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Chapter 11.40 Release 'Goodwill'

 The residents of the energy umbrella looked up and saw this strange aircraft, showing curious and wary eyes.

Within almost two hundred years of the Great Destruction, all remaining mecha aircraft in the energy umbrella were destroyed by the aerial swarm. Only some modified bi-wing aircraft remain, which have been sealed in the energy of the concept of "humanity's only civilized survivor" all year round.

Umbrella dwellers have a hard time understanding the new existence in the sky.

At this time, in the Weicheng bomber cabin, Lugia, which had been warmed up, was thrown down from the belly of the aircraft. The streamlined body was folded, and the wings were spread out on both sides, turning into mechanical airfoils.

Lugia, which is now directly under Wei Keng, is made of 70% aluminum alloy and looks like a small missile. After breaking away from the aircraft, its tail began to spray flames, straight like a combat missile, towards the alien creature.

The swarm galloped away.

The local Australian biological tide has never seen such a speed level existence. In a few breaths, a Lugia at supersonic speed passed over its head, just like an eagle quickly opening a duck's head.

Knock open the head of this giant dragon!

In the shooting of the ultra-clear high-speed camera: when approaching the alien beast in the air at a distance of fifteen meters, a five-meter-long tube hung from its abdomen, with a textbook-sized knife at the end. Under the control of speed and accuracy, these three

Only Lugia perfectly cut open the head of the behemoth in the air. This system is an aerial wingman system that specializes in hunting large creatures. It relies on the "head-cutting" method to attack large air and ground units.

While the fighter planes were hovering in the sky, the elders in this group of energy umbrellas on the earth also stood on the observation platform, silently watching other civilizations that had suddenly appeared in the past two hundred years.

Originally, Energy Umbrella No. 7 encountered a biological invasion, and they were all lying in their own safe area to strategize.

This is not the first "energy umbrella" lost these days, and it basically has a bad attitude. However, this unknown force's mechanical weapons make them feel that in addition to "re-understanding the current civilization on the earth", "our own culture and economy must also

severely impacted."

The young pope, who was holding a religious ceremony in the city, suddenly had an idea, pointed to the plane hovering in the sky and said: "This is a revelation from the Lord, praise my Lord." Everyone lining up to pray in the church also responded like a follower.


As for the consul in Area 7, he looked very calm as he stared at the half-metal and half-biological weapons hovering in the sky. The adjutant standing on the side with his hands behind his back said: "Prepare the energy cannon, and send another communication to ask them if

Arrangements for landing need to be made.”

At this time, in the sky, I saw the turrets surrounding these large buildings with a diameter of 800 meters and a height of 500 meters inside the protective cover slowly rising, aiming at the sky, and sending out the standard code before the Great Destruction.

Wei Keng glanced at the 300-meter track on the platform that was full of debris, and shook his head.

The 300-meter-long runway is longer than the aircraft carrier's runway. Although the aircraft carrier's runway can take off and land bombers, it has arresting cables. The runway for this aircraft to land needs at least 500 meters.

Wei Keng said to Lu Min: "Why don't you go down and say hello to them, so that they don't panic when they come down for a large-scale attack."

When Lu Min looked at the fort below through the visual perspective of the colonial uniform, his expression was serious. He could also see that the local forces seemed to be enthusiastic, but in fact they had other small thoughts.

However, after hearing Mr. Wei's bland but quite informative arrangement, Lu Min paused: "Well, yes, I have to go down and talk to them so that I don't pee my pants."

Wei Keng sent a message to the energy umbrella: "We are the Joint Development Organization of Humanity on Earth and have dispatched the Australian survivor search department. We are very happy to have a call with you. Can you abide by the 'Basic Envoys of Human Civilization Before the Great Destruction'?"

Principle of communication. I hope you can ensure due etiquette such as mutual respect during diplomatic interactions."

In the communication, Wei Keng first communicated in Chinese, and then sent the English communication five minutes later. It didn’t matter whether others could understand it or not, but at least he wanted to remind the other party that there is no such thing as "centralism" in today's era.

Mr. Wei calmed them down with a series of mandarin words.

The three words “United Earth”, “Human Development” and “Expatriate Australia” contain a lot of information and have a huge impact on the Australian survivor forces.

The platform operators of the entire 'Energy Umbrella' muttered after seeing this communication: "Isn't the Energy Umbrella the last surviving organization of mankind? There are still humans in the outside world?"

This is like comparing yourself to a lighthouse, but discovering that the sky outside has turned red in the east, and your faith is shattered.

Walker, who was wearing a combat mecha on the ground, picked up the communicator and said to the sky: "Are you humans from the outside world? We are being attacked by the genetic beasts here. Can you stand on the basis of human morality and help us suppress the front?

of beasts.”

At this time, in front of him was a dark herd of beasts. Although his attention was now distracted by the aircraft in the sky, they were still a huge threat.

In the sky, Mr. Wei, who looked at the position ahead, made a judgment, responded and asked: "Can you find a bunker, especially the unarmed personnel (dirty people), please take shelter in trenches and buildings, and the rest of the personnel are counting down."

