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Chapter 518 Chapter 12.32 Feng Zang

 In the year 1240 of Wentie Star, almost three years have passed since that incident. Many of the surviving students are now level two dark energy users.

For example, Moya and Canxing. They were already second-level dark energy users. They walked out of Wentie Star with Chang Hengxi's recommendation letter and went to a larger planet area to go to school for trials. On the outer surface of the planet, the thrusters flashed loudly.

, gradually extending the outer track toward the outer area.

On July 23, a stream of light condensed from the gravitational field of the nearby star and began to fly towards the iron-marked planet, and then stopped for an instant. When it stopped, 80% of the mass of the streamer was dissipated, but it reached the target location stably.


This light group arrived near the star of Triton at one percent of the speed of light, and it has a mass of about fifteen Taishan.

After the light group stopped suddenly, it spread out a halo with a diameter of a thousand kilometers, and instantly turned into a mirror. Then, this energy mirror scanned the entire Wentie star in a flash.

In the core of Wentie Star, Chang Hengxi suddenly raised his head, because at this moment, all the life quantum information she managed in the inner circle seemed to be swept away by a wave of gamma rays, and there was a little disorder! Then it was forcibly restored.


For Wen Tie Xing, having the seventh-level dark energy expert Chang Hengxi here is already a great honor, and now she is greeted by a being who is far more powerful than her.

In the eyes of the residents of Wentie Star, everything in outer space stopped at this time, and all the spaceships were frozen in place. The huge mirror suspended in front of Wentie Star shone brightly!

Wentiexing people, who have just recovered from the coup two years ago, feel that their small place is now witnessing myths!

From the recorded history of this asteroid, seventy-five of the planet's governors were all level five dark energy practitioners. These past few decades have been truly turbulent.

Three years ago, this asteroid first encountered a team of starry knights transferred by Chang Hengxi, and then encountered a hijacked spacecraft by a space-time dark energy person. And now there is such a person who may have the ability to directly push the Wentie Star.

The existence of blasting ability.

While the Wentiexing people were still thinking, Qingsu had already completed the planet scan.

Under her precise control of dark energy, all material properties in the entire Iron Star have changed, and the lights in large and small areas have become dozens of times stronger. In all tunnels and halls, the lights are so intense that they are dazzling.

This is something that these electrical components cannot bear, but the light speed allows them to bear it.

Just when every part of the planet was brightly lit, Qingsu ignored the obstruction of matter, traversed multiple physical structures, penetrated directly to the core, and arrived at the center of the star where Chang Hengxi was stationed.

In the planet hall, Chang Hengxi's long hair was like a black waterfall, reaching her ankles. After she saw the extremely dazzling light in front of her, she did not close her eyes, but faced directly towards the enemy.

Chang Hengxi quickly jumped out of his own battle suit. This was a high-density force field battle suit in pure white crystal and diamond color. The texture was like a very light metal. It wrapped his whole body tightly and unfolded himself.

High-power field. This field energy is no longer a concept of "vibrant", but a slight change can destroy vitality.

In the entire hall, it was as if the substantial material dark energy was resisting, so that the walls, tables and chairs made of metal dissolved instantly like soot falling into the water, and it could be said that in the midst of talking and laughing, the rafts and oars disappeared into ashes.

Chang Hengxi's perception: Since the other party can emit powerful light, she must use her own ability to bend the light out through the material here.

It has to be said that if it is a sixth-level transmutation dark energy user, her layers of "light absorption" can absorb and filter it all.

And if the opponent is a "seven-level transmutation series" dark energy user, Chang Hengxi can also rely on the large amount of material information gathered at home to retreat calmly when the confrontation is unfavorable.

But the light speed is too strong.

After three breaths, spherical space fluctuations appeared in the originally transparent area around Chang Hengxi. In this spherical area, circles of shock waves appeared like meteorites hitting the planet. Looking carefully, under the energy impact,

In the space of this spherical area, layers of protection suddenly became turbid like tempered glass shattering.

In the high level of dark energy, there is a difference of one level, which is a world of difference.

The rich light in the hall dissipated, and the white-haired light appeared, and flickered to the front. He stretched out his hand and penetrated the shattered force field, pinching Chang Hengxi's face as if holding a gem.

Chang Hengxi wanted to struggle, but wisps of dark energy penetrated her body directly and began to replace elements!

The upper limit of the best level in the transmutation system is much higher than that of the life system. This is the threshold for advancing to the eighth level of dark energy users. The "quality definition" of light speed is closer to the essence.

Sweat dripped down Chang Hengxi's cheeks. She didn't want to give in and wanted to straighten her body, but facing the light smile of the eldest lady, she had to stiffen up.

Quickly, he used his fingers to scratch from Chang Hengxi's chin to his neck, and then to his chest. (Quickly, he) his fingers got caught in the "two white peaks" and he started to enjoy.

