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Chapter 12.04 The vortex that begins to form

 Compared with today's star sea, the Iron Star looks like an ordinary asteroid with a medium-to-low mass and volume. But in fact, there is something slightly special here, that is, it is located in a certain channel position, allowing it to connect to stars.

The number of doors will increase in the future.

As interstellar dynamics change, this asteroid will deorbit in the next twenty years, and will enter a key star fragmentation nebula belt in two hundred years. Therefore, the asteroid will have important strategic development possibilities.

This inconspicuous asteroid area full of poor people is similar to the small fishing villages in the main world in the late 1970s that were waiting to be circled and developed.

Once it enters the hot and dense nebula belt, complex interstellar energy gates can be established, and a large number of high-value interstellar activities will be opened. The importance of this planet will increase in the future, well, that is a matter of the future.

But this seemingly ordinary asteroid has been booked in advance by a dark energy person who was exiled from the center. Her participation will protect the local interests at that time.

However, at present, the local forces in Wentiexing are not aware of the above situation. They know nothing about the Chief of Asteroidxing who has been in office for more than 40 years.

These little fish and shrimps don’t know where they are on the asteroid Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Wentie Star, the core captain area, is a space structure with a diameter of one kilometer. The space command hall is the central hall of a space voyage ship. This is actually the immigrant ship that approached the Wentie asteroid two thousand years ago.

ship, and then drill into the facilities inside the star.

In most activities to colonize asteroids, the final colonization battleship command module will be forced into the center of the asteroid under the protection of a force field.

In the No. 6 control hall in the core area, 600 tons of water floated in the form of a large transparent water balloon under zero gravity. Bubbles were embedded in this water balloon. A slim figure with hair over one meter long

The woman is lying naked in it. Her elegant face is facing the sparkling light coming from the water layer, calm and leisurely. The endless energy breeds from the illuminated body and converges into the flat belly.


She is Chang Hengxi, dark energy level 7. She is 427 years old this year and has just passed the fourth stage of life adjustment. Of course - in the eyes of most people in Wen Tiexing, she is only a level 5 person in office now.

The dark one.

The rulers of asteroids like Wentiexing are generally low-level dark energy users of level 5. After the asteroid is fortressed, the rulers will be dark energy users of level 6. In the star sea, most dark energy users will leave the small planet after reaching level 6.

Place. (There is a huge gap between level six and level seven, similar to the gap between gods and demigods)

Chang Hengxi is not a dark energy expert who suddenly appeared. Her original consciousness started from four hundred years ago, after the birth of this planet, and she left here three hundred and seventy years ago to study in the super star gate world.

He was trained, joined the army midway, and has fifty years of service experience.

She just returned here forty years ago, and she returned here to prepare for the game. She, a powerful dragon, temporarily took over the governance of her hometown. Her dark energy type level is above average. Of course, this high-level comparison is not suitable for

In terms of the power on this asteroid, it is so high that no difference can be seen.

Life adjustment can be seen as the technical application of the main world's regeneration system! After all, the carbon-based body has its limits in the accumulation of memory and emotions. When you are over a hundred years old, the huge memory and thinking have to slow down, so you must carry out life.

Adjust, peel off most of the past memory thinking, leaving streamlined thinking.

For most Promised Star people, the previous life adjustment and the next life adjustment are similar to the relationship between the previous life and this life.

The same is true for Mr. Wei! He has had many identities in the past, such as: Sword Master of the Sky Twist Plane, Exiled Immortal of the Divine Plane, and Human Emperor of the Pandora Plane. But every time he starts a new mission, he throws away these baggage.

, even let it go quite thoroughly, and the self-perception has returned to the starting point of "the appearance of a middle-aged man".

For Chang Hengxi, her dark energy system made her adjustment process very short, taking almost ten days.

Narrator: Every hundred years, Chang Hengxi always experiences more than a dozen slightly uncomfortable situations. Of course, it was during Chang Hengxi's physiological adjustment period that Wei Keng came to this plane.

This seventh-level dark energy is definitely an extremely brilliant 'Taoist' inheritance in today's star sea, making Wentiexing, an ordinary asteroid, special in the Star Sea Council because of her existence.