When it's over, turn around and close your eyes, facing away from the nuclear strike site."

Walker paused: "Okay, eh? - (surprised) What kind of nuclear strike!"

At this time, a countdown came: "60, 59,..."

Walker: "It's not a nuclear attack - the energy shield can't withstand magnetic pulses." But the countdown cannot be ended.

Walker said in shock: "Everyone avoid, avoid."

At this time, the strategic bombers in the control area in the sky had already raised their altitude. The radar monitoring of the "Energy Umbrella" core facility in the Australian survivor camp locked the aircraft. As the bomb bay door opened, the police in the "Energy Umbrella" high-level command hall

The bell is loud.

Everyone saw the bomber launch a gliding bomb in the sky, and the gliding bomb fell straight into the center of the earth beasts. Sixteen kilometers away from the entire protective umbrella residence, a bright light flashed from the ground, and then,

After this moment, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky. This was a nuclear bomb with a yield of 1,000 tons.

The shock wave spread slowly from the ground at first, and ten seconds later, it suddenly swept away all the beasts on the ground, and of course, the defense line. When everyone had eaten ashes on the ground, Walker turned his head and looked at the area behind him.

The energy umbrella and a large number of nano shields were all extinguished!

Walker looked at the sky and cursed: "Damn it, these people. Don't they know anything about strange beasts?"

[Wei Keng’s current operation standard is to use cloud bombs or nuclear strikes to cut the “tumor” nodes, and then perform chemotherapy with death waves. The biological tide here is almost close to the living area, and mobilizing cloud bombs is obviously too slow.

So just use the neutron bomb.】

At this time, under the city wall, a large number of biological beasts stood up slowly after the initial light radiation and shock wave shock. One by one from the sand, they faced the tide of beasts that were about to "resurrect from the dead" in the distance, which made the experienced warriors

Roared: "Get ready to fight!"

But at this moment, there was a roar in the distant sky, and chubby transport planes came to the sky after the nuclear explosion, and more Metal Lugia escorted them.

The red indicator lights flashed below the two large fighter planes in the command area. They immediately adjusted their attitude and began to dive down. A bunch of translucent light beams that twisted the air radiated from below the aircraft. This scene of twisting the air was like an alcohol blowtorch.

Colorless flame.

This is two hundred times the oxidation beam, which is the radiation beam of potassium permanganate and sulfur peroxide under ionization.

This beam of light was projected at a height of 1,000 meters and swept the beasts under the entire city wall. These beasts wilted on the spot. But only a dozen meters away, the people on the defensive position clearly heard a crackling sound.

And after the strafing, there was an obvious burning heat wave. Although this heat wave was not strong.

They raised their heads and stared in astonishment at the hexagonal mesh emitters on the bellies of these gray-white fighter planes in the sky, making them realize that they no longer understood the outside world.

After the nano-shield that they had been preparing to protect was destroyed, it seemed that it was no longer necessary.

When the nuclear explosion flashes.

Just when the top management of the energy umbrella saw the failure of the protective film and panicked about how to fight against the biological craze, the strange aircraft in the sky emitted beams of light, which as a shock made the biological tides withdraw from the city wall and began to focus on

Aim at the sky.

Just as they were thinking about what to do after a plane finished circling in the sky, they saw a replacement plane appear on the horizon, and fifteen minutes later, there was a large amount of dust on the skyline.

The Supreme Archon stood on the fifth floor of the shelter, looking at the tracked chariots and multi-legged mechanical cannon beasts surging in the dust inside, and murmured: 'Armored cluster!'

This is quite contrary to common sense. In the unbridled rampage of alien beasts, the team collecting supplies can only explore in a convoy of light pickup trucks. Facing the beast tide, they can only avoid the beasts in a flexible way by quickly retreating.

Using a large armored formation to attack the beast horde head-on was an "ambition", or rather naive, that humans only had in the early stages of the Great Destruction.

The perspective comes to the ground attack sequence of the Wei Keng cluster.

On the vehicle-mounted carbon band monitoring tower, Wei Keng was judging the new status quo of the animal trend in front of him.

At present, it only takes one wave of death to turn them all into bones. However, due to the need for more information, Wei Keng did not kill them in the first wave. All levels of the biomes in Australia are very old (over a hundred).

years ago).

In other areas of the earth, after Mr. Wei has exceeded 10,000, no apostle dares to gather the nodes to do it head-on. At present, Wei Keng is a heavily armored group, and he carries as many as 200 tons of "lethal" organic matter, which is enough to "kill him" in an instant.

The fields are filled with corpses.”

The reason why we didn’t use the dead wave was because we still wanted to collect the protein population of this strange continent and test the “digestion” ability of the immune species.

The first round of bombardment began. This round of bombardment was not intensive. It was even a ridiculous "provocation" in the eyes of the big names in the energy umbrella. However, after the projectiles in the sky landed one by one, their smiles froze.

In Wei Keng's first wave of bombardment, more than a dozen parachutes descended from the sky and floated in the sky with red light markers. The hit rate of the subsequent shells reached 97%.

