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Chapter 10.26 The Yellow River water merges from north to south

In the 161st year of the Pandora calendar, as the steam train passed through the Qinling Mountains and completed the shuttle along the railway between Chang'an and Hanzhong, Hanzhong and Qin were connected.

When humans in both places came into contact with each other, they were all a little stunned by the other's reaction, and they were adjusting their strategies for each other.

The youth groups of the Five-Color Alliance came up with a full list of supplies, confirmed that the person in charge of the unification area had approved them all, and all "steam engines," "food," "building materials," and professionals would be allocated to their posts before the end of the year.

These simple northern youths shouted happily. However, the accepting people in the unified cutting area saw the detailed usage plan attached to this list, as well as the ability to start production within half a year after receiving the materials, and ensured the basic

The supply of raw materials is stable, and it feels too relaxed!

In particular, the cadres in the Yishui area were used to seeing the upper echelons of the city-states led by Jianye in the south wrangling on certain basic tasks, so they felt a little too relaxed when they encountered this "extraordinary situation" in the north.

The unified area does not care about materials. With today's productivity, per capita industrial production resources are extremely rich.

For example, at the end of the ancient colonial era, the United States was able to export food and energy to the outside world on a large scale for a long time in the first two hundred years because of its abundant resources.

The current per capita resources in the unified area are dozens of times those in the early days of the founding of the American Empire. Now it is enough to raise the city-states of the Five Color Alliance and Jianye.

What the unification area lacks is talent, and the most important strategic goal of all human and material support is to unify the area.

Defeating means defeating the enemy. Reunifying means integrating into a system of unity and cooperation.

In fact, the north does not lack basic resources. What it lacks is the ability to organize and integrate. For example, the Qin region has a large number of former mines and rivers. The staff of the northern expedition in these areas have a headache on how to do these tasks.

The original plan was to organize tens of thousands of cadres to enter the area to collect information in detail. In order to prevent risk incidents during the collection process, tens of thousands of military personnel were prepared to scan the area in two to three years.

But I never expected that there would be cross-regional progressive forces in the North to cooperate with the unification campaign.

The city-state forces in the Yangtze River Basin, headed by Jianye in the south, have the capital to engage in small-scale peasant regional economy and the Wubao system. Although the scale of economic exchanges is extensive, cultural exchanges are loose. The lower-class residents across a river basin do not even interact with each other until they die, and each village often faces each other.

Fighting for water. The resulting dialects are slightly different in different places. On the contrary, due to natural disasters in the north, refugees move, and cultural interaction is stronger.

The young people in the North took the initiative to send hydrological data, as well as the population and economic conditions of each city-state, and highlighted the brick kilns, coal mining sites, and iron ore accumulation zones that are currently close to the city-state and can be restored.


On February 1, 162, a new batch of urban construction teams from the conquered area entered the area and began to restore the ruins of Xijing under the noses of the local city-states in preparation for rebuilding the city-state.

During this process, the actions of unifying the area were not blocked by the region.

Of course, there is no way to stop it. In the past few months, as 59 mechas and light tanks have wiped out the remaining communities on the plains, even the most conservative city-state owners in Qinchuan have clearly realized that times have changed.


After determining the gap in power of the times, the people with lofty ideals in the Yellow River Basin temporarily left the old antiques behind and took the initiative to contact the commanding areas.

In March, the unified expedition area initially completed the cleaning work of three roads in Qinland, which showed the determination of the local area. A large number of young people in the north actively joined in, preparing to participate in the battle to recapture Xijing.

At this time, the local forces in Qin also saw the situation clearly and hoped to negotiate with representatives from the conquered area.


The vehicle Zhao Feng was riding in was escorted by the local mechanical beast knights from Qinchuan to the vicinity of Lishan Mountain.

This is the first emperor's mausoleum in Chinese history. Due to its good sealing structure, it was still well preserved even in times of biological disasters.

Zhao Feng met Chen Changluo.

In his first impression, Zhao Feng felt that he was a middle-aged man who was elegant on the outside but deep on the inside.

Chen Changluo also looked at this energetic young man who took off his helmet and wore colonial uniforms and equipment. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "The commanding area is indeed very powerful."

Whether a force thrives or declines depends on whether young people have yang energy. And where does yang energy come from? It is not a top-down moral education of young people, nor is it the wolf nature caused by mutual competition.

Rather, in a fair and just environment, hard work will be rewarded. Do justice and help others without looking forward or backward.

[The natural yang that can be illuminated by the sun is naturally yin when blocked by various shadows.]

Zhao Feng, judging from his resume, he is from a very ordinary family in the conquered area. If he insists on saying that it is special, he grew up in Hengyang. And families like Hengyang account for 90%. Even if the center is a bit special and full of life, it is also

Enough to wipe out the entire north.

Chen Changluo has also met young people from other command areas. How should I put it? Compared with the young people from the Five Color Alliance, they are always bolder.