Please note that dark energy of the same level is divided into "systems" and "upper and lower levels".

Just like the academic qualifications in modern times, they are all regular undergraduates, physical education students, art students, and junior college graduates. They are all different.

Chang Hengxi's dark energy belongs to the "life" system, and in the ranking of the dark energy system, it is in the middle and upper ranks.

The category of 'life' is originally a mixed category in the dark energy system. Some life systems are at the bottom of the dark energy system, while others are at the top.

The high-level dark energy type of life system is more popular in the star sea than the "energy burst" and "reinforcement system". Of course, it cannot be compared with the "space-time system" and "matter transmutation", which are rare and rare systems.


Now, her "sunbathing" is using photons as energy to reconstruct the organic matter in the body.

Under the spectator effect of dark energy, molecular motion is similar to the optical effect of plants, but the rate is much faster. As long as there is enough sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and some trace elements, the construction of organic matter can be quickly restored, and

After the scope of her abilities is expanded, she can maintain the carbon cycle process of the entire asteroid no less than that of a living planet. This is the guarantee for the longevity of her organic life form.

Her dark energy system was called "Light Absorption" at the sixth level, but after reaching its essence at the seventh level, it could no longer be called this name.

The essence of dark energy is actually linked to the phenomenon, but it does not directly extend life span, resist aging and adjust life.

But in application, the above-mentioned longevity results can be indirectly achieved through scientific and technological means.

Every dark energy user above level 4 will use methods to maintain physical activity. However, the paths and costs are different.

Just like in modern times, basically every normal person can not receive money as an adult, but they all have the means to make money! It’s just that the prices paid for various means are different.

Chang Hengxi's seventh-level dark energy, known as "Light-Draining Growth" in the Star Sea, has always been underestimated by the one-sided perception in the "shoal" of Iron Pattern Star.

But even so, the application of her dark energy at the sixth level is among the best in the entire 'life system'. Including the life-extending state, there are basically no side effects!

In contrast, the "life system" dark energy of some combat groups in the Star Sea Council's military headquarters is much rougher after reaching level 6 than when Chang Hengxi was at level 6, and there are great hidden dangers. Who calls these things?

The foundation of "lower dark energy" is weak.

It is also the "life system". Most combatants in the military who have no background have no choice but to pursue the perfect organic cycle model of "light-absorbing growth".

Among the "Interstellar Knights" recruited by the military forces of the star sea, most of them in the "life system" take the path of devouring simple organic matter.

It directly absorbs the organic matter of the target. However, this "attack with blood-sucking" can be used to support the battle. In the process of fighting, the virus contained in the enemy's target organism is not completely disassembled and will enter the own body through the transfer of flesh and blood.

The superficial dark energy of life does not seem to have any side effects in the short term. Viruses and other things will be suppressed by high metabolism, but the recycling of organic matter is inaccurate. More importantly, it cannot survive the catastrophe of life adjustment!

Below level six, the container in which human consciousness resides is ultimately composed of organic matter. When redefining one's new life form, all accumulated hidden dangers will explode.

[This is just like a country, if it is not established based on a just civilized system at the beginning, many hidden dangers will be inadvertently buried in its growth. For example, when it is strong, it develops a system of external plunder. As its own internal cycle begins, it will lose control.

Internal plundering cannot restrain itself when it is strong. You expect its power to be restrained and restrained when times are difficult! What a joke. The adjustment process is the weakest time, and the 'plundering system' cannot suppress these.

The ending must be autophagy?】

The same goes for dark energy ones in maintaining the strength of organic life forms. When the body benefits from plundering organic objects, the carbon-based body will automatically transform into a 'predation system'. It will inevitably decline when it is adjusted.

What, keep devouring it to keep your body strong and strong forever?

When any system operates to a certain extent, entropy will increase and a large amount of redundant parts will need to be formatted and adjusted. And self-formatting and adjustment will inevitably have a period of decline!

A being like Chang Hengxi undergoes life adjustment every one hundred years, with a very short period of weakness, and the decline in strength is almost unaffected! These are the many advantages of excellent dark energy and ordinary dark energy in addition to the "combat strength" factor.

