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Chapter 403 Chapter 93 Separation, separation, going

 In the downtown area of ​​Xijing, on the pedestrian street, grass grows among the plastic bricks.

Groups of children were playing around. They used rubber blocks everywhere to build their own castles, or they picked up sandbags and simulated snowball fights with each other.

Of course, senior students have to be responsible for maintaining order among these half-grown children.

This kind of atmosphere in the countryside where people play together in the river was a rare phenomenon in cities controlled by commercialism 20 years ago. On the contrary, it is very common for pet dogs to wander around.

A "space for little bears to have fun" is not because children in the city don't need it, but because it is not "economical" enough.

Children's activities require space and occasionally cause some damage. In a city where land is at a premium and governance is guided by the batons of business and private sectors, how can one leave a chance for something that has no short-term returns?

Business and private associations encourage you to put your love on pets, and at the same time create a social stigma of "children between the ages of seven and sixteen playing around". Because pets have a maintenance economy, while children between the ages of seven and sixteen only have an education economy.


Rural children like to cuddle together very much. In fact, this phenomenon of children cuddling together will also occur in the courtyards of large enough units.

In private business, if everything is oriented toward interests, there is no room for "good intentions" to be based on the interests of the people's real needs.

Now, when city managers improve social governance, large shopping malls and sacrificial places such as Chenghuang Temple are uniformly arranged to the corners of the city. (Everyday restaurants, barber shops and other individual businesses without "shares" are not included in the migration.


This kind of planning reduces overheated commercial properties, alleviates 30% of traffic jams, and optimizes residence and production without changing the existing layout of the city.

Oh, after all, the most congested areas are schools, parks, and shopping malls. As a new management government that has completely collected taxes digitally, there is no need to be used to the excess of large shopping malls in the city.

Children after the Fourth World War grew up in an environment completely different from the past.


Zhao Mulan is a high school student born in 1980, and her childhood was completely spent in the world war. Children who grew up in this generation have grown up under the influence of discipline since childhood.

Today Zhao Mulan is maintaining order among these children.

At the age of fifteen, she needed an assessment of her moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical qualities. So when she came here, she had to take care of these noisy children.

She originally wanted to teach children how to fold paper, but it had no use.

However, today she was still doing the seemingly useless maintenance of order as usual, but she saw that the children had paper airplanes in their hands.

"Where did the paper airplane come from?" She was a little surprised.

But as a few hours passed, she found that the children had more and more paper stacks in their hands, and they began to have very beautiful paint on them. She thought she wanted to ask.

Zhao Mulan: "Xiaohong, where did the plane in your hand come from?"

The little girl held the pink flying crane in a sweet voice and said, "That uncle gave it to me!"

Zhao Mulan: "Where?"

Zhao Mulan looked around, and there was no visible male in the clear sky.

Girl: "That uncle by the pool, he is folding Wang Can!"

Zhao Mulan paused and locked eyes on the little boy named Wang Can. This little boy was indeed jumping by the pool, walking along the dotted line along the steps of the pool, but he still couldn't see the so-called uncle.


After letting the little girl go, she sat upright and looked at Wang Can. The little boy ran away, but soon a robot with a stack of paper appeared in his hand.

Zhao Mulan, who was very curious about mysterious things, walked over, but found nothing.

I felt a little strange and shook my head.

However, in the afternoon, as she was in a daze for a few minutes, she suddenly saw a figure, which gradually materialized like a mirage.

She rubbed her eyes.

Then, the man seemed to realize that she was watching and smiled at her.

Then the body exuded a gleaming light. As the light passed little by little, the shadow became more and more dull. Zhao Mulan opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene.

What she saw was Wei Keng's last moment in this world.


After Wei Keng adjusted the frequency of psychic energy fluctuations to be consistent with the background fluctuations of macrons on the earth, he began to annihilate it.

Unlike most demonic psykers in the world, they end up with a burst of psychic flames like a torch.

Wei Keng's annihilation process was extremely peaceful. First, he disappeared from the perspective of 90% of people. Only children could see it.

When Wei Keng folded the paper for the children, 70% of the quality had actually been eliminated, and only his hands and eyes were still 100% real.

Most of the bodies the children saw were semi-psychic beings.

In the final stage, when Zhao Mulan saw Wei Keng, 99.999% of the mass of her body had disappeared. At the last moment of sublimation of carbon-based energy, only the light and shadow of the last energy state remained...

The reason why Zhao Mulan was able to meet Wei Keng was because some of her mental frequencies were similar - they were both lonely, silently in a daze.

Zhao Mulan was stunned for a moment, watching a person just disappear. She mustered up the courage to walk forward, and when she came to the place, she found that there was nothing.

She was in a daze for a while. After a while, she suddenly realized that her surroundings seemed too still. When she came back to her senses, time and space began to flow around her.

