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Chapter 9.88 The sky moves and the earth moves

 After the waverider enters the atmosphere, the curvature of the earth gradually appears.

Wei Keng sensed his position in the cockpit. At this time, the projection in the cabin projected the curvature of the earth and the stars in the sky that he could see into his perception.

Twelve minutes later, it has reached the first highest point of its trajectory, and what will follow is a dive, followed by several bounces at the edge of the atmosphere.

In the small information cockpit, thousands of sets of data are transmitted from the satellite's perspective, hearing, skin, and touch.

The amount of data for such a super aircraft is really huge. Although it is automated and streamlined enough, it still needs to be informed through all human perceptions.

Because the eyes are no longer enough to receive this information, such as the accumulation of heat energy on the aerodynamic shell, it is informed by the sensor through the skin.


When Mr. Wei was flying this aircraft, he reported to the ground control system and the forward air force.

At this historical moment, Wei Keng couldn't help but have some random thoughts.

Wei Keng: "What if the waverider loses control? Will I feel pain when it hits the ground for a moment?"

In this development of the space waverider aircraft, Wei Keng did the most experiments. Especially when an accident occurred that required investigation, Wei Keng, as a psychic, went directly to verify the accident. It can be said that he knew that there was a disaster, but he still had to face it.

The most dangerous one was an experiment last year. When the waverider's descent countdown was cleared and it was about to contact the atmosphere and dive, the air rudder structure was directly stuck.

This danger is too sudden. It can be said that everything was fine before but suddenly gone.

Wei Keng's spiritual energy is so powerful that he can forcibly glue the broken wings together during flight. When encountering such a failure when impacting the atmosphere, there is a possibility that it will disintegrate in an instant and be too late to deal with it.

Fortunately, Wei Keng had a premonition of the danger and used his psychic energy as a repair tool to pry open the dust that blocked the gear, forcing the machine to run, and he was able to land and survive.

Although it was just a crack problem in the processing of titanium alloy materials. It only needed regular sonic inspection and monitoring to solve it. But it was this small problem that cost the previous test pilot his life. Wei Keng had to bear the risk of death.



Now that Tiangang has ascended to heaven and entered into actual combat, Wei Keng is like the Tang Monk who was hardened in ninety-nine and eighty-one.

As a middle-aged man, he climbed into the vanguard of mankind's advance. Accompanied by this most elite force among mankind, he attacked "the fortress that the rulers of the old days boasted of being absolutely safe."

What spirit would this represent in the history of this timeline?

Master Wei cannot describe it in words, but walking with him makes his trip to this world worthwhile. His trip to this plane is worth his while.

After this trip, although Wei Keng still couldn't change his position as a "middle man",

But after this time, Wei Keng can really hold his head high in front of other outstanding time travellers.

Because in this plane, I have participated in magnificent creations, and I no longer have to bow to the so-called great wills of most of the multiverse.


On the aircraft, the system responded: "If an accident occurs, you will return directly, but your psychic energy can reside on all launch hulls and continue to guide the continuation of the Tiangang Battle."

Wei Keng: "Stop joking, provide calculations and confirm coordinates."

August 1, 11:20 am.

The Eastern Hemisphere ushered in the long sword that penetrated the sky. Eastern China was the first to detect this torrent starting from the plateau.

First, sixteen manned waverider rockets took off. Then within five minutes, 4,000 missiles from various areas of the entire Western China, covering more than five million square kilometers of land, took off collectively. And within the next two minutes,

, all entered the predetermined orbit on time, forming a unified wave.

Subsequently, the communication frequency bands above Bei'an were all controlled by the command system of this force. For the spectators around the world——

Even though I don’t know how many people in Western China have mobilized for this moment,

Even though it is not clear, the list of members of the pilot team of the high-altitude guidance missile cluster.

Although it is not yet clear where this torrent will eventually hit.

But today I had a shocking glimpse, which was like thunder to my soul.


Fu Youji looked at the scene of thousands of swords returning to the clan on the radar observation map sent from space, and stood up tremblingly. His lips trembled for a few seconds and then said: "As soon as this sword comes out, all the hearts of the world will be killed!"

The literati's heart-breaking work is like an article, so that there is no morality to unite one party, internal suspicion, and no joint force.

The purpose of a warrior is to sacrifice his own blood and life to reveal the ways in which the unscrupulous party can continue to deceive the world.

But now, the people of Western China have reunited their determination in the past thirty years to forge this divine sword, which is to tell the noises who unanimously deny themselves that the false things you have piled up are not as good as they are worthy!

The literary style flourishes in the south of the Yangtze River, the noble spirit of kindness and nobility is cultivated in the Bohai Sea, and the business intelligence of Zhuguang grows. How can we usurp the reputation of China?

Today is not as simple as the past thirty years when we turned our backs to the sky and worked hard with our hands.


