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Chapter 10.36 The Heavenly Slaying Dragon has not yet exhausted its energy, Zeng Shuxie’s new perspective

 In the rolling river.

On October 27, the Tianshu Long left the Yangtze River Estuary under the halo, and the continent behind it no longer belonged to it.

After the rolling river water entered the ocean, a large area of ​​muddy yellow water appeared, as if it was expelling some substance that was difficult to clean.

Of course, the East China Sea is not welcoming here either. The rolling waves are rushing towards the Yangtze River Estuary, rocking the ship. This is also within the humane frequency band, and the standard beasts in the deep sea are already grinding their teeth.


On the ship, after entering the ocean, Qiu Mengfei and each crew member began to transform into dragons again.

They suddenly lost their human form in the cabin. Countless sea cucumbers and things in the form of ringed sea snakes fell from their bodies, while the main body of the human body turned into crinoids that turned into countless octopus tentacles.

Everyone is unaware of such a terrifying scene, just like when sleeping, they don't know the specific moment when they fall asleep.

Unlike Wei Renlu who could still maintain consciousness, Tianshu Long spent more than ten years gradually and subtly eroding their hostility and getting them accustomed to new common sense.

Qiu Mengfei, who was in dragon transformation, saw, no, it should be said that he felt a lot, a lot.

Scene 1: In the shallow sea continental shelf, I don’t know whether it is one leatherback turtle or a group of leatherback turtles sailing. It doesn’t even have a clear sense of quantity. In order to survive better, it plunders food. Gradually, it sheds its shell and slowly

The four-wheel drive blades gradually increased in size. Gradually, they split into two individuals, four, eight, and became multiple clades.

One of the branches extends the neck, while the other branch enlarges the head and enhances the bite force. (The former is similar to the plesiosaur, and the latter is similar to the pliosaur.)

Scene two:

A group of lobsters are wandering in the shallow sea. Some seem to have curled up their tails and turned into crabs, while others have entered the darkness of drier land, raised their tails, and turned into terrestrial species similar to scorpions.

Scene three, scene four...

The feeling of each creature adapting to the changes was transmitted to Qiu Mengfei's consciousness. Soon, he couldn't tell whether this was the memory of Tianshu Long or his own memory.

Qiu Mengfei: "Maybe none of this is important. I am myself. I have become the leader of another life group. It seems that there is no need to worry about whether I am a human being. Human beings in this world are not so pure."

However, just as Qiu Mengfei was observing this supreme avenue of life, the noise outside made him upset, and he finally woke up.


At the moment when he was awake, on the Tianshu Long, the originally scattered creatures gathered together again and built the bodies of Qiu Mengfei and others.

The community of the Heavenly Killing Dragons could not withstand the waves of impact from the human dojo, and had to restore the human state of the carbon-based life on the ship. Because if the human genes were not restored, the consciousness of the Heavenly Killing Dragons would be "as if they were chopped alive"

Collapse from severe pain.

Nowadays, the standard herd of beasts under the maritime humane frequency band are facing this big lump discharged from the river mouth, "eagles fly into the sky, fish fly to the bottom. Everything eats."

The giant birds of wild standard beasts in the sky, and the standard beasts represented by Kyogre in the sea, surrounded the layers of alien lifeforms that were surrounded by the dragon's protective shield.

No, just before Qiu Mengfei woke up, a group of sharp-toothed fish rushed into the life field of the Celestial Dragon. They bit something and pulled it out, and then prepared to drag it to their own ecological node, the Sun Coral Radiation Zone.


In one bite, one-sixth of the remnants of the Tianshu dragon group that sailed north this time have been eaten.


When Qiu Mengfei turned back into a human, the attack of the large tide of creatures around him eased slightly.

These standard beasts rush to attack because the frequency band of the Celestial Dragon disrupts the balance. Once the balance is disrupted, some communities will feel sick due to uneven protein distribution.

So in order to survive, they have to besiege this alien species. But now that the Destroyer Dragon has been beaten to the point where it has recovered its human metabolism, everyone will stop beating it.

Qiu Mengfei walked on the deck - this kind of siege by standard beasts brought back the image of genetic beasts besieging human city-states in human memories. At that time, he was still a young man in human city-states. Oh,

It felt like a long time ago at that time, like a jar of dusty old wine

He was about to launch the aircraft for bombing, the mechanical cover of the Tianshu Long was opened, and the fighter jet was ready to take off.

Just as he was preparing to attack, he felt a strong wave of strafing. Looking along this wave, he saw twenty missile speedboats accompanying him on the sea fifteen kilometers away.

The band of the strafing tower just now was radiated by the spherical radars on the tops of three of the warships in the command area.


The Tianshu Long fled north, and Wei Keng on Da Yuan Island had a very keen sense of the alien radiation of life. Faced with such grievances, Wei Keng declined Zeng Shushe's suggestion to come forward and do things for him on his behalf.