[As the closest witness when Wei Keng was annihilated, Zhao Mulan inherited part of the Jie Hongzi wave. This wave gave her the ability to slow down the flow of time and space. Of course, time and space will only stagnate when she is in a daze.

, she currently has no control over it.】


However, Zhao Mulan didn't know that Wei Keng's spiritual energy was annihilated at the last moment, leaving magnificent fluctuations in the Disha system.

Centered on the moon, the time recorded by atomic clocks within a radius of 150 kilometers was first three seconds slower than atomic clocks in other parts of the world, and then three seconds faster.

In terms of energy diffusion, this is much larger than the energy released by Omega's annihilation on the earth, but this release is as smooth as a light shining.



The Hetu Base Center received the last communication from Wei Keng. This communication was a three-dimensional projection message.

Tang Tianyou looked at this final Jie Hongzi projection scene.

In the pedestrian street park in Xijing, Wei Keng looked up at the sky, then stared here and said slowly: "It is my honor to experience the years with you. But there is always a banquet in the world, please keep moving forward.

Let's go, I will meet you in the future time and space.

Maybe it was a hundred years, maybe it was a thousand years. When civilization was close to the stars and still extremely enlightened, and I could be free and invisible to everyone, I was there at that time."

After Shen Zongyun and others watched the last scene of Wei Keng disappearing, they remained silent.

After a long time, a space-time person said: "He is telling us that we are going to leave in the future."

Xu He: "First overthrow the imperial system of this generation. The present generation has already reached its 90th anniversary. If we do not go through the last step, we will have reached only half a hundred years. As time goes by, some people's peace and harmony will remain unresolved for decades.

Then we have to fight another war of change.”

Tang Tianyou: "This matter will wait a moment." This sentence made everyone turn around suddenly.

Seeing the young people looking at him unceremoniously, Tang Tianyou smiled: "This last step requires you to take it, and it's time for me to step back. The glory of this era should not be grabbed by people from the old era.

.I am getting old. What happens next depends on you."

Tang Tianyou put forward the plan for the adjustment of the new leadership team of the United Nations.

In this plan, all people over the age of sixty, including Tang Tianyou, must be removed from the camp within the next two years.


Tang Tianyou was ready to stop caring about world affairs. This was the last move he left to the world when he had a detailed discussion with Wei Keng.

The old leadership team had to deal with the old business and private groups due to the flexibility of past struggles.

Even Wei Keng used to have constant Tai Chi fights with the Silk faction. Now the socialist faction has the upper hand, so interpersonal relationships have become a burden. If it is still occupied by the old team, it will inevitably be a human debt that hinders progress.

After all, it is human nature to turn against former colleagues and classmates during changes, and it is extremely rare.

Xi Bafang is one, and Xu He is also one. They fell out with all their classmates and lived alone for many years before Tiangang. After Tiangang, their family became lively, but the door was closed tightly.

But even so, according to Tang Tianyou's plan, they will have to take a back seat within five years.

The new protagonists who come to power have no human baggage. Next, they can kill the monarchy, aristocratic families, businessmen and private individuals!

Those who grew up under the red flag were not beholden to the old times and could be selfless.


Tang Tianyou looked at the comrades and said slowly: "Wei Xin told me that before dealing with the group of people in the east, we should not rush or take it slow, that is, we must eradicate it. Out of an attitude of being responsible for history, we will do it.

After you finish what you need to do, let it go."

After seeing Wei Keng's annihilation, Tang Tianyou, a Taoist, realized that "Tao follows nature."

The people present hesitated a little, but in the end, Wei Zaocu said: "The middle-level promotions have almost been completed in the past two years, so let's proceed like this."


When Wei Keng was annihilated, he was on the other side of the earth.

In the sacred and complex "Vacuum Shrine" full of Japanese technology, Bai Zhaodi's hand holding Xueqi suddenly fell down and looked at the news in disbelief.

After repeated confirmations, she felt a little lost and asked the space-time system: "Are you just leaving like this?"

On the system interface, Yan Beixiang said perfunctorily: "Yes, it has ascended. With perfect merit and virtue, it has ascended to Daluo, beyond the Three Realms and not among the Five Elements."

Bai Zhaodi couldn't help but worry: "He left, what about me?"

Yan Beixiang: "You? It's still early. You have to continue working here for another hundred years."

Bai Zhaodi asked hesitantly, "Can I ascend?" - Wei Keng, an honest man, was no longer here, and Bai Zhaodi was a little panicked when facing the system.

Yan Beixiang: "Oh, you, you have to work hard. If it were so easy to ascend, heaven would be like a pig farm."

Then Yan Beixiang clicked on Bai Zhaodi's mission plan in this time and space.

It is necessary to carry out in-depth industrial development in Africa and Latin America and establish modern transportation, industry, urbanization, and industrial consensus.


