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Chapter 14.12 The easy expedition followed by the difficult.

 Scheduling operations began on the entire Jiulan Star. The space shuttle orbit was like an unfolding octopus extending towards the surrounding star sea.

The unified dispatch of thousands of warships including the "Ark class" out of the star sea requires a lot of gravity calculations because the mass of the fleet is too great.

Large celestial bodies such as stars serve as transfer stations and need to control "virtual mass" as a regulatory weight.

The definition of virtual mass: the mass of the celestial system minus the mass of the celestial body.

Knowledge point: The mass of the Earth and the Moon is less than the mass of the Earth-Moon system. This part of the mass is unobservable in the gravitational field interacting between the two parties, but it does exist as matter in the universe.

The basic physical science of jumping in the dark plane is that as long as the "virtual mass" between stars is adjusted, objects with "bright mass" such as fleets and human bodies can be moved to another place in the universe.

Of course, the "virtual mass" in the Earth-Moon system and even the system within stars is limited.

The mass of the earth-moon system, excluding the earth and the moon, is definitely not large enough to be used as a lever to move the space. It can only support the shuttle of a small space capsule, and the control of this small shuttle cabin must be in space.

A person with dark abilities.

Now the scale of the material transmitted by Jiulan Star is at the planetary level, and the "virtual mass weight" required exceeds the relationship between the stars in Jiulan Star.

This weight is the gravitational relationship between the Blue Star and the thousands of surrounding stars.

At this time, Jiulan Star's great crossing directly connected the "virtual mass" system between thousands of stars.

…Wherever there is engineering, Wei Keng climbs in to take a look…

In the Dark Plane, the amount of "virtual matter" controlled by star sea forces like Jiulan Star is like the railways and ships controlled by industrial countries in modern times. And each star sea material node is a dock.

On Jiulan Star, Wei Keng began to respond to the call and participate in the Jiulan Star universe node operation as a "volunteer".

Energy fortresses suspended on the surface of the star began to exert all-round restraint. The entire blue-white star suddenly dimmed in the eyes of the outside world, and its light was only less than one-tenth of its original brightness.

However, within the constraint network, the hot light field caused the surface temperature of the star to rise from the original 10,000 degrees to 30,000 degrees. This short-term temperature increase has little effect on the star itself. The internal nuclear reaction of the star is billions of degrees, which is only equivalent to

When an engine is started, the housing temperature rises slightly.

Each "golden clock" on the surface of the star is developing a "weak force" system.

These "golden bell"-shaped fortresses are aimed at the giant mouth of the star, each with a diameter of four thousand kilometers. They are like ancient artifacts that absorb the energy field of Jiulan Star.

During this operation project, the forty-five level six energy system (low-level) dark energy users mixed in by Wei Keng observed at various work stations: a small area in the center of the star was suspected of experiencing a large-scale mass loss.


This mass loss did not produce gravitational radiation, nor did a black hole appear.

In most observations, it seems to have disappeared silently, but Wei Keng passed through space and determined that this missing mass still exists around the star system. And the release is absolutely regular.

Wei Keng recorded the entire process of this stellar facility.

Wei Keng: “This is an ancient facility”

Compared to this ancient facility, Wei Keng's space mapping ring quietly deployed on Jiulan Star is like a spider's silk tied to a power boiler.

Of course, the "super boiler" inside Jiulan Star cannot be completely controlled by the seventh-level dark energy users in Jiulan Star.

After a series of observations, Wei Keng, a tiny spider, discovered that the facility inside Jiulan Star was "fully automatic".

…Wei Keng is a little spider, and the masters of Jiulan Star are just little mice waiting to be fed automatically.…

In the hydrogen sea in the inner layer of the star, Wei Keng, whose whole body was photonized, carefully constructed a set of formulas in a bubble of pure energy. After confirming that the inner core was unmanned, he said leisurely: "Then continue trying."

The several "time" mining wellheads set up by Wei Keng are very hidden and were not discovered in this interstellar dispatch.

The reason why Wei Keng actively joined the Jiulan Star "fleet" teleportation work was because he was concerned about whether his "stealing of minerals" would be discovered.