Wei Keng: "When I was still really new, I was still 'spitting' with this thing in the Jianye laboratory."

[Spitting here is to discard the radiation of metabolic life substances secreted by one's body. For example, the radiation fluctuations of proteins such as tartar and tongue coating may be produced in the mouth. 】

There are now a total of 600 satellites at sea and on land, mobilizing a large amount of sea and air power to keep an eye on the Tianshu Dragon colony. Missiles have locked onto the Tianshu Dragon.

Even nuclear warheads have been requested from the Tongfa District. Bombers are on standby in Yishui.


Under Wei Keng's gaze, this group of celestial dragons that had just returned to human form were sailing alone on the sea. The original consciousness of this group of celestial dragons could be easily crushed.

Wei Keng couldn't help but recall the memory of Zhenxinzheng. At that time, before leaving, he warned himself in the future not to have hope for the city-state of Jianye - how resentful it was. But after experiencing several planes

Later, all these faded away, and Master Wei's attitude towards the construction of Ye City was to "see if the buildings collapse".

But now, when facing the Tianshu Long, the guy who once told himself that he would sacrifice his life for mankind is now adapting to this human battleship that has been transformed into a Tianshu Long like a maggot adapting to a cesspool. Wei Keng's heart is surging.

A fire!

Countless voices surged up from the depths of my memory, converging into one sentence: "Blow it up." "Destroy him." When extreme emotions came to the fore, the humanitarian frequency band associated with Wei Keng was saturated, so that all kinds of things on sea and land were affected.

The standard beasts are in panic all day long, as if dark clouds and thunder are overwhelming.

But amidst the countless voices of hatred, everyone in the Wei Keng group finally calmed down and sighed. Then they smiled. After returning to calm, the entire sea surface seemed to be cool again, and the fish (standard beasts)

Be active again.

He sighed deeply because "the dragon slayer who is contaminated with dragon blood will eventually become an evil dragon."

When there are no people on this ship and it has become a warm nest of the genetic community, it can be destroyed. But the Tianshu Long has restored the human frequency band. Even if this human frequency band is his enemy, he can no longer move at the moment.

Yes! Because Qiu Mengfei has not yet reached the final point of hopelessness.

Wei Keng could only confirm: ‘The number of Tianshu Dragon Qi has not been exhausted’

Of course, Wei Keng's smile is because: "I can be angry, I still have the warmth of a human being, and I will use reason to sort out the angry emotions and condense them into a deeper understanding, instead of waiting for the anger to dissipate, showing that I have something."

persist in."


Qiu Mengfei, who was on the Tianshu Long, stared at the fleet in the distance.

At this time, Qiu Mengfei did not realize that he was living under someone's restraint.

In the past (the real period), he never looked down upon Wei Keng, but now he had to pay attention to Wei Keng, so he naturally developed a dislike. (Similar to the mentality of old Europe towards China after its rise in modern times.

.——A kind of look that you once looked down on, but today you don’t take it seriously, but you don’t want to respect it.)

Qiu Mengfei watched the Wei Keng ship gradually pull away and snorted coldly. He began to walk into the cockpit and began to control the biomass tentacles to turn the rudder and other equipment to accelerate the ship to the north.


December 18th. The eastern section of the World Island has been restored to a point suitable for human habitation. But not everyone understands how today's results were achieved. At least Jianye now feels that the "humanitarian band" fell from the sky. ()

After the first frost season, a team from Jianye crossed the north and dispatched a team further north in Huaibei. As this team of colonial armor traveled along, it was rejected by the life fields of various places. But the photo

Since there are still humans inside this colonial armor, the standard beasts have all adopted an attitude of escaping.

When the military in Jianye City faced this situation, they excitedly described it using the term "rank suppression."

The people in Jianye are planning to build a life radiation band tower in the north to communicate with the celestial dragons to better guide information about the northern celestial dragon community.

[Now that the Tianshu dragon community is completely cut off from the north to the south, and the exchange of genetic information between the two places is blocked, Jianye and his gang are like insiders, preparing to artificially build towers to help the Tianshu dragons connect to this line.

.The Jianye side that masters this line is trying to maintain its own "speciality".]


It's just that Jianye and the others don't know that the most "snow-smart" guy in the commanding area has noticed their plan.

At the Lianyunxiang Pier, Zeng Shuyou was watching the process of the 3,000-ton destroyer being rebuilt in the dock. The ship had been exposed to wind and sun for more than a hundred years, and all the deck steel plates had decayed, but what was very rare was that

, its keel is good. Now after cleaning the dock, removing rust, and repairing it.

Under the dock, Chu Cang happened to meet Zeng Shuyou, who was coming up on the metal railing.

Zeng Shuyou looked at the big ship and said leisurely: "Ready to go south?"