For China, the Inanimate Religion is a product of the limitations of the old era. But for Africa and Latin America today, it is progressive.

For these backward and civilized areas, this is an organizational form that can widely unite the grassroots. If developed properly at present, it will have a positive effect.

Yan Beixiang continued to strike at the frowning Bai Zhaodi: "You don't think that asking you to form a religion is just cosplaying with the Buddha, right? It's superficial!

When mainstream civilization is about to advance into the space age, if underdeveloped civilizations still lag behind in communication, it will have a hindrance effect on mainstream interstellar civilization.

Please refer to the history for details. What did Wusheng Laomu's hometown do in the history of China?"

Bai Zhaodi said in a complicated tone: "Rebel?"

Yan Beixiang: "What is the effect of rebellion?"

Bai Zhaodi: "Thousands of miles away, all life is in ruins."

Yan Beixiang: "The standard answer is that it severely damaged the dynastic rule at that time! It shook the foundation of feudal landlord rule."

In the history of the main world: Compared with the major civilizations in the world, the peasant uprising in the East is not the same concept as other civilizations in terms of scale and destructive power.

The White Lotus Uprising showed that even without the leadership of aristocratic factions, the middle and lower classes can still possess strong organizational power. This is completely different from the serfs who resisted with dung forks in the European feudal system.

As for this kind of intangible civilization asset, officials in the old era were reluctant to record it directly, but it did play a role as the cornerstone of civilization. It can be said that without resistance, there would be no benevolent government!

In China, even if the business and private classes have bribed all the scholars and the upper class, they still face bottom-up "water can capsize a boat."

On the system interface, Yan Beixiang held a textbook comment on ancient Chinese history and "rebel philosophy" to Bai Zhaodi Anli.

Yan Beixiang; "After Western commercialism gained dominance, the resistance from the lower classes was still the same as in the Middle Ages. It was small, scattered, and not large-scale. After the minority interest groups bought all the intellectuals, scholars, and media, they

You can boldly manipulate public sentiment and use conspiracies and lies to establish rule."

Speaking of which.

Yan Beixiang sang a promise: "The mortal world is like a prison, all living beings are suffering, reincarnation is endless, and sorrows are endless. Take pity on me, the world, there is a god descending from the sky, I am an old mother who has no life, and my hometown is empty."

The "core competitiveness" of the Sanyang Tribulation is not to create gods, but to promote the great calamity.

The Chinese people must worship no matter what god they see. But the rulers have instituted too many rituals and created too many saintly rules, forcing everyone to kowtow all the time——

The people at the bottom of China cannot stand upright and are getting more and more tired. They need a god to take away all the gods and return to the vacuum.

This is the reason why the Vacuum Sect has been repeatedly banned in the past dynasties. Because it caters to the broad needs of the broad masses of the middle and lower classes."

Bai Zhaodi was pointed out by Yan Beixiang.

If she wants to ascend, she must take away all the gods within the current range of Shengyang.

Bai Zhaodi now summarized the resources she currently had. Three of the fifteen generals in Shengyang believed in her. The military factories and maritime warships she controlled were considerable forces.

But it seems that these powers are not enough at the moment. - The upper-level ruling class of Shengyang is sitting on its buttocks, and it is impossible to promote the catastrophe.

The only force that drives the catastrophe is the lower class, who are suppressed by various ethical rules.

It is necessary to complete the organizational strength at the lower level and at the same time be able to master weapons and armor.


In the mind of time and space, Bai Linglu, who was about to go home for the holidays, saw Yan Beixiang successfully controlling Bai Zhaodi, who was improving his performance. He smiled and said to his subordinate: "Okay, that's about it. Don't reveal the truth."

Only then did Yan Beixiang realize that the leader was behind him and put away the "The Legend of the White Lotus Saint" that he had planned and prepared.

Yan Beixiang: "Mr. Bai, you're here. Well, are you going back too?"

Bai Linglu: "Yes, there is no eternal banquet in the world. The time and space mission here has been completed, and everyone has to go their separate ways."

For a long time, Yan Beixiang and most of the time and space supervisors had not had a good impression of Bai Linglu, their boss, because they liked to paint cakes and boss around.

But when the separation came, I started to feel a little sad.

Bai Linglu said: "The contradiction between time and space is getting bigger and bigger. The third plane war may happen in recent years."

Yan Beixiang was stunned and asked cautiously: "What about Wei Keng?"

After such a long mission, she has a deep understanding of Wei Keng's temperament. If Wei Keng also joins this plane war, the intensity of the battle will be beyond imagination.

The king level is a super deterrent. And Wei Keng is the most unique category.

Bai Linglu said: "Don't worry, I won't let him get involved in this war. The peak of the Pandora plane has passed, and development will resume there."

This chapter has been completed!
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