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Chapter 14.27 (Part 2) You order, I’ll cook it

 While the Xinghai Council was meeting, Wei Keng was "taking a leisurely stroll" in the special cell in Jiulan Star.

This "youzaiyouzai" is a judgment in the eyes of some people.

Because at this time, Wei Keng even had time to study food. Caviar synthesized from kelp powder, protein, and lipids was dotted with noodles mixed with shrimp juice.

As everyone knows, Mr. Wei is very busy. Wei Keng: I am building a huge technological research project.

"Food is the most important thing for people", so eating is a big deal.

...The "eating" of carbon-based human beings is ignored by advanced humans because it is too ordinary and ordinary. Wei Keng, who looks like a middle-aged man, will prove this ordinary way...

When dark energy users are above level five, they generally practice abstinence to maintain a high degree of body stability. Inescaping is a common practice for high-level dark energy users at level five.

However, Mr. Wei did not give up the original intake process of carbon-based body.

Eating is an important process of "negative entropy" for the human body to eat in a carbon-based state. After humans on the Promise Planet entered the space energy age, eating lost precision, and appetite was gradually suppressed.

At present, most time travelers follow this path in many planes.

Once the self's state enters the high-energy human state, it begins to "eat the spiritual energy of heaven and earth" like a fairy.

Supervisors will not set research tasks in this "seemingly ineffective" direction.

In the face of "eternal life", the mortal state can be sacrificed.

…Master Wei’s thinking is different from that of the Promise Star people, and also different from that of most current time travellers…

Wei Keng is very willing to waste time and energy on his "mortal" state.,

Suggestions for facing the system's "neither dirt nor cleanliness, neither increase nor decrease, and the whole body"

Wei Zhuhuo: "If I say no, I won't do it!" So he started a long experiment, which combined the carving of the planet and the strengthening of physical skills in many aspects.

In the past ten years, Jing Guyu has become increasingly afraid to touch Wei Keng's temperament, so it is difficult to control him. Bai Linglu is not surprised and is not prepared to intervene.

…As Wei Keng achieved success step by step, the supervisors discovered that Wei Keng had made a big deal in this regard…

Wei Keng has gradually solved the problem of imbalance of the carbon-based body when the carbon-based body is in a high-energy state.

This solution process is like the massive efforts put into the 21st century to deal with engine carbon deposits, insufficient power, various problems, step-by-step material advancement, and design changes.

Now, what Wei Keng has achieved in the dark energy world is that all carbon-based organic compounds are labeled with information before they are ingested.

After labeling, when the ingested organic matter enters the form of metabolism and begins to slow down (for example, it turns into fat cells), these elements labeled with the information volatilize the material mass from the body.

In the whole process, it is involved in the metabolism of the carbon-based body, but after the material completes the negative entropy transfer, it will "evaporate" from the body like alcohol, and the excess material will be removed by micro-folding. In short, you will not gain weight by eating.

Contrary to the immortal's principle of preserving natural principles and suppressing human desires, Wei Keng unknowingly moved towards the "cultivation of life and death".

Wei Keng does not follow the one-size-fits-all "abstinence" like Western religions, but follows the balance of the Eastern "Tao" and accurately quantifies nature.

Narrator: This is the difference between the thinking of the Mediterranean civilization and the thinking of the great river civilization. Right now, the Mediterranean civilization is in the multidimensional plane next door. After those civilizations entered the cosmic plane, in order to fight against the chaos, each and every religious believer almost put their various "food and sex habits" into their own hands.

"Also" all castrated to maintain the stability of "scientific" and "mechanical". When Wei Keng returns to the multiverse again, he will be amazed by this "bloodletting therapy" where he can't control where he cuts. (After Volume 17)

Wei Keng "When you are fasting, you must change your food, and when you are living, you must move your seat. You will never get tired of fine food, and you will never get tired of fine food."

During the evolution of the carbon-based body, the required intake is standard. Wei Keng has standardized the 'standard meals' for 4,000 kinds of food such as chicken soup, ramen, crayfish, grilled skewers, etc., not only the amount, but also the temperature.

Salt. And it summarizes the operation mode of assisting "digestion" after each food is ingested.

This ensures that the food is very 'moist' when it enters the high-energy body, and becomes a means of regulating the high-energy body. It is like sprinkling trace elements into a steel furnace to control the crystallization of steel.

In this regard, Jing Guyu asked Bai Linglu: "Is he willing to go to such lengths to eat?" Bai Linglu held up his chin (covering up his saliva): "You can ask Qin Xiaohan about this, she knows more about it."

Wei Keng's technology is only to satisfy the needs of the basic physiological operation of the evolutionary residues in the carbon-based body. It is to ensure that the mind and personality are more perfect. It is not for the unlimited intake of organic matter! Wei Keng: "I am not a god of food."

Humans in the dark plane cannot see the use of Wei Keng's technology.

Bai Linglu directly loaded this technology into a highly confidential state.

