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Chapter 2.07 Return

 On October 21, Pandora 138, when the wormhole opened, Wei Keng did not leave immediately, but postponed it again for two hundred days.

Each Wei Keng in the cluster had a telepathic discussion about their "impulse" to stay for two hundred days.

"Labor will transform a person's mental outlook." Standing on the dam, the Wei Keng working group looked at the rolling river water being restrained by the reinforced concrete dam, and then judged their sexual experience during this time crossing.

"In the process of constantly transforming the world and watching my actions accumulate day by day, the whole person is in a state of rising sun. This is something you cannot find when lying comfortably in a school apartment." In the farmland,

Wei Keng, who was counting the growth status of each crop on the table, began to compare the two lives.

"So, was that depravity in the past?" In the steel factory, while watching the heavy hammer hitting the red-hot steel one after another, Wei Keng shook off the sweat on his hands and asked himself.

"Maybe it's depravity, maybe it's not, I'm not sure, but the fact that is certain is that what others say doesn't count!" In the north, an iron crossbow arrow killed a jumping wolf trying to escape, while the Wei Keng team that fired the crossbow arrow carried the crossbow on its back.

He replied while holding a steel gun.

"I can have many futures, but the conditions only allow me to choose one of them, and that one cannot define all of me." On Wei Keng, a cement fishing boat in the harbor, the nets being dropped are being kept under the runner driven by the steam engine.

Recycling. Looking at the increasingly "boiling" sea surface in the network area, I feel sad.

In the Pandora plane, when the wormhole where Wei Keng returned for the first time disappeared, there were several flashes in the wormhole area. This was caused by Wei Keng gathering life energy. This was to remind Sun Xiangyang and other crew members,

If you don’t leave today, you will leave tomorrow. Give those around you a head start.

Desperate physicists gave instructions regarding the intermittent flickering of wormholes in the Pandora plane: local cadres should understand Comrade Wei Keng's mood of returning home and complete the handover of work with Wei Keng as soon as possible.

Of course, it is very difficult for the non-Wei Keng comrades here to follow the instructions given by the "Jie Ming".

Wei Keng's job in the Pearl River area has many very important positions, and his work capabilities are unique in many aspects. If he leaves directly, it will cause the work tasks of many departments to be slow and paralyzed.

[However, regarding this situation, as a senior staff member of the Space-Time Management Bureau, Luo Hongxing has already secretly made arrangements below.]

Once Wei Keng leaves, the timeline will be divided into two groups, a and b. In group a's timeline, Wei Keng will come back. Luo Hongxing will back up and stay in this time and space.

In the timeline of Group B, Wei Keng has completely left, then Luo Hongxing will completely take over the world and develop this plane more thoroughly.

He will completely open the shuttle to the plane of death. It was discovered that the nature of the wormhole has changed slightly on the plane of death. People staying there can come over, but every time a person comes through, the wormhole will shrink. Traveling through six

After a thousand people, the wormhole will completely shrink, and after it expands again, it will return to a form that cannot support human traversal.

Does it make sense to shuttle six thousand people in one direction to the plane of death? Of course it does!

Although there are many dangers in the Pandora plane, and the conditions are backward and difficult, the radiation of life here gives new opportunities to human life.

Zhonglian in the plane of death has just completed its independence, and it has only been 30 years since it was united into one. In the process of developing nuclear missiles, many devotees suffered from the root cause of the disease.

Therefore, instead of lying on the hospital bed and dying in the terminal plane when medical treatment is not yet developed, it is better to enter the Pandora plane. Here, cancer cells and body lesions can be treated under the effect of community radiation.


For the decision-making team of the terminal plane, it can change the outcome of some high-value talents who die of terminal diseases to just leaving this world. This is worth their investment in the Pandora plane.

Some things have no meaning from an absolutely objective point of view, but society will recognize the meaning! For example, funeral consumption such as memorial services is worth people's energy and wealth.

Sending a person away from this world now, from an objective point of view, has no value to the plane of death.

But people in the plane of death think this is valuable, and are willing to work hard with their subjective initiative, and then donate everything to xx in exchange for this quota!

As for the human community that has lost Wei Keng in the Pandora plane, when a large number of scientists and technical talents from the Death Plane arrive, they will definitely be able to fill the job vacancies left by Wei Keng.

It was April of another year. Wei Keng had been working full-time for more than six years. This year, the upper reaches of the Pearl River reservoir was completed.

The construction of large-scale infrastructure of this level was rare in the entire plane after the end of the Pandora era.

The super smelting pyramid in Chongqing counts as one, the Taihang Mountain Tunnel Group in the Yellow River Alliance in northern East Asia also counts as one, and the ice and steam city in Greenland in the North Atlantic also counts as one.