Each cannonball was aimed at the head of a beast, just like a fight in ancient times, with bricks thrown out from two meters away.

Very few of these cannonballs stirred up dust on the ground, and they all directly hit the giant beast's body and ejected blood mist and flesh fragments. The accuracy was terrifyingly high.

And the fighter planes in the sky used oxidation beams to sweep the beast tide away from the human city-state. Instead of letting the beast tide go away, they forced it to gather in one direction. When these beast tides gathered together, they began to squeeze each other.

At that time, cloud explosion bombs were thrown separately, but they landed on the heads of the herd at the same time. Then in just one second, flammable gas covered the entire area, and a loud noise no less than that of a nuclear explosion was heard from five kilometers away.

There was a loud explosion outside, shaking many people's ears.

As for the energy umbrella, the soldiers looked at this shocking scene and stared at the twisted beast in the fire. Although they knew that the alien species had extremely strong vitality and could regenerate from various injuries, traditional strikes could not destroy it. But now

I felt uneasy and unsure about the methods of foreigners.

After half an hour of fighting, the light armored troops surrounded the Roshan where the biological tide had gathered.

A vehicle that looked larger than before drove over. This tracked vehicle with a load of one hundred tons unfolded a pot lid with a diameter of twenty meters. These three enlarged pot lids were facing away from the energy umbrella.

Building. (The death wave is a directional weapon with a clear sector-shaped killing line, but for safety reasons, it is best to turn your back to the human area. - Mr. Wei's operation manual does not allow for surprises.)

When the pot lid is pointed at the biological tide, the biological tide is like burning. In the hot air waves, strips of flesh and blood are gathering to form a giant salamander.

With everyone staring, in the flames, the 80-ton head-horned salamander gradually stood up. A super node was generated and emitted a soul-stirring roar (life radiation), which caused

echoed in the surrounding desert.

Behemoths are often the ultimate weapons of a group.

Before Wei Keng arrived in Australia, every once in a while, when the regional creatures needed to reproduce on a large scale or encountered a crisis, they would naturally fly out and have a circle. There is quite a legend about the evil dragon. And the cycle of the evil dragon coming out of its lair

, has also become a nightmare for humans in the region.

For energy umbrella human settlements, the last thing they want to see is the formation of such a giant beast.

However, this time they were frightened and began to order the activation of S defense, sending the team to directly use the backup diesel power to lower the base gate.

This evil dragon, with its fierce light suddenly appearing, looked very energetically at the three machines in front of it that unfolded the lids of the pots, and the group of villains who operated the machines. It sensed that there was something behind the series of horrific changes on the earth over the years.

That life frequency band has arrived.

At the moment, this apostle seems to be roaring ferociously, but in fact he is baring his teeth at the guard, preparing to find an opportunity to retreat.

But now, the bombers in the sky and the surrounding tanks are blocking its retreat, leaving it trapped and fighting.

Finally it moved and then disappeared!

A beam of light without any color is radiated from the sky and the earth, turning everything into gray-white - yes, black and white! Because visually, this chemical wave absorbs all visible light bands, and only black and white can be seen


In the frontal strike of this black and white beam, the muscles of the giant beast melted like plasticine, and less than a second after the skeleton was exposed, it seemed to be burned to pieces. More importantly, any life, including humans, could not survive a glance.

When one glances at such a beam of light, there is a kind of inner fear. This kind of fear is like the fear of walking on a tightrope to the center of a volcano crater.

After the black and white beam swept the giant beast, the aftermath spread in the distance. It did not dissipate beyond the perspective of several kilometers away. The large tide of creatures fell down like a sickle harvesting.

Those people in the energy umbrella finally understood why their backs were turned to them. If this black and white beam of light swept across them, the entire city would undoubtedly be a dead zone.

After the consul saw that everything was over, the first order he issued quickly was: "Cancel the fire lock."

Assessing the situation is the ability that the ancestors of the Energy Tower were best at two hundred years ago. That wandering nation moved from one place to another, had no land of its own, and always maintained independence in the face of various national cultures. It had a set of rules.

At present, this United Human Development Organization has indeed released enough "goodwill".

For the 'Energy Umbrella', the so-called goodwill in the command area does not lie in how much help you give, but in having enough force but not beating him up. - Fear of power and no morality.

Half an hour later, the dust from the nuclear explosion fell to the ground.

Lu Min and the contacts of the southward army in the command zone came to this "energy umbrella" construction platform.

The radiation tower with its nano-shield open for one hundred and forty years now smells like the rubbery smell of aging circuits.

Against this background, Lu Min and the governor of the region looked at each other.

The colonial chemical energy battery mecha in the control area and the energy umbrella, the "pure inorganic electronic warehouse" mecha before the great destruction, are the intersection of two eras.

Lu Min reached out his hand and made friendly contact with the combat captain here.

On the communication map of the contemporary Earth survivor camps represented by the Tonghua District, the last human gathering place has been assembled.

This is the promise of "the desire of our predecessors before the Great Destruction for humanity on earth to regain unity." By carrying on the legacy, we can confidently represent human civilization.


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