Wei Keng's "time" mining well technology also erases the "energy and mass" trajectory from the core of Jiulan Star, which will actually affect the efficiency of Jiulan Star's "virtual mass" mobilization.

Wei Keng is afraid that someone will investigate this "error" at the moment.

In fact, no one has noticed this error yet.

...The long-lasting Blue Star Sword Formation system is now a secret to steal the sky...

Wei Keng: The only question is, does the existence in the center of the Jiulan Star with "mass loss spreading toward virtual matter mass" have an owner now?

The planetary masters of Jiulan Star obviously controlled indirectly through code input, otherwise they would have discovered Wei Keng's actions on the periphery of this "mass loss boiler".

The scale of "time" Wei Keng is currently hoarding is definitely not a small amount. If the planetary masters knew about it, they would never mention this action at all in several reminders.

But what about the real owner (probably level eight)? Did he not find it, or did he find it and didn't care?

Level 8 dark energy users don't need to worry about "snagging the wool".

Once Wei Keng wants to turn "sheeping wool" into "shearing wool", the nature will be more serious.

The real owner of the "Quality Boiler" decided that Wei Keng was not good at shearing sheep, so he showed up and asked the planetary masters of Jiulan Star to teach him a lesson. Wei Keng's life was not so easy.

...I don’t want to bet, but I have to touch it, so I have to speculate on the unknown...

As an eighth-level dark energy user, Wei Keng could not find any information from the system. The number of time travelers in the main world who have reached level six in this plane is very rare, and only a handful have reached level seven or above, and they have never been exposed to level eight.

According to the physical information of the dark plane that Wei Keng knows, the eighth-level dark energy users should have learned that there are tunnels in their universe that lead to areas with other physical rules.

Wei Keng: "Now they should have higher pursuits." For example, dozens of planets in the space twist plane suddenly jumped.

The eighth-level dark energy users do not interfere with existing civilizations, but leave some facilities built by the rulers of existing civilizations. This "mass loss boiler" in Jiulan Star is an eighth-level facility.~

In that case, the interior guard of Jiulan Star looked at the "quality-deficient boiler" and decided to shout something.

Wei Keng: "Hey, uncle, are you at home? Auntie, if you are there or not, if no one is around, I will set up a stove here. If no one says anything, I will just take it as a promise. Okay, thank you, auntie, uncle."

This section, the information frequency band, is sent by satellite towards the core direction of Jiulan Star.

Of course there was no response.

…The dark world is like a vast ocean. Those who travel through it can’t touch the bottom...

The perspective goes to the other side of the star sea, where a large Ark-level battleship, with its fleet, shuttles to the star sea 150 light years away, but this is only the first stop on this shuttle bus.

After "Inorganic Fire" and "Space-Time Spindle" separated from the main fleet, they continued to project into the distance.

Le Xiaotian and Zheng Ting will continue to travel and travel towards the front line thousands of light-years away. 1,200 light-years away, they finally reach the boundary line of the star sea forces that belongs to the "Arctic Jet Zone" in terms of culture.

This is a relatively central planet. There is a star that has entered its twilight years, seven massive planets, and the second planet among them is a star that has been transformed to adapt to humans.

This planet is 1.5 times as massive as the Earth. Even though solar storms frequently occur on this star, it still maintains conditions suitable for human habitation. That is because this planet has a satellite.

This moon is about the same mass as the moon, but the moon is completely tidally locked by the planet's gravity. This means that only one hemisphere of the planet can see the moon.

And it is precisely in this hemisphere that, due to the occlusion of the moon, half of the creatures on this planet can survive the explosion of this moody star, maintaining continents and oceans that can grow life.

This planet is tentatively codenamed "Yin Yang Star".

After the arrival of the "Inorganic Fire", Le Xiaotian looked back at the sea of ​​​​stars in the south. The long blue star 1,200 light-years away still maintained the brightness of a first-class bright star. Of course, this was the light 1,200 years ago.

The "Space-Time Spindle" broke away from the combined structure of the "Inorganic Fire", circled the star system, and immediately locked onto the hostile warships existing in the star system.

