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Chapter 11.08 The Road to the West

No matter how the Hetao Rebellion in 169 develops, Tianshu Long is destined to be unable to extend its tentacles into the western part of Anzhou. When Qiu Mengfei goes against the grain and collides with Wei Keng again, the outcome is doomed.

But in this radical change, we might as well take a look at the choices made by some automatically marginalized forces, such as Paulita.

After leaving Chongqing to the west and heading south into the subcontinent, it was equivalent to leaving the Weihai passage to Wei Keng.

According to the information of other old human civilization forces that Yucheng came into contact with on the Deccan Plateau, the Tongfa District felt that after this technology spread, many human city-states would definitely confront each other. To be more precise, today's various city-states (supported by Wei Keng)

City-states will unite in the future.

It is impossible to say that the top management in the unified area has no grudges against Wei Keng's "selfless" giving to other city-states of the scientific research technology that the people of the East have spent their lives exploring.

But as time went by, this result was accepted by default in the unified area.

In this renaissance of mankind, the most precious thing gained is the spirit of "unity".

Struggle is a long-term process. This process is not only fierce confrontation in various specific periods. It also includes the long-term spirit of uniting everything that can unite.

Before the Hetao Rebellion, the cooperation agreement between the commanding area and Bao Lita was not fulfilled by Bao Lita at the critical moment.

There were also voices within the unified army that wanted to immediately abandon this part of the related obligations to Baolita. However, under Wei Keng's persuasion, they continued to implement the obligation to build a safe zone in the Lihai area.

Wei Keng explained in detail to fellow travelers Feng Wuyou and Pu Tufan: "During this kind of cooperation, don't think about what others owe you, as this will affect your determination to do things. After the cooperation is completed, then

Review whether the other party is a good collaborator."

[Wei Keng even vaguely reminded them: When facing the supervisor, be patient and do your own thing well. As for whether to "change" or "not change" the supervisor (in the future)), that must be determined first.

It’s not yours to think about it again. Once you make sure that you have almost corrected all the problems and can’t make any more changes, you will have the initiative whether to change the supervisor at that time.】

With Wei Keng's current basic preparations, he is ready to take on all aspects of the ecological war. However, for the prosperity and longevity of the human world, he still tries his best to distribute various human communities towards the wider European continent. Preparing humans to follow him

, can quickly enter the stage of revival and diffusion.

Any human force that can shoulder the responsibilities of human society will only be able to transfer more science and technology to Wei Keng.

If Baolita takes away 400,000 people, then what Wei Keng plans to give them is eight railway distribution lines across Europe and Africa, a complete set of modern carbon-based laboratories, and basic natural resources for their next generation.

A 15-year commitment to scientific education. Wei Keng personally went to support the church to ensure the in-depth inheritance of civilization. Of course, Wei Keng's footsteps will brake for them for a long time.

But not anymore.

A society of 50,000 people cannot afford a large amount of advanced technology, and a leader who has given up on his original commitments cannot maintain a relatively advanced governance model.

Wei Keng: If we give them technologies beyond their control, such as "death wave" technology, they will become extinct in intra-species war.

So when the so-called "macho man" doesn't come from the sky, Mr. Wei prepares the "middle man's appearance" to fill the responsibility.

At the outpost in the Weihai area, Wei Keng, who has arrived here, has gradually blocked the use rights of some of the colonial equipment facilities. When the authority left to Bao Lita's headquarters is reduced, it will be transferred to the new traversers.

Lihai area.

As one of the time travellers, Shi Qingyuan, a simple mechanical beast with an excavator style controlled by remote control, wandered here alone for 169 years.

For Shi Qingyuan, the coldness here is not the end of the world, but prehistory.

He looked at these strange-shaped plants, as if he had entered an alien world, and began to collect them. He controlled the vehicle-mounted robotic arm to cut open the plants here, and dig out the still living foliage inside.

The organisms here generally evolve in the direction of photosynthesis. The most important basic organism is the "air sac knot". The green photosynthetic structure is inside this transparent air sac. The air sac seals the loss of water during the day and floats on the surface of the sea.

If you poke it gently, it will make a popping sound, and the air bag will deflate a small part, but then it will be blocked by something like rosin.

This seemingly harmless creature will turn into an animal and go underground after a few years of photosynthesis.

Mounds tens of meters high stand in this area, and they can be seen every three or four hundred meters. This has become the most unique landform here.

Of course, in such a huge area, there is a special overlord-level creature. The underground creatures will quickly attack based on the vibration information provided by the surface air-sac photosynthetic creatures. Wei Keng's chess piece is codenamed "Death Worm".