One of the differences.

This is similar to jobs in modern times. Whether some jobs are good or not depends solely on "money".

Note: Level 7 is a big threshold, and the simplest level 7 dark energy breakthrough is extremely difficult. Not to mention the 'big hidden dangers', a small number of 'small hidden dangers' dark energy users have absolutely no chance of advancing to level 7. In the Sea of ​​Stars

Most of the middle-income families will not be prompted.

The dark energy systems of the Starry Sky Council and the Military Department are often very wild, because the members they recruit only focus on combat power.

This is just like the boss in modern times who offered a monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, which only focused on the value that you can do when you are most energetic between the ages of 20 and 35! - Skill accumulation and growth, in four years

The value shown in the prime of life at the age of fifteen, in their opinion, there is no need to invest that time!

As some wealthy masters in modern times often said: "If you don't do it, someone else will!"

Now the Starry Sky Council has the same attitude towards the workers recruited from various marginal asteroids: "Sacrifice long-term life potential in exchange for sufficient combat power. If you don't take this path, there are many people who take this path. Iron Pattern Planet

The sky area where it is located is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of asteroids. The population is like leeks, born from generation to generation. To pursue their dreams and come to the central star gate, there is no shortage of soldiers."

Oh, the big forces in Stargate also respect talents. But in their minds, the talent standards and threshold are quite high.

[Just like capitalists in modern times, they are stingy about giving their employees opportunities to grow, but they are greedy for high-end technical personnel who have already grown up, and they continue to invest heavily in mining. In important fields, forty or fifty years old is the prime of life for a technician.

Mr. Wei: "It's not uncommon for such talents to be invited to a banquet and put on a high platform. Entrepreneurs who are really willing to wear work boots to cultivate talents can only appear in TV dramas."]

In the current starry sky, the high-ranking level 6 "life system" dark energy users are definitely talents attracted by various factions of the Starry Sky Council. If such people are not in the center, then there must be a reason.

Four hundred years have passed, and for some low-level fifth-level dark energy users in the military, their body functions have become out of control, and they must wait for death in coffins called "life support cabins."

But for Chang Hengxi, she has the ability to easily control the ecological region of a planet.

Is the carbon-based body aging? It is easy to adjust yourself and others dozens of times.

With her level in the dark energy system, it is quite easy to maintain longevity. After perhaps hundreds or thousands of adjustments, the ecological cycle system linked to her own life will accumulate "organic errors" and disrupt the balance, which will eventually lead to her aging, but

At that time, her descendants may have evolved new seventh-level dark energy and continue their glory.

Chang Hengxi may not be the strongest in this sea of ​​​​stars, but she is definitely the top in the sea of ​​​​stars.

According to the minimum conditions for level seven dark energy users in Xinghai, she should have a supporting ship larger than the iron-marked asteroid, which can easily affect the fate of thousands of asteroids of the same type in the administrative area where the "marked iron star" is located!

The large black hole of Promise Star, within a range of 500 light years, is called Sector 1.

Among the current chaotic star sea forces, Promise Star is still considered the first-class star sea force. There are no more than fifty seventh-level high-level dark energy users in the Starry Sky Council.

She has now returned to the remote asteroid where she was born and serves as the chief executive. She is exactly like "the family where the Yuan Ying ancestor returned to the mortal world."

Being wrapped in a water ball seemed to be too comfortable. Chang Hengxi groaned softly, and her two slender legs came together, clamping herself tightly. Her lips touched the water layer above, and she spit out a string of

There was a string of bubbles. Then she opened her eyes. Then she stood up in the air, and with the flash of bright light, she was already wearing a complete chief executive uniform.

Chang Hengxi waved his hand, and the water ball dissipated like a halo! Under the control of high-density dark energy, any material properties can be simulated.

Chang Hengxi calmly said to himself: "The Star Sea Council is plotting against each other." Now she is not in the center of power, and is living in seclusion here just to stay away from the storm. Although her dark energy level is top-notch in the Star Sea, but

But she is from a "poor family" among "poor families". Her surname is not considered noble in the center, and is completely unheard of. Therefore, if she is in the center, there is a high probability that she will be taken advantage of.