Qingsu also said: "Oh, it turns out to be the entanglement chain (a method of improving the level of dark energy. Chang Hengxi was born without the opportunity to contact high-level dark energy inheritance)," she said in a gentle tone after lifting the white ball with her hand.

He said as softly as his fingers: "Not bad."

Chang Hengxi had a look of helplessness on his face! When he came to this small place, he thought he would be able to accomplish what he wanted to do calmly. First, a gangster came out to rebel, and then there was this female gangster.

Chang Hengxi: "Having met His Highness, Lord of the Stars, can I have the authority that the Starry Sky Council should have and know your name?"

Qing Suyi rubbed his wrist: "I am from the Shengzhao ethnic group. I participated in the Battle of Death Cloud 3500 years ago. My battle number is Jue 445. Now I am back from the void. I am ready to report to the Starry Sky Empire, oh,

I just checked that it’s the Starry Sky Council now, don’t worry, it has nothing to do with you.”

Later, Qingsu also added: "That boy was with me two years ago. Did he offend you a little at that time? Wang Jian told you about me, right?"

Chang Hengxi was shocked when she heard the origin of Qingsuyi. But then she heard Qingsuyi said about the little guy from the space-time system two years ago, and said silently in her heart: "I knew it was you who instigated it."

Quickly and leisurely, he scanned Chang Hengxi's mentality and said playfully: "You now have the quark information group compiled by me in your body. I can read your information."

Chang Hengxi pursed her lips and simply refused to admit it.

Qingsu also rubbed her hair, and then said: "You are also from this asteroid? Hey! This small place really always produces talents. It's just that he is a little more difficult to deal with than you."

Chang Hengxi's pupils lit up as they looked at each other.

Qingsu also took a look: "Oh, I let that little guy run away! I was watching when he was yelling at you. He had a bad temper at the time, maybe because of his excessive puberty. You just happened to be a little unlucky."

Chang Hengxi muttered silently: "Is it excess? There is such a crazy excess." Afterwards, she checked Taxi Qiduo's past files and found more black material about "antisocial personality." For example, when she was twelve years old, she and

When people fight and have their faces torn apart, they also break other people's fingers.

Qingshu Yiping sat on her chest and consoled her calmly (in a very ungentlemanly manner): "Your important manpower has not been lost. How about I help you for a few months to make up for your planetary orbit change plan?

Let’s make peace with him.”

When Qingsu also spoke, Chang Hengxi said helplessly: "Do I have any other choice now?"

The casualties caused by Wei Keng during the hijacking of the Wentie star ship included the "Brightness" and seven battleships, as well as the damage to dozens of shuttle boat members. Such damage was very tragic on Wentiexing, but under the Star Sea Council,

Among the upper echelons, this is nothing. Chang Hengxi’s core subordinates did not die after the incident. And the descendants of her family are also on the "Holy Light".

As for Chang Hengxi and Ta Xi Qi Duo's "let's just let go of the holiday", will Ta Xi Qi Duo one day "don't bully young people into poverty" - well, there is a huge threshold for level seven and below.

Dark energy below level six is ​​still full of all kinds of surprises, but dark energy at level seven is a qualitative gap. Dark energy systems that are too low-level are not even qualified to advance to level seven.

Similar to the age of steam, the age of internal combustion engines, and the age of electricity on earth, all are still classical physics, but after the nuclear age, all living beings are ants.

At least for now, Chang Hengxi is not worried about Taxi Kaiduo's seventh level, as it is nothing to worry about.

Ten minutes later, the water polo in the hall was gone, replaced by suspended energy lenses. Qingsu Yi was leaning on the energy lenses. Her robe was now opened slightly high, revealing her snow-like legs, swimming leisurely.

Zaidi sways and carries his own energy body, just like swinging on a swing, completing the energy swing.

Qingsu also asked Chang Hengxi, who was also lying beside him: "Has the Star Sea Council been plotting against each other for hundreds of years?"

Chang Hengxi was placed side by side by Qing Su, leaning against a place where Qing Su could hold him.

This is because after drifting alone in the star sea for three thousand years, we need friends, and of course we need allies. Just as Chang Hengxi was looking for local youths to control Wentiexing in Wentiexing, he had no choice but to use Wei Keng's legacy on Wentiexin.

Those lucky ones who "robbery the organization".

Now Qingsu also needs to return to the Star Sea Council, so he also needs a "follower". Qingsu's subordinates have long since passed away, and his colleagues have also changed. As for the best follower, Taxi Qiduo was originally, but

That guy ran away, but now Chang Hengxi can't escape.

A few minutes after the physical examination

Chang Hengxi restrainedly resisted Qingsuyi's touch and said: "The Star Sea Council has maintained stability for the past two thousand years, so (stuttering because Qingsuyi once again used atoms to write the material information in her body), now

It is in a confrontation area with six giant stars, three black hole areas, and a total of seven core forces."

