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Chapter 11.20 The Output of New Things

 When the Battle of Shannan came to an end, the old human city-states in the Deccan Plateau area of ​​the southern subcontinent had just received information that the war was starting in the north.

The old-era brains in the three ecological warehouses in Avalon control the robot to quickly flip through fax newspapers. The atmosphere is as solid as marble, like a scumbag who is at a loss after the college entrance examination.

In the Battle of Shannan, there was a friction among the newly born human forces, and the military strength displayed was "unbelievable" to these old city-state forces.

In October 172, foreign trade in Nanshan District resumed. Reports sent back by merchants from the old city-state who were stranded in Nanshan showed that both Xinghan and the Life Brood Group had colonial vehicles and the ability to conduct research and development on their own.

In the Battle of Shannan, both sides used a total of 420,000 tons of ammunition. When the war started, the firepower system covered almost all tent-level targets. Especially in the battle for several industrial cities, judging from the cleanup afterwards

, all the surrounding protective fortifications were razed to the ground. This is a concrete structure (frame material made of high-tenacity bamboo).

Today, the Shannan Group used such powerful firepower to fight internally, but what about the conflict with Avalon and other city-states?

The Deccan Plateau is a granite base terrain. When it lost its modern production capacity, new buildings on its exposed rock platform were built with granite stones. This defense was very effective in the past hundred years.

The helicopters, jeeps, and tanks of the old human forces use one less one, and individual missiles are already "artifacts" that can kill the superiors of the city-state in a battle.

With the sheriff holding an ax to enforce order, and modern firearms allocated to the "Tyrant" series of cyborgs, the power of the unarmed ordinary people in the old city-state was weak.

Wars between city-states, and even the seizure of power between upper-level officials, all rely on raids by powerful special warriors. Compared with the Five Colors Alliance and Jianye, the Deccan Plateau has a more apocalyptic lone hero style after the Great Destruction. Even if you

With only bulging muscles on the body, one can become a lone wolf leader in the lower society.

As for the power of collaboration and division of labor among many people, the power of rebellion and destruction! It does not exist in the deformed city-state society that has come down from the old era. Just like the immigrants from the East who were selected from the target group of "high culture and rich capital" in the United States in modern times.

, is not bloody.

At the basic level of civilization, Avalon is much lower than the city-state of Jianye.

In the edge areas of the Jianye city-state group, the middle and lower classes were able to form resistance organizations like Yishui.

In this Avalon, which is said to have inherited the last technology of the previous era of mankind, there are only believers.

When the Xinghan in the Shannan area turned the mother nest upside down, in the city-states of Avalon, under the oil lamp, there were still groups of blind disciples begging the gods for forgiveness in the apocalypse.

Under the propaganda of religion day after day, Avalon has become accustomed to thinking that there is no possibility for human beings. They can only wait for the savior and wait for the Pandora's box descended by God to close, so that sinners like them can be forgiven.

However, it has been more than two hundred years since the Pandora Field spread, and the desperate counterattack of intelligent life on Earth has succeeded.

The emerging forces from the east have now used reality to tell these old human forces who are still obsessed with dozens of knights and hundreds of guards that times have changed.

Looking back at the times when Europe was beaten by the whip of God in the classical and medieval times, what aroused fear was not the riding and shooting, but the fact that under the feudal culture, only dozens or hundreds of people mobilized their strength to encounter an organization of ten thousand captains.

172 years later, after Xinghan eliminated the Brood, he freed up his hands and sent three armored regiments southward (this force was still weak against the apostles, but the apostles were in the attack plan of the Wei Keng cluster).

The current human beings in the Shannan area feel like a "tide of disaster" to these "chosen people" who have completely inherited the dregs of the old era.

In the cathedral of Notre-Dame Nouveau in Avalon, LED lights flickered in the lobby. After a hundred years of wear and tear, most of the light tubes on the concave mirrors no longer lit up, so the light from burning carbide was used to make up the light.


