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Chapter 524 Chapter 13.06 Eternal Heart

There are a total of 17 people in Lulem's team. Oh, one person was lost due to the previous plot. The original number of team members was 18. They are all energy-type and fourth-level dark energy users.

However, the energy basis used is different, so the dark energy inheritance has different grades and potentials.

Facing these teams who were covered in at least three layers of force field armor, Wei Keng understood that they could not "save people casually" and then treat themselves like farts.

Especially the blond girl who controls the nuclear reaction storm, she is radiant and murderous.

Lulem: "Who are you?" The "sound wave" that can make matter vibrate through the air makes her voice very oppressive, and the fiery energy halo makes it difficult for people to see her clearly. This kind of head start is due to the discovery of her own

After being unable to deal with the worldly sentiments of Shura Xinghai, he used a cold barrier to shield his weaknesses.

Wei Keng looked at the circles of nuclear furnaces appearing around him, and quickly waved his hand and said: "I'm passing by, it has nothing to do with this place, I just want to collect storm data." Wei Keng quickly pointed at the rising and falling planets around him.

Lulem raised her hand, scanned Wei Keng's beam with the beam, and saw Wei Keng's face was stunned.

Underneath the battle armor, Wei Keng has a standard artificial face. All men in the basic service industry of Jiulan Star are like this. This face belongs to the 21st century anime male protagonist. It looks good, but too much will cause aesthetic fatigue.

, it looked fake at first glance. Then when he saw a large number of mechanical assemblies on his body, he frowned, because human body modification is the lowest level.

Such mechanical modifications can only be used by ordinary people in hand-to-hand combat, and they cannot survive in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Lulem then discovered something fishy. During the scanning process, the assembled items on Wei Keng's body were changed, and this change did not affect the smoothness of the body, so she became curious. Of course, after Wei Keng quickly switched to the close-range armed state, she

Realizing that Wei Keng has space equipment on his body, this equipment matches the special physical strengthening route.

When her eyes locked on Wei Keng's suspected space equipment, she prepared to focus on scanning, but a light shield floated on Wei Keng's body, blocking the fluctuating sweep.

Lulem: "Are you investigating the storm data here?" There was doubt in her tone. She confirmed that Wei Keng's face might also be fake.

Wei Keng spread his hands: "There is no need to explain this clearly. Next, we won't go together."

A blade of light solidified beside Wei Keng, and Lulem said with a cold tone: "You have to make it clear." She didn't trust anyone in this chaotic area of ​​​​the star sea. As for the guy named "Tukang" going out, she

Suspicions may attract a larger group of sneak attackers.

Wei Keng looked at this dark energy manipulation technique and paused, confirming that it was a technique from Wei Qiang's system.

I looked at the girl again, she looked a bit similar, and sighed in my heart. Of course, I can't talk to Jing Guyu about these things I want to complain about at the moment.

Note: According to the time-travel rule system of the pastoral period, the supervisor and the time-traveler cannot work together under any circumstances if there is such information avoidance. The time-traveler cannot discuss things with the supervisor, but must take care of the supervisor's emotions. This is quite

Instead of dealing with the damage directly on the plane, I was still carrying a small burden in my heart.

But now, the third plane war is over, everything is waiting to be done, and everyone is busy distributing the interests of the plane. Who can manage this aspect?

At this time, the red debris of the planet collided noisily and disorderly in the distance.

Wei Keng looked at this reluctant girl, and for a moment he missed his younger brother. Centuries ago, when they were both young, the stronger brother was also so reluctant. In the end, Wei Keng said: "He is strong."

Let him be strong, and I will lie down to avoid the edge."

Wei Keng ended his meditation here.

Wei Keng unfolded his light shield and pushed aside this radiation wave. The collision of the rays emitted from three kilometers away and the force field within six hundred meters of Wei Keng's side wiped out a magnetic storm in space.

Wei Keng changed his tone: "Beautiful lady, your light shines everywhere. But we are indeed not the same people. Let me tell you frankly, I am a wanted criminal in the outer area."

Lulem put away the light blade and nodded. This confirmed that the team could eliminate the hostility, but it still did not eliminate the warning.

Another energy-type warrior in front came to Wei Keng with a hexagonal energy shield and said: "These are all exiles. Your answer doesn't mean anything, but it also gives us an explanation. We are now

I need to hire you."