…The cutting-edge and backward technologies compete on this planet…

The White Meteor is a paramecium-shaped command ship with a length of 500 kilometers.

Although this is only a second-hand warship that was sealed in the "Arctic Jet Zone" three hundred years ago, it is remarkable that the sixth-level defender of this planet, who was in the second-line zone during the war, can be assigned a command ship of this size.

The "Space-Time Spindle" shuttled directly in front of and behind it.

The "White Meteor" has more than 60,000 crater-sized super-power main guns in front of the hull. After discovering two long-lasting blue star symbol warships, it has been firing continuously.

Molten Core (Wei Keng) looked at these chaotic firepower and complained: "I can't say that you (White Meteor) have no resistance, but if you resist like this, it is equivalent to punching the gangster."

...After snatching the "Silver Blade", Wei Keng became interested in other people's warships...

On average, each cannon on the battleship White Meteor takes half an hour or two hours to prepare before firing. Therefore, these fortress cannons actually fire sporadically dozens of times per second.

Even though each cannon is very powerful, on the scale of space, this space fortress with dense firepower points gives people an unsatisfactory feeling, as if it lacks the sense of power of a salvo.

This kind of large warship can only unleash its full power by firing a salvo. For a large warship with a distance of 500 kilometers, the firepower preparation and parameter coordination required for salvo shooting are not just as simple as unifying the agreed time. All firepower must be fired at one point.

On the other hand, all firepower strikes must consider the interference of other firepower energy dissipation. It is very difficult to coordinate 500 kilometers and 60,000 energy cannons.

Otherwise, it's just like setting off fireworks.

In the "Space-Time Spindle", Zheng Ting activated the space-time shield. Countless firepower condensed two hundred kilometers ahead.

The "Space-Time Spindle" playfully focused its forward fire attack, but Shi Shiran avoided this "flirting" attack.

These images were then sent to the "Inorganic Fire".

Zheng Ting told Le Xiaotian: "The resistance on the other side is between me in front and you behind."

…A marginal planet with low combat power.…

The technological differences between planets in the Plane of Darkness are very large. The difference here is not that one planet has "traditional farming" and another planet has "steel casting".

It is a huge waste to let a natural planet stay in the state of animal power for a long time.

Most of the fringe planets are at least at the level of the 21st century in terms of food production, medical technology, and information exchange technology. They are still "inferior" in the star sea.

This "difference" comes from the planetary state of mind.

Civilization is an existence that does not curb "individual innovation" but organizes and coordinates from the bottom up, and at the same time can complete "great group creation". But if the people in a social group have enough to eat and drink, and then pursue low-level interests,

This is not civilization, this is a pig farm.

Even if the "pig farm" obtains advanced technology, it only inherits the ownership of the "artifact" and cannot understand the hope that the creator built when the "artifact" was created.

...The problem is that the "managers" of pig farms often misjudge their abilities. They will be judged to be superior to ten thousand pigs, but judged to be superior to ten thousand people...

White Meteor, Star Commander is a sixth-level dark energy user, Yaosheng, and the dark energy structure is a "helium flash furnace". This is a relatively medium level of dark energy, higher than the dark energy of Lulem and Yuno.

At least two levels weaker.

At this time, in the command hall of the White Meteor, everyone cheered and shot away the battleship.

Yaosheng, the dark energy user wearing a black and gold robe, stared at the "Space-Time Spindle" that suddenly left, his heart was stiff.

Yaosheng is one of the rare sober people. In this space environment of a red giant, Yaosheng has a very clear sense of space, and the performance of the Space-Time Spindle is far beyond his reach.

The problem is, he is the only one who is awake.

Yaosheng: "Everyone evacuate, star port" - the star port here is the satellite locked by the gravity of "Yin Yang Star".

Compared with Yin Yang Star, a planet with natural scenery, this satellite is like a complete fortress. From space, the hexagonal structure has artillery areas and force field radiation areas symmetrically distributed inside, like a fine withered satellite.

A carved iron ball.

Zheng Ting and Le Xiaotian will not give this planet a chance.

Just when Yaosheng wanted to let the "White Meteor" return, the inorganic fire had already blocked his channel. In front of Yaosheng, he opened the inorganic fire to the satellite at an altitude of 500 kilometers.