The threat to this community on land is a shell-like creature. After reaching the surface, they will gather methane and air in the cave where they are. With a blast, they will penetrate the surface creatures like bullets.

This is quite troublesome for the control area. The ground must be hardened. To harden the ground, roads need to be built, and all personnel need to wear mechas. For this purpose, a tank with a very thick chassis was made. But this creature does not only

When bullets are fired, a large amount of gas will gather below to form a ground explosion, and many repaired roads will be shattered by them.


Shi Qingyuan dug rows of deep wells here and used special frequency bands to extract this creature. As the sound gradually reverberated in the wellhead, the surface was already ready to carry out high-hanging ground-pointing artillery to drill into the ground. This

The artillery is like a "pipe" hanging from a crane, and this tube is the artillery.

As the underground is paralyzed by the shock, a hook is driven up, and the noose wheel is activated, and these things are fished out and sent to a container sprayed with salt. The things will dehydrate in less than ten seconds.

After Wei Keng's personal inspection, he found that there are large sections of muscle in the middle of these creatures that are edible. Shi Qingyuan likes this taste very much, and now he enjoys fishing here every day.

This kind of attitude of learning and cheating and fishing every day, in the eyes of the supervisor, means that someone has taught well.

However, some people are not ashamed, but think it is good.

On November 20, 169, the first batch of large immigrants from the Five Color Alliance arranged by Bao Lita arrived here. - The first task assigned by Master Wei to Master Shi was to promote the new life he developed here. These immigrants

They saw a large number of colonial equipment and concrete stilt buildings. This desolate land was different from what they had imagined.

Originally fishing for underground sandworms was good, but Master Shi began to turn his hobby into a job.

Shi Qingyuan led the team and introduced the current situation of underground bullet bugs to the first batch of immigrants. To control the bullet bugs, it is necessary to drill wells. Drilling wells can release the ground gas. A wellhead with a depth of 50 meters can cover a range of at least 500 meters.

Within, these bullet bugs cannot get enough methane.

How to dig a well, and even how to make the wells open to each other?

In discussions with this first group of immigrants, Shi Qingyuan began to apply his mathematical knowledge.

As for catching and killing insects, it is no longer a small gambling fun, but requires scientific probability statistics and streamlined processing of biological species emerging from the ground.

As the radiation from the high oxidation frequency band of the earth is driven away, the underground biological tide gathers in one place. Thousands of underground shellfish weighing one to two tons are fished out, and their shells are weakened. Then they are taken out, their claws are removed, and they are dried into dry goods.

Stuff it directly into the can.

Shi Qingyuan gradually discovered that he was no longer "that young man who could do whatever he wanted and let go if he didn't."

In 172, the global extension of the humane frequency band formed a "spear" on the map that thrust into the center. The trembling Lihai species had become the food species in Shi Qingyuan's breeding pond. They had less shells and larger flesh.

That is the direction of its evolution.

The Baolita tribe who came to settle here also became a new ethnic group that "lived away from their homeland". Shi Qingyuan's name may not be passed down, but his way of life will affect this human nation for thousands of years.

As for Paulita himself, after leaving the west, he could no longer handle anything new.

After Qiu Mengfei was executed on December 9, 169, the Wei Keng cluster marched toward the west of the World Island. The force had already passed the Weihai area, and only thirty-seven people remained in the local information station. Subsequent sweeps across the entire continent

During the process, three dozen Wei Keng troops numbering tens of thousands of people passed through their area without any unnecessary interactions.

The enemies and rivals that Paulita once valued are no longer looking for him, and his era has ended since the end of 169.

Shi Qingyuan, on the other hand, led the local people to dig wells one after another and integrated all the young people! It quickly grew within the ethnic group, and in just two years the well-drilling team expanded to 2,000 people.

Among the rulers of the Ming and Qing dynasties, you would always hear the term "gathering people together to cause chaos" that rulers should guard against. In other words, when you can gather a thousand or two thousand people together in an orderly manner,

Regardless of whether you have rebellious intentions or not, you are capable of causing chaos.

Industrialization and modern production organization are the best resistance to feudalism.

Even in late modern times, a big country like the United States could not suppress the conflicts in its internal capital production system once the culture of its superstructure began to favor the feudal allegiance of personal charm.

On December 29, 169.

Shi Qingyuan's well-drilling team has only thirty-two people. These thirty-two people have completed the initial study and memorized the rules and regulations.

On March 22, 170, this team expanded to 293 people, controlled three airports, and completed the maintenance of the road around the sea on the east coast of the sea.

On November 22, 170, after three rewards and punishments, the number of people in the team reached 1,339.