At 11:30, Tiangang's drilling of Edenia in Bei'an Group began.

It was determined from Disha observation that there are sixty-three combat groups and one thousand six hundred core command nodes in Beibei, the world island, all in the system.

Before Idenia could wait for the land-based particle cannon of the savior-level mecha on the ground, anti-matter beams wrapped in a magnetic field sheath preemptively landed in the sky, blinding the entire land-based mecha. Then the bases of these bases

The core command post was penetrated into the core by two to three waverider ballistic missiles like precise flying knives.

These missiles didn't even have a high explosive yield. And with each hit, the entire top commander in the base was wiped out.

At 11:42, after penetrating the northern coast of the World Island, the Waverider Group arrived over the Arctic Ocean.

What was targeted at this time was Edenia's fifty-three command ships. Those metal giants made of giant Bethlehem crystals were not within the attack range. To attack them, they would have to behead their senior personnel.

In today's pre-interstellar industrial era dominated by business and private interests, killing one general and destroying a business colony is more effective in curbing war than annihilating an entire army. (Just like in the world media in modern times, the death of three thousand people in the Twin Towers of Commerce and Trade, It’s more “painful” than the death of hundreds of thousands of people in the food area.)

The root cause of the world war is that when the leaders in the rear are too safe, they increasingly ignore the cost of war.


In the Arctic Ocean, under the protection of many frigates, the Edenia battleship at the core of the fleet still ignited a fire. The missiles poured in from space directly shattered the ship island, and also shattered these Edenia ships since the war began. A casual war game where the generals enjoy coke and lobster.

It destroyed its main ship, but did not destroy other battleships. There was only a wisp of smoke on the sea level, and many battleships were on alert with their lights on.

From the outside, it looked like there was just a shipboard accident, nothing serious. But the entire radio wave was filled with confusion.

In the atmosphere of those in Edenia who have been unable to be serious all year round and are paralyzed by hip-hop culture, this earth-shattering situation is now beyond the upper limit of what their brains, which are smoked by hemp leaves, can accept.

The lower-level soldiers in Edenia were asked to "hurry up", but they couldn't help but feel that their superiors were "too nervous".

Because those who died today are not the kind of people who "plant countless stars and stripes in the cemetery", but the group of gentlemen who have always been "taking their time and taking things easy" in the past.

This panic crossed the North Pole, spread through communications, and quickly reached the United States and Canada.


In the sky above Ottawa, Jason stared at the interception of his own air defense network.

The anti-missile network that once acted like an iron wall against long-range missiles was as powerless as medieval militiamen facing the impact of plate-armored heavy cavalry.

This time, Shenzhou launched an intercontinental missile on a large scale, with great momentum all the way, penetrating directly into the inland.

From 11:55 to 12:00, in just five minutes, Greenland Island and the 600 nodes in the Arctic Circle area of ​​​​Gagasei all turned off the lights on Edenia's central command chart.

But now, this force is heading directly towards the air defense net where Jason is stationed.

"Target found!!"

"Start interception!"

"Unable to lock,"

"Radar is under attack!!"

"Evacuate, you must evacuate!"

There was chaos in the operation hall. Jason looked at the flashing red alarm behind him and smiled in his armor. As the savior, he should accept the tribulation on the "cross".

Then, you need to be resurrected a week later. (Consciousness seizes the body of modern Jason)

Jason closed his eyes and activated "Spontaneous Combustion". In the last few seconds after being hit by the missile, his spiritual energy spread. Almost instantly, Jason was stunned in the original time and space in Europe, feeling that his spiritual energy had gained a Abundant supply sources came in, allowing his spiritual energy to begin to increase significantly.

However, before he could realize what the conspiracy was, the influx of spiritual energy had already been completed.


At 12:04 on August 1, 2294 in the Qin Dynasty, Edenia was annihilated at the center of the combat group in the Arctic Circle of the United States and Canada.

At the moment when all radars and anti-aircraft firepower were blinded, three missiles from the sky accurately hit one place, penetrated an area of ​​80 meters underground, and detonated a proton fusion bomb with a yield of 1,200 tons.

Edenia's invading troops were annihilated.

This wave of Shenzhou's waverider command boat also penetrated the Caribbean area, began to return along the Pacific Ocean, and finally landed in the waters cleared by Lizhou's maritime power.

The four pilots and all sixteen waverider spacecraft returned. On the deck of the maritime ground-effect vehicle, security personnel carried the victorious pilots out on stretchers and covered them with red silk-bottomed and gold-dragon-patterned cloths.

Tiangang is over, but the battle is still going on.



When Tiangang soared, Beiling, Command Land, and large-scale space-time shuttle operations began under the coordination of the Da Zhoutian satellite group.

The 365 golden armors were divided into 60 groups. After Tiangang beheaded them, they directly broke into the Eden Army without a command system.