The men in the north are also passionate, and they are also ambitious people who shout "Yellow River". However, when compared with the young people in the unified area, they are always a little less confident. Because knowledge records and excellent inheritance systems represent "culture", this can also make them

The strength to convince people.

Chen Changluo was from the same era as Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang, and was from the same era as Zhen Xin.

Speaking of "gloomy", Wei Keng looked much gloomier than Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang, who were all in the dyeing vat of the times ten years ago.

For example, Zhen Xin was introverted and not good at words. After being rejected by Qiu Mengfei, he became too embarrassed to speak.

But when it was extended to the next generation, Wei Keng taught them, and all of them moved forward bravely and were full of yang energy.

From 140 to 160 years in Pandora, Wei Keng sucked away the "yin" of the entire era, leaving behind warmth.

Therefore, if Chen Changluo asked Wei Keng this doubt in front of him, he would get a weird response from Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "You want young people to be positive because no one can help you. No one is willing to exchange their efforts for praise from others. So you think young people are dark."

Bai Linglu concluded: The positive attitude of young people in the Tongfu District is because there is enough margin for their growth. As for future guidance, if it is wrong, try to remind them not to let them try, and only if it is correct, let them try boldly.

——Their efforts can be rewarded, so they become more masculine.

Wei Keng knows that he is dark. This may be the result of training in modern times.

When I was a teenager and didn't want to study, I received mainstream responses from society, such as "Be brave enough to make your own choices" and "Success does not necessarily require studying." These subtle hints persuaded you to give up your efforts.

Young people are encouraged to "be bold in starting a business and step out of their comfort zone."

And when entering society, we are accused not to be indifferent, but to be helpful and courageous to help the elderly and the weak. However, all these so-called positive guidance do not cover the whole story.

In the end, when Mr. Wei faced these "no credibility guarantees" encouragement, he would only respond in a dark way: "Ah, yes, yes, yes."

But Mr. Wei never wants the people after him to be like this. Therefore, he will leave the remaining warm noodles to the innocent next generation, and when they grow up, he will continue to wrap them in shells to prevent those 'endothermic' creatures with cold hands.

People come to show their enthusiasm.


During the meeting, Wei Keng looked at these guys in the north through mind language transmission.

Once Zhao Feng is in danger, Mr. Wei's special forces will directly parachute over to ensure the safety of the negotiators in the command area.

After all, in recent times, the Five Colors Alliance's rhetoric has become more and more sharp, and Chen Changluo is from the Five Colors Alliance. Mr. Wei has to prevent the "True Xinzheng" incident from happening to the boy he is optimistic about.

The unification talks between Zhao Feng and Chen Changluo lasted for five hours, and the two sides reached a number of agreements.

In the agreement, the youth organization of the Five Color Alliance acquiesced in the construction activities of the unified control area in the Guanzhong Plain.

Chen Changluo, who was in his forties or fifties, vaguely gave a guarantee that Mr. Wei regarded as a blank check, that is: as long as Xijing was restored to the command zone, its legality in the Guanzhong Plain would be acquiesced.

As for this guarantee, not to mention Wei Keng, Sun Xiangyang and other crew members, all saw that most of the regulations promised by these city-state officials were verbal checks.

But if the Tongfu District can restore Xijing, then there will be no need for their recognition.

Xijing, as the transportation center of the Guanzhong area, has a natural ability to absorb surrounding resources and manpower.

And right now, the Tongfu District's clean-up work in Xijing has integrated more than half of the youth in the five city-states into its own organization.

During the day, these young people learned how to operate colonial clothing and steam engines from the Tongfa District. In the evening, they took spiritual language classes, mathematics, physics, and natural science popularization, and ideological classes.

In this process of rebuilding Qin civilization, the conquering area has essentially taken control of local personnel.

Is it still necessary for Chen Changluo of the Five Color Alliance to recognize the ‘legitimacy’?

Moreover, he waited until Xijing recovered completely before admitting it. But is he worthy?

This is equivalent to the fact that everyone on our side is rushing in front of him with bayonets. At this time, he raises the white flag and says that he is revolting in front of the battle. Who can't see that this is actually a surrender?

Mr. Wei secretly commented on Chen Changluo: Compared with the group of people in the Five-Color Federation, he is considered a new faction and relatively aware of current affairs. But you must not call him a comrade.

Although he is now more progressive than the conservative faction of the Five Color Alliance, leading the new youth in the north who are seeking change, he still cannot escape the bureaucracy of the old era.

Habitually, he hopes that others will charge, and after the results are achieved, he calmly stands in line, euphemistically called a leader.

This kind of people belong to the "Fat Man Li" category during the period of violent transformation in history.

Wei Keng: For this kind of person, we must stabilize him and prevent him from jumping back. But we must not place our hopes on him, let alone let him become the only and irreplaceable collaborator. Find a few more and

For people in a similar situation to him, be prepared to get rid of him and still find other people's multiple-choice questions.


Mr. Wei dialed Peng Haitao through the system.

In a certain earthen house on the territory of the Five Color Alliance, in front of an old mechanical beast, Peng Haitao was hesitating about which plug-in to install. At this time, Peng Haitao was a little embarrassed when faced with the sudden communication from his senior.