Individuals in the survival cabin project their own images here.

These "Temple Heroic Spirits" of Avalon, in front of the believers in gray robes, presented the information on trainers from the East An area at the end of the Great Destruction, as well as the current internal factional differences among humans in Shannan.

At the O5 seat, Tesla, the third member, told his "Electricity Cult" sect: "Their champion-level mechanical beast controllers have 50 to 100 heavy biological combat machines, and the life radiation supply scale they have,

It is completely enough to cross the radiation restricted area of ​​alien life that is separated from us. They have unique power technology." After that, he opened the technical information of the "Biochemical Power Station".

Next, the cloaked believers saluted their pope and retired devoutly. Then, whether it was trading or cheating, as long as they could get the power technology from the East, they would be able to make contributions to this sacred place.


Kenton, member No. 6 in the o5 seat, told his "courage believers": The military strength of the Orientals will further increase in the future. Their (Orientals) science and technology should have been included in the (big)

Before destruction) in the treasure house of "human knowledge", but they hid the "technology" secretly.

The mission of "retrieving human technology" was formed among the genetic teams in the city-state following the oral instructions of these "heroic spirits" of the old era lying in the life-sustaining warehouse.

For Avalon, the "heroic spirits" who created the city-state in the old days are sacred.

After receiving the order, the elites of this era in Avalon gathered around the metal round table and began to discuss how they should maintain off-field balance during the war between "Xinghan" and "Chongqing City".

These people from the old era were concerned about the political structure after the Shannan Campaign, but they collectively ignored the debate between the human mind in the north, the Mother Nest of Life, and the form of human civilization!

Because they are unwilling to delve deeply into this aspect of thought. That thought is thorny and can easily break through the dream.

In terms of becoming a 'true society', the upper class society that Avalon currently maintains has reached its extreme.

The elites of the last descendants of humanity in these seats have absolutely no desire to change their own ruling structure, and even a large number of bottom-up struggles have been erased from the history books.

When internal strife breaks out in Yucheng, Avalon's religious elite bypasses the core issues and only talks about issues that interest them. This is Avalon's consistent attitude in the end times.


After the Shannan Campaign, Xinghan integrated various resources in the upper reaches of the Tianzhu River and Ganges River. He did not directly and hastily launch military operations on the Deccan Plateau in the south. He only had slight contact and then began to practice "internal strength".

During this battle, a large number of Xinghan personnel with a sense of responsibility and excellent skills began to settle in the industrial manufacturing system that originally belonged to Dragon Min's life nest.

After acquiring a larger industrial system, Xinghan continued to plan bridges and roads across vast tracts of land.

In terms of the use of mechanical beasts and Xinghan's current control over breeding and equipment technology, some of the cultural names of Jianye and the Five-Color Alliance have indeed been left behind. However, the development has taken another route.

Xinghan inherited the mechanical beast technology in the unified cutting area. Xinghan has the advantage of carbon-based control technology and continues the key points of Wei Keng's industrial philosophy of "standardization", "reduction of specialness" and "maximization of universal effects".

In August 171, all Xinghan's general-purpose mechanical beasts in the air, water, and land were finalized.

Before the war, the mental language of Xinghan's soldiers was at the operating system level, allowing them to command three to five mechanical beasts at the same time.

After the battle, a large number of Xinghan youths grew up rapidly, and they were generally able to operate ten mechanical beasts of the same type, or less than ten mechanical beasts of three kinds.

With the development of thought storage technology, Xinghan's future may indeed be as imagined by the walking dead in the coffin of Avalon: "One person can control two hundred units and seven or eight types of heavy-duty equipment mechanical beasts."

But this kind of control ability is not exclusive to one or two people, but will involve a large number of talents.

And such talents are not genetically gifted by the mother's nest when they are born, but require ten years of steady education and growth, or three to five years of war experience.

