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Chapter 557 Chapter 13.34 Adventure, intrigue

 Yun Heng left, and Wei Keng lowered his head and thought for a while.

In the supervisor's space, Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng, waiting for the record.

Wei Keng is currently transferring his consciousness continuously from the Pandora plane. The scale of thinking he can maintain at the moment is very huge. He has thought and prepared for many problems in advance, and he will be confident when things happen.

Wei Keng acted like he was weighing things now because he was faced with hesitation and choice.

Bai Linglu reminded: "Cough cough cough."

Wei Keng paused: "Well, you're here?"

Bai Linglu: "I've been here for a while."

Wei Keng: "Okay, please make a note for me, now." Both of them are old partners, so there is no need to say anything more.

Wei Keng: "Now, I have been initially exposed in front of Jiulan Star. As a space system, it is an object of focus. Taking Zheng Ting as an example, he has information points implanted at all times for positioning. Ha~"

Speaking of this, Wei Keng understood what Jiu Lanxing wanted to do to him now, and there was ridicule in his tone: "Before the monkey becomes a Buddha, the compassionate Buddha will always put a tight ring on the monkey."

Wei Keng continued to add in detail: "They (Jiulan Star's top level) are tight on 'time', which is positioning. And on 'space', they draw a circle. If I step out of this circle, I will be followed closely.

Therefore, as I show my spatial ability, I must always be in their circle."

Bai Linglu and Wei Keng thought in sync and understood Wei Keng's logic.

Wei Keng: "Now I'm a little unsure, that is, should I stay within their circle and wait diligently for the external tide to rise, or should I continue to proactively build a 'formation' under their noses! Leading the Sea of ​​Stars Ensemble."

Bai Linglu understood: being diligent and conscientious was what Wei Keng was used to accumulating honestly in his pastoral days. Being bold and making small moves was being forced to fight with others, and this was a new thing that was stirred up in this plane.


Bai Linglu glanced at Jing Guyu.

After being with Wei Keng for so many years and doing so much encouragement, she still did not turn Wei Keng into two factions. Now she has done it right away. There is a saying in modern times that behind every successful man is

There is an excellent woman, and a prodigal old woman can drive a man crazy.

When Wei Keng said this, he seemed to take a long breath and said: "I couldn't decide just now. After talking to you, I figured it out. 'No one should waste his youth in boldness.'"

Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu and smiled. It was obvious that working with her would help him establish a different set of working habits.

Wei Keng unfolded his own space-time dark energy field. In fact, Wei Keng had already mastered the space-time double essence a year ago.

But the reason why only the pure space system is shown is because the amount of "time" has been collected by Wei Keng, so it still seems to maintain the "time and space" symmetry with Zheng Ting.

Wei Keng looked at Jiu Lanxing at his feet and said slowly: "People must remember their own position. When the part related to me is struggling to death, the other part of me cannot be ordinary. I have to be proactive here, and I lose.

, at worst, we have to start over from the edge here. We shouldn’t choose to take risks just because we have stayed here for a long time and have bottles and jars here.”

Bai Linglu smiled and said in words that seemed to be objections, but actually pointed out: "But here, all the bottles and cans have been smashed. In the past hundred years, if you want to return to this progress, the possibility is

It’s too small.”

Encountering such Bai Linglu, Wei Keng felt a little more motivated, like twisting a clockwork and turning on the axis: "Yes, then wait for another hundred years. If you lose again, then you will come again for another hundred years to summarize and make corrections."

, once again, since you want to do something new, you must be determined. Being restrained seems to increase short-term possibilities, but weakens long-term possibilities."

A few minutes later, Bai Linglu reminded Wei Keng: "I have backed up everything you just said (Wei Keng's current thinking). A man cannot break his promise."

Wei Keng: "Thank you." Then he ended the communication.

…In addition to helping each other, time travelers and supervisors also have enemies with each other…

On the space-time monitoring platform, Bai Linglu logically planned Wei Keng and included it in the file.

Jing Guyu was watching the whole process. The tacit understanding between Bai and Wei made her speechless and choked.