And picking chrysanthemums and leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain under the eastern fence, the "country cottage" of Wentiexing will drift into the nebula area in a few hundred years, but there are 43 other asteroids that will also drift in. She stays here.

Can be autonomous.

Chang Hengxi is powerless in the highest center, but that does not mean that her rank is completely ignored by the center.

Wen Tiexing was originally one of them, and had to be squeezed by personnel sent by the Star Sea Council. After Chang Hengxi came, Wen Tiexing became a special case.

What Promise Star is good at is political games. Even a hair is a game.

Just like on Earth, if a small place is taken care of by a big guy who wants to quit, the local politics on Earth will bypass this small place and no longer pursue those who quit!

But on the Promised Planet, after the big boss Chang Hengxi came to Wentie Star, he still pursued her as long as she was around.

The political circles on the Starry Sky Council also made specific requests, asking Chang Hengxi to make advance arrangements for the azimuth transition point No. C4556. There are many carbon molecules in the nebula in that area, and there are even simple amino acids.

Chang Hengxi, a seventh-level dark energy user, has now built a complete organic ecosystem on the Iron Star, and will reserve a position to supply organic matter to other asteroids.

Let’s talk about the many forces in the Star Sea now. The Promise Star Twins and the Great Black Hole are one of the fourteen large star sea forces now. However, looking back six thousand years ago, the Star Sea at that time still maintained unity. The Promise Star was a member of the Star Sea Empire at that time.


Among the many star sea colonies in the Twin Big Black Holes, the human race maintains the most original cultural characteristics of the original planet of the promised star people. This cultural characteristics are completely different from those on the earth.

On Earth, "stay away from the political arena, stay away from struggle." On the Promised Planet, as long as you exist, no matter where you hide? You will always play games, but the difference is, is the game you are participating in a big or small game with the chips in your hand? Is it a high game?

Risk or low risk? (The same is true for women's house-fighting politics on earth. Chase to the end, such as Empress Lu vs. Han Xin vs. Madam Qi. It's impossible to let it go and forget about grudges with a smile. )

Unless the whole person and the planet completely jump to the strange universe, he will never be able to escape the chaos of the world. (Void Twisted Plane)

Looking back on the history of evolution, in the history of arboreal evolution of Promise Star, the upper-level female ape, who has each fruit on the tree this year? Has she eaten it? Is it going to be planted? Or is it dried in the sun to survive? Or is it to let the young male apes

Entering the "musk period"! Everyone's calculations are clear.

People on earth may not be used to the culture of the Promise Star people, and may even ridicule it when they see it for the first time. (For example, Wei Qiang lamented that there are too many small patterns in the politics of this plane.)

But the culture of Promise Star has indeed reduced many hot conflicts in its development process.

Most of the wars in the history of the earth were fought in the process of upper-level struggle, under the balance of power, ignoring the minutiae of the game, defaulting to letting go of a large number of interests, accumulating over time, causing irreparable deficits, and finally started fighting directly. - A typical case is Ming.

In the end, too many people stood by and watched.

Chang Hengxi also presided over the exploration project of the target nebula on Wentie Star.

Ten days ago, sequencing failed, consuming one-twentieth of the entire planet's energy for ten years to create an interstellar voyage to detect smart photons. During the round trip, it was originally scheduled to return 30% stably, but was devoured by strong unstable elements.

, only one percent comes back.

Since Chang Hengxi was just a newly airborne asteroid lord sixty years ago and showed level five dark energy to the outside world, the failure of this project naturally aroused opposition from the local forces in Wentie Province.

Regarding these local forces, Chang Hengxi smiled and was ready to play with these local forces that had risen over the past three hundred years.

On the other side, in the dormitory, Wei Keng looked at the "tunnel worms" (creatures under the gravity of the earth) placed on his bed by Taxi Qiduo's "naughty" classmates, and realized that he also wanted to inherit Taxi Qiduo.

The "bullied" person said helplessly: "Where are the snakes?" After saying that, he picked up the writhing worm with a fork and threw it into the biochemical processing warehouse.


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