In short: talent cultivation either takes time or relies on a serious attitude to screen in war. It can never be mass-produced in the mother's nest.

Narrator: Talents need to be formed after experiencing a large number of unique information perspectives in the process of contacting the world, and a mother's nest fixed in one place cannot provide individuals with such "infinite information" during the egg laying process. Xinghan relies on

This quality advantage defeated the huge but bloated Long Min Group in the later stages of the war.

But how to convey such humanistic concepts to the forces on the Deccan Plateau in the south?

By the way, in August, when Xinghan was rebuilding after the war, it also came into contact with the group of pre-war descendants from the Deccan Plateau who were trying to play "political balance" and sent envoys.

It's just that Avalon was too slow to get the news, and now the battle in the north has been completed!

When Xinghan formulated the policy of contacting the south, he encountered the same difficulties as when the unified control area was in contact with Jianye and the Five Colors Alliance.

On August 23, Xinghan held a small meeting on southern diplomacy. At the meeting, 1,834 technical and engineering personnel from various regions exchanged ideas.

Mu Yunxi (a female engineer in Xinghan): "I think simple explanation is useless. Recognizing that 'collectivism provides more opportunities for individual growth' is an important element of post-industrial enlightenment. And they (

Avalon and other city-states), they opposed 'individual growth' and 'collectivism' before the Great Destruction. They denied 'collectivism' before the Great Destruction and now deny 'individualism', quietly infiltrating the theory of blood and innateness. "

Mu Yunxi's speech was recognized by Xinghanzhong staff.

Due to the historical reasons of Chongqing: the ratio of men to women in decision-making power in Xinghan is 4:6, and women still account for the majority.

A vote was quickly held, and it was decided to carry out a strong visual impact when negotiating with the old human city-states in the south.

In October 172, in order to show the southern city-state group the ability to restore the civilization system of the entire subcontinent, Xinghan conducted a sweep on the south bank of the upper reaches of the Ganges.

On this day, in the southern tropical desert, the communities were still absorbing biomass as usual.

Large saw-toothed beasts are walking around. This giant beast has rough skin like a rhinoceros, but its head has three to seven tentacles. Inside these tentacles are snail-like radulas licking the plants. They look like livestock.

It is harmful, but when anyone comes close, countless palm-sized parasitic mosquitoes will fly out from their backs.

These mosquitoes are numerous and are accustomed to piercing the ears and eye sockets of foreign creatures with needles as long as pens. Such dangerous species have seriously affected Xinghan and the caravans in the south.

They were leisurely and leisurely today and were still wandering around feeling good in the morning, but the vibrations from the ground made them raise their heads, and then they looked at the "steel rainstorm".

Three hundred and forty-five centaurs carrying rapid-fire cannons galloped through the tropical desert, quickly surrounded them, and then squatted down to fire bursts.

In this firing mode, the legs need to be bent to lower the center of gravity, and the six mechanical picks on the abdomen should be pressed against the ground. At this time, the original four legs are bent and hooked forward to the ground.

This posture can perfectly offset the recoil of the gun. This process takes about seven seconds, which is a few seconds slower than the second-generation tank calibration after parking, and much weaker than the third-generation tank firing while moving.

The added functions of the artillery self-stabilization system were no less important in modern times than "armor-piercing performance", "protection" and "movement" on paper, but now the mechanical processing involved is too difficult.

The Type 59 Centaur four-legged combat mecha was originally meant to be "cheap" and "easily mass-produced." After evaluating the industrial base, the excessively high targets were temporarily abandoned.

Currently, other forces in the Anhui subcontinent do not have the ability to form large-scale tank groups.

After the giant beasts fell down one by one, flaming warheads were scattered in the sky. The mosquitoes that had just escaped from the back of the giant beast were swallowed up by the raging fire that followed.

Gamut, a businessman in the Deccan region, was sitting on a pack animal. Looking at such ferocious military power, he had other thoughts in his heart.