Because this involves the basics, and the high-end technology accumulated by Wei Keng, the "middle man", is often more basic and more important.

At this time, when other traveler groups input "bloodline", "talent" and other finished products into the plane, they all drew on the life status tested by high-end travellers.

These "talents" all follow a fixed template, which is the so-called "bloodline". It is impossible to design talents and abilities without the shackles of "bloodline", because the easiest place is where the neck gets stuck.

…Nutrition and sports are highly related…

In the "source-tracing explosion", the preparation of the carbon-based body is absolutely important.

Adult man or Sister Lin, who can "explode" better in desperate situations? Obviously, the person with a strong carbon-based body has more potential.

"Strong", "strong" and "talented".

Even if Wei Keng has withdrawn the "dark energy" system now, his carbon basic body is still in the natural state, exhaling like a rainbow. In modern times, his thinking was sharp and his blood was strong.

"Fine control of food habits" is also in line with the "human base theory" that Wei Keng is looking for. All of Wei Keng's self-development is based on the base of "he is a human being".

"Original explosion" is to attach life consciousness from low-energy carbon-based substances to higher-energy material levels.

At present, the Promise Stars have taken the shortcut of "dark energy evolution" and ignored the fact that life originally developed on the "carbon base". Therefore, even though the energy attached to their consciousness is getting more and more advanced, the technology of "consciousness" itself is stagnant.


If you want to understand consciousness, you cannot bypass the billions of years of evolution of life.

...Wei Keng, who is full of nature, is cute in daily life...

Back to the present, Wei Keng made two large bowls of noodles and placed them on the table in front of Qi Rui and himself.

Qi Rui paused, and after seeing Wei Keng pick up two sticks (chopsticks) and start eating, she also picked up the bowl and chopsticks.

After Wei Keng eats here, there is also a substance extraction facility in her private room.

This is a gift from Wei Keng. Now Wei Keng makes these foods. Every atom follows the metabolic cycle.

Once food completes its cycle in the body, it disappears from the body and loses traces of its quality. Only carbon-based metabolic information is left behind.

This continuous flow of information that follows the laws of the carbon-based body can make Qirui feel that he has entered the period of "exuberant youthful life". This feeling will be memorable.

Of course, when nature starts to operate in this way, various impulses and thoughts will also arise. This is brought about by the carbon base.

Coordinate this impulse? What is needed? (A member of the Supervisor raised her hand and said: "I know, keep warm~~" With a "bang", she was deprived of the right to speak.)

During the meal, Qi Rui pursed his lips and looked at the perfect muscles on both sides of Wei Keng's shoulder blades.

Most people in Jiulan Star directly use dark energy to stabilize themselves.

A stream of precise energy determines each cell, making thinking like a supercomputer and power output as perfectly as a machine. But the feeling of the past life is getting less and less. This is the process of transformation.

Wei Keng's choice is: I can't lose anything. If I lose it, I won't be able to get into the middle.

After Qi Rui got to know Wei Keng's life, he also understood why Wei Keng sometimes thinks outside the box and often does not act according to rational logic.

After finishing the noodles, Qi Rui watched Wei Keng put away his bowls and chopsticks, and also asked a question: "Now, Jiulan Star's highest decision-maker, let me ask you, should we share the same hatred with the enemy, or should we continue to fight."

Wei Keng looked at her, opened the pardon order issued by the Supreme Council of Jiulan Star, and smiled as if he was "satisfied".

But there was ridicule in his heart. Jiu Lanxing kept making demands centered on himself again and again. It was really "very unreasonable, very Qiong Yao, very motorcycle!"

Jiu Lanxing has already made his own decision between "sharing the same hatred" or "continuing to settle old scores", but now he is asking himself?

The calculations of the Jiulan Star people and the current planetary masters: Most of the dark energy users who are currently staying inside the Jiulan Star are not ready (the ones left here are all rear law enforcement factions, it is strange that they are ready), and they will continue to recall the outside.

Fighting against the Dark Powers is not in line with the overall situation. (When the frontier factions saw that the center was in trouble, they all knew that they were now worth a lot of money and began to ask for high prices. It was difficult to mobilize)

(Yin-Yang accent) Now the higher-ups need to work with you to overcome the difficulties. If you below refuse to cooperate, it will break everyone's heart to consider the overall situation.

Wei Keng mockingly explained: But those in higher positions are unwilling to apologize or compensate. Instead, when necessary, they will use flattery to give "lower negotiators" a noble opportunity. This opportunity is given to you by them. Oh.

, as long as you reject them, you will be considered despicable.

Wei Keng was sincerely disgusted by this, but he still said to Yun Heng with a smile: "For Jiulanxing, I am duty-bound."

In terms of hypocrisy, people on Earth are not much weaker than humans in this plane. How could Wei Keng still have a trace of "naiveness" after he was determined to break up.

in this interstellar space residential module

Wei Keng, who was doing housework, said to Yun Heng who was guarding him: "Whatever you want to eat at night, I will do it."

(End of chapter)

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