Chu Cang paused and asked, "Is it the guide who went?" He originally thought it was Zeng Shuyou who went.

As the next ruler of the unification zone, Chu Cang knew that successors like Zeng Shuxie now had a master-disciple relationship with Wei Keng, and could access all of Wei Keng's actions and almost all of his thoughts.

This is completely different from the initial worry that everyone would lose their self-awareness if they "inherited" it. Chu Cang was even a little envious.

But envy was envy. Now he gathered his emotions and asked: "How far have those in Jianye gone?"

Chu Cang used the fifth-level mind language to plot the dynamic fluctuations of a large number of protein dendrograms near Jianye.

Chu Cang named these fluctuations: "This shows that their experiments have entered a further stage, and their technical route has now reached a dangerous point."

Chu Cang looked at Zeng Shuyou. He wanted to see caution or other anger on Zeng Shuyou's face.

Zeng Shuyou responded calmly: "Danger is not dangerous, it's just disgusting."

Zeng Shushe knew the technical advantages Wei Keng had and how powerful her own life radiation ability could be.

Zeng Shuxie took the role of herself. If she could get Wei Keng's skills and make a slight breakthrough, all the known apostles nearby could be destroyed with a backhand.


Wei Keng has not taken action yet, and is still limited by his own ideas! That is to say, the successors have not yet learned to get rid of the worship of these terrible technologies, so they do not want to release more destructive power for the time being.

This is a logic that makes all successors very heart-warming.

In late modern times, the reason why Hollywood was able to turn technology into fantasy films was because basic education became more and more anti-intellectual. It was unable to view science objectively, and began to view "shamans can predict solar terms" as the ancients did, because they did not understand the basics of science.

Principle, blind belief that "science" can do it, this is the so-called "new superstition".


Returning to the present, Zeng Shuxie gained Wei Keng's perspective and gradually began to understand why she "disdained" certain things.

Not to mention cowards like Jianye, who are willing to collude with outsiders, but actually don't have the courage to completely become aliens.

Even the Tianshu Long who fled north, Zeng Shuxie and all the successors witnessed the whole process of Wei Keng's anger, finally clarifying his thoughts, and finally letting go temporarily.


However, Chu Cang didn't understand. He said "hmm" - he seemed surprised that Zeng Shuxie could accept it so calmly. Of course, he also wanted to deliberately "provoke" Zeng Shuxie to give him an explanation.

Zeng Shushe: "The bastards of the old era, if you put all your attention on them all the time, sometimes doing too much will be counterproductive. You have to wait for people of this era to recognize their appearance."

Zeng Shuxie unfolded her eighth-level spiritual language and opened the distribution map of organic matter in the entire East China Sea.

At this time, the humanitarian band has gradually covered the entire East China Sea from Dayuan Island. In the future, it will cover the entire Yellow Sea and even the Bohai Sea. All ecological communities of Tianshulong will disappear!

Zeng Shuxie: "But after eliminating the Tianshu Dragon, won't there be other apostle groups? - Jianye represents the 'self-interest' and 'speculation' mentality. This will not disappear with the disappearance of the Tianshu Dragon, it can only

As everyone's awareness increases, they become more and more vigilant."

Chu Cang: "Senior sister, don't teach me a lesson about the leader's thinking. Give me your plan."

Zeng Shuyou tilted her head: "Hey, how do you know that I want to teach you a lesson?"

Chu Cang let out a breath.

Zeng Shuxie said: "Okay, okay. I'll give you a plan." The mental language then turned to a plan.

Chu Cang's eyes widened instantly, and his expression became very confused. Chu Cang gave Zeng Shuxie a thumbs up: "Senior sister, you are the best at this kind of thing."


The plan Zeng Shuxie gave to Chu Cang was not a plan to curb Jianye's tower building in Tianzhulong Band, but a plan to destroy Jianye.

First of all, let the underground workers spread in Jianye that this kind of Tianshulong band tower has the danger of "damage radiation".

All the food provided to Jianye will be mainly canned "aquatic water chestnut" starch and aquatic fish protein. The organic matter contained in these foods cannot effectively contain the imbalance caused by "Jianye's carbon-based life tower".

"Human Side Effects" of Food.

Of course, this kind of food is not poisonous. When other people in the control area eat this kind of food, they will naturally obtain other protein frequency band supplements from the life radiation of the humane ecological field.

As long as the people in the central city of Jianye find themselves near the Tianzhu Long Frequency Band Tower, they are prone to blisters. After oral ulcers, the fear of blisters will turn into the fear of cancer.


This is the story that Master Wei told successors like Zeng Shushe about the anti-intellectualism of mankind before the Great Destruction.

Wei Keng wanted to let his successors know how "environmentalism in Chongqing back then" and various other "animalisms" went so far.

Zeng Shuxie can draw inferences from one instance.


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