Wei Keng smiled and responded frankly: "Employment, there is no employment here, only oppression and deception." (Subtext: Don't you worry about hiring me? It's better to get together and relax.)

The student from the Singing Light Tower obviously couldn't stand the provocation, and immediately revealed his origins: they were disciples in the core area of ​​Jiulan Star, and they had the authority to freely enter and exit Jiulan Star's jump gate. Anyone wanted by Xinghai can have his crime expunged.

Mr. Wei: Stop it, stop it, you don’t introduce people like this when you meet them here, do you?

Wei Keng felt that this was a bit like a young man who had just entered society. When he found someone he could talk to, he started to dig into his heart. Oh, and he didn't even realize that he had revealed his trump card, but the girl who started it (Lulem)

) didn’t say anything, this was probably a provocation.

Wei Keng thought for a while: "I'll give you two options. First, we haven't seen each other before, so each goes his own way.

Second, ask each other a question, make sure that the other party is willing to answer it without leaking it to each other, and then each determines whether they are willing to cooperate based on the other party's answer."

(If one party asks too extreme questions and one party chooses not to answer, they may simply refuse to cooperate. When asking and answering questions, you must consider whether you can make the other party trust each other.)

These students looked at Lulem, the leading senior, a fourth-level dark energy user in a golden halo, and nodded to agree with the plan.

Then the two sides exchanged the first round of questions.

Question asked by Wei Keng: "Please introduce your identity."

Lulem's question: "Why are you wanted?"

After the two handed over the questions, they looked at each other. Wei Keng: "I can answer it, what about you?" Lulem said: "So can I."

Wei Keng: "You go first, or I go first."

Lulem: "My name is Yuno, the thirteenth star, a disciple of the Singing Light Tower."

Wei Keng paused and wrote down the name - he was sure it was his younger brother's. Depending on the situation, he might consider it for her in the future.

Wei Keng: "I, heading to Tukang, committed a crime and hijacked the spacecraft, and became a wanted person at the clan leader level!"

Lulem's eyes wandered, and a dimple appeared on her face (the expression showed disbelief), and then she asked: "Which sect leader?" Lulem thought: Jiulan Star's current level is seven, one hundred.

No arrest warrants were issued during the year.

Wei Keng: "That's the next round of exchange of questions. Do you want to continue?"

Lulem: "No, I'm not interested in knowing too much. What's next? Are you willing to cooperate?"

Regarding this Q&A program, Lulem's attitude was just like when she downloaded the APP in the 21st century and encountered the check box that allows the legal clauses process! They didn't care about following the program. Even the first question, she didn't answer honestly.

It is equivalent to filling in a login name blindly.

Wei Keng: "If you don't mind, just cooperate. What do you want to do?"

Lulem: "Enter the inner layer of this star wreckage for one hundred kilometers."

Wei Keng: "Huh?" - But suddenly something came to mind and it became clear.

In addition to the "star core engineering equipment" left inside the star, Wei Qiang also reserved an arsenal of weapons. Thinking that this girl is his descendant, it is natural for him to come here and explore the inside of the wreckage.


However, Wei Keng suddenly felt some nostalgia and muttered silently: "It's fate that we met."

Wei Keng opened the cursor projection map, pointed at the wreckage of the Shuttle star ahead and said: "To enter the center of this big storm, you need to reserve forty-seven frigate-level energy blocks. When entering the outer area, use an elastic shield to mainly resist collisions.

.After going 600 kilometers deeper, a rigid shield will be used to resist pressure. The specific energy adjustment will be based on this curve."

The set of detailed information given by Wei Keng immediately caused the team to look at each other. Because it was so detailed - so detailed that it seemed that they were entering the star at the same time. Moreover, they were more prepared than they were for crossing inside the star.

[This is like an archaeological team thinking about how to open a tomb. The migrant workers they hired provided a professional route map for entering the tomb, as well as tips on hypoxia in different areas and preventing mechanisms. Then the identity of this migrant worker is obviously questionable. The ancestor is

Moving mountains or unloading ridges, this is hard not to make people wonder.】

After Lulem read all the information, she asked another junior student on the side to keep an eye on "Tukang".

The group of people set off on the road.

When everyone gradually descended to the center of the red spot of the large vortex of the star, the junior said to Wei Keng: "Are you really investigating the storm?"

