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Chapter 11.22 Conditioning the Earth

 In July 173, the light dome of the humane frequency band pushed across the entire southern Anhui subcontinent. After the core node of 'The Devourer' was annihilated, the remaining communities were completely wiped out within a few months. When the 'devourer' community frequency band

After disappearing completely, Wei Keng took out a beautifully carved chess piece to commemorate the existence of this apostle.

The southern apostle ‘Smashing Snail’, faced with such a powerful force, began to flee towards Tianzhu Ocean.

Wei Keng was the first to land on Sinhala Island. This is similar to the strategic rationale of seizing Daguang Island and driving a bulging nail in the Western Pacific. But it is no longer the same in terms of technological productivity.


After Wei Keng established a stronghold in Sinhala, he also connected information with Xinghan. Mr. Wei asked these students in the Shannan area to load the island on the map.

The strategic location of Sinhala is very important. Wei Keng's request to Xinghan was that it must be actually controlled and a supply line from the Ganges estuary to Sinhala be established so that the future maritime trade route between the plateau and the harbor could be connected.

As for this task, Wei Keng recruited Putufan to be the strong man.

In Xinghan's machinery factory, Pu Tufan stopped his work, opened the dialogue system of the Space-Time Administration, and asked Wei Keng: "Captain, when will we win?"

As a time-traveler, he really meant by asking: "What are the victory conditions for our time-travel mission!"

Wei Keng smiled and asked: "Why, do you want to go back?"

Putufan: "No, I just want to know how far I can go."

Pu Tufan, a new time traveler, saw that the world geographical route that Wei Keng was currently studying was going to pass through all continents, oceans, and the entire globe. He was no longer sure about the extent of this task.

Wei Keng looked at the magnetic levitation globe rotating in the four-meter-long pool in front of him: "According to ancient times, in civilization simulation games, there are technological victories, cultural victories, religious victories and score victories. I want them all!"

Wei Keng’s remarks are as follows:

Technological victory: I want to look up at the stars, complete the mapping of the entire Pandora field, and determine the same type of phenomena in the universe.

Cultural victory: I want my production and life to derive standards that will become the standards that humans in all regions on this planet will learn from after their revival.

The victory of religion: that is, the victory of faith, the common belief that the development of human civilization will lead to the same destination through different paths. The divergent characteristics left between various regions before the Great Destruction disappeared when the page of this new era was turned.

Score victory: The population in the Tonghua District and Xinghan and other places has recovered significantly, accounting for 70% of the earth's population, and is evenly distributed in more than half of the living space.

Note: The current native population of the conquered area is less than 10 million. Even during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the population was 20 million, and it would take decades to achieve a fractional victory.

At this time, Wei Keng, who was in Sinhala, pointed out: "The achievements cannot be completed in one day, but we must be prepared at all times."

Thousands of kilometers away, Wei Keng, who controls the satellite system in the Jingxiang area and overlooks the entire earth, interjected: "The meaning of a person is to be down-to-earth in completing the mission that his generation can complete, leaving more choices for the next generation. Help me give Long Ximin

Please tell me something."

The satellite system is complete, and Wei Keng is the first human group to enter globalization.

Putufan often had conversations with the whole earth's satellites, usually Alexander. This time too, he entered a listening state with a seriousness that was "hard to say anything".

Wei Keng: "Even I will be the destined one. The future belongs to young people. Just keep an open mind."

Putufan paused and responded to Wei Keng: "Thank you."


Wei Keng has always remembered Putufan’s dream: the path of human-machine integration. Currently, he has left this kind of development to Putufan and helped him pave the way.

The principles of Xinghan civilization are to ensure the growth path of individuals. However, we are still in the Star Table era and social resources are limited. In order to ensure that young individuals have enough space to grow, the elderly must give up space.

The transfer here was retirement in the traditional society before the Great Disruption.

But Xinghan has a new choice, which is to fuse his carbon-based structure with machinery after the end of the first stage of the natural human period.

Xinghan's transformation is limited to those after the age of sixty.

After human beings determine their basic physical views of the world before the age of thirty.

It is also difficult to change social values ​​around the age of sixty.

In order not to let it become a conservative force, we will establish ourselves as the concrete representative of this generation's industry.

Long Min and those veteran Yucheng individuals fit this point.

Wei Keng has left a series of special maritime machinery parking areas in the Sinhala region, while Putu Fan is designing a ship-based model for Long Ximin's life nest control system on the Ganges River.

This colonial ship with an initial design tonnage of 3,000 tons will be the initial destination of Long Ximin’s increasingly large hive mind!

Note: When entering space in the next hundred years, the Dragon Series Min will be heading into deep space.


In the upper reaches of the Ganges River, Long Ximin is transferring control of the brood to his fifteen outstanding daughters in Xinghan.

The core process of Brood Control is divided into 8834 categories of operating modules with separate thoughts. As for instilling inherited memories in the children of Life Bubble, it is divided into fifty-seven major steps.

The dragon is Min and her daughters, the mother is kind and the daughter is filial.

After receiving the message from Putufan, she paused for a moment. Then she came up with an idea and responded to Putufan: "Has he prepared a harbor for me in the south?"

Pu Tufan responded affirmatively, but did not explain further.

Long Ximin: "Tell him, I understand."


Wei Keng is now making plans for the future development of the civilization behind him.

While Wei Keng left a "bright" path with a "certain probability of success" for future civilization, he always guarded against Long Ximin and did not believe in Long Ximin.

From the perspective of a bystander, Pu Tufan could feel that Long Ximin was very sad.

Nowadays, Long Ximin does not have any subjective objection to Wei Keng's ambitious civilization restoration plan. When she already knows her fate, she can only cooperate with the gestures.

But Wei Keng has always maintained a cold estrangement subjectively. Just because the two sides are of different species, he has always maintained a cold vigilance against the innate conflict.

Although Wei Keng left a way for Long Ximin to survive, he did not give her any chance to get close.

He is currently in the vanguard position of mankind, so he does not allow other emotions to arise.

Perhaps, if (Wei and Long) were both ordinary people, they might be able to live together harmoniously. But then, maybe it would just be an ordinary encounter and a calm separation.

A certain supervisor in the system commented on Long Ximin: "Haha, you are strong and love, but you can't love. It's a bad fate."

On the 10th of the 173rd, Wei Keng completely drove away the "Smashing Snail" apostles from the Southern Anhui subcontinent. Regarding the apostle-level battle, the remaining old forces in the world at this time wanted to ask for details.

And in the official files of Xinghan and Tongfu District, there is a long list of numbers of the disappearance of the Weicheng cluster.

For example: On September 21, Wei Kengfang fought with the East China Sea Crusher and encountered the growth of hull cracks caused by infrasound focusing. The No. 332 landing ship was torn apart. 231 people in the Wei Keng group fell into the water and 93 people were killed. The initial landing plan was temporarily affected.

Impact. Conversion to air transport.

As for more detailed information, only the highest-ranking generals in the command area and Xinghan, as well as the heads of military industries, can obtain it.

Behind Wei Keng's indifference, he also silently carries the burden of "the future".

Now no one can see it when you put it on your back, and no one will scold you if you put it down. - So what's the point of doing this now?

The meaning is to let yourself live in the future.


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