Then, just like a butterfly stretching out a straw, a material chain with a diameter of several kilometers was inserted into the star port, and the entire star port showed no resistance in the process. It was like a flower for anyone to pick.

…Inorganic fire landing operations, mixed with soil.…

Zoom in to the inside of the fortress satellite.

The Wei Keng individual with full-body informationization was outputting information in the operation room. Groups of operators in the thousands of operation halls were all handcuffed and entered into the temporary detention room.

That is to say, before the Inorganic Fire was inserted into the fortress satellite, the satellite cluster on the "Space-Time Spindle" had already entered the area to land and seize key nodes.

When the Inorganic Fire's one kilometer thick pipe was inserted into the planet, a large number of "Inorganic Fire" quark robots controlled all the robots and intelligent programs on the entire planet.

On Inorganic Fire, in front of the members of each position, there is a downloading "progress bar".

When this progress bar reaches the top, it means that it controls all information exchanges on the entire planet. This includes information transmission such as "text message exchanges" between everyone.

Just as the download progress bar was progressing, on the Space-Time Spindle, representatives of Wei Keng's will group conducted mission reports with Zheng Ting and Le Xiaotian.

Wei Keng's body is still on Jiulan Star.

Le Xiaotian looked at the team members sent by Kaiduo in silence, and couldn't help but think of the information about the "spiritual dolls". But Zheng Ting was not surprised.

Molten Core: "The mainstream model of dark energy here seems to be the material system, so we must be prepared for cultural differences."

Zheng Ting said: "After we take it, we will not change the operating system of this planet for the time being."

Le Xiaotian seemed to nodded, but Wei Keng knew that neither of them understood the situation yet. Both of them were very high-end dark energy.

...Above the temple, I don’t know the struggle in the countryside...

In the civilization exchange system, there is no cultural contradiction in the high-end system. This is just like the high-tech fields on earth, such as high-end technology, photolithography machines, nuclear power plants, and gas engines, which do not need to emphasize their own brands at all times. These high technologies are high.

That is universally applicable.

But in the low-end manufacturing chain, there are many chains of cultural contempt. From food, to clothes, sneakers, and even cigars, such low-tech things are demonstrated with gusto, eventually forming so-called brands.

complex regional differences.

Zhengting's "space-time system" dark energy and Lexiaotian's "inorganic fire" are undoubtedly the top dark energy mothers in the entire star sea!

But in some low-end dark energy, there is a dispute between the "airbender and swordsman" systems.

"System Strengthening" and "Energy Mechanical System" are things that Jiulan Star thinks are very common and not unique. Under the culture of the "Great Black Hole of Creation", there is another "low-end dark energy system" to replace them.

...Wei Keng: Only by learning from bad students can you have more joy...

In the area of ​​the great black hole of creation, it belongs to the artifact school. Since the civilization here in the "northern jet area" is the material printing technology that communicates with the great black hole of creation, these artifacts carry high-energy states.

The dark energy users in this area inscribe information recording structures on the molecules of their bodies, such as muscles and bones, and connect with such artifacts.

Wei Keng's time and space travel system is directly translated as the "magic weapon" genre.

Wei Keng approved of this naming. The disposable block card can summon effects such as "energy protection" or "strength enhancement" like a spell.

The "high-energy compressed material implements" carried in the abdominal organs can be summoned like magic weapons, with high attack or defense effects.

…When some contradictions are created, they create constraints…

Wei Keng: You want to talk about this and "system strengthening" and many other traditional low-level dark energy systems, which are strong and weak. They all have their own merits. But if you (grandnephew) don't handle it properly, the regional dark energy and foreign dark energy systems will appear.

The debate about "who is strong and who is weak" can immediately turn to the issue of "outsiders trying to oppress the locals".

This is like the ancient times, when the East had not yet launched a space station, could not fly stealth fighters, and had no aircraft carriers on the sea.

Orientals are very concerned about such issues as "Can traditional martial arts beat Muay Thai and Karate?"

Wei Keng is also a low-grade dark energy, but he is on the wave of dark energy smelting.

This chapter has been completed!
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