It's as embarrassing as running away from home, eating dirt, and being asked "how are you doing outside" by your parents who were protecting you before?

For Peng Haitao, whatever he chooses, no matter how unpalatable it is, he still has to study it happily.

However, after the call on China Unicom, Wei Keng did not dwell on this issue, but praised Peng Haitao for being in the north.

Peng Haitao was confused. Faced with Wei Keng's praise, he muttered in his heart: "Did I do a good job?"

But Wei Keng then asked him for help, which made Peng Haitao really proud.

The favor that Mr. Wei asked Peng Haitao to help was very simple, that is, in the past few years, he had been preparing to take over Chen Changluoban.

Wei Keng: "Don't worry, I'm not trying to kill him. I'm not that shady. What I want is for you to play a role, understand? You are a time traveler, how can you follow the natives for the entire mission? You have to make the decision."

Provoked by Master Wei, Peng Haitao's ambition was aroused. It can also be said that he has a wolfish nature.

The rapid advance of the unification zone in the north shocked the contact parties of the Five Color Alliance.

In the eyes of Mr. Wei, "Chen Changluo" is just a slightly enlightened upper class of the city-state, neither friend nor enemy, and can be united. But in the eyes of the talkative people of the Five Color Alliance, who are stuck at both ends, Chen Changluo is a standard young man.

Chen Changluo's formation, in 160, brought a large amount of fuel and machinery resources from the Five Color Federation to build the Qinchuan Defense Line.

Back then, Chen Changluo had worked hard on these constructions. The five steam cities in Qin Dynasty closed the city gates tightly, cleaned the city walls and ditches, and cut down all the surrounding trees to resist defense.

During the Qinling Fire, a large number of biomes were running wildly on the Guanzhong Plain. Although these cities had no conditions to fight, the fuel injectors burned out a large number of biomes that tried to attack the city.

After watching the battle, the special commissioners of the Five-Color Alliance at the time also praised Chen Changluo for his sincerity. He hoped that the northward advance of the unified expedition area would also be effectively blocked.

However, in the blink of an eye, as the conquered area entered Qinchuan, these five cities opened their doors to welcome the "King's Master"?

Note: When the command area entered Qinchuan, why did the special commissioner of the Five Color Alliance disappear? Some people suspected that he was killed directly by Chen Changluo.

The conservative mechanics on the Five Colors Alliance were afraid of directly confronting the mechanical regiments in the command area. So they chose to retreat to the rear as a "solid backing." They were counting on Chen Changluo to charge. No wonder Chen Changluo turned around and sold the Five Colors


The Tongfu District did not subsequently attack these five cities, let alone settle in them. However, all five cities used materials from the Tongfu District, and the young people also lived in the camps of the Tongfu District.

The supplies that Chen Changluo took away from the Five-Color Alliance were a huge amount for the Five-Color Alliance, but for the Tongfa District, it was only the amount of a train.

In fact, in Chen Changluo's position, the only choice for anyone in public and private affairs is to cooperate with the Tongfa District. The only difference is that at first, he wants to take advantage of it, and then curses when he suffers. Or simply skip the above mentioned

Passive mentality transformation.

Chen Changluo is relatively straightforward.

Wei Keng explained: This is a cultural custom in the North. Since the output of a unit of farmland is relatively thin, a large amount of labor flows. For example, "Maike", a group who rush to work as the wheat matures. This force in disaster years, that is

The source of the pole. If poured into the castle, a big family can be destroyed.

And because of this, the northern clans, which cannot rely on "stabilizing the small-scale peasant economy" like the south, will shift their perspective further and be sensitive to the situation when facing "general changes".

In the spring of 162, Chen Changluo did the "First Day", which opened up exchanges between the local city-states and the commanding areas. There were old forces in the north who wanted to do the "Tenth Day".

In the summer of 162, before the meeting of the upper-level decision-making committee of the Hanzhong New Center and the Conquest Area, Sun Xiangyang met with Wei Keng as usual to discuss the latest situation of the Conquest in the North.

Wei Keng smiled after seeing one of the so-called "latest developments": a large number of protest reports and threats from the Northern Five Color Alliance.

Under Sun Xiangyang's inquiry, Wei Keng gave his own opinion: "We have held firm. Now you see that they are anxious. Well, as time goes on, the Five Color Alliance is becoming more and more centrifugal in the north."

We are ready to fight a war, because if we win one battle, the rest will be decided by propaganda.

But we must postpone this war as much as possible, because the slower we go, the problems in the north that are difficult for us to detect now will become clearer, and the more decisively we can win in the final battle and the more thoroughly we can eradicate the old."

Sun Xiangyang: "If it is postponed until the end, will this war be eliminated invisible?"

Wei Keng stared at Sun Xiangyang: "Don't have such illusions about the privileges of mechanical beast trainers and the arrogance of mastering nuclear weapons. This old force is destined to jump when it perishes."

This chapter has been completed!
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