The relationship between the two seems to be as plain as water (the same potential as water and fire), but they can be called confidants in cooperation; there is no need to be obsessed with each other, but they have a clear understanding (they understand each other in quarrels).

This is a pair of time-travelers and monitors who have cooperated from the pastoral era to the present.

Jing Guyu suddenly discovered that compared to Bai Linglu and Wei Keng, who understood each other and meshed with each other like gears, none of her partners in her supervisory career could be like this. Even if they were as close as Wei Qiang's partner, they were incompatible with this one.


After a small hourglass (time), Jing Guyu gently asked Bai Linglu: "What does he want to do?"

Bai Linglu's action of sorting out the information did not change, but he said unpredictably: "Actually, I won't spoil it, it will be good for you to understand him. Moreover, once you know the answer, you may unconsciously make suggestions, and he

If you want to make your own decisions, even if you try to force him to come over, he will still turn around and be stubborn."

Bai Linglu here is complaining about Wei Keng

On the other side, Wei Keng was encouraging himself: Go forward boldly, no matter how bad you are, the worst thing you can do is working with Bai Linglu. It's better not to live with her, otherwise you can't stop smoking and drinking.

Long blue star color ball area.

Wei Keng found Zheng Ting and said to Zheng Ting: "Let's build a time ring along Jiulan Star."

Zheng Ting paused and wanted to agree, but then he saw the scale of construction outlined by Wei Keng. This was to use thin space-time threads to accurately form a ring on the surface of the star, and gradually move towards the star.

Internal extension.

For Zhengting, this amount of construction is similar to a person building a 100-meter-tall high-rise in the 21st century.

Did it take one year, two years? No, maybe ten or twenty years, and there are countless measurements to be made on this interference system on the star.

Zheng Ting looked at the model inside the star, then looked at Wei Keng, and thought: Why make such a huge thing?

When he was about to suggest a slight reduction in workload, Wei Keng said: "Let's build a battleship (sword) together. Please help me when you have time!"

What Wei Keng wants to do requires Zheng Ting's name.

Spending decades to carry out such construction on stars is exactly in line with the advice of "Yun Heng", a local dark energy expert: "Spend your energy on the right path."

In modern times, when irrelevant people in society kindly persuade you to use your energy on the right path, the meaning behind it is: "You are too busy, do something useful to me."

[Just like your boss advises you to accumulate work experience while you are young, that is because if you accumulate it with peace of mind, he will not have to worry about you changing jobs, asking for a salary increase, and delaying his time to deal with the ambiguous relationship with his secretary.]

At this time, Wei Keng got a key piece of information from the system information, that is, the era of Star Sea War is about to begin.

This will be an era that diverts all the attention of the big shots in Jiulan Star. Of course, before the big shots shift their attention, they will focus on dealing with the hidden dangers that make them feel unstable. Therefore, they must be "docile" in advance.

Wei Keng's judgment: As long as they stay where they are and strengthen the community of interests with Zheng Ting after Level 6, the people on Jiulan Star are too lazy to worry about themselves.

As for the star, will this "green lotus" that is ready to unfold be discovered?

If a seventh-level dark energy user is not a professional counterpart and is in the same space-time system, he should not notice the special features of this system.

But when you reach the eighth level of dark energy, you will definitely find it.

Wei Keng hoped: "Don't be unlucky and encounter Level 8." What should you do if you encounter Level 8 and the other party insists on doing something to you?

Wei Keng: "Then we will go back to before liberation and start over."

In space, Wei Keng stood straight. Under the light of blue stars, Wei Keng stared at the outer starry sky and felt relieved: The universe is so big that there is always room for a grassroots like him to grow.

…A big storm is brewing inside and outside Jiulan Star…

In the year 6793 of the Jiulan calendar, the Ark-level super battleship of Jiulan Star was launched from a Jupiter-like planet in the middle orbit. After this huge existence flew out of the star, a cavity was formed in the center of the entire Jupiter-like planet.

.This space is continuously supported by a force field.

It's like taking out a half-frozen water balloon and letting the water inside leak out, leaving an ice shell. Two months after the Super Ark battleship entered deep space.

