolish as Fan Kuai and Xu Chu, true fools: Cheng Ji and Zhu Yougong." Every time these words are spoken, it is intimidating.

The Donglin faction that originally complained could only remain silent.

There is a saying: The writer of the lyrics is full of curse words without using any curse words, while the readers of history are full of heart-wrenching words.

Kunlun Mountains.

Tang Tianyou is the highest person in charge of the social governance of Western China. He is the current representative of sovereignty and the highest person in charge of the three modules of politics, economics, and military. He is responsible for the current success or failure of the entire Western China. .

Wei Keng has now found him.

After Tang Tianyou visited all the plans that Wei Keng planned to carry out this year in the quantum information cloud, he said firmly: "Almost all the dark sprouts that can sprout in this era have been present and have been cut off."

Tang Tianyou: "Have you ever thought that if the Tao is higher than the demon is higher, all this will come back to life in the future?

Mr. Wei: "Oh, it is certain that the spring breeze will bring new life, but the knife I left behind will be passed down and will be polished by someone all the time.'

After Tang Tianyou was silent for a while:


Tang Tianyou signed the plan, and then Wei Keng left.

Tang Tianyou, in accordance with the planned deployment, found Xu He, Xi Bafang, Shen Zongyun and many other military, aviation and energy chiefs, and arranged the plan.

In this project plan, Wei Keng himself was part of the core team of aerospace warfare affiliated with Shen Zongyun's aerospace department.

April 23rd.

Tang Tianyou issued a notice on the situation in the Arctic Ocean: "In view of the current global situation, China and all parties should understand each other and eliminate differences. The Arctic, as a pure land, should be protected. All parties should suspend military confrontation and carry out military confrontation under the joint supervision of both parties." Regional ceasefire."

This stylized speech is not convincing

I just got a more aggressive response from Edenia's mouthpiece, and it stirred up a wave of waves. But the same words kept coming over and over again:

1. “Edenia is peace-loving.

2. “Not afraid of the threat of war.

3. "If China wants to invade, there will be no return."

Edenia's reaction is predictable. The war has reached this point, and the people there have fallen into hysteria. As for their crazy plan, the upper echelons of Western China have also been mentally prepared.

The notification sent by Western China was actually an attempt to give Guan Yue and Bai Huanling, the two generals of the Dongbin Army, a warning about the strategic area in the Arctic Ocean.

This chapter has been completed!
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