It was precisely because of the Star Sea Council's behavior that Chang Hengxi withdrew from the hot spot of the Star Sea Council's battle, preparing to seize a good position after the Iron Star submerged into the nebula a few hundred years later.

Qingsu also said: "Your plan is very long-term, but it is too slow. Your mass acceleration system technology is too weak. Interstellar nodes in the middle can take this route."

He also quickly opened the interstellar course map: "For a celestial body with the mass of the Iron Star, after passing through several areas, the information entropy accumulated in the material structure is too much. Even if you can adjust your life, it will cause genetic contamination to your point along the way.

, the accumulation will still make you unable to save yourself."

Chang Hengxi looked at this star map with a difficult expression.

In 1232, that is, eight years ago, most of the information on the smart photons she emitted was invalid when they returned. Now it seems that they were robbed by Qingsu Yi!

At that time, Qingsu also wanted to float to Wentie Star as quickly as possible, so he naturally used various methods.

It's just that Qingsuyi doesn't admit it now, so she can't accuse Qingsuyi. Instead, she has to admit that what she said makes sense.

On the outskirts of the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the huge human forces within the entire Promised Star area are still unclear about what a high-level dark energy user from the Three Thousand Years Expedition will bring to the human world when he returns to it.

But in the northeast of the Promise Star's large black hole range, the two super-large interstellar regions that have already established themselves in confrontation have shown signs of war with each other. (In the Milky Way, pointing to the center of the galaxy is south, pointing to the outer source is north, and clockwise is east.

, counterclockwise is west.)

Multiple factions have formed interlocking forces around the control of the hub where the super blue giant is located. Level eight dark energy users will not participate in the conflict, but they are human beings and will tend to develop a type of culture. And if they develop differently, they will inevitably

There are conflicts among various factions.

And in this, the starry universe where the beacon is hidden.

Someone who has just climbed out of Novice Village is heading towards the most lively and contradictory center. After passing through the star gate of Silver Rainbow Star, he has crossed eighteen star gates all the way north and is about to arrive at the 'big city'


In the sea of ​​​​stars, Wei Keng looked at the blue planet outside the destination, took a deep breath and chanted: "Oh, Jiulan Star, what a beautiful area, my lighthouse~"

Jing Guyu rolled his eyes when he saw people talking human words and ghosts talking nonsense. Sometimes they were very sweet and sometimes they were very rude.

At this time, Wei Keng was still a stowaway in the spaceship at this temporary transfer station. He was also wearing an electronic monitoring ring. The space door provided by the smuggler responsible for delivery was extremely risky for stowaways.


For first- and second-level dark energy users, there is a 30% space mortality rate, but those responsible for stowaways only charge "uranium coins" and don't care about the lives of the stowaways.

As a fifth-level space system dark energy user, Mr. Wei does not need to be afraid of this extremely unstable space vortex. The few "words" he occasionally utters that do not come from the heart are completely to show that he is surviving after a disaster and paralyze the opponent.

However, Wei Keng was prepared to wait until this guy took him to the next platform.

The spacecraft sailed into a force field area, and then the snakehead looked at Wei Keng with a threatening expression: "Hand over all the space packets!"

Wei Keng covered his finger and put on the ring (space folding locator): "I gave you one."

Snakehead: "The road ahead is too difficult and the risks are too high."

Wei Keng "thought" for a while, then honestly said: "Then I will float over by myself. You let me go."

The smuggler said cheerfully: "That won't work. Vehicle damage fee. Also, you must pay or die today."

As soon as he finished speaking, the world seemed to be split in two from the perspective of the snakehead. However, then he saw the coward in front of him smiling sarcastically, and he realized that he had been split in the middle.

After Wei Keng split the fourth-level dark energy user open, he said silently: "It seems that you have killed a lot of people."

He used space fluctuations to evaporate the corpse cleanly, and after sending it to the fuel bunker, Wei Keng looked at the blue planet in front of him and suddenly laughed: "Lighthouse? The frequency of this planet is pretty good."

Jiulanxing, a super blue giant, has a main sequence lifespan of only 10 million years. It is now in the first two million years of its lifespan. There is abundant energy here and it is almost inexhaustible.

Wei Keng stared at the spectrum and whispered: "This planet has reached its upper limit and has the potential to become a black hole in ten million years."

For Wei Keng, this star has the technical possibility of experimenting with "space" and "time" conversion in this plane.

It is neither copper nor iron nor steel. It was once hidden at the foot of Mount Sumeru. If it is not refined with the inversion of yin and yang, how can it not be sharpened by water and fire? Killing immortals is powerful, killing immortals perishes, trapping immortals glow red everywhere; the transformations of immortal immortals are infinite and wonderful, and the golden immortals of Da Luo are stained with blood.


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