The inner circle of Jiulan Star became lively and entered a total war system. Forty-five "local" dark energy users entered the venue, and each one of them was a leader of a large force in Jiulan Star.

Some of them are from Jiulan Star itself, and some are vassals from the secondary forces established by Jiulan Star in the outside world.

Like all Star Sea Alliance forces, when Jiulan Star was established, in order to control planets in remote areas, the center hoped that the high-level dark energy users it sent out could take root in these areas and become the defenders of Jiulan Star's core area.

However, for thousands of years, the feudal officials outside have long had their own interests, which cannot be changed by any system. Currently, these forty-five dark power people are divided into twelve factions and have formed a stable alliance of interests.

In particular, these "local officials colluded with the court", that is, the sect leaders in remote areas and the core sect leaders in Jiulan Star formed party bosses. This laid the foundation for differences.

…The political system has normalized low-grade fevers, periodic ailments, and over time, suddenly encountering cold winds and colds from outside will turn into serious illnesses…

In the southern information territory, Xin Zheng, a gravitational dark energy user, went on an expedition with the Ark Mothership, and happened to encounter the fleet forces dispatched by the Arctic Jet Zone of the Great Black Hole of Creation.

The new battle was not lost! With the blessing of this ark, he could accelerate the internal fission of the entire planet and continuously obtain energy, but - he was trapped in the southern part of the galaxy.

Jiulan Star, the battle with the northern ejection zone of the Great Black Hole of Creation has officially begun. Today, the interior of Jiulan Star is to unify the sect masters in the star sea.

In the first orbit of Jiulan Star, prismatic mirrors of dozens of kilometers were opened. Each mirror represents the coming online of a seventh-level sect master in the star sea.

They came from within 3,000 light-years of the Jiulan Star. At the same time, they also brought 334 sixth-level guardians of the important interstellar jump point area in the frontier area. Because it started as a "parliament" style meeting.

All kinds of bureaucratic phrases such as "in progress", "cannot be done soon", "we have tried our best", etc. are indispensable.

Wei Keng, who was working on the surface of Jiulan Star, also looked up at the performance of these powerful people on the zodiac arguing with each other.

The prism they were in rotated around the equator of Jiulan Star for three full weeks, and they reached the only consensus, which was still in favor of counterattack against the great black hole of creation. However, the specific distribution was not acceptable.

…Three years later…

On the surface of the azure star, the filament constructed by Wei Keng has begun to take shape. It is very inconspicuous, just like a strand of silk tied around an elephant's waist.

When Le Xiaotian's "Inorganic Flame" came closer, Wei Keng activated the space-time dark energy to help him load energy.

Le Xiaotian was worried in the command cabin, discussing the difficulties caused by the external sect masters' unwillingness to cooperate in the battle. At this time, Yuno, oh, this little girl is already at level five, and the same is true for Lulem.

Yuno: "Captain, we can still fight in the chaos." - The premise of her saying this is that Lexiao Tiananeng happened to reach level six during this adventure, and there is no rank.

fell, and Zhengting's side also entered the four-year countdown stage.

Le Xiaotian nodded to Yunuo: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm here."

As the captain, he must comfort his teammates, and he also knows that Yunuo is cheering him up.

As for Wei Keng, who controlled the particle energy fields and performed "refueling operations" outside the inorganic fire field, glanced at the scene in their captain's room, and seemed to have intervened unintentionally.

The Wei Keng (Molten Core) split who was replacing the fuel rods of the reactor said: "Don't worry, your worries are just nonsense. In a few days, those tall guys will be on top."

The atmosphere among the top students in the team was stagnant, and they looked outside the battleship hall. As for Wei Keng, they only knew that he was a "helper" hired by Zheng Ting. He did not team up with them, and was only doing logistics work on the surface of the star.

The "helper" interrupted casually, which surprised these people.

Le Xiaotian's eyes flashed. A few years ago, he could not distinguish Wei Keng's situation and thought he was just constructing an "ordinary mid-level dark energy user". However, as Zheng Ting transferred some of the time and space facilities,

After Wei Keng came to operate, Le Xiaotian realized that these "workers" were definitely extraordinary.