The ability to complete such a facility requires a strong mobilization force. Such a marvelous facility represents the return of human power in the Pearl River Delta region. The Yangtze River Delta region, which existed side by side with the Pearl River Delta region before the Great Destruction, is now part of the southern states of East Asia.


This reservoir is completely built in accordance with the requirements of this plane. The most significant feature is that a cement pillar is reserved every four hundred meters in the reservoir. This cement pillar is reserved with grooved sliding rails, which are prepared for placing the network.

When the network cable falls into the reservoir along the groove, it completes the interception of the water area. This will allow humans to have the ability to sweep away large creatures in the water area.

After the Pandora field spreads to the entire world, the most terrifying thing for mankind is genetic pollution.

That is, the genes of one organism suddenly appear in another organism. For example, a crocodile has the teeth of a shark, and a bear makes the sound of a monkey. Of course, this kind of diffusion occurs when "the organisms are about the same size" and have "similar feeding habits"

There are more situations.

As mentioned before, the proliferation activities of bacteria cannot affect higher organisms such as humans. Microorganisms are too easy to replicate and proliferate, and only produce very simple proteins and sugars, which do not interfere much with the process of DNA building proteins in the human body.

It is also difficult for herbivores to interfere with carnivores, because many proteins in carnivores are constructed from amino acids decomposed from prey proteins directly ingested by the intestines. The intestines of herbivores are not sufficient to supply these substances and nutrients, so even if they interfere with certain tissues

Cells, these tissue cells will also be starved of nutrients and stop.

Therefore, contemporary human beings' attitude towards ecology needs to change slightly.

Mr. Wei Keng: Since the genes of the entire biological world can be exchanged across species, humans must play "Battle Royale" in the contemporary Blue Star online version!

As long as I only have one strong species in this area? Let's see if any other species can cause me radiation sickness.

Monopolize your own ecological niche! Control all ecological niches that overlap with your own food.

In a reservoir like this, all fish must be fished regularly, because if you don't fish them, other large species may feed on them and have a way to survive, which in turn will lead to the reproduction of genes.

Don't think about species diversity these days! Because you may be overwhelmed by diversity at any time. As humans, even if we cannot eat the food we ask for from nature, we have to catch it, kill it, and send it to the biogas digester for decomposers to process it!

Battle royale, battle royale. Supplies will be destroyed if not picked up, and must not be used to aid the enemy.

4th 15th.

When the white river water was poured into the reservoir, the water level gradually rose to two-thirds of the pillars. When standing on the pillars and looking at the clear water, well, there were very few fish.

At the same time, a visitor from the north came out of the mountains and forests.

Long Ximin walked south and arrived at the Pearl River area. The first thing she felt was that the originally natural area was suddenly cut into pieces by these buildings, which made her frown a little solemn.

Then she saw the main stream of the river cut off by a reinforced concrete dam, with a solemn expression on her face.

Next, from north to south, she passed through a large area, and then to this river and reservoir. In her perception of life radiation, large areas lacked the gathering of life and were "scattered". Everywhere was forcibly destroyed and cut off.

What it looks like after.

Finally, when she arrived at the largest reservoir, the life field she could perceive was reduced to a basic level.

Describe her perception in a way that humans can understand: In a normal ecology, energy is supplied from basic grass producers, then collected by insects and herbivores, and then collected by carnivores, reaching the top of the energy pyramid. In Pandora's field

, at the top of the food chain, it is often the final gathering place of life radiation energy. All the energy radiated by life will clearly become an energy network, with the species at the top of the food chain as nodes.

Node creatures will feel the beauty of this clearly differentiated flow of ecological energy.

But what about now? Although the vegetation is still growing and the various bacterial decomposers are still there, what about this energy process? It’s ugly. There’s crushing and cutting everywhere.

Wei Keng set fires and floods a few years ago, and then carried out large-scale raids and hunts. The large species in this area have long been gone. Now human communities have emerged in the Pearl River Delta and have begun to use the energy in this area, but they cannot use it up. A large number of

Energy is directly cut down as vegetation is cut down, small fish and shrimps are caught, and given to decomposers.

Such a domineering attitude towards nature made Long Ximin feel that the life system in this area was falling apart!

She turned her gaze to the high tower areas outside the city in the Pearl River area, which are the biochemical reactor areas. She took a deep breath and said, "It's so strong, but it's withering." In the Chongqing knowledge system, the lives of producers

Radiation is the power of 'vitality', and the life radiation of the decomposer is the breath of 'withering'.

April 30th.

Wei Keng completed the final handover of his post and was ready to return.

Sun Xiangyang wanted to hold a farewell ceremony for Wei Keng and Wei Keng, but Wei Keng refused.

Wei Keng: "If you go, you just go. If you come back, there will be a welcome ceremony. Making one thing too complicated will destroy the original intention of coming and going freely. And if you can't come back, I hope you don't have to think about me.

I can’t represent anything, because you can go forward on your own if you want the future.”