This is not a simple well-drilling team. It has more than 500 infantry armors, 200 tracked vehicles, and forty-five Type 59 Centaur infantry armors. This is a well-drilling team, and there are many in the wild.

In preparation for a surprise attack, there are also flamethrowers and artillery weapons.

In addition, Shi Qingyuan completed the construction of five power stations under the well-drilling settlement system. These power stations can complete weapon forging and chemical production. Ammunition supplies can be self-sufficient.

At this time, under the reminder of his cronies, Bao Lita, who had always been "ruling by doing nothing", finally turned his attention away from the command area and the threat of the Tianshu Dragon Apostles.

He and his students' status as mechanical beast trainers have gradually slipped from the core position of the "Elders and Warriors Group". The well-drilling production team has gradually taken over the core of the organization.

Only then did Bao Lita decide to start re-involving in the new production order that emerged in the group. But none of his people were qualified for the new industrial production organization. He and his students were all in the five-color alliance university middle school.

It's a mechanical beast.

Perhaps, in mechanical maintenance and chemical engineering, these people are still capable! But they cannot let go of their superiority mentality.

Master Wei asked Shi Qingyuan: People who understand this plane should sleep with them, eat with them, and even wear socks interchangeably with them. Go read "Martial Arts General Essentials", this is good stuff.

These people from the city-state are "uneducated, like to show off, and are empty shells."

Due to the cultural gap and Bao Lita's personal self-confidence, for most of the year 171, the people installed by the trainer's forces all failed in seizing power.

These people who just sit in the base and try to control information and personnel appointments have not gained power from the beginning and have been levied high in the sky.

After losing power, he started to play dirty tricks.

On August 3, 171, at the northeast corner of Lihai, with the underground blasting, the seismic detector completed the detection of the structure beneath the earth, some of the worm caves were blown up, and the well drilling team completed a new round of northern

Base construction.

The radioactive tower has completed its control over the Weihai area. In other words, even if Wei Keng fails to come and sweep, the Weihai community here will be terminated.

Shi Qingyuan was extremely proud after being able to accomplish all this on his own.

[Wei Keng watched him silently during this process, and had agreed to leave this task for him to complete independently, so that he would not overstep his authority in the end. In the same way, humans here can take root tenaciously without the help of external forces, and they should try their best to circumvent the situation.

Pass here and let them achieve their achievements.】

Of course, there are bad guys! Just like after Octavian took full control of the situation, the Senate became the bad guys.

Shi Qingyuan stared in the direction of the conservative group. After these few days, carbon-based detection found alien species around the biological community where Baolita was located, and in the slice observation, those trainers from the west were found around the residential area.

In the worm creature, the Tianshulong-type gene appeared again.

Shi Qingyuan connected to the system and asked his supervisor: "The Wei Keng cluster where the captain is located has encountered the faction of 'integrating with the Tianshu Long' since the founding of Ye, and then the Five Colors Alliance in the north, year after year.

We solved it until we ran to this place. Our human branch also fled here to escape the oppression of Qiu Mengfei, the Tianshu Long fusion faction. Why did the leader of the escape faction (Bao Lita),

Why did you choose this path again?”

The young lady of the system, Wang Kantan, raised her finger and said three things: "First, the threat of the fused Tianshu Dragon is gone. (Qiu Mengfei has been annihilated by Wei Keng at this time.)

Second, due to the rise of your newer power, they cannot become the leaders of the "heroic" faction they want.

Third, I feel that the fundamentals of humanity are now stable, and I feel that I have made enough contributions in the past, so it is okay to overdraw a little."

The so-called "increasing tolerance" of social progress does not include a vague definition of evil.

The more serious people are, the more willing they are to set an example and clarify boundaries for those "ordinary people who don't want to think too much." People who think they are smart will play with order flexibly, and they also expect the order to be stable enough for people other than themselves.

In the human area of ​​​​Lihai, following a series of perverse actions of the Baolita faction, they wanted to maintain power and did not hesitate to persecute progressive people.

On November 7, 171, Shi Qingyuan began to counterattack. Thirty-five tanks and more than 500 people surrounded the fortress where the trainers were located. These trainers' mechanical beasts were making a final counterattack on the top of the city.

On a repaired 500-ton fishing boat in the sea, the 150-mm-caliber cannon slowly rotated, and with a blast of gunfire, the city wall was blown open.

After the city was breached, 17 trainers including Bao Lita and their last mechanical beast set themselves on fire and died.

Paulita knew that he could not defend himself in front of the victors! He had no face to face the trial.

Note: Dimensional information light points were projected, and the consciousness of Bao Lita and others were packed away by the supervisors. The main world needs strong men and cannot be wasted.

This chapter has been completed!
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