Zhengting has a "space" collaborator. And this "space" collaborator should also have a combat team.

In Le Xiaotian's eyes: Molten Core, which is engaged in industrial manufacturing on the surface of Jiulan Star, and "hangs out" elsewhere on Jiulan Star when it has nothing to do, must have an inexplicable important position with the team with the "space system" as its core.

Out of "good karma", Le Xiaotian was very polite to the "Molten Heart" who was adding energy to his battleship.

When "Molten Heart" took the initiative to interrupt, he couldn't help but take over Wei Keng's words, came to the outer operating area of ​​more than 10,000 degrees, and asked Wei Keng: "What do you think of the current space situation?"

After Wei Keng pretended to think for a while, he opened an information map. The image showed tidal fluctuations in space.

This tidal fluctuation was very complicated, and Le Xiaotian couldn't understand it for a while, so Wei Keng pointed out the key point: "When they (Jiulan Star Sect Masters) were meeting, there were a total of thirteen strands of space in the entire Jiulan Star inner orbit.

Fluctuation. This fluctuation is very small, it should be covered up, and it just corresponds to those-" Wei Keng pointed to the prism on the ecliptic at this time.

Le Xiaotian paused for a moment and wanted to ask, but as Wei Keng gestured with his hand in the air, he suddenly understood.

The negotiation wrangling is fake. The Jiulan Star Center takes advantage of the negotiation to position the core position of the power of these feudal interstellar lords. This is the plan of the Xinghai group and it is true.

People like Le Xiaotian who are not of high rank cannot pay attention to the thoughts of the higher-ups in Xinghai. But Mr. Wei, who is "always ready to use small things to make a big difference", is extremely sensitive to the various actions above. In order to prevent his Xinghai base from being targeted,

The highest level of space-time dark energy was specially used to conduct a wave of close observations of the star gate system.

Wei Keng's mentality: The center may not target himself, but if it targets me and I happen to be negligent, it will be over.

Le Xiaotian looked at this top secret information and took a deep breath: "The space system is so convenient..." Then he raised his head and looked at Wei Keng and asked: "Give me this news? I just want to say thank you. That's


Wei Keng waved his hand: "The information is free. The parliament is currently wrangling. The war has not yet been fully mobilized, but once Jiulan Star is mobilized, the prices of many things will increase."

Le Xiaotian agrees with this view

Wei Keng took advantage of the situation and threw a meaty joke: "I have a batch of actinides for preparing energy blocks."

Le Xiaotian sensed the meaty show and signaled Wei Keng to continue.

Wei Keng: "Sell it to you, but you help me smuggle, um, transfer a batch to these star sea areas."

Wei Keng planned to increase the scale of material circulation to major base areas, but it was too obvious for Wei Keng to transport these things himself, so he supplied Le Xiaotian, and then Le Xiaotian "lost" part of the model and transported it to the periphery.

Le Xiaotian: "How much."

Wei Keng: "The first batch of six billion tons."

Le Xiaotian: "?!?!" - This is the amount that can be used for several rounds of "burning" on a medium-sized rocky planet.

Le Xiaotian stared at Wei Keng: "Where did you get such a large amount?" - Wei Keng's Eternal Heart dark energy system is extracted from the planet through the mutual gravity of the Nirvana star and the white dwarf star. This is just a drop in the bucket at present.


Wei Keng said seriously: "This question is a business secret."

Lexiaotian paused and said, "I should be at risk. Can I meet your people?"

After thinking for a while, Wei Keng said: "We can meet, but we can only discuss business."

The diplomatic slang of the 21st century is to enhance cooperation under the framework of "Shanghai Organization" and "Golden Country". It means that there are some high-risk alliances that are difficult for everyone to do. If you do, you will be suppressed by the big bully, so we

I create a shell and pull others into the shell. I can negotiate business with everyone who joins the shell, but I can focus on cooperating with you under this shell and share the risks, so that I will not be targeted by the outside world.

Wei Keng smiled kindly at his grandnephew. But Le Xiaotian looked at it and felt a little embarrassed, feeling that he had met a profiteer.

This chapter has been completed!
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