After a brief farewell, the Wei Keng Group began to gather in empty houses arranged in various locations.

At the point where Wei Keng first arrived, there was an open space when he first arrived. Later, it was built with adobe houses. After the arrival of the Yuanhua Giant Ship, it was bulldozed and rebuilt. Now it is a warehouse with red brick walls.

At 9:30 this morning, a wormhole appeared. One hundred and twenty-five Wei Keng who were originally sitting on small benches in the hall looked at the flashing wormhole, stood up collectively, and then sent five people from the five

Heading towards the wormhole in one direction.

With every average step taken, the bodies of Wei Keng at various strongholds in the entire Pearl River area became insubstantial. When they walked in completely, the Wei Keng disappeared from this plane.

The camera returns to Wei Keng's perspective,

When an individual enters the time and space gate, all clusters cease, and Wei Keng is unified again in time and space.

This feeling of unity made Wei Keng stunned. The memory scale of more than 1,500 people was so huge that Wei Keng's consciousness had to be organized to a certain extent and then simplified. Simplify one

Memory from multiple perspectives of the self.

Wei Keng vaguely heard the system's constant prompts: "Memories are being uploaded and stored. Please select important daily memories and organize them linearly."

After the initial fusion, Wei Keng kept yelling at himself to calm down, concentrate, and be serious, because a large number of self-individuals were thinking about other things before the fusion! Although these messy thoughts did not cause essential conflicts, they made

Now I am very distracted in the short term and find it difficult to concentrate.

For example, just after entering the wormhole stage, on the surface all Wei Keng was silent, but there was a fool in his heart who was humming: "I really want to stay for another five hundred years." And he didn't stop doing this.

One, so that these ongoing feelings directly continue to become distracting thoughts in the current unity. Wei Keng: "It is really bad to take such a break when you are busy."

Wei Keng finally spent about a few hours calming down his thoughts and began to sort out the linear memories within the Pandora mission.

That is, the important things you do every day are recorded in memory. Those who are rushing, pulling weeds, eating, and a large number of unimportant memories and thoughts and feelings are only uploaded to the personal system for storage. These will serve as the traveler's stay in a plane.

"Diary" in.

I don’t know how long it took, but Wei Keng’s consciousness was finally pulled out of his memory. The stars formed by the shuttlers behind him had passed, and were now falling towards the time and space of the Shenzhou plane area. And they were about to enter the station!

The "station" here refers to the "space-time rift space station" where information is stored within the scope of influence of space-time rift technology in the Chinese plane.

Now China's space-time research department, under the leadership of Director Ke Feijia, is trying its best to allow some people with special characteristics and some intelligent equipment to enter this space-time rift space station.

The only people who are special to Jie Hongzi are Ke Feijia, who has left this plane, and Wei Keng! In fact, travelers who are not from the main world cannot jump to the platform of the space-time rift space station at all.

The major indigenous forces in the Chinese plane do not know that their rift space stations are the spatial positioning laid by the civilization of another plane with silent acquiescence.

Wei Keng entered this time-space rift space station and already had normal human vision, hearing, touch and other senses. He could see his own hands and feet. Of course, there were also objects.

Wei Keng touched himself. His hands and feet were healthy, his skin was quite tender, especially the two ounces of flesh on his lower crotch, and his mood was stable. He looked at the system that Ke Feijia had left on the space station in a relaxed mood.

Artificial intelligence 'Luofu', she is a bionic robot with perfect curves and a beautiful face. Well, a robot that looks like a human is actually made of steel, as hard as the plastic mannequins in the clothing store. (Wei Keng is all over the place.

After touching it, it was confirmed that it was a machine.) It was produced by Shenzhou Xianzao Workshop, put into the space-time rift, and then re-entered by Ke Feijia into the main world as the service program with the highest authority.

Luo Fu: "My lord, welcome back. The energy balance of the space-time gate is 9843. You can return safely."

Wei Keng: "When I go back, what time will it be over there (China)?"

Luo Fu said: "There is neither absolute time nor absolute space in the universe. To be precise, both sides of the space-time gate are not rivers of time in a broad sense, but are located in a state of physical matter. This state may develop

into various modes..."

When this intelligence reached the third sentence, Wei Keng stopped listening and read the information himself.

According to the time of the main world, the first timeline of the Chinese plane that Wei Keng traveled through has passed, and Ke Feijia and the others have completed their mission and left this plane.

But according to the time in the Chinese plane, Wei Keng came back at the time he just left.

In Wei Keng's timeline, as he left, Ke Feijia disappeared midway! This timeline was backed up to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng was surprised: "In other words, after returning there (the plane of China), I will be the only one?" After receiving the confirmed answer, Wei Keng felt a little disappointed that he had been "dumped and left behind."

Wei Keng sighed with some unsteady confidence: "I'm still a newbie, please guide me."

This chapter has been completed!
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