Tiangang's blow was fatal, so that the various departments in Edenia have not yet felt the seriousness of the situation.

And the golden armor that followed immediately made him feel frightened.

When the huge golden armor was able to enter the fire range against the quantum field, Bethlehem Technology's tank artillery was like an egg hitting a stone.

This 20-meter-tall golden man seemed not to be made of materials on the earth. Whether it was an anti-tank gun or a missile, the gaps were just depressions in the virtual space. These depressions soon became like crystal mud, under the influence of force.

Recovered off the field.

The ion sword held high by the golden armor swung across a range of 300 meters, and all large tanks were cut off. Even the "Redeemer" robot collapsed in the ship cut.

The ejection beams of the 'Paladin' paladin-class light energy tanks guarding near the airport are like incident glass, emitting countless small beams of light and scattering around, but they are unable to kill the golden armor.

The golden armor threw out ions, destroying Edenia's air-ground technology armor group in pieces. It was like sweeping away a group of plastics.


At 12:22, a broadcast appeared in the public communication of the Shenzhou battlefield: "I can defeat the army alone."

This slogan comes from the legendary performance of a golden-armored pilot in China in the last world war.

But now, all the golden armor teams on the northern shore of the World Island, as if they were in an uninhabited land, hacked in and out of the armored clusters in Edenia.

Of course, to achieve this effect, tactics must be accurately calculated. As long as the golden armor operator does not face the firepower attack of fifty armors at the same time, then the golden armor's "spiritual interlocking" will not be broken.

The golden armor team cooperated with each other, just like King Qin walked around the pillars, moving along these black fortresses condensed with Bethlehem's minerals. They swung past with one sword after another.


These groups are all opening unparalleled numbers.

After the golden armors defeated the anti-aircraft firepower, they then summoned the space-based ion beam firepower (Xihe Jinguang) behind them to burn. The large swath of lightly armored mechas dissipated instantly.

This kind of space-based particle weapon has been hidden in the past. Because it has anti-space-based firepower, it is not necessary to turn it into a disposable asset.

But now the sky is swinging like a grate, and Edenia's anti-missile network has been destroyed. These space ion beams, combined with the golden armor on the ground, have become a unilateral suppression.

Right in front of the golden armor impact, the magnificent beam of light descending from space is completing the task of advancing firepower. In front of the Allied tanks, it can be said that the golden armor is still there, with golden lines hanging down over these tens of thousands of kilometers.

Down, like ants on the earth.


At 12:34, the Gengyin group with Xi Bafang as the command center was the first to kill Edenya's Flying Tiger Division.

The remaining commander of the Eden Ya Fei Tiger Division fled directly in a stealth tank. After the non-commissioned officers below could not find their commander to command, they raised the tank muzzle elevation to the highest level and began to surrender. At this time, many of the entire unit stopped.

The weapons and equipment on the field have not been deployed yet.

Within an hour, other divisions also collapsed one after another. Shenzhou's air transport planes arrived in the areas captured by Jubingwu and quickly received these prisoners. Most of the prisoners were already sluggish and decadent. They were beaten by the golden armor.

What’s more, after taking drugs caused morale to be shattered, the drugs brought back the side effects of decadence and depression.

At 3:23 pm, the last maritime stronghold along the coast of Beibei, the world island, collapsed.

The battleships anchored here faced at least fifteen golden-armored units rushing into the harbor and performing caesarean sections. The fleet finally surrendered.

Edenia no longer has any military presence in the Arctic Circle.


On Kunlun Mountain, in the Gonghe High Command, it is 3:20 pm.

When the detailed information about the entire northern territory being recaptured came here, even though the people here were already sure of victory and had some expectations of the outcome, after confirming such a result, they still completely released their suppressed cheers.

The situation in this universal war has been settled since then, and everything is safe.

If you change the day, you won't be disturbed again.

Today's "Gonghe" is destined to not be the "Xialian" of the past.

All the incomplete obstacles created a hundred years ago have been removed one by one today.


Amidst this joy, Tang Tianyou was in contact with Wei Keng from Lizhou.

Tang Tianyou: "You have seen this scene today."

Wei Keng looked at this excited guy, was stunned, and said with a smile: "I'm not a dead person, don't talk to me in this tone of 'I will tell you all the family sacrifices'."

Tang Tianyou took a breath and said, "Yes, I just wanted to tell those people a hundred years ago about these results, but now I can only find you."

Wei Keng calmed down his expression and nodded solemnly: "Yes, it has been a hundred years. The dreams of many people back then have come true today, but! We are far from finished."

Tang Tianyou: "Next, it's time for Guan to abdicate."

Wei Keng: "Let's finish the foreign war first. Also, it's best not to ask me anymore."

Tang Tianyou: "Well, you are right. I am also preparing to transfer the power to my successor. The last sword will be wielded by the newcomers of this era."

This chapter has been completed!
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