Wei Keng glanced at Lulem, and then said to this junior in a coquettish way: "I'll tell you something, but don't tell anyone else."

The disciple who sang the lighthouse nodded. Wei Keng said mysteriously: "I am a relative of your senior sister, and I am here to help her quietly."

The young Jilaishu was stunned for a moment, his eyes were suspicious, and his expression was "Real or fake?"

Two minutes later, Wei Keng deployed a kilometer-long light wing from his back to communicate with the symmetry point below the maelstrom, and began to project it downward into the core of the dying planet.

At this time, Lulem asked the young junior: "How did he answer?"

The junior glanced at his senior and said coquettishly: "He didn't answer, he just said that senior, you are very beautiful."

Wei Qiang determined the trajectory of the storm through some facilities that Wei Qiang left in the star.

After the storm has circulated for a full cycle, the time is determined and he invites them to follow him and jump down.

With Wei Keng leading the way into the center of the vortex, the others checked and quickly moved towards the large funnel that looked like a hole in the sky and earth.

When jumping into this large whirlpool, the center of the circle below became larger and larger, and the starry sky above seemed to be swallowed up by the earth, leaving only a round star area.

Wei Keng also wanted to do something in this big planet, and he was indeed on the way with Lulem.

The main purpose of Wei Keng's research on the wreckage of the asteroid: This is the path that the Eternal Heart must take, trying to find the law of life growth under the laws of the stars. - The combat weapon system left behind by his younger brother, Wei Keng feels that it can be done

My brother's won't be used for the time being.

What is needed for the birth of life? It requires a steady-state inverse entropy process.

In the main-sequence star stage where star energy is emitted in an orderly manner, if the emitted energy enters a steady-state system and gradually forms a deep enough resonance, it can provide conditions for the initial movement of life in the world.

Water is one of the steady-state conditions! The ocean can store enough star heat. But it is only the most basic. If the three-phase state of water on this planet is unstable and exposed to cold weather, there will be no conditions for the birth of life.

When these heat levels change periodically, the growth of life will find an optimal adjustment process in the ups and downs of this cycle. There are too many cycle resonances on the earth, such as day and night cycles, four-season cycles, tidal cycles, the geomagnetic field and the sun.

Particle flow interleaving period

In the universe, but precisely at a natural coincidence point like the earth, a complex resonance is completed! In the orderly oscillation, in the microstructure, things that were originally chaotic began to line up in an orderly manner.

This kind of resonance, during the Hadean Era, chemical reactions also reacted back and forth in an orderly manner on this basic disk. Finally, back and forth, macromolecule stacking appeared. This stacking is orderly, and with the

The earth's cycle was generated, and the balance was reduced bit by bit, and over tens of millions of years in the Hadean Era, a "tartar"-like accumulation was formed on the gully rock wall in a primitive ocean on the earth. Such a small amount of accumulation may be

It has been left behind for thousands of years.

After this kind of resonance lasted for hundreds of millions of years, these organic reactions that rose and died along with the ebb and flow, and among these accumulated organic matter, certain macromolecules that became increasingly regular during the oscillation process suddenly decided to go further, suddenly decided to become a

Make better use of the existence of "earth cycle effect rise and fall".

In this way, in the nook and cranny of organic matter, "the way of man makes up for what is lacking".

In the final organic matter layer of the primitive earth, some large molecules suddenly changed from the most primitive retail investors to a structure that specialized in swallowing up other small molecules.

Surrounding the stable area of ​​the thermal fountain, in the carbon-containing mud, primitive protein assembly structures appeared and began to proliferate. Then a double helix was formed, replication began, and life was born.

The most primitive life can be born under the resonance of a large number of natural cycles.

Advanced life can still take advantage of cycles with higher thresholds - for example, all animals mate in spring and then accumulate energy in autumn.

As for civilization, it uses longer cycles at the level of wisdom! And uses the accumulation of these larger cycles to fight against changes in smaller cycles.

For example, the most iconic symbol of civilization is the birth of the astronomical calendar, which indicates that the best period for hunting and gathering can be grasped. Then farming and warehousing was developed to reduce the uncertainty of hunting and gathering in small cycles.

When it comes to the state of interstellar civilization, more cycles must be grasped on both the micro and macro levels. For example, the burst cycle of the sun and the cantilever rotation effect of nebulae can be used to adjust the navigation route of the star sea.