Xinghan had already interviewed these businessmen before this military operation. These colonial armored equipment can be sold to them. The price is good, and Xinghan wants the iron ore and scrap machinery in the ruined area. We all belong to the human race and should help each other.


For the Type 59 combat mecha, the command area has now fully transferred technology, and Xinghan has its own biological control system. During mass production, steel gauze protection is added based on its actual situation.

At the same time, the main gun was changed to a smaller caliber rapid-fire firepower. Of course, the most important thing is that the life radiation protection device is the top priority.

In addition to Centaur mechas, half-track vehicles with a load capacity of four to five tons, due to their stable chassis and good load capacity, can carry a variety of rocket launchers, high-speed machine guns, and carbon-based UAV control towers. They are also used by Xinghan military personnel.

My favorite (throw away the half-track design, this is a pickup truck). However, the half-track equipment still depends on road facilities, so it cannot be as popular as the 59-type Centaur in the foreign trade market.


After the wilderness was burned, the war cats began to clean up the mess and kill the small creatures hiding in the caves.

Groups of vehicles set up temporary camps, and carbon-based radiation in the human frequency band was established on the river bank highlands. This human frequency band, which is the same frequency as the logging area, radiates warm heat.

In this restored town, Xinghan's traders conducted human-related trade with the southern human city-states. A Model 59 mecha was exchanged for 20 teenagers over the age of twelve. Only after Xinghan's caravan arrived in the Deccan region,

Only younger children are accepted.

Note, at the trading station in Xinghan: people under the age of twelve are not accepted. Because people are too young, the Deccan trade transportation is very likely to suffer accidents. The average life span of ordinary people in the entire Deccan region is about 34 years old.

In the concept of Keng civilization, there is no slave trade. Slave trade is to treat human beings as commodities. If a 12-year-old boy has not developed his worldview, it is very easy to be indoctrinated and led away by false ideas.

These businessmen beamed and accepted the trade agreement.

Twenty years ago, the trade between Tongfa District and Jianye, the city-state group in the southeast of the Five Color Alliance, also started in the same way.

Progress cannot be accomplished by a group of people. It is also impossible to establish justice in a collapsed city-state society at once.

Avalon's situation is like a Hollywood superhero movie that has several consecutive episodes. Only when the villains continue again and again can the superheroes appear again and again.

In so-called salvations again and again, the so-called "lighthouse concept" of superheroes with the symbol of justice can only be highlighted by staying amidst the chaos of the times.

However, the progress of this world requires you to sing, and I will appear. Today, the businessmen who do not obey the city-state religion can be righteous, and tomorrow the new generation who resists the superior businessmen will also become righteous, and in the more distant future,

There is a new force coming on the scene.

On December 12, 172, Peng Haitao looked at the first batch of "little carrot heads" with "brown hair" and Western faces sent by the Deccan caravan from the south. He carefully looked at the ages of the shortest among them and couldn't help but

He questioned: "You are over twelve years old. Are these businessmen fooling people?"

Peng Haitao couldn't help but sigh, shook his head, and then nodded! Businessmen are only interested in profit and do not strictly abide by the rules. In the future, as they continue to rise to power and trample on more rules, they will be cast aside.

At this time, Wei Keng's strategy is to constantly shake the foundations of the original human groups in this world, and finally change all the appearances to what he wants.

Peng Haitao opened the system: "In the end, everything will reach the same goal by different paths, and the fate of mankind will be linked on a line, but I want to know what this world is like! When we (the main world) just explored this plane, it was very chaotic here, right?


The system interface popped up: "Yes, it is very chaotic from the perspective of power distribution. But chaos does not mean wonderful."

Peng Haitao: "What is the rank of our captain? Staff sergeant? What he did is very strange from what I heard."

System: "I'm sorry, you don't have enough permissions, but I can give you a little reminder that you have hit the jackpot."


This chapter has been completed!
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