What will happen if the orderly cycle of the environment is lost? In the early days of human navigation in the star sea, they thought it was okay and only considered hibernation to survive. The recycling of organic matter in the spacecraft could replenish metabolism, but they did not consider that humans, as a life adapted to the stars, would lose the natural star cycle adjustment.

, a series of entropy-increasing events from psychology to physiology.

In deep space navigation, it is not uncommon for humans to go crazy!

Coming back to the topic, now, the universe follows a large cycle of rise and fall. Under this large cycle, there are countless chaotic small cycles. If you can straighten them out, you can transcend and grasp the vitality.

Wei Keng's eternal heart is to find a large cycle that can be used on this dying planet! Smooth it out! Redirect the small cycle to promote the foundation of life.

Although most of this place is chaos, at least for the current dozens of cycles, this star has to go through dozens of life-and-death processes such as tearing apart and reuniting.

Thousands of years later, this star may completely fall apart without adjustment and fall into a white dwarf. However, if life can be built on it, some material can be ejected in an orderly manner during the next big tear to protect the core of the planet.

If it does not break up and adjusts its orbit at the same time, then the star may prolong its existence instead of ending in chaos!

The early will of life was projected on the basis of the original protein, and the possibility of intervention was too small. It would take a billion years to get out of the basic evolution. Even if the basis was bacteria, it would take millions of years to complete an ecological coordination.

Wei Keng is the foundation of higher life. If this foundation is endured in this chaotic environment without doing anything, it will die like a fire being extinguished by "moist dry firewood". But Wei Keng obviously wants to do something.

"Circle of Chaos" - Wei Keng caused chaos in the sea of ​​​​stars earlier, which was a cycle in which Wei Keng was in a bad mood, but now Wei Keng wants to accumulate, and it is a new cycle. Wei Keng is also trying to catch up with himself now

If you are in a bad mood, prepare to accumulate some results before the next cycle. Let your orderly mood cycle of "wanting to accumulate" become longer and longer.

What Wei Qiang left behind was a series of expensive energy facilities, which may have been used to create combat power or improve the level of dark energy. But Wei Qiang's path was different from Wei Qiang's.

For example, Wei Keng has now investigated the stellar environment and found that in the high-heat zone, there is a narrow area where silicon-based accumulation can be carried out!

The Wei Keng plan utilizes four cycles:

The first cycle completes silicon-based growth;

The second cycle is life backup to cope with the destruction of the Great Rip;

In the third cycle, a circulation facility is built for the intersection of material flows between the core and the mantle. It can also start ejecting part of the star material for orbital control. (Similar to blood circulation and heart pumping.)

Finally, after the fifth perihelion, the orbit will be stabilized. At that time, two-thirds of the mass may be lost, but stars will be born!

If all of the above is successful, Wei Keng has found a system that is complex enough to withstand the tidal destruction cycle of white dwarfs and has a "steady-state system of mantle respiration."

If a planet is adjusted into a stable system that draws negative entropy from the white dwarf star. (The Earth-Moon system draws negative entropy from the sun, providing the basis for life on earth.)

Then all this will be fed back along the dark energy structure of Wei Keng, providing order to Wei Keng! This is a root-level life effect! The level is comparable to any supreme inheritance in this plane.

Chang Hengxi's life system is already an extremely high-level life system, and Wei Keng's approach is different from hers. As for Chang Hengxi, Wei Qiang's life system was instigated.

In the Earth Age, when Wei Keng and Wei Qiang were both in school, Wei Keng made up classes every summer. But Wei Keng was making up homework, not copying homework. Mr. Wei had his own way of doing homework.

Back to the present, with Wei Keng opening up the Wei Qiang tool library.

Lulem's eyes lit up, and she breathed a long sigh of relief, confirming that she was qualified to inspire the recognition of her ancestors' inheritance.

Wei Keng confirmed that the access control of Wei Qiang's inheritance library allowed Lulem to enter, and the operations on his hands stopped a little.

Wei Keng cursed at Xinghe's authority system: "What's the threshold that's not enough? I'm making a guarantee. If there's anything that's not enough, open it for me. Whatever is missing, I'll make up for it in the future. Are you still prepared to continue to carry out the legacy for thousands of years?"


Wei Keng did not have any moral burden for stealing his brother's grave, because he would fill it back with his own things a hundred years later.

This chapter has been completed!
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